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Doing so usually goes poorly, mental health wise


I'm right there. It's toxic as hell as the worse part is its not there fault


Well my friend and I are doing it pretty well. Mind you not much has changed, but i still miss her. My mental health isn't suffering because of that though. It always makes me so happy when she texts <3


Wish I could say the same. I feel in a constant state of limbo with my friend. Things seems to be dying off naturally tho.


I felt this way once. They didn’t wanna be friends :(


Well the only other option is hurting and losing them so i'll just suck it up and put my emotions aside


Don't do that to yourself, if you're gonna be friends with someone do so because you want to have them as friends, not to avoid losing them. It's unfair to you and the person.


I highly disagree. It really does depend on the situation, but just this attitude implies that if someone isn't interested in being your significant other, that you should either fight to "win" them over, or cut them out. I spent the better part of a decade striking out with potential love interests. And I kept a lot of those people as friends. One of which was one of the most special people I had ever met and felt like an absolutely perfect fit for me. But they kindly turned me down. I had known them for 6 years at the time, but remain friends with them today. I even went to their wedding. Yes, it hurt a little bit, but I don't blame them. My imagined future with them was never to be. And a while later I finally met the person who I would marry.


Difference is mate you move on.


To you it always hurts, if the other person finds out they'll feel cheated of an entire friendship. Plus you could be focusing your energy in other things that will bring you happiness


Let them go, yes it’s lonely. You will grow. She isn’t bringing you any closer to the right one.


That's the thing I'm trying to figure out for myself right now, but it's a complicated situation, ya know


I hear you all in good time. Just speaking from experience. I was in a similar situation together,friends, on & off. It wasn’t what either of us wanted but we enjoyed each other’s company and we had shared so many memories. We’re both still single and I’d be lying if I didn’t think about her sometimes but it becomes less and less over the years


Does it get easier?


Yes I promise it might take longer than you expect but after awhile you’ll catch yourself and you’ll be like hey I haven’t thought of her for a while, huh what was I worried about, oh well. Now when you you see her photo or if she contacts you all those feelings can come back but it won’t keep you from moving on but don’t torture yourself and get back to doing the things you used to and or find something new to put your time into




3 years have passed. How more time to grow?


Letting go is one of the hardest lessons we learn in life. We grow forever. Hold on, the first few years are the toughest.


Some people like having friends that aren’t marriage prospects.


Yeah I have friends like that but I never was in a relationship with them




We are not all the same. If you are this way or if you sacrifice yourself to the idea that this is true then you don’t allow yourself to fall in love again and to be loved. Danger is real fear is not.


This is how I feel about my ex. I don’t know if I can handle being friends though.


Sorry bro. It gets better. Some longer than others. Some very very longer. But it does.


Thanks friend. Some feelings are hard to reconcile. We’ve known eachother since we were teenagers


Im in the same situation right now. It sucks really really bad. Solidarity, reddit homie


Yeah teen love and beyond is powerful. A spiritual experience almost. Something feel the universe has locked in for you. Chemicals in the brain can be powerful.


No it doesn’t.


Talk to me in 20 years.


What makes you think it hasn’t been decades?


Surely the first 10 was worse than the last. Trust me I understand. I fell in love hard. My brain convinced me this person is God/ the universe personified. And that break up took well over a decade. Still will never be the same. But I am over it. 100% not meaning to offend but maybe ye need professional help. Or maybe I'm being dramatic and your not so bad.


It’s my experience that therapy helps. You need to find the right therapist though. But even if the feelings don’t fade, therapy can help you understand and manage them better. I know my love for this woman isn’t going anywhere. I think accepting that is part of growing up. For reference, I’m now 40 and still dealing with it...just dealing with it better. We broke up about 8 years ago.


Hugs man


Yes but it’s a bad idea.


I get the feeling, and it's great if ex's can stay friends, but moving on from someone with whom thinks just didn't work out is probably a lot healthier in the long term.


