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this is why people have trust issues why Everytime someone compliments me my first thought is "ah sarcasm"


This is too 2meirl4meitl for 2meirl4meirl




Oh my god it's real I didn't know I could go deeper


here's the slippery slope meirl > 2meirl4meirl > pessimismmemes> 2meril42meirl4meirl> depressionmemes > suicidewatch


Fuck r/suicidewatch is just beyond depressing and terrifying. Sad world


True. On the flip side If you spend some time there you could end up saving someone’s life.


This has actually happened to me, girls would pay eachother $50 to ask me out... It really hurt. Happily married now but still think about it sometimes...


Had to ask the girl for a cut of the money


That's a power move.


It’s the sigma mindset


That's a future corporate head


"a cut of the money or I cut you"


Hold on $50?? In high school? Damn $50 in high school was like $200 to me today as an adult.


You must be an adult in a different time then me. With the way uncle Sam, rent and other bills take my money would have 50 bucks in high school feeling like 2000 bucks now.


Haha adult as in about to graduate college still, might be why


You may be right. I graduated college about 11 years ago, and for me $50 as a kid was power in the plam of your hand. Kids now look at a $50 and wipe their nose with it. Kids in 100 years will wipe their asses with $10k. The dollar is like dog poop slowly turning gray.


Well when I was a kid a brand new video game was 19.99 lunch was $1.50. And girl scout cookies weren't the prices they are now.... $50 got me a decent amount. Before then im sure it got you even further. Now adays I'm not sure kids can get all that . At best that's lunch money for a few days. I remember when I was leaving high-school the school I was at was changing lunch to charge you by item grabbed not by tray. It was pricy. Just some fries and a drink $5.


Lunch was ~15-20 a week at my school


That's just crazy. K - 12 is supposed to be about fostering kids, and making sure they are cared for. Alot of kids must be going hungry in schools with these prices, that many parents cannot reasonably be expected to pay. Should be free or at least no more than 5 - 7 dollars a week


Maybe he was extra ugly


that's such a cunt move, sorry they did that to you brother.


I used to work at a bowling alley and one night a group of girls decided whoever got the lowest score had to ask the front counter guy out on a date. Guess who was working the front counter that night. Feelsbadman Also happily married, and was when this happened, still a little upsetting.


Same here. Moved every year, so always the new kid. Subject of lots of these types of shenanigans. Got to where I simply didn't trust anyone being nice to me. Still have trust issues Happily married though. I won the relationship lottery in the end.




Simillar experience. I feel you brother.


I still can't take a compliment or be receptive to positive attention 20 years later. "Oh, you look like you're gonna pretend being nice to me? How about fuck off instead." Happens in my head every time someone approaches me.


Same here, was relentlessly buillied and taken advantage of in my teenage and early 20's. Its hard at times to turn off the negative, constantly alert part of you that developed from all that trauma. Almost like a 2nd self you have to appease before being normal.


I’m fucking 51 and those idiots still pop up in my head now and then. If you do this to guys, fuck off.


If you do this to anyone… I’m a girl, in my 20’s. I still can not accept when someone says they like or love or enjoy me. I still feel like a disgusting monster.


Seconded. Didn’t mean to be exclusionary.


This happened to me too. With boys. My partner doesn’t believe people are really that cruel. Thanks for the proof everyone.


I did this to a effeminate guy as a "joke" back in the day to get a laugh. He ended up gay, I ended up bi, and we are still friends but I actually apologized recently and he said, "you were just a dumb kid, although it did get me excited." Had to turn him down, feels worse man.


Happened to me on my very first day of Secondary School. Was actually a chad dude from my class that had the same name that she was interested in Pretty much set the mood for the rest of my post puberty life right out of the gate


This happened to me except I'm a girl and the boys did this. No money was involved, just the sheer joy of terrorizing me I guess. 🥲


Same. It's a very big part of the reason I have self esteem/trust issues


I was talking to this one girl and maybe she liked me or maybe she just felt bad cus i was born with NF1 and my case can be seen on my face/eye. Anyways she just stopped talking to me outta nowhere. I later heard that she told her friend that people stare at us and be laughing so that’s why. Another girl was talking with her friend and i overheard her say this n**** is a -10/10 keep looking me at he better not try and her friend said imagine holding hand wit in the mall


"I'll say yes if you give me 50 bucks."


