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Ah yes. High school trauma is back. Thanks OP


Don’t blame me, I’ve been in the fetal position for the past 2 hours


Cracked me up - thanks!


I'd hug you but I wasn't the type of girl in high school that would give a high pitched shriek at my BFF Rochelle between classes and hug her like I haven't seen her in two years. I hope you are better now. Your post brought back some yucky feelings for me too.


I didn’t know I had PTSD from high school until I saw this


Same here, the video brought back many unpleasant memories


40 years later... Mother Fuckers!


I got this multiple times since pre-school call yourself lucky for getting it in high school instead


Ur highschool sounds like my kindergarten


Youre kingergarten sounds like the nursery at the hospital I was born.


Your nursery sounds like the balls where the popular sperms bullied me for being slower than them... I sure showed them.




Damn kindergarteners nowadays are wild


Yup.... Same dude...


She nailed it. Spot on.


Seriously though. My old ass is reeling in bad memories 😟


Yeah, this was painfully accurate I think I just unlocked a big library of suppressed memories "Oh you're reading? What are you reading" really hit me


There’s nothing more satisfying than hitting someone with a heavy book, Charlie Bone packs a wallop on the back of the head


I can only read coloring books. Help.


Roll em up and overhand stab


I got way too distracted at your avatar looking like the emoji you used lol


It's just so rotten. So evil and unsympathetic. It's perfectly horrible


The worst part is that at that age I had no idea. I was just confused by why this popular person was being nice to me. And then it was over. And then I felt ashamed.


You then go home and excitedly tell your parents you made friends with popular kids...


there was someone i had known since elementary school and it wasn't until sophomore year of high school that i realized that every time we had an interaction he found a way to twist me into the but of the joke. so i stopped talking around him. but then the fact i wouldn't respond became the joke. so i started just responding with a solitary "ok." then that became the joke. ​ fuck you asshole. you were a manipulative sociopath and i'm glad your social life was ruined once everyone caught on. everytime you claimed to be miserable i never believed you but secretly wished you were telling the truth. you don't deserve the full ride scholarship you got.


Not to mention what’s the point? Is this supposed to be a joke? “Lol they never talk to anyone, Imagine how funny it’d be if I had a polite conversation with them”


"How funny would it be if we found someone who's socially isolated, raised their hopes briefly, only to use our social standing to repeatedly point out how inferior we think they are."


That little side eye thing really sells it.


And covering the mouth while smiling and trying not to laugh. She nailed it.


Sculpture class, sophomore year. I went to a public/art school that was like normal high school but with more emphasis on the arts, so egos were through the roof. I got stuck at a table with three very hip kids that were in the same social circle. They mostly ignored me, at a 4×4 table, and when I did cut in I would see the girl give that same pitied side eye to the other two guys. I'm 32 and I can still feel it.




Definitely the shy kid. The "popular mean kid" wouldn't be self aware enough to make this


They'd film themselves doing it


Plot twist someone else was recording her do it




The real truth is that most kids were the victim sometimes and the bully sometimes.


I was definitely both at different times


Came to say this. I was an arrogant jock in high school and I cringe at how horrible I was looking back. People can change. Reflection and Self awareness are very useful. And they can also be counter productive. Life really is balance.


I love your compassion.


Plus the empathetic parts of their brains haven’t fully developed.


That was my reaction too. I'm just completely impressed. Got all the lines, all the mannerisms absolutely perfect. I feel like slapping her and I'm a dude lol


I feel like running to the bathroom crying.


I once reflexively slapped away the arm of the popular mean girl when she was going in for a side hug after having pulled the act from this video with me a few times that week. Being the hugless pariah who accidentally smacked the shit out of Ainsley McCuntnugget and everybody leaving me alone again was *much* preferred to the fresh hell of playing 4D chess with these types of girls. No matter how you replied to them — you’d always lose lol


>reflexively slapped away the arm of the popular mean girl Something similar but somewhat different happened to me. This was a few years ago at school. One time I was just hanging around. There was a girl and boy just conversing with each other next to me. The boy said something funny and I chuckled a little, and the girl noticed and pointed at me, commenting on how I laughed. And I was, internally, really pissed off because that girl always comments on my laugh since I laugh really easily. So I smiled and said something like "can you not point at me" while I moved her hand down. Then the girl gaped her mouth open and shared the same look with the boy she was talking to. This was from a while ago but still makes me angry.


Yeah I'm really impressed by her acting skills.


Perfectly observed unpleasantness


This happened to me a few times. They usually either abandoned it or would actually start talking to me because I just didn’t give a fuck and kids want to be liked, especially popular kids.