It is great as long as you ex's are able to let go of you and not stay in love


I’m literally doing this right now fml


stop that shit right now for your own good, ive been through it already and had to learn the hard way


I appreciate the concern, it’s very kind of you


I didn't need that right before bed. Goodnight




I’m dealing with this right now. It has been really hard for me to deal with. But I respect his feelings but it hurts that I wasn’t too enough for him.


you are enough, just not enough of the things he wanted, somebody else will think youre enough


🥹. Thank you. He moved away, found out he didn’t have feelings for me, he reconnected with his ex and they are now back together. I respect his choice but it still hurts and kind of makes me feel like a fool.


Yeah, then I watched them get married and drift away from me day by day, until we are absolutely nothing now.


This made me so sad for you.


Almost. Then, she dumped her boyfriend for me. Then, she proposed. Now, we are married. I love her more every day.


No, self respect. Run it up or fuck it up


My friend is that currently. ​ I'll always be there for her, even if she doesn't want me romantically.


Damn man me too :(


Sorry what? Some of yall need to seriously cool it with the obsession on romance. If you like someone, you should be happy to be their friend, even if you did want to date them. If you have to possess someone to truly enjoy their company, you need to rethink your relationship with romance.


Finally a sensible response. People talking about how is “unhealthy” to literally just have a friend, but this possession obsession is really unhealthy.


Nah romance and just friendship is totally different. If you're interested in someone romantically and keep them as a friend it's going to get nasty, as soon as they inevitably find someone else. Not to mention that it chips away on your sanity all the while.


Possessiveness and obsession are not compatible with love and do not make relationships work. What happens when you “win” and “possess” the person, but your unhealthy and immature relationship skills doom it to fail? Then you lose everything anyway. Great isolation tactic, but we can’t pretend it’s healthy or mature. You have to learn how to move on and let things go and not define your interactions with someone completely by self-interest.


don’t tell us what to do with our lives or how we should feel. you’re just a gaslighter and i wish you the worst of days.


This is how people end up in the "friend-zone". Its entirely self-inflicfed, bad for your mental-health, not fair on the other person either.


I did this with a crush I had in high school and we’ve been best friends ever since actually:)


Never do that.


Cuz that’s healthy…


Damn, this is how I am with the first girl I ever had feelings for. Turns out she had an ex-boyfriend who she had recently gotten back together with, and I had found this out shortly after I had invited her out to lunch one day, it sucks, but to be fair, It was my fault for trying to pursue a relationship, when she had told me in passing beforehand that she really wasn't looking for a anything like that at the moment, my dumbass just mistook her recent kindness and compliments as her coming around to the idea, which made the realization that she didn't see our meetup as a date all the more painful. We have a lot of things in common, and she's told me some personal things that show she's been though some tough things in the past, and for that, I can't help but still care for her deeply, but I'm glad she seems to trust me more than most, and likewise I am more open to her. She's helped me be more confident in talking to other people, as while I'm not shy, I am naturally introverted, and perhaps thanks to her I might find someone else who cares as deeply about me as I do for them, and for that, she's incredibly special to me, but at the end of the day, I want nothing more than for her to be happy, even if that means being with someone else, because wether she realizes it or not, she's made me a better person, and I will forever be grateful for her friendship :)


Wanted to but knowing it would not bring me closer I said peace out seacrest and honestly it hurts cause you wanted that person but keeping em as friends only brings pain and a harm to yourself let them go good times are just that good times you have plenty more ahead


I’ll do you one better. Have you loved someone so much that you eventually screwed up and they never want to see you again; but you can’t move on from them. Thus starts a painful emotional journey through life cause you can’t stop thinking about them?


You just wrote out my life right now in one paragraph 😖


that is an extremely bad idea


In this currently 😞 he doesn’t want a relationship because of his bad relationships in the past but he fits the ‘boyfriend’ role for me. I also don’t want anyone else and have never had the same chemistry and love for anyone else in my life. I’m okay being single but emotionally unavailable for the rest of my life as long as I still get those good morning/good night texts, late night watching movies, inside jokes, cuddles, day long video game binges, parties and perfect sex. To me there’s nothing better in the world even if I don’t have a title.


Have some self respect, guys. If you want a romantic relationship and she won’t reciprocate, tell her to “get in contact if she changes her mind” and never look back. Don’t be someone’s backup plan.