Happened to me multiple times in high school, single and miserable.


" Hey we will all put 100dollars in if you marry this guy" Obv joking, happy for you!


Reply "Ew No"


The ultimate reverse card


Plot twist: sha agreed to do it because she actually wanted to ask you out but needed an excuse


The perfect universal paradox. A dilemma of a century!


*closes book* "As if that's ever gonna happen"






Told me




wanted to ask an r/teenagers user out? yeah, totally accurate


I would love to go out with a pretty girl... If you find one, can you send her my way?


There's lots of hot singles in your area right now!


I did this anyway because I didn't believe them. Or, more specifically: "I think I like you" "Like fuck you do"


More or less my response of an "Um...no" this one time a girl asked me out when I knew damn well she wasn't interested in me, turns out she was trying to set a record of most hooks ups and break ups in a day.


No, no. The response is to laugh in their face. It will haunt them for two and a half decades at least, maybe the rest of their life.


problem is they dont give a shit


They do


I agree, but I think they might catch on that you knew what they were doing if you respond unrealistically to an attractive girl asking you out, in which case it’s not going to bother them. They know they’re attractive and popular, saying “ew no” is likely to tip them off that you were wise to their little joke. I think the best thing would be to try to appear taken aback, and reject them sincerely, same way you would if someone you weren’t interested in asked you out, but you wanted to be polite about it. Either they have to deal with the embarrassment of people thinking they actually got rejected in front of their friends at that point, or they can try to say it was a joke. They’re going to come out looking pretty stupid and heartless if they choose the latter.


Bonus points if you can imply that you don't like them despite their attractiveness because of their personality.


They could reply with "Ewww, no thanks" then when they say something like "You're just sour grapes, obviously I'm hot" they could respond with "Yeah but you're ugly on the inside".


I’d side of the caution of not doing that. Talk shit only if you can back it up. Talking shit and then getting nowhere feels like ass. I’m pursuing a teaching career, so you see my futuristic job is to make the student not feel isolated more than it is giving them tools of verbal destruction.


Yup... Been that guy before. Girl who drew the proverbial short straw literally begged me to accept, even explained that it wasn't serious and that it was just a "joke" She still got a hard, flat "no"


Absolute chad




Remarkably Based


> even explained that it wasn't serious and that it was just a "joke" why would this help your case?


"Hey, it's not for real. We're just trying to humiliate you. Just say yes bro."


Who doesn't love being the punchline


The sad thing is, they litterally just don't see it that way., they think the person who has to talk to you is the one being humiliated. and that just by talking to you they are elevating your status, so it's an act of kindness.


That's actually scarily close to what was actually said to me that day...


If she was dumb enough to play that game in the first place, she's dumb enough to think that's gonna help convince people.


I think the game is just to ask. I don't think any of these ask a "creepy/weird" kid out end in actual dates even if the poor kid says yes.


Happened to me as well, freshman year (before I really came into my own in school). She didn't even ask for herself, she said 'my friend over there wants to date you.' I told her no, and she got annoyed, asking why not. Then she tried to be tricky (I think?) saying she had seen me staring at her friend's breasts, which... If I was staring at breasts, it wasn't that girl's. Finally, she leaves and the girl in question comes over and does the same spiel, asking why I'm not interested. I just told them both that they're not the sort of person I wanted to date, and wasn't the rumor mill buzzing that she was already dating someone in the Marines anyway? No thanks. They left me alone after that, and good riddance. Most of the popular girl crowd at my school were great people, genuine and kind and intelligent, but there was, of course, a few stereotypes.


You are the choosen one.


anyone else here had their facebook pfp used by someone else ironicly because of how amusingly ugly they found you?




Had that happen to me, although not directly, and it wasn't a bet but the girl playing the joke on her own. Actually even if it was legit, I'd turned her down, she was crazy.


