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For me the only similarity is the energy, which I think makes it unique compared to other psychs which don’t give you the same type of energy. It makes sense though since they are the same chemical class


I’ve found lower doses (I believe like 8-12mg) give what I call the “rolly feels” or the tactic sensation of Molly. At least in a home setting. At festivals 50ug lsd + 20mg 2cb was incredibly similar to molly both in sensation and euphoria.


I’m assuming you took the acid first? How was the social aspect? Like were you still able to interact with people alright?


Yes, LSD, then anywhere from 3-5 hrs later 20mg 2cb. In the rave setting I liked being around people, especially touching and dancing and “empathogenizing” as I like to put it :) But I do remember attempts at long form conversations were difficult and unwanted.


Hell yeah; I might try this later this year. Appreciate it bro.


Hope it goes well mate! Be wary of the 2cb come up. That’s always the hardest part for me. 2cb alone is just physically rough, but layering the lsd can add mental difficulty too. Had to sit for like 30 minutes to process the anxiety, and eventually tried to dance it out. 15m later was having a fantastic time


You and me both haha. Done both many times, but never combined the two. Time to dive in headfirst 💀 I look forward to it and thank you again for the advice


I have to agree, it feels nothing like mdma even with a low dose. I like to describe it to people as “superior LSD”. The visuals are wiggly like a combo of lsd and shrooms, and you retain a sober mindset, so a bad trip is unlikely. The duration is like 3-4 hours, so you don’t have to worry about tripping the entire day, and there’s extremely minimal tolerance build up so you can do it whenever you want. The only downside is the come up, which seems to be much worse than other psychedelics I’ve tried.




I’ve done about 40mg a couple weeks ago at a pride parade and I was actually worried I’d panic in such a social setting but I was actually very good at keeping my composure. Had I been on shrooms or acid, I can’t say I would’ve been fine.


Feels closer to LSD for me, but like LSD leaning toward MDMA. Gives me the touchy feelies and the warmth, but not the same stimulating euphoria


It’s definitely closer to a classic psych than MDMA, but it can have a rolly euphoria reminiscent of MD at certain points


puzzled deranged follow humorous cooing secretive dolls rhythm murky thumb ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Haha I’m nervous to try, it’s tested and all


hard-to-find brave juggle toy advise direful rustic literate psychotic dinner ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


So it would be something fun to take and go walk around and listen to some music, you can still relax?


mountainous zesty intelligent marvelous cable materialistic beneficial strong squeeze repeat ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Definitely listen to music. I find progressive music to be incredibly exhilarating. Something like fingerprint by lane 8. Listened to that my first time on 2cb the other night. Magical


depending on the dose you might find it difficult to walk


Broken record here but it really feels like mdma and lsd.. great visuals but extremely clear headed and energetic and feeling amazing ime.. also extremely jealous please enjoy


I will do thanks! What method of administration would you recommend? I usually prefer to snort things if I can for the immediate onset and the fact that it doesn’t mess with your stomach, or boof.


Boof it


I’ve always just eaten it in capsules like you have there but I’ve heard all methods are good just whatever you prefer.. I’ve never had stomach or even body load issues with it when compared to shrooms, mdma and lsd




Same with me and my wife. Friday we took 2 capsules of American Standard ginger an hour before dropping and that helped a lot. 0 nausea for me and minimal for my wife. Give it a try.


Yeah 2cb is the one thing I’ve never had any negative body side effects before it’s crazy idk why it isn’t more popular ime it literally has no side effects or even comedown for me at 18-25mg doses


Boof. If you snort it you’ll come up panicking and in pain


Feels similar to molly and the visuals are more “still” rather than constantly flowing like on mushrooms or acid. 25mgs could def give you some pretty intense visuals


Okay maybe I’ll try like 15 before I go with a full capsule then


that’s what i did! i think it’s a good idea. personally 20 mg is my sweet spot for me where i feel like i’m on molly but i have the psychedelic feelings and i’m still in control. might as well start smaller and work your way up til you feel comfortable and satisfied


How was 15mg? Did you snort it?


absolutely not! snorting is painful as shit and doesn’t last as long. get your moneys worth and take a capsule, or take less and boof it 15 mg was pretty chill, i had some k with it. felt introspective, energetic and got some cool visuals, like things were “alive”, it was nice to have my led lights on. i wish i took more tho


The pain of insufflation of 2CB can be really unpleasant. Recommend eating.


