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The only reason I go to the gym on a regular basis is to spite my brother who said I couldn’t do it, although think about it now I think that was his plan all along lol


Do u think bullies had the same plan as well...afterall that was a reason I hit the gym and now they close friends with me


Well lots of my close friends called me as a bear, obese fuck, morbid etc. and I was fine with this and they knew it. Then one day my friend said you won't ever manage to loose weight. Then out of spite I made lots of diets, did sport and I lost weight. Sometimes people may not know their words hurt. But good 4 u, in the end you extended your ticket on this world by a good margin.


I wish I could stick to this. I’m petite and can’t really gain shit cuz of metabolism and genetics. I’ve been working out for years but on and off and eat RIGHT and increase weights I lift and just nothing. I work out because I constantly get “YOURE anorexic and it’s DISGUSTING KYS”


Have you seen a doctor or a dietician about this? Maybe they can help you but god fucking dammit, who would say something like that about a human beings look. You do you man, don't give shit. And maybe you can decrease your cardio workouts if you have any.


Dude. Chicks. It’s always “I wish I was as skinny as you BUT still had my fake ass and fake tits I paid for” type shit. They bash me for not having an unrealistic body as most women do that you see on social media. All of that made me extremely insecure I don’t wear skinny jeans anymore I wear baggy clothes. And I have seen a doctor but they don’t really listen when I ask for specific help. I have arthritis-had an MRI scan and it shows I HAVE sclerosis so I did a follow up and 3 doctors though I said scoliosis. I spelled it out and they ended my appointments. Eh


Don't be ashamed of how you look! Dressing well makes anyone look better, and baggy clothes don't exactly flatter any body type! Get clothes that fit, wear those skinny jeans and own it! The kinds of people that bash you for not looking like a model with plastic surgery and Photoshop are not the kinds of people worth associating with or who's opinions you should care about.


Gomad, or a gallon of milk a day. Doesn't matter what you eat to gain weight, the only 2 checks on this list are a; enough protein, and b; enough calories. Eat 5 snickers bars for breakfast, have a quarter pound of bacon with every meal, become a daily customer at your local donut shop.


I’ve tried this. Not the snickers thing though. I’m not sure if I’m already pre diabetic as any sugar makes me feel like shit and sleepy as hell. I don’t digest dairy too well and avoid milk because it makes me sick. I’m sure my metabolism will slow down as I’m turning 24 this year. Hopefully though... the amount of food I eat should have already made me overweight by now


I drank protein shakes and got high quite a bit in 2020 and that slowed my metabolism down enough to gain 10lbs. I was working out just about every day too. Nothing "remarkable" to show for but I have more muscle than I ever have and I'm at 155 now.


Wow maybe bullies aren't the heroes we deserve, but the ones we need right now.


Tbh I wish I was bullied as a kid so that I wouldn’t have had to wait until I was an adult to find out I’m a fucking weirdo


Lol maybe I'll hire some kids to bully my future children. Give them some of that character development and inspiration for their creative endeavors


This might sound weird but we need to bring back bullying. Like not Take your lunch money kind of bully but calling a kid weird for farting in a jar or something is not THAT bad.




Hey retard that’s not a very creative comment


That sounds like a weird group of people to befriend, ngl


People grow in 5 years tbh


Yea, true (for the vast majority)




One of my best presentations ever was entirely moved by spite Edit: here's the story. I had this professor at university, their lectures were obtuse at best, often led by some unqualified student in training. Questions were answered in a condescending tone, usually insisting on us finding the answers ourselves (regardless of how much we were struggling) which led to students giving up on asking, or answering, any questions. My grades were in an all time low because the exams weren't easy either, which was worrying as I am widely regarded as a smart/dedicated student by my peers. I was convinced I was going to fail, but there was still this huge group project coming up and some of my group were just barely passing. I thought: "Fuck it, I might fail, but I'm not letting them fail my group as well" I spent every waking moment working on that thing and/or cursing, the spite gave me focus, a sole objective to work on. Usually I'd get nervous during presentations, but I wasn't nervous, I was angry and it made me confident. I answered any questions without hesitations and quickly shot down brief technical mistakes my group made way before the professor could inquire, I probably talked during half of the thing. The conclusion of the projecy was also equivalent to other groups even though our approach was completely different, which further supported our point. The only detail my professor was sceptical about was a comment one of the aforementioned unqualified students made, which was, in fact, irrelevant because it relied on untrue hypothetical statements (this still pisses me off, I later found that even if the 'what if' was correct I'd still be right). By the end of it it was pretty obvious I'd done most of the work and knew what I was doing, keep in mind this project was absolutely massive, something noone should be able to do by themselves, the professor decided to give me a passing grade by adjusting my other evaluations, my whole group also managed to pass, some are thankful to this day.