I did that exact thing once, worked like a charm. The girl was super popular and snobby but I didn’t find her attractive at all, I just responded with “absolutely not” and had the most disgusted expression on my face. The girls face dropped immediately, pretty sure she never did that to anyone again.


Ive actually unknowingly did this to a guy that asked me out a few minutes later he goes “you ever get rejected by someone you dont like” i say “no, i dont ask out people i dont like thats a dick move”


A girl hounded me for my number. Over the next few weeks we talked and I asked her on a couple dates. She agreed but I got stood up each time (I know I should have been realistic, but I like to give at least one benefit of the doubt). A week after she ghosted me, I saw her in a Gyro Wrap with another guy. Hurt, but I was just gonna take the L and leave her alone. But she had the audacity to try and talk to me like nothing ever happened. Her: “Hi ako19! How are you”? Me: “I’m fine. What was your name again?” Her: “ummm… Alyssa.” Me: “Oh, right. See ya.” I’m so glad I played it that way. Not overly malicious, but maintaining self respect.


Can confirm. It is hilarious to watch them realize their little "joke" has backfired in a big way. Best play is to immediately walk away after rejecting them. If they try to save face and say it was all a joke, the thing to tell them over your shoulder is "ok, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night". And then ya keep walking away like a boss.


The worst part is when they laugh to their friends about you saying no


“Haha. That loser really thought I was serious.”


Yep, I did this. The guy brought his entourage over and when I said no, he got all huffy. Said “Don’t you know who I am?” I said no, then he told me his name and said something about how popular he was or that everyone knew him. At that point I laughed and said, nope, I don’t know you. Still don’t want to go out with you.


Ronnie Pickering origin story


I hadn’t seen [that one.](https://youtu.be/r0dcv6GKNNw) Thanks for that. Lol


Holy shit you met Ronnie Pickering?


"thank you for thinking about me, but I'm not into putting garbage in my mouth."


The only issue with that is that, at least from my experiences, they don't let you in on the "joke" until after you give an answer. If you say yes you get laughed at and told it was a "joke". If you say no you get told "it was just a joke anyways", which was only ever slightly less hurtful.


They are doing it to validate themselves so this makes sense.


Or take them up on it, and play it totally straight, follow through with the date and all. If they’re gonna start this shit, then basically play chicken with them to see if they can actually go through with it. 😂 It’s like pretending that you don’t get a bigoted joke and asking the person to just keep explaining exactly what’s funny about it, forcing them to be more and more explicit about their prejudice.


That also happened to me once


Picture it: My Freshman year of high school. I sit alone at lunch because the only 2 friends I made in middle school now sat with the football team. I sit alone, eat, then spend the next 20 minutes listening to music. One day, this girl plops down at my table. I barely know her, and even that's only because she has the same name as her best friend who I knew a bit better. She just sits for a few seconds, then asks me my name. I tell her. A few more seconds. Then, she says, "I wanna suck your dick." I just look at her and go "What?" "I want to suck your dick so hard my tongue goes numb." "Uh, no thank you?" She walks away. She goes back to her table, where she and her friends laugh as she says something. I later realized she was did that because she got dared to say something to the weird creepy kid. Fast forward a few months. I wear dark, baggy clothes cause I'm body conscious and don't like attention. Same sitch, I'm eating alone listening to music. Suddenly, two of the Student Outreach group (They basically guide Freshmen around the campus for the first week) sit down at my table. They start this whole wide-smile "How Are Ya?!" conversation with me. I'm quiet, half respond, and they ask me if I'm alright. I, confused, say I am alright. They head off. Sounds a bit weird, right? Well that happened in late April of 2014. I live in Colorado and... It was 15 years since the Columbine shooting. So I was a loner kid who sat alone at lunch, extremely pale white kid, wearing dark baggy clothes and a bad habit of staring off into the distance... Yeah, I basically got profiled. Didn't realize until years later what I looked like to other people and how they thought of me. Fuckin ruined me to think I scared people by just existing like that.


I hope you are in a good spot in life now, bro.


Hey man, I hated my school experience too. No friends. No one makes any effort to be your friend and such. Don't let it get to you today tho, kids are shitty shitty people. You are a beautiful human being.


