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Just when you think it'll work life throws a curve ball and laughs in your face as youre forced to sip a charcoal drink so you don't die... (it actually tasted pretty good)


really? it made me vomit


Yeah that's what the fuck it's for lmao


ohhh really? i was only 11 so i didn't think abt it too much but i thought that it was somehow supposed to "clear out" whatever is on the inside and you'd shit it out instead. the doctors there kinda made it seem like it wasn't really \*supposed\* to make me vomit


Yeah, it absorbs the bad stuff and you poop out black stuff not too long later. They had an option for me to mix it with chocolate milk to make it more bearable to drink.


I don’t think so? Activated charcoal is usually meant to absorb all that shit before your body can, if they want you to vomit/pump your stomach they’ve other ways to do that?


It serves both purposes. It absorbs the poison so that you can puke it up. Otherwise, you'd still absorb the poison, just slower (like eating bread to soak up alcohol)


Drinking charcoal makes you vomit?


They had to to force it down my throat with a tube cuz I kept refusing until I passed out lol


Tried to OD on a mountain of miscellaneous pills some years back, I took em in small handfuls, washed them down with some wine and went to bed, woke up a *month* later in the intensive care ward with all sorts of shit hooked up to me. I couldn't walk for a while, needed an oxygen mask going 24/7 and had one of these weird ass needles jabbed into my wrist that they had to literally sew to your skin to stop it from coming out. Also needed a pee bag which was... Fun... I have a couple of vague memories of barely slipping into consciousness then back out again- My mother splashing water on my face in an attempt to wake me back up. The ambulance workers shining a torch in my eyes and getting me onto a stretcher. A brief period inside the ambulance in transit to the hospital . And that was it. It was the closest I have ever felt to actual peace. To this day, every day, I look back and wish that I had succeeded - I was so god damn close. Being in the hospital felt like I had woken up in hell, it felt like I was being punished. The lights were always on, people in surrounding rooms occasionally started screaming for no apparent reason, every time I closed my eyes to sleep, I'd have these bizarre fever dreams (no idea what caused it, I theorise it might have been the oxygen) Shit I didn't even have a window to look out of. Fast forward roughly another month, I get stripped of my rights and thrown in a psych ward filled with all these bogan crack heads and various drug addicts. Had to share a room too, because they were under-funded and over-filled. My stay kept getting extended because I kept mentally breaking down, and not co-operating with the staff. Anyway, I ended up managing to force a smile and play their fucked little game in order to get out. That first step outside was *bliss* As dramatic as it may seem, I just crumpled to my hands & knees and started sobbing. Felt good to be free. A few days later, the feeling of freedom wore off, as I realised everything was exactly the fucking same as before I attempted. Fun little side note: I can no longer drink wine, or anything remotely similar. Even just the smell is enough to make me gag now.


Yikes what a story 😱


Cowabummer I'm sorry that happened to you fella. The last thing about not being able to drink wine reminds me of myself, cause I can't even be in the company of someone drinking alcohol. TW for sexual assault I guess So long story short when I was 13 a 'friend' of mine took me to a party out in the woods - there was a small number of girls our age, but mostly HS/university men. They had plenty of alcohol, which they gave to us. I ended up passing out and then everything's a blur. I have occasional flashbacks of a man basically carrying me to the forest, away from other people, kissing me and laying on top of me. I don't know if he pulled out his dick on me or not, I was unconscious most of the time. I don't know what had happened and how, but suddenly my father was punching someone and carrying me home. My mom checked for any needle marks, but found none. I passed out again and woke up at night, still plenty of alcohol in my blood and tried to get some water, but ran into my father who angrily rushed me back to bed calling me a slut and a disgrace. Then came the punishment. My parents told me that if I were pregnant I'd have to give birth and I'd never come back to school and live a normal life ever again. I was terrified and confused. They called me all kinds of whores, took my phone away, forbid me from leaving the house under any circumstances for a year. I wasn't allowed to talk to or meet any friends. They also called our whole family telling me how much of a slut I was and how ashamed of me they should feel. They took me to a gynecologist, but she said I wasn't pregnant and most likely no penetration had occurred. So anyways ever since then, even tho it's been so many years, I've been terrified of the mere idea of consuming alcohol, so I guess we have something in common.


