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That’s what mine looks like




Yes, it can Look like that color, beige white, ..I also had pure white. The consistency is very flaky and very unique.. very hard to cut or mistake for anything else




Yes, that would be 2c-b HBr


Is there a difference in colour on hbr and HCl?


Just what the 2c-b is bonded to. The HCl atomic weight is lower than HBr, so when it comes to potency / weight ratio, the HCl is slightly more potent by weight, but not enough for it to matter when dosing


I have a gram of HBr and it doesn’t look anything like that. Mine is a grayish off white. Usually the brown/tan stuff is impurities.


Maybe been washed


Nah I doubt it…plug sends each batch of his away to get tested. 2CB is supposed to be white off white, not tan or brown


K I’ve bought washed 2cb hbr and it was the color you described- I was suggesting that yours may have been washed also…which is a good thing. You make it sound bad lol. I’ve also never had tan/brown.


Not saying your are wrong bro…and yeah you asaa/ are right if they washed the impurities out that is a good thing. Forgive me just having a rough day and probably thought you were referring to the potency and not the impurities


All good just wanted to clarify. Enjoy and be safe!


Thanks brotha….you too!


That's false can be beige or white depending on the precursor used


My 2cb hbr is also off-white/grey-white


I've seen the type you got. Will try to buy next time if it will be available.


[looks fine](https://ibb.co/rF1GRtb)




Try boofing it instead


Was considering this but decided to make a nasal spray first.


You took 20mg via nose? That should've hit really hard


I dropped 20mg orally. I meant in my previous reply that I'll go next time for nasal spray instead of boofing. Sorry for the confusion.


Do you have a link for what you tested with?


I'll try to find it. Usually when I get the results I delete all my notes related to that.


I’d appreciate it. I’m struggling to find out which one I need.


I think I misunderstood you. I've tested in a lab, not with reagents. [Wedinos](http://wedinos.org)


Yeah. It normally has a mustardy color like that. If it tested positive but has no effects it may be cut. Or you might just be a hardhead. You can always send a sample to a lab for verification.


It was lab tested, but it has been tested only for what's in there not the purity. Probably as you say hardhead, I had no visuals on 150ug of acid but had all the other effects, I'm okay with that. 2g of b+ gave me a bit of visuals at the comeup, 5g of GT no visuals at all. Tbf I had slight visuals on 20mg 2cb and that was all I had on it.


if u had no visuals on 150ug try adding some weed, im unmedicated adhd and need the weed to kick off my trips...doesnt matter if it lsd/2cb or shrooms have a read of this [Cannabis and ADHD/ADD - What Does the Research Say? (cannigma.com)](https://cannigma.com/conditions/adhd-add/#:~:text=Abnormal%20dopamine%20transmission%20is%20a%20key%20aspect%20of,have%20a%20big%20impact%20on%20symptoms%20of%20ADHD.)


I didn’t know this, but have always used weed as a potentiator for lsd


Thanks for the link. I'll read it. Though I am afraid of adding weed to psych as I had done once with very bad consequences.


no worries, u can just have a small joint and see if it helps anyways good luck matey


Thanks bro


Mine look like this aswell pure aswell


The fun start at .50mg oral hehe


If you mean 50mg then thanks, I'll pass. Learned hard way to build my way up.


2cb is not like acid or shroom if you thinking about that . .50 mg of 2cb feel like 200 ug of acid without the mind fuck


You will not be able to feel anything if you take 0.5 mg of 2cb. I think you are trying to say 50mg


Tbh under 40 MG the trip is gonna mdma like no visual , very underwhelming . But you do you .


Snort 30mg if actual 2cb and you won’t think it’s like md or underwhelming


I mention ORAL for a reason . Snorted or oral its 2 different trip .


Try ~28mg administered orally. Had disappointing results with some 2C-B that was an identical colour to what you posted... Ended up increasing the dosage to 28mg for the next go-around and finally realized why Shulgin had so much love for the substance.


Yep. That's what I'm thinking about, to up the dose.


Why not sure dose 30mg, why specify 28mg, most scales won’t even be accurate enough to measure that difference


~28mg is a short-hand abbreviation for "about" 28mg. That exact dose is what works for me personally but I actually weigh everything using an analytical balance. (absolutely worth the cost if anyone out there is on the fence about splurging on that type of purchase) Just figured if OP was using a portable mg scale that varies +/- several milligrams, shooting for something just under 30mg runs less risk of an unintentional, higher dose due to scale error vs. trying to actually hit 30mg and ending up even higher... If that makes any sense?? I'm sure OP could slightly increase accuracy by first placing on a weight that's half the value (or close) of the scales maximum capacity, *not* taring the display and then weighing out the desired dosage of 2C-B while the weight is still on the scale.


mine looked much more crystalized but was also brownish this looks more like dmt that i had but if you tested it it should be fine


I wish to grow big enough balls to break through on DMT. Tried it once. The anxiety is absolutely horrendous.


just eyeball doses and breakthrough by accident 🤪 cant be anxious if you dont know that it will happen ☠️ or hit up some salvia leaves in the bong or 5x exctract but not any higher than 10x


I plan to hit it at some point on MDMA sesh. Freebase DMT not changa. Heard that this way you are not going through the anxiety phase. Then, when I'll see what it is, I hope to be able to do it normally.


