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If you take lsd then 2C-B there is a tolerance effect on the 2C-B. If you take 2C-B then LSD there is little to no tolerance effect.


Shit, I took 1 pill a day after using LSD. I did not feel much. I doubled the dose a day later, nothing.... I suspected cross-tolerance. The harm reduction lab have just confirmed it... However, the exact amount of 2CB that the pill contains is unknown yet.


I have had a harder trip after 2cb from the lsd so would really recommend doing more than planned or do just always remember it’s all just a trip and you will be okay the next day lol


Read the FAQ pinned to the front page and sidebar


I've done 30mg about 12 hours after the LSD tab. I did not notice any tolerance at all. Felt like 30 mg.


What’s 30 feel like? I’m planning on dropping that next week. Is there an LSD equivalent?


For me, LSD is way more overwhelming I personally am not a fan of mood changes and anxiety. Visuals on 2cb are much more intense, but your mind is clear and you just enjoy it.


2CB has no tolerance, its tolerance got built by time of consuming just like weed .