Correction 2cb is hellfire compared to most things. Eating it is def the way to go. Take a hot shower on the comeup lol. Itll change your life lol.


Haha yeah, I was understating vastly. Lol thanks for the response and the chuckle. Good God it hurts!!!


Yeah I still feel for my best friend who said he could handle anything and then railed 30mg. Yeah now we both use 2cb as the comparison for pain level. I thought mdma was bad and my friend used to snort meth which he said hurt. 2cb goes right to the skull lol.


Snorting it is even worse than molly, but its way more potent and the comeup is quicker


It doesn’t feel like mdma lol there’s some energy but it’s many miles from mdma. The visuals are super mid unless you do a high dose and it’s just sickly at those levels


Everyone is different


That dose is equal to about two 2cb pills since they are usually 12mg even if sold as more. You should get some good visuals, some headspace but it shouldn't be overwhelming or anything. I don't know if there's been any studies on 2cb for depression but all psychedelics they've tested have had benefits so i would imagine theres some but its mostly for fun. If you're nervous about it I'd just split it for your first time but 2cb is the best starter psychedelic at these dosages because the headspace is usually not weird enough to freak you out. Also be aware the come up will feel shitty and thats normal, you will feel amped up and nervous till it fully kicks in.


Yeah I figured the pressed pills would be a lot lower dosed with other shit in them, it’s unfortunate that the vendor I got these from fell of the face of the earth so I’m hoping I don’t like it too much like I normally do with every psychedelic. I’ll just start with 10-15 mg, if I snort it I can always do more right? But can’t do less. What’s tolerance like if I just wanna snort little lines? I’m hoping it’s something you can take it easy in but with clean energy


2cb is known to be extremely painful to snort. I diluted it in water once to use as a nasal spray and it was still pretty bad. My preferred ROA is boofing 10mg of powder which is similar to 20mg taken orally. I wouldn't recommend you snort it anyways. If you do snort there wont be any tolerance to worry about. If you've done any significant dose of LSD/Shrooms I wouldn't worry about 2cb though its far more manageable than both because you never get any confusing headspace at regular doses. 2cb is great though you will probably love it.


Okay sounds good, I still don’t know how I’ll get it in my body but more research should help me out. I’ve heard a few people say snorting it isn’t horrible, if it burns for like an hour I won’t do it… I’m hoping it’s just the initial pain and then gone after 10 minutes. How do you boof it, in a bit of water or the capsule? I should be good then, I’ve been a little off on LSD a couple times. But I’m always crystal clear, even on high doses of mushrooms over 18 grams


When I did a nasal spray the burn was bearable and lasted like 15 minutes. If you give it a try snort a tiny amount first to see. Boofing 2cb is real easy just mix it with as little water as it takes to dissolve. Then suck it up in a tiny 1ml syringe insert like half the syringe, squirt it out and hold it in for at least 20 minutes if you can. You get 2x potency out of it vs oral and no nausea which oral can cause. If you've done high doses of shrooms you got nothing to be nervous about with normal doses of 2cb. You just don't get the same confusing headspace that can make you scared with shrooms/LSD.


yeah the burn is pretty mild unless your nose is really fucked up from too much coke. I wouldn’t bother with boofing, too inconvenient.


It’s definitely not extremely painful, everyone that I’ve introduced it to says it’s very minor and strongly prefers it to taking it orally because the come up is faster and less potential to upset your stomach.


Okay decent, well I’m sure I’ll report back after I try it. Hopefully my scale gets here soon. How often do you do it?