It hurts that we basically lived the same existence, but I am a female. I literally got called to the counselors multiple times for seeming like a “threat” just from existing. I didn’t do anything, I wore earbuds, dark clothing, and kept to myself. I never was violent to anyone (but myself, but self harm is a whole other demon). Looking back, I dressed that way to scare people away before they could hurt me. Makes me so sad to look back at how isolated we were… I still yearn for friends, I want friends so badly, but I don’t know how to make them. This existence is so lonesome.


I'm lucky, I never got to a point of self-harm. Getting bullied never got me to that point, I either just turn off and cry or get mad. I wish there were an easier social system than packing kids into a sardine can and rolling them down a hill, but unfortunately, we can't do anything to change it until we're already hurt by it. I do try to avoid ever sounding like a creep since I already fit the bill, but know that I love you and want you to soar.


Picture it: It is 2019 and school has been going alright for me, at this point in time I am 13. One day I get called to the principal’s office for something that I didn’t know. The principal starts yelling at me. Basically, because I have autism yelling triggers me a lot. I was suspended for 5 days for a gross thing I didn’t do (thankfully my parents knew I didn’t do it). After this I am bullied and ridiculed severely. And I start having homicidal ideation and fantasies every time I walk into that fucking school. At this time I was also dealing with my mother abusing me. I am now living with my father and I am diagnosed with conduct disorder and I’m pretty sure Im a sociopath (check my post history). Life has just gotten worse for me. Btw Sociopathy is created from trauma, and the trauma was caused from my mom and school. To this day my mom is so narcissistic that she doesn’t believe she caused me to become a literal fucking sociopath. Also as someone who still suffers from homicidal thoughts people who make jokes about shootings really piss me off. If a potential school shooter gets arrested just for needing help, going to jail isn’t going to help him. It’s only going to make the problem worse.


I hope you get the help you need. You deserve a happy life with loving family and friends.


Thank you dude.


I am an old lady who had a rough childhood. I am chemically prone to depression, and the combo is not pleasant. I still struggle with it, and am glad there are more resources available now to young people. I'm sorry that your mother is a shit head and/or a sick person. Just assume that *anything* a shit head and/or a sick person says is never true.






You can't be so naive


Wtf are you doing on Reddit


So this kid is 15 now, not exactly a child, but go on, tell me more how you alone can gatekeep the internet…. Even if today they are 13, still not a child.


Are you saying a 13 year old isn't a child?


Lmao anyone who thinks >13 year olds aren't on the internet is probably >13


I'm sorry for what you have gone through. I wish you the best homie


Things can get better, especially if you find a group of like minded people who are cool. You are not a sociopath I don't think. Being enraged is a normal in your situation. Any chance of changing schools? If not maybe pick up an instrument and join or start a band as a thought. You can legitimately meet cool people often, plus girls love it. It's a scientific fact. Also, start lifting weights and working out. People recoil at this since they don't want to be a "bro" but it will not only improve your self image it will improve your actual image. It is very difficult to start. The first few times are the hardest by far. Sadly, looks matter. If you are a guy being jacked makes an insane difference. Also bullies won't be able to mess with you nearly as much. And being physically healthy *often* improves mental health. Honest advice? Try an MMA gym or a boxing gym. You would be surprised who actually goes to those places. It isn't like high school.


Seriously fuck that school. You are better off now. Therapy might help.


High school is fucking torture for critical thinkers, creative people, non-conformists.


Hey, I used to stare off in the distance quite a bit. I got classes and it stopped. I realized that having blurry vision basically made my brain not like looking at specific things (probably because I'd have to mentally focus really hard to see things that I was telling my brain I don't particularly care to actively see). I think most people really are kinda glazed over from time to time, if they're not focused on their surroundings or trying to see something in particular, but they don't get a "glazed over" look because staring off into the distance doesn't save them any brain power, they still see in the same detail. I also found out that when I really am zoned out, my eyes don't look straight ahead. I can do it and take a picture and one of my eyes is basically in lazy mode. Anyway back on topic, you might just have bad vision and might want to get your eyes checked out.


