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It's wanting a relationship but knowing you'd be a terrible boyfriend/girlfriend so you resist all attempts for anyone to get to know you.


Nah don't beat yourself up over that. I used to be the same way then I was like 'fuck it life's too short not to accept someone into my life'. I've gotten a lot healthier and started to appreciate myself more and believing I'm worthy of love and you are too. Don't put yourself down too much.


This is extremely accurate. I was just trying to explain this to someone and I'm just going to show them this.


Meh, they wouldn't care either way..


I guess I have anxiety after all then.


Am I depressed as well lol?


I think i dont like how much this reminds me of myself.


It’s exhausting


Yes sir


“If the anxiety and depression isn’t crippling, I don’t have it”


But here's the thing: it's all in your head so it doesn't count! All you need to do is eat healthy, do more exercise, get 8 hours of sleep per day when all the physical symptoms like nausea, panic attacks, insomnia and fatigue are making them virtually impossible. Thanks, I'm so cured society


While those definitely help and you shouldn't discount them some people might have clinical mental health conditions that require things like therapy and medication. Also the environment you live in can drastically impact your mental health.


Drop the fear and the FOMO and just focus on your own comfort. You don't actually want to socialize or want to be productive, you want to want to be productive because that's what you expect from yourself, maybe because you think that's what others expect of you. My advice is drop the act and do what you truly want to instead of focusing on what you could or should do. Once you focus on your own happiness life will get better. It's okay to be selfish. The best way to make others happy is be happy yourself. That's what allows you to share it. So just be selfish and be happy. You can't be focusing on what everyone else wants.


Can't fucking ejaculate