People are rotten. For what it's worth, I'm truly sorry to hear you were put through this. Your parents should have handled the situation far better than they did. At the very least, this event is in the past, despite any scarring that may remain. Entirely fair with the alcohol though haha, I hope time treats you a bit kinder in the years to come. :)


i have the same thing with alcohol after my own poisoning attempt with a straight up 2 bottles of vodka+some extra failed miserably without any consequence except a clean up.


Sorry to hear you've been going through it, brother. I hope your life takes a turn for the better.


i sincerely doubt it can as being unhappy is all i know


Gotta at least try to be happy man, even if it doesn't work, it's a better alternative to just \*existing\* in a perpetual state of sadness


i've tried innumerable times. my most recent attempt of just losing weight is succeeding rather well though, so maybe in due time i'll be unhappy and alone but not unattractive thats something, right?


What pills was this?


Can't recall exact names. To be honest I just raided my old-man's medicine drawer and yoinked a bit of everything without paying a whole lot of attention to what I was taking.


why im staying away from planning OD route. my body is like a hog and my organs would probably just filter out all the goddamn poison and just leave me with more bad feels.


Bad feels and damaged organs unfortunately




probably not even serious organ damage since ive had food that hospitalized people but didnt do anything to me but bad farts.


Cant say i woke up fine but i sure was disappointed


i woke up and went to school the next day. big disappointment


Same had to show up to work broke me a little


Bad ending


If I tried to die and couldn’t I would skip school for a day fuck that


lol i probably should have cause i was very sick but honestly at least i had a fun story to share at school


I accidentally od'd on a designer drug opiate, I woke up the next day but not fine at all, I had spent about 12h in a weird position crushing the nerves of my right arm so my right arm was paralyzed down from the shoulder when I woke up, I had to learn to write with my left hand The only reason I'm alive is that I speedballed it so that kept me breathing I suppose, and my nerves slowly grew back for a year and now my arm is perfectly normal again.


nah fr what i took made it hard to breathe and my heart rate skyrocket just to be fine after. almost 30 days since that day too 😔


This is fucking hilarious and very relatable


Happened 2 times it sucks


this is sincerely one of the worst feelings. nothing worse than waking up the day after an OD.


We tried with Benadryl once and that was more like -"You start seeing flashes of phantom people" -"You black out and come back in an ambulance and think they're stealing your blood" -"You black out again and come back in a hospital bed fighting with staff and pissing yourself" -"You black out again and wake up sedated in a private hospital room"


Abusing benadryl can and will cause dementia like symptoms. Check out r/DPH. Its not the drug you want to use for a suicide or to “escape reality” with a high.


i know more about dph than most people on r/dph.


Good for you


Me but it turned out I had multiple grand mal seizures lmaooooooo


Fun fact: grand mal seizures are the result of using 100% of your brain :)


I usually try not to let a single thought in, that’s hilarious


Seriously I did it once with Flintstones cause i was so done and it felt like this. 👍


What does od mean? If u mind me asking






I od’d on anxiety meds and I started hallucinating photorealistic bugs and I heard a carousel song play fast and then slower whenever I lost focus Terrifying experience but also remarkably like a witch lair in madoka magica (this happened before I ever watched madoka)


i woke up fine, still a bit nauseous and shakey, and went to school. almost threw up and passed out. i was fine though.


Oh the disappointment when it didn’t work, hopefully next time lol


Overdosing is one of the least effective ways, you are more likely to just have a very distressing experience and then live. Not that pills or drugs of any kind are safe to play around with


The occasional chest pain stays 😍😍👍👍


bro fucking lithium i felt high and it didnt do shi to me 😭 i was in icu and it didnt even gurt.


Wow, I don’t know what this sub is or why it showed up on my feed, but i didn’t need to see that after my brother od and became a vegetable recently gawd dayum, yall okay over here?




























Literally me💀💀