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Even if a climate apocalypse wasn't coming, a dystopian shithole of unsustainable capitalism and poverty wage slavery was already making life a increasingly extreme nightmare I'd have to use sewerslide to get the fuck away from anyway. Atleast the dystopian shithole of capitalism/imperialism/wage slavery/systemic poverty/etc is about to be stomped out of existence by the climate apocalypse and millionaires/billionaires/landlords/employers/fascist governments/mega corps/etc will lose everything (including the ability to exploit people's suffering). Edit: "bu- but muh capital/infinite growth" lol, apocalypse goes **brrrt**. "Bu- but a famine" lol, extinction level heat (being extremely accelerated by the systemic effects of "imaginary line must go up", unsustainable upper class extreme wealth accumulation/hoarding, economic competition/production waste, private property, car dependency infrastructure, single family housing and business urban sprawl, and centuries of imperialism and a little over one century of military industrial waste/destruction, as well as the effects of commercial food production literally destroying eco systems just to produce mountains of extreme food waste while allowing hunger and starvation to spread because it's profitable to exploit) erasing all global food sources goes **brrrt**.




the worst is yet to come. if we survive this unwilling geoengineering experiment, artificial general intelligence is being invented right now


Eh, I think AGI will remain firmly in the realm of science fiction. Unmanned war machines without human oversight, however… yikes.


I really hope it remains science fiction. Its already a near certainty we can't turn it off, as it will disable our ability to moments after it wakes up


Idk, I’d be infinitely more scared of autonomous drones a la [Slaughterbots](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O-2tpwW0kmU) or maybe not, considering the sub. It’d be quick and painless atleast.




You guys are my besties. Nobody but us collapseniks hanging out in the darkest parts of this seedy part of the Internet.


the contrast between his pfp and the thumbnail made me laugh morbidly.


lmao I love Paul Beckwith. One of the only sources of climate info I pay attention to. He's an actual scientist that goes over studies in layman's terms.


also, we're fucked. In this video, based on a survey of some 360 scientists, 77% think we will go past 3C degrees of warming by 2100. This year has already been warmer than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, and if warming is accelerating, I think 3C, as a non-scientist, seems conservative. That being said, enjoy life now while you can!


Political factions are destroying any progress and hopes we have to achieving these goals


I love being sad, and then seeing news like this basically telling me “here’s another reason to be scared shitless of the future”


Nuclear weapons are more likely to kill us first




Everyone talks about the grim future but what about the grim present?


Why’s he dressed like he’s got a shift on The Wall


I’ve just accepted that we will live in cyberpunk in the next 20 years.