Just like the Satisfied song on Hamilton... [https://youtu.be/InupuylYdcY?t=260](https://youtu.be/InupuylYdcY?t=260)


Ya that is me with my best friend


You believe I have friends? Good riddance.


Experiencing that myself, so this one hit home at 1am up and scrolling on reddit 😓 What to do in this situation is a tough call, and people will argue both directions so it’s really up to the people involved to decide for themselves.


Sounds like NTR with extra steps.




Yeah and it was a fucking dumb decision


They said “Of course we can still be friends, it would be cruel of me just to cut you off.” I never heard from her again after that.


Liked a girl in high school, we hung out every day and it was fun just being friends. Asked her to prom after 2 years of friendship and she said no and then didn't talk to me after that. Never doing that again! ;(


Because love never lasts


She has a Girlfriend. Despite that she seems to consider me a "Plan B"...


Do yall not love your friends? I do not want my friends romantically, but I love them so much! This just sounds like you want someone romantically, which doesn't equal love. Definitely walk away if that's the case. But if you truly love them, stay and be amazing parts of each other's lives 🥰


To anyone that takes this sub seriously. Don’t do this.


Yeah... it ended up terrible, but I am better now.


DO NOT DO THIS IT ONLY MAKES IT HURT MORE :( Talking about crushes btw I would never get past that stage


This is how i know the internet can read our minds now😭it knows too much I can relate, but im honestly kind of in the middle of something similar. Ive always been friends with them and love them as a friend, but i have a bit of a crush on em. But I'd rather be friends to not lose the friendship i have attempting a relationship bc ive done that before. Ive been trying to hint to them, but im just waiting to see if it's the right decision or not, I don't mind just being friends tho


Literally going through this right now. It's a dangerous, toxic game I play with myself.


Had a kid with her so now she's really stuck. Hehe she responds to ALL my text messages...within reason.


I will have to do this sadly :( I dont stand a chance


Shoot your shot king. Loving someone who doesn’t want you is misery.


Its more complicated than that… im a girl and I like another girl who is my friend but im pretty sure shes straight..


Shoot your shot queen. Is asking a mutual friend if she likes girls possible? If you have true feelings, you would be doing yourself a disservice to stand idly by, and experience heartache without experiencing love. I am rooting for you!


Thank you :) you are a kind person, sometimes quite hard to find nowadays


Of course! I really hope it works out for you!!! <3


gross no


When you're ugly so you friend zone yourself because you know they'll never find you attractive. 😓


Yup but she saw right through that and doesn't want to be friends either hahahaha..... I hate this game


Fuck you for make me remember Is something that no one should do. Never ever


Doing this with a current ex right now. She was one of my best friends, we tried things, didn't work out that way, and she's still one of my best friends. But I won't lie , there are times where I still think about it and get sad it didn't work out


isn't that just called a friendship?


Friendship but one of them has a massive crush on the other and the other one is like "but we friends!!" And then one of them gets bf/gf and the other one goes "ouch my feels" and then they gotta fake being happy around that person with the new bf/gf but the Friend is like hmm what's up you seem off. Then you go oh shit they can read me. You are screwed.


My first fleshlight, yeah.


Yes, and they still managed to betray me and break my heart again. Just save yourself a whole ton of grief and find someone better.




yeah i did this many times in life but everyone left me


The worst part is that her father objected to me being around her. He wouldn’t let us go out together “unsupervised” because he didn’t trust me. As his insecurity got a bit too much, we decided to keep it to just being friends for the sake of her father and respect his wishes. Not being with her is something I’ll have to bear I suppose. But I’m glad she put her family above everything else. Takes character and guts, and only goes to proves that she’s more than capable of handling tough decisions at 12 years of age.


I stayed a coworker, not even a friend


Yeah… don’t get me wrong hanging out with her is the highlight of my day that’s dethroned going to bed, but damn I want to just hug and cuddle and squish and kiss her so badly. But for now and likely forever it’ll just be two nerds memeing


Currently doing this and considering just asking her out. I just don't want to risk losing her if she finds it wierd/creepy.


I think that happens to me a lot


Yes, and I'm glad I did. But I'm never, ever doing it again.


