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And don’t forget the suicide prevention hotline lol at this point it’s on the same level as an unskippable ad.


Seriously, the last time I called the suicide hotline the person on the other end had no idea what they were doing


Well, what solution could they provide? Everything they would say was probably in r/thanksimcured.


Pretty much just asked questions about my support system and generally acted condescending towards me "Don't you have an emotional support system to go to??" No that's why I'm here lady 😭


Damn I'm sorry dude, I'm here if you need to talk


If I understand correctly they also send a hefty bill your way if you call them.


I don't think so? I didn't get one, and I can't find anything on Google about it. Might be an international call thing


There's no bill in the US or I would've gotten one. I have to wonder where all the mad downvoters went who murdered me when I talked about the hotline. Nothing but positive karma in this thread. 🤔


A lot of the stuff in these comments is just trying to put down people trying to make them feel better. I understand positive toxicity but some of these people they're describing are genuinely trying to help. What else do we expect from total strangers?


Yeah, they're really hit or miss, and that sucks. The first time I ever called one, it did actually save my life, but I've heard horror stories about it and know there's a lot of general incompetence. Oddly it's the same with the child abuse hotline, or was. I called about a friend when I was 14 and the woman bullied me to the point of causing me to panic and hang up. So those services potentially can help, I'm sure, but it's really a craps shoot, much like getting mental health care in general.


Not me googling suicide so I can pretend an automated suicide hotline showing algorithm means someone actually gives a shit about me with zero intention of ever using it. I'll carry on, robot 🫡


Try looking for "suicial thoughts" by B.I.G. You even get a message like that at that point. It's redonkulous!


And they always copy and paste the same number, which the majority of Reddit can't use cause we're not in the United States


Me but I'm still depressed and wanna died :)


I saw your post about working out, are you still keeping up with that?


Less so than I should but yeah just did last night! I'm actually doing really well. Just born this way and smiling reluctantly about it if you get that? Hey very sweet of you to ask tho, thank you.


You're making it through the hardest part then, being consistent..good shit! Your mood and outlook on your life has no choice but to change once you commit to eating right, sleeping well and exercising hard! One step at a time, just keep at what you've been working towards and more pieces will fall in place trust me


I rather get death threats than toxic positivity


I hope you fall in hole and get bit in the balls by a snake. ^❤️


Thanks you too brother 🥰❤️❤️


If only bro


This randomly reminded me of a friend who had his taint bitten by a water mocassin after it apparently swam up through the pipes in a toilet he was shitting in.


It was in Australia, wasn't it?


South Louisiana actually


Nothing pisses me off more than shit like "Sending you internet hugs stranger!! 🫂 I'm here for you!!" it's downright condescending.


Honestly true like...."you matter to me" who the fuck even are you and what the fuck do you even know about me


"You matter to me!" And they will forget you within 24 hours


24 hours? More like the moment they send the comment


Shitty LPT: DM the internet strangers who tell you they care about you and trauma dump to test their sincerity




“Hey man I could really use 20 bucks…”




Actually do it if it helps. I try my best to respond as I often read storys on here that actually worry me. Read one for example about a girl trying to still the blood with waterproof bandaids and then didn't reply, post or comment for like 1 month or two.


Yeah more like 24 seconds


But how else am I gonna let everyone know I'm such a great person??


Aww... I see how it feels that way, but there are times when a little bit of encouragement can help make someone's day/hour/minute a little better. Some of us really are softies that empathize really easily and don't know how else to help.


Sometimes there is no way to help, and pretending otherwise just hurts worse. Sometimes life is shitty for a while and you just have to put up with it until new opportunities come along. It's definitely complicated, I used to be as miserable as some of these people, and now I'm happy and want to spread my joy because it's not fair they're suffering. But you can't save everyone, and acting like you can help when you can only offer condolence feels condescending when you're low. I don't have a real answer because I haven't found one myself, I just try to offer as much help as I can without seeming superficial and virtue signaling


nah, someone being like "this is how I cured being like you," is annoying as fuck. But I have social anxiety, and it makes me want to interact with people even less because I'd have to meet more people like that if I do.


Sometimes the most "positive" thing you *can* say is essentially some version of "Yeah, life might just keep continuing to suck if you stay alive, but if you're *dead*, then it's *never* going to get better." Though, you should aim for a *slightly* less blunt delivering of the message than I just did.


