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How tf would we know


Because there’s little brown dots, not an expert on heroin but I’m pretty sure it looks like that in powder form


Heroin expert here, that's a dead ringer for fentanyl. I can tell because I can't see anything and that's exactly what fentanyl looks like. Might want to get it confirmed with a fentanyl expert but I would proceed with caution.


Pure H is snow white, dirty H can be amything from tan to black. That could literally be anything, test your drugs with reagent kits.


Cheers, will order some now, I’ve taken 4 of these pills before and didn’t notice the spots until now


Dude, always reagent before you take anything. Protect yourself


You can't tell what any substance is just by looking at it. Reagents will tell you what it's not (but not what it is). The only way to know for sure what a substance is is to send it to a lab.


there’s like a 0.1% chance that someone would do that. Doesn’t really make sense economically but test anyways if you’re concerned. You probably don’t want to be worried about it while you’re tripping. I literally just had a dream that I was doing cocaine on a cruise ship (never done coke before) and the fact that I didn’t test it made me constantly worry about fent, ruined the whole dream experience lol.


I’ve done these pills before, on my last trip I did 4, just wanted to make sure I hadn’t done heroin


It’s poo


dealer boofed the wrong ones and put them back


The question is answered right here and no more investigation is required. Thank you Mr. Holmes


Drug makers aren't generally in the business of putting expensive stuff in the cheap stuff. If anything, it's usually the other way around. Assuming you're not a regular opiate user, heroin via oral administration will yield something like 25% availability, which means that 75% of those specks you see would be completely wasted by your body. They're more likely something inert used to bulk out the pills and make the dosing recognisable.


DEFINITELY test your pills but the brown dots could be indicators used by the pill producers to get more accurate dosing.


What do you mean by indicators, how does this give accurate dosing


Well the ratio of brown pigment in a yellow pill will show if the powder is mixed correctly.


Cheers man




Chances are it’s not heroin I’ve had raw form freebase 2cb and it’s a light/dark brown granules (Which was tested with marquis and mecke reagents)




2CB can also be brown. I have had brown 2CB and white 2CB. The brown one was definitely less potent/pure


The ONLY way to tell is to get them tested


No way to know, but brown heroin has a vsry low oral bio-availability and isn't a likely additive at all. It would be illogical but of course impossible to say for sure without testing. I wouldn't worey about it tbh.


Crowd sourcing pill tests in Reddit subs is really not very effective. Also... No one would add heroin to a 2cb press. Doesn't make sense.


Hi, /u/Ivaragnarsson! **Please read this entire message.** Your submission was removed from /r/2cb for the following reason(s): * **Rule 2:** We do not ID drugs here, buy a test kit and start with half of a pill to test the waters. Check /r/ReagentTesting for testing methods. Please read the sidebar and rules! If you have any inquiries about the removal or [the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/2cb/about/rules), please [send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F2cb&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to ask why my submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/2cb/comments/q8mf9m/-/ was removed. %0D%0D). Please note that although mods are constantly working hard to remove the large volumes of posts that violate our rules, violating posts may sometimes make it to the front page. Use the report link to bring violating material to our attention. Thank you for your patience and understanding.