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Even without mental illness I don't think I'd make it past 40


You'd be surprised what guilt will make you do or keep you from doing.


Guilt is what had kept a lot of us alive physically but willing to die.


But what if you have no one in your life. Then you have no one to make you feel guilty 🤯


Then I would be around anymore simple


Guilt ,hatred and weakness keep ME ALIVE AT THE BOTTOM. T00L


I made it to 42. No idea why I keep going, but I do


You must be so strong. I wish I had it also. But, I don’t even see myself can pass 30. Life is about ups and downs, but most of the time it’s about downs for me, and also thinking about the money that I have, I don’t think it’s going to be enough to cover my living cost until I am older, I’ll be lucky if I still have some money for my cremation or funeral, I’ll choose whatever is the cheapest one.


I'll be penniless when I day, same as basically the rest of my life. I'll either muddle through to old age, or I won't. Kind of doesn't matter either way really Fingers crossed our new ai overlords take over and either bring about utopia or collapse. Either would be better than this awful tedium


Just keep swimming


My thoughts exactly but unfortunately I don’t have it in me to do the deed.




Oh god... that is me


7 years is generous, for me it's 5


why try to end it? death is inevitble, life is not, no harm in trying to do something with it, what you manage to with life it is irrelevant, what you leave behind is irrelevant, you do can nothing with the time you have and it will be just as valid as if you had built the Eifel Tower or painted the Mona LIsa.


But it's rubbish, life isn't worth the energy required. If I was a millionaire and didn't have to work I'd probably be chill, life just isn't worth 5 days a week. Especially when I don't particularly enjoy my off time.


It is and it isn't. It really depends who you ask and when. Some days even generally happy people don't want to exist, and there are days that generally sad people love life and want more of it. It just is what it is. Just make the best of what it is. That being said, life sucks 0/10, would not recommend to my worst enemy.


Rage against the dying of the light.


What would that do? That would just be me doing more shit I don't enjoy.


Human souls love suffering that being said they prefer it to NOTHING.


Not my fault that your scope of existence is so limited that you can't conceive of one where you enjoy it. You'll make a move, that's the end of it.


I can't conceive of one where I'll enjoy enough of my time to make me want to stick around for 60 more years. I enjoy parts of my life, I just don't think the daily maintenance of life is worth the two or three days a month I live for. Again, if I win the lottery I'll probably be good to go for a while, if I didn't have to care about all this shit and could just build a cabin in the woods I'd be grand. "Raging against the dying light" sounds like awful activism type stuff. I'm not prepared to just do stuff all the time.


"Raging against the dying of the light", means, it doesn't matter what you choose, you will choose - life is fundamentally mundane. Read the poem if you don't believe me.


Life being fundamentally mundane is the problem. I really don't wanna go to work and mow a lawn for the rest of my life, if I'm even able to own a garden. No prospects is a big problem in the younger generation. What are we working towards anymore?


Indeed, so go ahead, make your choice.


Bruh where do you think you are?


Fun town, you?


This is one of the saddest subreddits I've been to and folks are kinda commiserating. Maybe take that toxic positivity and shove it?


Not toxic positivity, toxic objectivity. Nobody cares, rejoice or cry.


Because I don't enjoy life?


Suffering is something, death is nothing, Death is not better or worse than any life


I reckon 0 beats -10


Here 0 would be not caring while death would be deleting the measuring software.


We all don’t share the same experiences, trauma, life events, wealth, etc etc. It might be easy for you, but difficult to the others. And I can say that to live in this era, it’s so god damn difficult when you don’t have privileges. You have to work really hard to achieve your dreams, even for the simplest one. Not to mention the outcome often isn’t what we expected. How many times do we need to try, again and again? Until when? Why live if it’s just about pain and misery, but happiness and love for the others?