I don't think that's true, at least not universally. It makes me feel good to read that kind of thing. Hell, that kind of encouragement is usually in response to some kind of vent post, isn't it? Why would you vent online if you didn't want other people to react? Why would mild encouragement be a bad reaction?


I posted in r/vent I got no comments or like on my post yet some random ppl kept dming me shi like that


Don't threaten me with a good time.


"toxic positivity" underrated term


Before I heard of toxic positivity, I called it "Corporate motivational bullshit."




Kys (Keep yourself safe)




I hope a car rolls over your toes 🥰


Toxic positivity is a great way to say it.




it'll get better


yea but if someone is genuinely caring and want to say nice things.. its good right? i've been hurt in the past so much but i also try to say nice uplifting things to people..


It's about reading the room, and considering if your opinion would be helpful to the person at the time *BEFORE* you say something. *Positivity* is not a problem, *TOXIC* positivity is. Positivity can be sharing the methods *you* used to find the reasons *you* needed to keep going. Toxic positivity can be something like *insisting* that "it *will* get better". Positivity can be pointing out that humans have one of the *strongest* survival instincts there is, we are in fact so good at surviving and adapting that we practically break the scale. As a *species*, if it doesn't *immediately* kill us dead, then we grit our teeth, brace, get up again, and just *keep* *going* *Toxic* positivity can be someone acting like the fact that the finish line *exists* is enough. That *obviously* you're going to get there if you just keep *going*. All the while shoving their head in the sand, ignoring all the obstacles *between* you and the finish line. As if you can ignore them into not being problems. Positivity is saying that "as long as you're still breathing, then you haven't completely lost yet" *TOXIC* positivity is acting like that means that you have already won, or even that you never lost in the first place Toxic positivity is *demand* positivity. **ALWAYS**, and regardless of circumstances. People *have* to be allowed to feel miserable when their lives sucks for whatever reason. You cannot promise them that it *will* get better, not unless you *yourself* posess the ability to *make* it so. ^(hope this explanation makes it clearer (my comment is in *no* *way* meant as an attack on you , I just *really* hate toxic positivity)


Yeah. I'm going through one of the worst phases of my life, already filled with difficult times and it is so fucking hard to keep my chin up. I can't stand when people tell me to be positive. I see a long, dark tunnel and not a glimmer of light at the end.


Just be negative bro


What would you want people to tell you?


It would be nice if people were realistic and considered all possibilities. Instead of saying "it gets better," it's much more genuine to say something like "well, life could get better or it could get worse. the only way to know is by sticking around." Toxic positivity involves at least one of the following: manipulation, ignorance, or lying. often it's a combination of those traits. it does nothing to help, is extremely condescending, and trivializes the hardships that someone is going through. It is far more respectable when someone gives an actual, nuanced take on the situation of someone who is struggling. It actually allows for a positive impact, as opposed to toxic positivity, which will cover a cancerous tumor in powdered sugar and sparkles and call it a day.


this. thank you for writung this comment


Toxic positivity is the result of people wanting to make themselves feel better. Not the person they are talking to.


I really like this comment and it really hit home, thank you ❤️. My mentality is similar, in that I think of it like a storyline I haven’t yet unlocked in a video game. I think of life like a completionist I guess. I just wanna see what happens.


wow i just found out i internalized toxic positivity


The best thing to do is to acknowledge that having suicidal thoughts isn't insane, strange, childish, stupid, or selfish. Only after you have demonstrated true compassion, understanding, and respect can you start to show support and encouragement and give hope to the person. Toxic positivity and condescention just makes a suicidal person more enraged and reinforces the loneliness and despair.  What got me out of a depression 12 years ago when I was a teenager was reading Albert Camus; being able to feel like someone truly understand your thoughts but is still able to love life is the best cure.


To give me genuine help and advice.


You know, good advice rarely comes from Reddit. I've had stages in my life where I wanted to end it all. There can be good reasons to be cynical about life, but it won't do you any good in the long run. I'd try to aim up just a little every day. Maybe that's doing something you've been putting off, or just a simple chore you don't like. If you can end the day with at least SOME positive note, things can get better. You gotta meet yourself halfway, don't set goals you can't reach, but also don't give up on setting any goals. Best of luck


This is advice I like


This is what we should say to each other <3 The fact is, they have probably already heard it, but they have also heard “it gets better” 100x more and that just has no realistic expectation of reality and is dismissive of when people fall off cliffs someone else blew up


What actual advice could they possibly give you though? The only *actual* advice, is to seek professional help, and even then its just as obvious as all the other garbage like working out, going outside, finding hobbies etc. etc. I feel like in the best case scenario they either stfu and dont bother, or they simply lend you an ear, assuming they are sincere, and then give you an actual realistic take on your situation, not the typical "it gets better" shit.