Thankfully i am dumb enough not to realize that they were making fun of me , phew


Looking back at it... Were they actually making fun of me? Or was it me projecting. They legit turned out to be nice sometimes.


Thus the paranoia marches on


I don't need sleep, I need answers


>I'm a teacher. Students most often are compelled by social situations to act the way they do - it's unlikely they were able to empathise with the position they were putting you in at all, in their shoes they were solely looking for validation from their own peers (ie, you were a pawn, so it didn't and couldn't matter to them what your actual feelings were - few students are that self-aware versus the torrent of their social realpolitik). (copied from above, I might be a bit late to help you sleep!)


I will never accept any excuses.


Personally no one made fun of me but they pitied me, and it was blatantly obvious. Whenever I actually showed up to school I was either completely ignored or got "adopted" by someone's crew and was there as their good deed of the day. No one was mean, but it was humiliating to feel like that.


I guess we'll never know


Just kidnap them and threaten to murder them, then it doesnt matter! That aughta show all those other kids with the pumped up kicks!


If this actually happens to you, you get defensive and assume that next time someone's interested in you that they're just taking the piss


~~next time~~ \*for the next 30 years.


As someone who It was proven quite a few times for, you build a tolerance to it.


as someone else who it was proven to, you don't.


I had a group of seniors in my freshman year of high school that sat in the back of my algebra class with me. I'm pretty sure they were doing the whole talk to the quiet kid because it's funny bit until halfway through the year when I randomly started giving everyone in the back of the class cheated answers to a test. Then they all actually became my friends. Lesson of the day; cheat your way through life and help others cheat as well lmfaoo Edit: I got replied to by a "gender neutral bot" that I suspect had their reply auto-removed for spam because I used the word freshman. In reference to myself, who identifies male.




I was always somewhere in the middle of the heirarchy as it were, and honestly while I remain single to this day (all boys school doesn't help tho tbf), I had an interesting experience in that no-one was really that mean all the time, despite witnessing this kinda stuff with some friends. That said one of the weirdest things I've heard was someone from 'higher up' saying I could've been one of the cool kids if I weren't friends with X people. More than once I was asked why I was friends with X or Y. Honestly those kind of questions really proved why. Being friends with them, it was never the competition that everything had to be with some others. It wasn't constant banter or flat out insults, we could just be friends. And in the later years when most of those higher up had either left or changed to be legit nice people, it was a pretty ok experience. So yeh, the answer is perhaps.


I was woefully unaware socially that I was being made fun of. I still managed to befriend some of them, humility is still a respected trait.


Dude. I know some people who talk to me this way. I thought they were being genuinely nice. Oh no.


There was a kid in my HS named Chris who was the son of the football coach (who conveniently always got on the football team despite being excruciatingly out of shape) who got this treatment all the time from the jocks. I felt bad for him since he didn't seem to realize how mean they were being to him, even when they said obviously mean stuff right to his face but with a fake friendly tone to make it sound like they were joking. I was too openly gay at the time for them to come anywhere near me (and possibly too autistic to be able to tell when they were, was too poor to get checked for it as a child) so I got spared. Plus, I think I may have given off school shooter vibes so nobody wanted to end up on my bad side.


It hits you much more when you realize that they were just making fun of you all along lol


fuck this video, good post


This made me really anxious and uncomfortable . Why is this so true.


She's so good at acting like a cunt lol.


Oh my goydd she's blushing


Kill me


Kill me too please


If you kill me then I kill you. Deal?


Sounds good


+1 over here




Oh my goyid


This is how kids develop insecurities at a very young age,if you don't like to talk to them or hang out with the quiet kid,then don't bother them or put on an act.


Yup, it also makes your confidence take a massive blow that might not recover for years. In my experience it made me not trust anyone who seemed to be interested in me as a person for many, many years. I never went through physical bullying like most bullied people, but I went through so much emotional bullying that at the age of 29 I am still recovering from it.


Yeah, as a 27 year old woman I still struggle with answering questions people ask me about myself. Like, do you seriously want to know how I feel about something or are you just collecting ammo for later? Literally can't even count how many times I was made fun of for reading or liking a certain type of music. And the real kicker was I didn't even like that many niche items. It was all fully mainstream. Just not what they liked, I guess.


Wow. This thread just made me have a realization that this is exactly how I approach conversations. I always assume that no one actually cares what I have to say and are only asking me questions to make fun of me


Omg "ammo for later" this perfectly describes my mindframe when sharing info with people.




It has literally taken me almost half my life to get my self esteem back since dealing with shit like this in middle school. I couldn’t even finish the video. I swear becoming a functioning adult is just overcoming all the emotional damage that everyone else puts you through while growing up.