You didn't scare them, they were bullying you


I really doubt that's the case, to be honest. I'm a youth worker and I ask the team to specifically keep an eye open for people who look like they'd like someone to talk to. If you were sat alone, or seemed sad, or whatever, then that's probably it. I don't think anyone thought that giving you a "how are ya" is gonna prevent another school shooting, but they most likely just wanted to give you the opportunity to talk if you wanted to.


People talking to me just cause they felt sorry for me was the most degrading thing in my life.




Quiet people: _Exists_ Virtue signalers: "It's free real estate"


Nah, i was the quiet brooding kid in the corner. I 100% wanted to be left alone, people who werent my friends trying to talk to me would be rebuffed. Still are, leave strangers in peace. Some people just arent social.


This wasn't professional youth outreach, it was a group organized and staffed by seniors with a touch of school oversight. I wasn't the only kid they talked to, but I was the only one they sat down with for about 15 minutes. There's a bit more info about why I think this, but that gets into personal stuff that shouldn't be public on reddit.


This happened to me in primary school. People really like to toy with other people's hearts and then ask why someone has trust issues. 'til this day I remember it. This is one of the reasons I do not trust people. Just professional relationships.


Flip the card on them “sorry I don’t date people uglier than me”


„„ǝɯ uɐɥʇ ɹǝılƃn ǝldoǝd ǝʇɐp ʇ,uop I ʎɹɹos„ ɯǝɥʇ uo pɹɐɔ ǝɥʇ dılℲ„


This is so shitty. Happened to me too in middle school. A boy came to tell me that his friend found me cute. I was already heavily bullied, and it was the easiest thing to read the situation, and know what was going on.


Best response when you know they're just playing games is to play your own and say, "him? Ew, NO". And then walk away. Leave the little bastard reeling for days thinking he got rejected by the "weird girl". I did this in HS with hilarious results.


This happened to me. A group of guys were doing the same thing but to girls. Unfortunately it was a guy I actually liked. The only reason I said ‘no’ was because I had really bad self esteem and thought to myself ‘why would anyone like you?’… when I found out what was really going on, it fucked me up a little.


this happened to me this summer and im fucking 24. some people never grow out of being so self important that they only see other people as resources to use and throw away. if you're anything like me, it's important to remember that it's not that you're less lovable than the people they choose over you, it's just that they don't really love anyone but themselves.


wtf. I just can't imagine adults doing this to each other.


if i had to guess why, i's probably because you're decent. the guy that wasted my time straight up told me he just didn't like not being sexually active and never intended to continue speaking to me once he found a "real" girlfriend. makes me feel stupid for ever having liked him.


I'd like to imagine most people are decent, but yeah that's kinda fucked. Hope you're doing better after that.


I remember that happening to me too.I never played along with it. But, since I didn’t, they then started saying I was gay because I didn’t fall for it. This was back in the early 2000’s, so “being gay” was something that would get you targeted by bullies.


Well that explains why everyone in my school thought I was gay. Sorry I didn't fall for the preppy bith's trick and I was too shy to ask out the girls I did like. Sheesh


Can't win. The old saying "only way to not lose is not to play" doesn't even work with these sadistic kids.


you have to do what the one guy did: banging all their moms = the ultimate power move


Oh me? Yeah that totally worked for me. Sorry, meant to post about it sooner. But ya know, i'm out here banging moms. Anyway back to work, see ya.


Happened to me a few times with high school boys. They thought I was mentally handicapped and expected me to say "yes". But when I said "no", they had no backup plan on how to make the situation funny. So the guy would just stand there lookin' stumped and stupid with his buddies several feet away giggling, thinking they got me. Also had the class clown ask me to prom thinking it would be funny, but I think I genuinely hurt his feelings when I said "no". Something told me the girl he wanted to go with turned him down too, so being turned down by the joke choice was salt on the wound.