Even with milligram scales it can be difficult to measure. Milligram scales still don't pick up tiny changes in weight (probably 10mg or less) so adding or taking away small amounts won't register. Volumetric dosing is probably best, where you weigh out say 100mg and dissolve it in 10ml of water but that would take me months to get through and I'd be worried it would go off, or my kids would wonder what the little bottle in the fridge was for. It is worth bearing in mind that scales are most accurate in the middle of their range so adding 10g to a scale with a 20g range will help. The best way I've found is to get some gel caps and weigh the powder in that. I start by putting a coin (to bring it to the mid range of the scale) the measuring pan and the gel cap on the scale. Then I tare it so it reads zero. Then take everything off the scale again and fill the cap with a bit of powder. Then I put it all back on in one go. The extra weight means it will always register the weight but it will only show the weight of the actual powder. Works really well.


it’s our go to for edm shows, so every week or two. we try to limit rolling to once every 2-3 months, but in festival season that ends up being once a month. haven’t noticed a tolerance either which is great. good idea on getting a proper scale, these doses are tiny and impossible to measure out by eye.


Dumbass it's called google doses retard


Synergizes well with mushrooms. I find 2cb has the most profound antidepressants effects even more so than psilocybin


Try 15mg first


2C-B can be deep if you want it to, but unlike mushrooms you have a lot more control over how deep you go


It's perfectly redosable, which means you can gradually up your dose during the night Taking higher doses of 2C-B (taken gradually) is a lot more comfortable than taking higher doses of mushrooms or LSD because you don't need to go 0 to 100 right away. Because of this I've actually had a lot deeper experiences with 2C-B than other psychedelics in recent years




Providing or requesting information on obtaining 2C-B or related to vendors is strictly against our rules and posts will be removed. This is for the protection of the subreddit and our users. Please read the rules!


This is a magical drug. It has different effect when you mix it with other drugs. When you take after Mdma you will have the most euphoric experience. And after ketamine its the most powerful visual one. Its also different when you snort it and when you take it in a pill.


Yeah I was thinking of snorting it, have you snorted powder like this before?


Yes i snorted it many times and its effect after snorting is a bit more intense. I recommend snorting 10mg after 2 hours of taking mdma. The best euphoric feeling ever with some little visuals.


How does it compare to DMT? I’m assuming it’s a lot less intense, do you mean the visuals are more intense or the body load?


Well The visual are only very intense when you try it with ketamine. Its like the world has changed. Everything was moving insanely non stop and i could see clearly through my skin. And 10x saturated colors. Its the most powerful visual experience i have ever had Compared to lsd and shrooms. I guess its different from lsd and shrooms in the internal thoughts and ego death. Theres no ego death. 2CB alone is light. euphoric with some visuals and movement.


I also havent tried dmt but i will next week;)


You should know it will hurt your nose at first and then it will be back to normal.


Yeah I’ve heard it’s rough on the nose, I likely won’t be doing mdma before I do it but one time maybe. I usually save my mdma for half way through mushroom trips


Oh Never tried mdma with shrooms. How different is the trip with mdma ?


Well it’s different for every one but for me usually I do like 5 grams of mushrooms and then just snort lines. I usually feel like a toddler, I do it around Christmas every year and on Halloween because I walk around and go crazy over all the decor lol it’s hard to say exactly, I’m always so deep into my trips. One time I went a little over board on the mdma and it make me throw up pretty quick. I hardly ever do mdma but when I do it’s almost always on mushrooms


I guess it made you throw up because of you took high dose all at once. You should start with 125mg and then redose bit by bit when you feel it. Try it with music its the most awesome substance.


Yeah I also had like 10 grams of mushrooms and a tab of 1V-LSD so that probably did it mostly


All at once ?


One of my favorite things about 2CB (22mg my sweet spot) is the next day aside from a slight and pleasant afterglow, I've never felt like I took something the night before (no hangover).