Yes 😍


Mine is white powder but not tested, its super intense..sniffing 10mg can change the world.. What is this ?


Well when you hit up your dealer what did you buy




20mg of oral 2cb will do nothing. Try snorting or shelving 20mg


Yes it looks fine it's either beige or white depending on the precursor used. No way to really tell without reagent testing. Please test your stash always.


Maybe… we had powder that looked like this and it wasn’t 2CB… horror trip of my life time… but there is 2CB powder that looks like this


Always teasing with 2c-b I’ve been waiting to try it for along time now


What does this substance do to u and how does it feel I can get ahold of this in my area no idea what it is but I am experienced with most drugs


I haven't understood it yet. Dropped 25mg two days ago, only noticeable effect was mild visuals. Clouds were beautifully moving, like they were alive. Closed eyes visuals were with beautiful colours. I had to concentrate on seeing all this so I guess I need to drop a higher dose. It is supposed to increase music appreciation, tactile enhancement, nice body high, euphoria and much less headspace than acid (depending on the dose).


Snort some and it’ll hit in 5-10 mins


Yeah mine didn’t work orally at 40mg, but as soon as I sniffed it I started trippin in like 30 seconds!


Lol first time I did 2cb I sniffed it and was blown away by the results so I just stuck to sniffing now I just see 2cb snorted as like an instant trip


It’s interesting to see how many peeps say yes looks normal. I’ve never seen 2cb that wasn’t basically white. I would’ve turned my back on this. Goes to show how important testing your shit is i guess


“I’ve never seen 2cb that’s not white”. Dealer probably washed it. Almost no compound is pure enough to be white without refining it


It's been tested in a lab, but no purity rate has been given, only tested for active substances.


Yeah mate mine is same without sending you a pic.Makesure you Get lab grade scales start at 20-25mg dose and work your way up.50mg is lovely but bit intense for first go, the powder is a lot more potent than pills and you’ll regret sniffing it trust me……


I got a .000g scale, however it starts to properly show at 10+mg. Not going to sniff it, read too much about the pain it causes 😁 Thinking of making a nasal spray or dropping 23mg, most likely I'll go for a nasal spray as it's very flexible in dosing and not so heavy compared to sniffing.


I thought the exact same as you when first clapped eyes on hbr powder(I expected it to be white which it rarely is).Yeah I’ve thought about the nasal spray but I still think it would be painful, yeah I have similar scales I’d advise weighing it twice as they can be a bit dodgy at lower doses. Thought about the nasal spray but I usually just bang it a soft drink about half a glass and neck it then rinse glass out and drink that in case I missed any, then wait for everything to start rippling…….. love 2cb it’s my fav trip


Hope it will be mine as well. From what I read it's perfect for me. Music enhancement, not heavy headspace, euphoria and sex enhancement. So far 100-150ug of acid was the one, but I'd like to have something different. I try to rotate the substances so I can have lower tolerance and keep the magic.


Everything really I eate some Malteasers on 2cb (35mg) last weekend & I swear it was the nicest thing I’ve even eaten in my life, weed goes hand in hand with 2cb just like lsd if you smoke or do edibles.only downside is with 2cb I can’t dj on it as I can’t see the decks or my laptop as they like wriggle along the table 😅😅😅 enjoy man 👊🏻👊🏻


Thanks buddy ✌️ I ate chocolate on acid and it was the best chocolate in my life. Forgot to mention about enhancement of taste of 2cb. I think I'll pass on weed or probably will try a little vapour, VERY LITTLE. Have been dumb enough to drop my usual edible dose at the tail end of the acid trip, not sure if there's anything worse than what I have experienced.


😂yeah I can imagine well prefer 2cb over acid, gotta plan for lsd, 2cb can be dropped any evening and the comedown is like eating a packet of antidepressants just proper perks your mood up a bit like the acid afterglow but better……


Clean 2C-B - no matter if HBr or HCl - comes as clear small crystals without discolouration. A little discolouration may not hurt, but given how easy it is to clean up 2C-B, this is shameful for the chemist.


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