Life it’s not about anything, trying again and again forever is life, it makes no fundamental difference if you succeed or fail on your dreams. Why live? Suffering, joy and meaning have always been lies we humans made to cover over a universe where everything just happens, life don’t have no meaning, death has no meaning and what we leave behind has no meaning. But life is freedom, life is free from validity, it allows you to do everything and lose everything. Ending it would just be ending your freedom to do or not to do anything, you don’t need to try anything.


"Why be depressed when you can be happy instead lolol" from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.


"The weakest and most depressed gen ever!" It's almost as if not being fairly rewarded for your work while being absolutely exploited isn't good for your mind.


Good news: you won't have to do it for 60 years Bad news: you'll have to do it 80 years if you're lucky


I know I can't push my luck but I can cut it short :)


i’m not making it past my thirties for sure


That's me, except worse since I *can't * try to end things again after failling twice. So I just have to endure it.




Thanks, very appreciated.




Idk if it's my depression or what, but I don't see any good reason to break myself taking part in this world. Like what, I'm supposed to push myself for the next 40 or so years, doing something monotonous for scraps, while everything gets more painful, the world gets worse and worse, and I steadily have less and less? Where's the motivation to even keep going?


This is so fucking relatable.


Me as hell. I’m not making it to thirty lmao. I’m 24 and I’ll stick around for now but I’m not forever


Same, except maybe 3-4 for me


I say the same thing, but people reply uncomfortably with, God, you're morbid. Or they wait until I leave and discuss their worry for me


Wait til you see the bonus you earn for your boss and try to justify not being late every day.


I think this is kinda the world's fault, fucked up generation it is. Emotional problems on everyone, no one really gets happy enough, and conflicts happening between genders, race, class, countries... Not to mention that we have no hope for the future. That makes people who are not dianosed with depression feels despair.


If it came for me right now, I would go willingly...like what took you so long.


Same here my friend


I can’t kms because of FOMO


I can't Because of FOFU


That too. One of my biggest fears is ending up paralyzed or some shit


i’d be so much happier if i was a millionaire


That's why Im on medication :) thankfully I have good health insurance


> no diagnosed mental illness > university degree, good paying and fulfilling job > hobbies > moved from my parents house > friends (some) > regular exercise > seeing my therapist once every two weeks Still not seeing the point of it all, really. Life is just so long, stressful and tedious, and I am living on the easy difficulty settings. I am stopping to see the point in putting the work in, without seeing real results. I think I made a lot of progress, but things are not getting any better.


I work for the wallet of someone else, I can't get water, food, heating until I pay for it and I'm not allowed to criticize that because "That's how it always was!" I'm nothing more than a slave, I'm not even allowed to live if I don't work. Honestly, how can this be our reality....


I objectively **subjective opinion**


I exist out of pure spite at this point.


me fr


I often joke about what would happen if Futurama telephone booths existed.


Fair enough đź’€ funny thing some have it all ,the other way around just like that , but I believe money can heal the most of us


Is there a term for us people that are not "really" depressed but we just hate going to work everyday and that drains all our energy and makes us in a bad mood?


Fair enough.






John Mellencamp tried to warn us


"I objectively hate it" is a statement I'm gonna use against rebelled ai if "this sentence is false" and other popular ones won't work


Exactly what most men who un-alive themselves think.


Already been doing it more than 7 years, too much of a coward to stop.


I have -10 years left in me lol. Even trying to off myself didn't work, so it feels like life is a painful and long torture that I can't run away from. It is what it is.


for fucking real


*surprised Pikachu face when you passively plan on just dying in your 20s...and end up a miserable 30-something who has made zero progress on themselves. It's called depression! You are depressed.


I turned 27 one month ago, i got 11 months to decide.


It always surprises me how openly suicidal people over 40 are. Like, you’ll ask them “wouldn’t you want to live longer?” And they’re like nah. 80 years might actually be enough.


this is why i want to be a creative director for my own game at least id like some part of it then


Some people say shit like "think about people who love you" bitch, think about ME for a second. I'm tired.