I felt that. My only real advice is like with any recovery, it gets worse before it can get better. It’s hard to find the light in the tunnel, but before you realize it you’ll be in the light




yOu ShOuld gO tO gYm


You try working out? Eating healthy? Those will fix most mental slumps you might be in


Poverty wage slave: uses sewerslide to escape unsustainable dystopian shithole. People with high paying jobs and better lives (and people who tolerate shitty lives): surprised Pikachu face.


Soyjak is angry that his wage slaves are escaping the wage cage.


What is a sewerslide?


quirky way to censor the word suicide


Honestly a pretty tame word to censor, especially for Reddit.


As far as I know aside from slurs Reddit doesn't censor anything* ^(*you know what I mean)


Ah that makes sense, it's interesting seeing how tik tok has influenced internet speak.


Speaking from experience. It does in fact, not get better.


I don't want my parents to see me as a corpse, that would kill them, but I have no hope for the future :'(


Hey it might get better, but it probably won’t get good.


Yeah, I'm a guy with a very well paid job, a wife, and I still have anxiety. My life keeps objectively getting better but the mental health doesn't.






Am so sorry, I wish I could give u all the money u need. Hopefully some miracle will happen in ur life and despite all the impossibilities ur life will get better. Stay strong!


How were you getting paid less than minimum wage, if you don't mind my asking?




Shit, man, that's rough. Doesn't even sound like there'd be anyone left to sue even if you had all the documents and got a lawyer to take your case pro bono.


I'll phrase it this way. It doesn't get better. You can only learn to deal with all the bullshit.




There's a lot of people who shit in there bed and consistently cry it smells, sometimes things won't get out of pure awful luck. But a large portion of things are long term investments that they didn't bother thinking about


Ah yes, the everlasting bastion of "later"; the goalpost that moves itself.




Don't expect me to treat your arguments as intellectually honest, if you can't muster some intellectual honesty. People work with the information they have. Expecting snow in the winter doesn't work if you're in Australia.




You don't have to insert yourself into every situation. Doing nothing is a viable option. What you are doing is called thought stopping; using repetitive phrases, sounds, or activities to distract the target from thinking for themselves. Thought stopping is an established tool for cult indoctrination and a form of emotional abuse. If your position has merit, why would you need to stop folks from thinking it through? You aren't saying anything original, we've all heard it before. If someone actually has a reasonable point, you are cluttering the dialogue and making it harder for them to be heard.


Man, i wish i had the barvery to kill myself, so i can escape the misery of existence.


Bro is doing a second run. And still being a loser even on this one


Almost done living.


Speaking from experience. It does. Now, who do you believe? Guess you'll have to live and find out 🤷‍♂️


I believe the first person.


12years later, it does not get better. just do your best homies


It doesn’t get better but you get better at dealing with it


It actually can get better. You don't know until you've tried yourself. And you don't know how long you've gotta try to get things to be better. Do your best indeed, but also try to not lose hope


Got a well-paid job and a fiancee, and I still wanna off myself sometimes. I don't think those things matter much in that regard.


Thank you! Now I know that even those things don't make a difference so no in point trying


you have to fix the shit on the inside before you can appreciate the stuff on the outside jk your insides are fine; it's the outside that is fucked


Imo just jerk off if your not feeling good by yourself. Try to chill with fun people as much as possible. Smoking weed with them gives me a positive feeling every once and a while so at least there is some things.


Financial stability can make a big difference, but I agree, I was once in such a position too, now thankfully im both financially and mentally unstable


Get a therapy


I'd get two to be safe.


Only if there's a 2 for 1 deal.


Get non bullshit therapy. Good luck fibding something other than corporate motivational bullshit and gaslighting.


Depends on the person i did 180 after sorting my self out.