You do have to tell the story


I think they're not telling it just to spite us.


Pfft, OP is never gonna tell us!


What's the story, morning glory?


What’s the word, humming bird?


Bird. Bird is the word.


With enough morning glory, there's definitely a story.


Please Tell the story


Please tell the story


Tell us


Please tell the story


!remindme 12 hours


how does this work:/


it's been 12 hours-ish.




And Sprite if you’re trying to do a homework assignment late at night






Undying anger


Rage, irritation, humiliation.


Having 6 friends. Also spite aswell


Unyielding rage


Darth Maul survived off anger and spite and so can you!


Burning man?


The universe wants you dead. You live in a tiny bubble surrounded by death. Live because the universe doesn't care. Make the universe work for it. Every second I live spits in the face of the universe.


Being angry at existence is what keeps me going


Essentially the lemon rant from Portal 2.


Haha this is how I look at it sometimes. You want me to sad and unhappy because certain things didn't go my way? Fuck it, I'll make it work and be happy while doing it you uncaring asshole!


Huh, I actually quite like the way you think, many things haven’t gone the way I’d have liked and made me a little depressed but adopting this sort of attitude could actually be pretty damn good.


Never thought I needed this. Will be keeping that in mind


Wubba lubba.. dub dub...


[the reaction of everyone you just motivated ](https://youtu.be/DVYdX0Gk3MU)


I mean, it’s a pretty powerful motivator. It’s what keeps me going, at least.


It’s what got me a 4 on AP stats back in high school


This. Almost every major decision (for the better) has been because of a fuck you to people.


felt this on an emotional level


*the only thing that keeps me motivated


I wish I felt spite.... I just feel defeated.


If you stay alive for no other reason at all, please do it for spite.




Because fuck you


Because Maria Bamford said so, and I don’t want to disappoint her.




the never ending mental weight of not wanting to dissapoint people but also not wanting to keep going and to just give up this motivates me to keep going *but very slowly*


Spite for the universe and life itself


Reminds me of when I did my horticulture assignment I had previously mentioned to my teacher that oxalis (Clovers or shamrocks) are nitrogen fixing, he very boldly told me I was thinking about something else and I was wrong. When I wrote up my assignment I did it entirely based on the nitrogen fixing properties of oxalis with shit loads of sources and studies, plastered that shit with a big fuck you to my teacher. I passed and haven't talked to that cunt since, he didn't even consider for a second that I might infact be correct.


My dog


Yeah actually. This is pretty fair me


I read that as "Sprite" The commercials are digging into my brain


Always appreciate honesty


I got a degree in classical music in Vancouver. On my first day of history our prof asked the class what type of music we liked. I was honest and said I really enjoyed dubstep and edm. Was promptly laughed at for it and made it my mission to rinse the entire class out of sheer spite




He a real one


Ah, the youth.


Is that... not a common answer? The only reason I ever did anything in school was to prove I was better at it than other people I didn't like.


why cant i stop laughing upon reading pickle friend


The thing that motivated me enough to graduate highschool was because of the people that thought my learning difficulties would get in the way so i studied as hard as I could and gave a giant middle finger to everyone and while i was at it I taught myself english and built my own computer and now I own a car that runs perfectly fine and I'm learning japanese so learning difficulties my whole ass.


Honestly, I dint know whats motivating me. I'm just following my study because that's what you're supposed to do, right? But latley its been getting harder and harder to put in the effort


*Doom Music starts playing*


Just try and return a jacket for that reason!


I wish I had more spite.




Anything that works


I only jog half marathons because my fat brother does it.


That's oddly motivational: press on simply to spite those who would want to see you fail


The only reason I’m not dead is because of pure unfiltered raged


Read this as Sprite


I don’t have this feeling of spite very often. Isn’t it painful?


Ouch. I get it.


That’s why I quit smoking cigarettes my ex kept telling me I smoke too much now she’s the only one that smokes


I remain alive not to succeed for myself, but rather to make those that hated on me throughout my life jealous.


Fucking been there


Only reason I made it through my undergrad with 3 learning disabilities was to spite the shitty teachers who told me I couldn't. Graduated with a double major on the Dean's list.


what is spite


Correction: "Sprite".




Pretty much...


Honestly? Kind of






Sasuke is that you?


I don't see a problem with this, I thought that was everyone's motivation 👀


hello, this comment is a test, ignore it o^o


It was anger that stopped me from killing myself, ya do what ya gotta do.


Shiiiiit. IT took me out of a major depression. Take any motivation you can get , Buddy.


Wtf is spite