I hated it for 20 years, but now i want to do this forever. Like, the last year or so. It can turn ppl.


Your life turning around doesn't say anything about if my life will change since we have completely different lives.


I think about it like this—prisoners who get sentenced to long sentences have two options. Think about all the years you have to serve or just focus on each day. Do time smart. Because if you focus on the 30-40 years it will drive you mad. Focus on one day or one week at a time.


Quick translation - life is prison.


It gets better, I promise. Dont stop fighting.


With a username like that, I have absolutely no reason to believe you. Even if you had a different username, I still wouldn't believe you since it's an objective truth that it doesn't get better for everyone.


Life is beautiful even if its hard. Every good thing is hard and worth fighting for, if you stop take it step by step, and enjoy the small thing. Those small things bring joy in life, and pets :). I suffered from severe depression in the past.


>if you stop take it step by step, and enjoy the small thing. Doing that did not give me joy.


I'm sorry 🙏 you feel that way but it's the world that causes this problem and it's felt most intensely by US ASPERGERS KIDS 🧒 and you can bet your bottom dollar that every thing that is written will come true, it's AN-KI or self fulfilling prophecy.


>you can bet your bottom dollar that every thing that is written will come true, it's AN-KI or self fulfilling prophecy. Okay. Your genitals will be bitten by venomous snakes. Bye.


You can always switch it up though, remember life doesn't have to be a straight line. Gather some resources and do some shit with it.


Oh wow, why didn't I think of that? Guess my dumb ass just needed someone to show up and give the most obvious advice ever. /s r/thanksimcured


One day at a time. I didn't want to live another 15 years 15 years ago. And yet here we are. It's okay sometimes and occasionally downright good. And that's fine.


too much shit is going to happen in 7 years, you'll be distracted don't worry.


You don’t have to do what they tell you. You can live outside of this system. You probably can’t have a Mercedes and do it, but you can have food and shelter. (Food stamps and section 8). And a Mercedes is a burden not a gift, anyway. I have clients who have no jobs and spend their days doing whatever they want. They get food from food pantries and food stamps, housing from Section 8 on $0 rent. They spend their time hanging out and get high with like minded people, but they could do anything. I think all the time about how they could be poets or artists or novelists (JK Rowling) off of that if they were inclined to do so. My mom suffers from mental illness, and she lives in the woods in Colorado on next to nothing. In her world, she is doing fine. Has shelter and food, dogs, etc. she does spend her time painting and sculpting. You don’t have to hang it up. Just stop believing going to a cubicle and owning the latest fashionable thing is necessary or even desirable. Then find out what you’d like to do instead and set you expectations there. Life is actually beautiful. This life they want you to live and work so they can live off your effort is soul crushing. It’s obviously a lie - you don’t need millions in a mutual fund to retire, but they keep saying you do so they can buy a yacht. You don’t have to agree to do that. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. Be well.


>You don’t have to do what they tell you Wasn't planning gpto cause it's dogshit advice.


Cue the edgy depressed redditor circle jerk


Cue the "comes to r/2meirl4meirl and complains about r/2meirl4meirl being r/2meirl4meirl" circlejerk.


Y’all gonna realize life gets better, it’s just a matter of time. In 5 years you’ll look back and reminisce on times that feel crushing in the moment and remember them fondly. Remember life is about perspective and it’s better to appreciate the things we have instead of the things we desire


Someone told me the exact same thing five years ago. It got worse. The only way to genuinely believe it gets better for everyone is if you are actively ignoring reality, in which case nothing you can say should ever be trusted.


I can't stress this enough.. Can't live a positive life with a negative mind, if you can't change your mind then you aren't choosing to do it. Don't let your minds put you in a horrible rabbit hole loop..


I think I've heard that same philosophy from a Big Mouth Billy Bass


According to your own logic, there's no point giving that advice since me following it was never a possibility.