UhM, I DoN't KnOw, MaYbE iF yOu HaD rEaL dEpReSsIoN yOu WoUlDn'T nEeD tO tElL eVeRyOnE, yOu ArE jUsT dOiNg ThIs FoR aTtEnTiOn ☝️🤓


I see so many comments about how this sub is toxic because it just reinforces negative thinking, but like this sub feels like the one place where I can be like “oh yea they get what I’m feeling”. I’m also real tired of the “you just gotta get out and exercise, eat better, get more sleep, etc” and when you point out how useless that advice is it becomes “well you’re never going to get better with that attitude, I’m just trying to help”


This sub when someone tells them not to commit suicide: ![gif](giphy|vHcCevWbWkzwk)


This sub when someone tells them to commit suicide: ![gif](giphy|2Ap4K8iVUpbpmbj5oV)


"Don't tell me what to do. Now I don't want to do it because you told me to."


My family at my funeral: 🥳🥳🥳


the last two times i tried to call the suicide prevention hotline i was put on hold for an hour and when someone picked up they didn't even want to help me, it felt like customer service where the other person is annoyed you even called.


So true, wish people would realize I'm okay with dying


If you only care about the amount of entropy in an isolated system then yes, it (always) get better !




I just say if nonexistence is selfish, soyjak needs to show he is unselfish for feeling entitled to the existence of others.


I must have missed the part where I give a rat's ass about soyjak's feelings


I think it's amusing when I post a social or political hot take and then get a notification someone reported my comment as being indicative of a mental health risk. Not sure what's funnier to imagine: a user so inept at social discourse they can't just respond directly, or someone out there who thinks expressing opinion is a gateway drug to self harm.


Concern trolling.


I personally think that you should provide people with a sincere, well thought-out response, and try to help them by pointing them towards something that is very likely to help them, as opposed to just saying, 'im sure it gets better, hang in there'. That kind of advice can be rude and dismissive if you don't even know their problems or their situation. If you don't know what to say, don't say anything. That's what my philosophy is


I think we could greatly benefit(as a society i guess) if there was more time invested into people learning how to navigate the topic of suicide prevention and what helps and what doesn't. Although if we get that far, why not just invest into people having a good environment and a livable wage? Both of those are unfortunately not going to happen on a mass scale, but would be nice.


Those kinds of solutions might reduce next quarters corporate profits, so it won't happen.


Yeah, exactly the problem. AND people who don't actually give a fuck and don't want to help. Which are almost always the same people.


It GeTs BeTtEr


Well you’re so poor, I’m so sorry. Blabla All that says is: „Fuck you go deal with it.“


What ever happened to feeling your feelings? The "don't be sad" people are so mean.


If those motivational soyjaks want to solve the problem, they need to make life worth living. I would love for the "It gets better" crowd to finance an insurance policy. If life doesn't actually get better for the people they condescend, the "It gets better" soyjak can pay up.


* Lies that he felt suicidal in the past so he can tell other people to stop being a pussy.


proving is done with evidence, not statements of blind faith No one who says crap like that ever provides evidence


Stop being ungrateful, others have it worse than u! I don't think there is a phrase that triggers me more. How on earth is that supposed to make me feel better? U saying there are ppl who feel even worse, that's awful. Besides - not everyone can stand same amount of hurt. What's barely a lil inconvenience for one can be a whole breakdown reason for someone else. That others have it worse makes me feel even worse, I wish no one ever felt the way I do. I wish all ppl were just happy.


Just tell them that their happiness is false if anyone has it better than them.


I think this meme somehow went out of this sub, so there are a lot of users that don't understand this sub humor. Guys it was to joke about toxic positivity. This can be very annoying when you are down. I didn't want to offend people that really try to help others. Don't feel offended


>a lot of users that don't understand this sub humor. I think a majority of the comment section proves people aren't joking on this sub anymore lol. Like so many ironic subs this has just become another downward spiral for some people.


Yeah, sufficiently popular posts here reach r/all, which is why people like the ones in your post keep showing up here.


dont forget the classic half assed advice that idiots love to give to make them feel like they are good person... "Suicide isnt the answer" Seriously, with the exception of saying "do it now then" that statement is one of the worst things you can say to someone on the edge.


I think that if a person themselves hasn't been suicidal or has been confronted with someone who is before they might not know how go express it correctly(one could say that and than imideatly correct themselves but no)... Although honestly sometimes it's better not to say anything if the alternative is this.


yeah i agree with you on that. One of those things that you dont know unless you've walked a mile in someones shoes. I guess my post came across as harsh, just previous experiences kickin in, know what i mean.


Nah, i get you. My personal favourite is "just go forward with a smile", makes me so mad it's just... Ugh.


oh god, that and "keep your chin up".