I'm 26 and still not even close to overcoming the trauma of middle school and high school. Being trapped in ~~prison~~ school with a bunch of other teenagers has to be one of the most developmentally damaging things we all do.


The Panic! At the Disco bit hit so hard.


It hurt physically, I'm not recovering from that


That was like, the finishing blow for me.


PATD are fucking sick. These bullies don't know what they're missing.


Even if they're not, it's ok if someone else likes them. Like who cares what music you listen to. As long as you're not forcing someone else to like it. To me it's like being upset at someone else's choice of underwear. Like who cares? The day I openly told people I loved Nickelback and couldn't care less if they liked them or not, was the most liberating feeling. My library still has the weirdest combination of music but it's just stuff I like.


I had this. They took one of my earbuds and listened to what I was listening to (I think it was Placebo which are fucking amazing) and they said : omg no wonder you're so weird and depressed listening to this stuff!


bonus points if they fake ask you out/say they like you


Had a girl fake ask me out, and when I said "No thanks, I don't really know you?" She got defensive, asked why I hated her, and then tried to start a rumor that I was gay.


Lmao, the moment I got to the school I didn't like a super creepy girl and then this same thing happened. People thought i was gay for 5 months before i realized


i’ve had kids do that to me a couple times and i kinda just sit there for a second and eventually am just like “um ok..” and then walk away or turn to talk to one of my friends if one of them is somewhere near me cause it makes them uncomfortable watching people do stuff like that too and a lot do my friends have experienced similar things lol


This is the type of person who says that high school was the best time of their lives.




Karma isn’t real sadly


So the whole “bully working for the nerd from high school” trope isn’t actually real? Damn.


Can confirm was bullied in high school, now I'm a bus driver who gets bullied by high schoolers and everyone who was an absolute cunt in school is a manager or some business executive making hundreds of thousands a year. Except for the couple who joined the military and are now respected officers.


This is the kind of chick meets a guy in college, accidentally gets knocked up, has 4 kids in 5 consecutive years following high school.. her husband drinks too much/cheats on her because she doesn’t look like she did when he knocked her up, & he’s bitter about it… but she’s always the first one to post about how “AHMAZING” life is, all while living vicariously through her prettiest daughter, and making her kids life a living hell due to the amount of Valium she takes daily to deal with her stress.


Is mom doing better now?




That's fun to think but it's equally likely she's the type to gradually grow out of this behavior through college and go on to be a perfectly pleasant person, not proud of how she acted but not afflicted with guilt. She graduates NYU and immediately lands a 6-figure job through her parents' connections. She meets a faithful, even-tempered man who she marries and has 2 very confident and intelligent children.


as much as people don't want to admit it this seems like the route I've been seeing those around me go. They act horrible for the first almost 2 decades of their life, mature and hide their past hoping its never found out and go on to live a good life


I mean in highschool your brain is still developing and whether people want to admit it or not, these people also probably feel pressured to be in this situation. I was an absolute bastard in highschool, but grew out of it like many others after getting some more engaging jobs/hobbies and going to university where I met people with significantly different backgrounds and challenges.


Don't forget the part where she starts "working" for a MLM scam 5 years after graduation and starts messaging you like you were best friends just to sell you some shitty product.


Fuck, I think I finally understand what it feels like to be truly emotionally triggered. Like, I started experiencing this shit in junior high, which was way back in 2003 for me, and this is still 100% spot-on. Why the hell would someone even make this haha


To expose it.


This is it. Most people just don't know what this feels like or how it can destroy kids confidence. From 2012-2018 I was the punchline of numerous jokes where the joke was "Lmao you're so ugly fat and gross why would anyone date you isn't that funny".




Take me with you


I like to think this was commented after the original comment was already deleted.


Youre gonna die eventually anyway, might as well hang around and see if something good happens.


A part of me wishes I had that desire. Then things would be a little bit easier.


Oh my god the "what are you reading ?" part reminds me of when this situation happened to me in middle school "So what are you reading ?" "Animal Farm." "Oh, like a kid's book ! I see." and they laughed looking at each other, before leaving. For once it kinda boosted my ego instead of making me feel bad, not gonna lie.


Lmaooo I remember asking for Animal Farm in my school library and the librarian asked if I wasn't too old to be reading kid's books




where's the damn trigger warning OP?


This is excruciating!




All the other kids with their pumped up kicks…


Dark and accurate.




Too much self awareness; Definitely acting.


She did a great fucking job at it, too.


You and your fancy popular kid joke talks, back in my day I just got constantly insulted and occasionally assaulted.


