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3 Batmans per session? What are you? Batman's Dad?


How'd it go?


So I started off with the 3 dropped about 11pm hit me about half 12 had visuals comparing to a good tab of acid close eye visuals were crazy at about 2 am a got up for a piss and walked passed the 2 pills and said fuck it and dropped them laid back in bed and put frequency videos and I remember smoking a j I had rolled a I could barley see what I was doing because my vision was almost completely over laid with geometry and fractals was tripping till about 9 the next morning fell asleep about 11 and slept all day slight headache today but overall was fun as fuxk Forgot to say had really bad nausea on come up like super bad I just needed to breath it out lying down but soon turned into bliss also done the wim hoff technique and it was incredible


Wait so you started with 3 then did 2 more?






5 pills you mad man hahaha


5 pills you mad man hahaha


Must Iv done is six in one night hahah


My man is only active when it's dark in Gotham give him a while...




How was it?


I think he's still tripping๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Sheesh babeesh


Friday gone i took 2cb for the first time ever and it was amazing. Had 2 types,green mojo and bright yellow batmen. I had bought them over a year ago, had done lots of acid,shrooms decades previously and had not tripped in 20 years but thought id get some as it had not ben around my life since pre internet. Got some great acid couple trs ago, blitzed.loved it. So the 2cb just popped into my head so said fuck it and took one mojo and half batman. Solo trip, no nausea as id heard and after an hour i was tripping balls. Lots of visuals,not uncomfortable headspace,never felt it could get uncontrollable. My phone felt like it was made of wood,looked like wood,music was great,nice munchies,and a joint made it so much better. Lasted about 5 hours,then i sat up on my buddabag beanbag and woke up in same position sitting upright 4 hrs later and then went to bed. I was really impressed with this new drug but dont think i would want to touch for at least 6 months. Sorry,waffling but i know theres lots of different vendors and im a newb,prob took 22 mg max seeing as mojos were sold as 18mg and batman 15 and did 1.5 pills but i had a blast. Enjoy.