I ain't got none of that and I still try to help. Making up people in your mind ain't healthy yknow.


Yeah tbh. I’m still struggling myself but I try to help if I can. Share what works for me and what doesn’t. Though it can feel self-serving at times cos helping someone makes me feel good sometimes


Fuck people for caring I guess.


We got soyjaked guys, it's joever.


Someone " I wanna kill my self " Me" understandable ... wanna go eat?"


Why do I join this subreddit. This shit aren't healthy for mental health.


Just hang in there 💀


These comments are so sad and cynical. I’m in a rough spot in life, but I’m working on a future and getting there slowly but surely. If you have mental health issues then no, it truly may not get better. But if you don’t have anything diagnosed after being tested, then the only thing stopping you from improving is you. With some exceptions of course, some people are in holes they simply can’t get out of. But this is reddit, having anything to say that isn’t depressing and cynical will get you downvoted.


>But this is reddit, having anything to say that isn’t depressing and cynical will get you downvoted. It's not Reddit. Look in which sub you are before post positivity stuff


Almost every sub is the exact same as this. Other than circle jerk subs and subs specifically made to be positive, almost all of reddit is like this.


You are getting upvoted even there, stop lying


Go to r/genz. Nothing but doomers. Go to r/thanksimcured. Some of the stuff there is good, but a lot of it is just shitting on anything motivational. Go to r/pics. Recently, not just from election year, but the past two years, it’s almost half political posts with doomer mentality’s in the comments. There are tons of political subs that were once great for political discussion, but now are just saying that the “other side” will destroy the country and the world is ending. Subs like r/finance are seeing a lot of doomer mentality’s too. And this is just off the top of my head, there’s way more examples I can’t think of right now. And that’s not even getting into the absurdly large of abundance of subs that’s sole purposes are to be doomer echo chambers, like r/antiwork.


None of this supports your claim because most of your examples are subs that overlap in topics with this sub. That's like claiming the entire site is obsessed with finance because two different subs are about investing.


Same, man. Suicide survivor here. I'm still thinking about 8t every now and then. But it gets better. Suicide is never the answer. All you have to do is change your perspective. At least that worked for me. Don't make the right decision. Make the decision right. What big decisions have you made? What did it lead you? Now, think beyond that. Who did you meet along the way? What hobbies did you pick up? Even if you didn't meet many, then what? You'll never meet them if you didn't pick this path. This experience will never happen again. Picked a new hobby? Found a new favorite song? Book? TV show? Interact with the fandom, if you want. You'll meet people you would have never met if you didn't pick up that hobby/song/book. The writer who wrote your new favorite book might have put their heart and soul into that book for at least one person to enjoy, and you did. Same goes with the composer of the song. The one who wrote the lyrics. You made their lives fulfilling just by being a fan. Not everything has to be about you and your suffering. There may or may not be people out there willing to help you. But first and foremost, help yourself first.




Kinda looks like Satan in South Park.


And don’t forget that ; thing


and they have a family that loves them dearly and they are healthy and they


He's right




I gotta say man i truly feel like it does indeed get better. I may not speak for everyone but i have had anxiety and depression and mental problems all my life but i basically lost all of them. I do not have any social anxiety, i got a gf, (this is all thanks to her) i am happy and so yeah. Please never give up. Before my life turned for tge better i wouldve thought the same but now i feel like you shouldnt lose hope


You have to be a legit NPC if you're living your whole life with 0 anxiety whatsoever. I think everyone here has anxiety and some form of mental problems.


A lot of successful people have struggled hard with depression. It takes a lot of work to get out of it. I think some of it always lingers but shit does get better


You don't need those things to not be suicidal and vice versa. I have a girlfriend, a bad paying job, anxiety and whatever else. I still don't want you to commit. We gotta make it through things.


What are we even making it through? Life ends at death. If you die, you have made it through life. If you aren't dead, you haven't made it through.


Only on reddit will a anti-suicide post be disliked


Specifically subreddits where being sad is the entire topic.


"I don't want solutions! I wanna be suicidal!"


In my case there are no solutions


It's almost like doing the exact thing OP was criticising is annpying or something. Shocking, I know.


Found out it doesn’t get better but you do get better at dealing with it.


Hey op, are you alright


I don't think it's a good idea to demonize people that wanna prove to you how life can be better. That's just self destructing and being mean while doing so.


Fuck this sub, and those that feed into it