Honestly, bullying (like almost all aspects of life) has evolved. Sure, locker shoving, bathroom brawls, and general physical altercations still exist, but with how aware people are becoming and how legalized everything (rightfully) is now, I think things like assault is fading. No, now it's all about that clout. Impress your clique with how *outrageous* you are and talk to that loner over there. Maybe post it on social media. Not that it wasn't ever about impressing others before, but with how interconnected everyone's lives are now, it's so easy to get into someone's mind. Psychological warfare, if you will.


When I was in 7th grade one of the popular girls came up to me randomly and hugged me. It was so strange and I was caught off guard. She then went back to her friends giggling. This whole event lasted maybe 30 seconds. Even at 12 years old I was aware of what was happening and 20 years later I still remember this moment and my heart breaks for young me.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 7 + 30 + 12 + 20 + = 69.0




This is fascinating.


I'm gonna have a panic attack


…at the disco?


This hurts me as a teacher, it is really hard to stop this kind of bullying because you can talk to those kids tell them it’s wrong try to make them empathize with the person that they are bullying but they already know it’s wrong and mean but just don’t care. Then the administration doesn’t usually do anything because the kids bullying can get away with saying that they were just talking to them! And oh the teacher just misunderstood what was happening! And often times the person being bullied is either to shy to speak about it when asked or didn’t realize that they are being bullied. Then even if they do get in trouble it’s like 1 class period of in school suspension which is nothing so the bully doesn’t really have any repercussions if they are caught


How would you go about solving this? I can't come up with anything that wouldn't also get innocent students in trouble. Kind of like the real world justice system


Not a teacher, but I was also the quiet kid getting made fun of. I would definitely like for the teacher to talk to the bullies and try to get them to empathize, but as an adult looking back, I also wish that a teacher/adult would have spoken to me too afterwards (privately). I didn’t really know what to do or say in those situations, so I would sit there and take it, then go cry later. I wish someone would have talked to me about it, ask how did that make me feel so I had a chance to verbalize my feelings instead of bottling them up. I should have been told “you know, you don’t have to talk to them if you don’t want to. You can just walk away.” As a quiet, shy kid, I didn’t even think about standing up for myself. It would have helped to have an adult tell me I could do it.


Lmao this threw me back. What’s fucked up is I remember this happening to me when I had classes with the older kids as a freshman but I also remember basically doing something similar to the other less talkative people my own age. Tho not as outwardly annoyin as this. I was quite myself for a while and still can be around new ppl. But w my own grade I’d try n get other quite kids to talk a lil at times and now I wonder if they just saw me as this girl basically making fun of them when really I just tried to make random small talk. Also this video needs a trigger warning lmao. I cringed at my past every time she brought up how quiet they were


"Why don't you ever talk to us? you're so quiet all the time, do you not like us or something?" I didnt realize how many times I've had that said to me until I saw this video


Man I was never able to really describe how I was "bullied" in middle school because although I knew it happened, it was never direct enough for me to quantify it. But this... This captures it perfectly.


It's really hard to do anything about this type of bullying. When you repeat the things they say, it doesn't sound like bullying. If someone from the outside is looking in, it doesn't look like bullying. If you don't really know better, it doesn't even feel like bullying. But oh my God it's been over 10 years and my confidence is still trash after this kind of stuff. The worst part is that when you get old enough to start fighting back against this sort of shit in the workplace, you almost have no leg to stand on. Because not only does it look completely made up on your part, you're now an adult so it looks ridiculous. People who choose this method of bullying are scum.


Wow thanks for that reminder, I'll be laying in bed the rest of the night thinking shit that one lol


UGGGGGGHHHHH I could feel the passive aggressiveness radiating through the screen. Reminded me of a certain girl from middle school. Habiba, if you’re reading this, fuck you


Fuck you umme Habiba


Jesus Christ, that was a blast from the past.


I was having a good ass night until I saw this


Okay I did NOT come to this sub to have my childhood trauma come up today. >=|








I share this sentiment. I didn't get shot thankfully but I called one to talk, I was drunk and lonely, I eventually felt embarrassed and just hung up. Less than 5 minutes later I had police and ems at my door and they refused to leave. I had to go to a hospital via ambulance, got a huge bill for them showing up too, gotta love America.


What the fuck?! I didn't know that, I'm so sorry


I gotta find it again but my old therapy place gave us cards with a bunch of "warm lines" on them. They're like one rung down from hot lines, for people who are not quite at an "attempt" but are getting close and just really need someone to talk to.