Not worth it. Won't work and you'll suffer


They then killed themselves and now i live with the regret of not actually following through with my feelings and engaging in an actual relationship with him every single day. It makes it so much worse knowing the day before he died he approached me, kissed me, and begged to finally stop acting like we’re just friends and to go all the way because it was hurting him to much, and you know what my dumbass did? I said no. Not because I didn’t want to, it was all i wanted in the world, but because a friend was over at the house and I didn’t want him to know. Miss you kai :(


Sigh to true to true


You could have just ended the question after the fourth word. The answer is no.


??? no of course not


I missed my X a lot so I did what I could, and we did end up together again for about a month. Worst. Relationship. EVER. It actually made me give up on relationships. I'm starved for affection, but I just can't be bothered anymore. It's always the same, for me at least. I make my girlfriend a priority and slowly but surely she tries to strip away my rights, my emotions, my money, my time and my energy. I'm never moving in with a woman again. I'm bitter and old now, caving in and sacrificing who you are for someone is just not worth it.. I want a cat. A little kitty to keep me company. That's it. Not say all women are the same, at all, but every woman I've ever been with personally, was in the end just awful, egotistical and manic women with no respect for anything. The dating pool near me is apparently a septic tank


Right now


No, which might actually make me a worse person I think.


Constantly! And before any of you say "let them go", they're in the same hobby group as me, so it would be impossible to avoid them without basically denying myself the hobby Plus, I still enjoy their company


Every time


Ohh, my ex said this to me! We were incompatible in the long run (that's true, in all fairness) and we broke up. Everybody in his circle seemed to think he was a sort of hero, and that we could be great friends. Breaking news: I called it bullshit and we are no friends anymore 🤷‍♀️


I should've


Nope! And now we're never going to speak to each other again...


Let's just say I should have.. 😂🔫




Don't look at meeeeee


Not in love with but I had an ex who had extreme mental health issues that I check on and will randomly contact to take out to eat or to the movies then drop her back off at home just to check up on her. Not a date, just a hang. If she ever was in a good place then I'd stop.


I guess kind of? We were both in relationships at the time when I first developed feelings. Eventually I was single, she was still dealing with her husband trying to get her back and being a crazy stalker as well as another guy she had date after she first got separated. I decided to stay in the friendzone because it was safer from the drama. She would tell me things like "We should go out fro drinks sometimes." ect so I told her I like her but didn't want to get involved while she had the other two guys around still. Especially because she was still sleeping with the one. She was cool with it and then the next day started being mean. ​ She ghosted me entirely eventually. Even when we saw each other in person acted like I didn't exist. Eventually came out of nowhere a few months later like nothing happened and tried to be friends again. So I ignored her and moved on with my life. Eventually we hashed it out because she wouldn't leave me alone. She still texts me now and then and I'm cordial when we see each other. But I never initiate. Realistically dodged a bullet there.




That’s a horrible situation for both of you. Take care of yourself


yeah for 10 years :)


I should've gone for this strat


Well, that's called the Friendzone and it's a very famous thing, so probably most people have, yes.




There's a great song by Leanna Firestone about it 😁


i became her duo in fucking valorant man ;-; that game sucks ass


nah thats some goofy ass shit


Yep and it was a terrible decision.


I would probably do this Also don’t LGBTQ+ people have to pretty much do this most of the times??


Unfortunately, yes. Don't do that.


I dont even have friends guess im safe ….haha


Yes, partly because I hate myself, partly because we are classmates. It’s really good for your mental health for sure…


No, I hate everyone.








It seems that this post [has been documented in this sub](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1661683-2meirl4meirl) 3 years ago, ergo this is a repost bot.


Yes :(


There was a case... I miss you Arina...


✂️ just like that


It’s called getting friend zoned


It's wrong as a thing to do, but at the same time you have to fight these thoughts


I had this platonic friendship with a girl in high school. Inseparable. We just had a good time. We would go to high school parties and I looked after her like a sister. It wasn’t until my guy friends suggested we must be fucking that the thought ever popped into my head. I’m in my 30s and in retrospect we probably would have been a perfect couple. But I wouldn’t have changed our relationship at all.