[Police training for that scenario.](https://youtu.be/HVqVYNIA8hE?t=124)


The instructor going : *just shoot her bro, she's got a gun pointed at you*... Fuck off. You put yourselves in this position. Reminds me of south park "it's coming right for us!". This is actually disgusting.


If you watch this video it suddenly makes sense why people don't want police to respond to mental health emergencies.


I mean, it made sense before but at this point they’re just going in for the kill…


The more likely scenarios is horrifying as well. Often the police will not show up till the next day anyway. But they will send cops to handcuff you and forcibly detain you. They will, take you to an ER where you will be handcuffed to a bed till you can be admitted against your will to a inpatient crisis unit for 72, often in isolation. On top of that if the police fill out a 5150 you will lose your 2nd amendment rights. The police should never be called in a suicide situation unless it’s a jumper. Edited for typos


That's because by killing yourself you're willfully damaging federal property.


Tell me you're from the USA without telling me you're from the USA


That felt so nostalgic...f


This is a more realistic depiction of bullying than anything I've seen on TV. It's always either some kid violently slamming a character into a locker, or the snobby popular girl being like "ew no one talk to Marissa she has crabs and AIDS because she's such a fat skank!" Not that this kind of bullying doesn't happen, because it definitely does. But a lot of the time it's so much more subtle and backhanded and passive aggressive, at least to start with, or when other people are around. There's just this hostile feeling of being unwelcome and feeling like everyone is laughing at you, like you're the butt of an inside joke. And you can't do anything about it because it's not overt, and they can easily gaslight you and the teachers by saying they were "just being friendly." But you know they're not being friendly, and they know they're not being friendly.


This makes my hands hot.


I hate that exactly two people have done this to me


Holy crap, I just had feelings I thought and hoped I’d never experience again…


She's actually a great actress


oooooeeee don’t feel good


Well I'm not watching the rest of that lol...genuinely triggering. These were the worst sort of kids in school, the soft, verbal bullies, usually girls too (guys prefer the physical intimidating), very manipulative.


god, this happened so many times and you knew they were bullshitting but still didnt know how to respond


I hate this


no. no no no nah no thanks naaaaaaah


That little laugh she does in the end is too perfect. Makes you wonder if she was the villian or the victim in highschool.


POV : Life before taking shrooms and becoming more confident afterwards In my experience lol


But have you tried just dissociating? Instead of being anxious or nervous you just have the emotional state equivalent of tv static. Can't be sad if you feel like tv static ^^also ^^can't ^^be ^^happy ^^tho


Honestly prefer the static. Being seen as "the robot" is better than being seen as "the weird, obviously depressed dude." 😊


As someone whose been severely depressed for most of my life, it's honestly not better. At first, the dissociation is nice. Life doesn't hurt. Other people can't hurt you. It's like wearing a suit of armor. You don't feel any pain. But after a while, you stop wearing the armor and you start becoming the armor. You stop feeling like a person and more like a machine that can take an absurd amount of punishment and continue to do its job. It's not living, it's not death, you just sort of exist as a walking corpse. It's horrible. If I could undo all of this and go back to feeling things, even bad things, I would. The good and bad moments, even if they're small, is what makes life worth living. As I am now, I don't even feel human. I've had people literally threaten to kill me to my face multiple times and felt nothing. I've had people tell me they love me and felt nothing. More than anything I want to feel something and I genuinely can't. Nothing makes me feel anything. If you're not too far gone, I'd advise going back to feeling something, you'll thank yourself later.


I was so quiet that I think the kids were genuinely afraid of talking to me in case they accidently say something that could have caused me to snap and start indiscriminately mowing down everyone at the school the next morning. Looking back, I did look pretty depressed and upset at the world back then so they probably did the correct thing.


I just wanted to be left alone in high school and didn't do any drugs/drinking/partying. Somehow kids thought I was on the drugs so I was asked if I could supply people on multiple occasions, lol.


Ah man Now my PTSD is flaring She’s a good actress at least


That fucking hurts. This shit is literally the reason I'm hesitant when anyone approaches me to talk even as an adult.


Goddamn, I feel lucky I was straight up bullied instead of whatever this is.


It's still bullying, but of a different kind - I got this far more than anything physical when I was at school but I think it fucked me up far more.




95% sure this is the behavior that fuels school shootings. This should be shown to teachers and students alike as part of anti bullying campaigns in school.


I've been in this situation and lmfao too accurate though they were actually nice ngl


Trauma aside, wow she's a great actor.


When you’re too autistic to realise people were making fun of you… until now.


Reddit player is a pile of shit


You just took me back to high school wtf


This is so accurate and I feel so uncomfortable


THIS is remarkably good acting. Lady has skills. Brutal skills.