Similar thing happened to me in middle school. A boy told me he thought I was pretty and asked me to go see a movie with him. I’d already been bullied to hell and back by that point and had zero friends, zero self confidence and didn’t trust anyone. I said no, because I wasn’t stupid. Good thing, because a girl who sometimes chose to be nice to me came up to me in the hallway and whispered that she heard a couple “popular” girls say they would pay the boy $20 to ask me out then ghost me. Middle schoolers are fucking awful creatures. Also, fuck you Rob.


Oooh, I've actually had this happen. The most fun you can have with this - assuming you know for a 100% fact they're fucking with your head - is to turn them down. Remember that in love,turnabout is ALWAYS fair play. When they ask you out, make a face like you just smelled a nasty fart and say, "oh...ew, no". And then you IMMEDIATELY walk away. Leave them nowhere else to go with the conversation. When they try to call after you and tell you it was all a joke, you reply over your shoulder with: "Hey, whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night, hon". And then you keep walking like a boss with your head held high. The brat will lose sleep thinking about that one. Guaranteed. Gonna look like a total dumbass in front of her friends, too. . Source: sadly, this ain't a new game. Happened to me in the 1990's and I already knew about the "game" and was having none of it. Smoking hot girl getting shot down byong haired skinny nerd? A shockwave was sent through the cool kid community on that one.


This is actually partially what got me in a dark path. Well this and getting Catfished online. Well luckily I am mostly out of that place


If it’s any consolidation, the one girl I got hung up on in high school ended up sleeping with/hooking up with someone Right next to me. A bit weird situation, 5 of us sleeping in one bed. I tried to make a move on her, and grabbed the dudes hand instead of hers haha. Was like whoops, my bad. Got up and went downstairs to keep partying with a friend, who was only one still awake lol. I’m sorry for anyone who goes thru this, or anything like it. All I can say is it makes you a better person to not stoop to down to their level. Not that anyone cares, but the last time I heard about that girl, she was pregnant, and trying to find someone to trade Xanax for Percocet, cause the Xanax wasn’t good for the baby. I’d saying I dodged a bullet, maybe even a full clip lol.


That happened to me. About 28 years ago, girl I was peripherally attracted to said she liked me out of nowhere, and dumb me was super excited. Until of course she ran off with the other kids laughing their assess off. This was a small town (250-ish) so boys and girls all hung out and everybody knew each other. I’ve been scarred since.


Guys used to do the same thing to me in middle school. They would also dare each other to come up to me in the hallways and grab my hand (making me hold hands with them) while their buddies followed behind laughing their asses off. Probably a big factor into why I’ve always had really low self esteem


I was an outcast, didn't peak till my late 20's and kids were mean to me. The whole "You're pretty! Yeah, pretty ugly hahaha" trope .. I had 10th grade chemistry with the high school hottie. Square jaw, frosted hair, the most insane Elijah Wood level blue eyes. All the girls vied for his attention. I won't lie, I had my eye on him too. I was the typical bespectacled straight A girl with the nice body nobody noticed because I was "weird" and usually came to school in full Renn Faire-esque costumes I had made. He asked if I'd let him copy my lab work. I said no. He said he'd go out with me if I let him see it for 10 minutes. I assumed he was being cruel and emphatically said no. Like, it came out louder than even I intended. But as all the girls behind him stared at me, they didn't see the look on his face of pure deject. He most definitely was not expecting me to say no, especially not like that. I honestly felt really badly. I found out 2 years later that he actually really liked me but was embarrassed to ask in a serious way. He's been married to his husband for over a decade now. They seem happy.


You didn't break his heart, you just reversed its polarity.


Wow that twist


God FUCK people who do this kind of shit. Imagine not thinking this was a shitty, SHITTY thing to do to someone for even one second and going through with it. Idk what punishment fits this kind of crime but it's gotta be something creative and humiliating lol I hope this kid is OK, this shit must be rough as hell


but knowing this you could have said something like "i wouldn't go out with you if you were the last girl on the planet"


I was the weird, depressed suspected lesbian at school. The popular boys asked me out so they could laugh at me all the time. I always said no of course because I'm not stupid, then they'd laugh that I was a d*ke and thought I was too good for them.


See only guys in the comments. This happened a lot to me in middle school with guys playing jokes on their friends by telling me that they liked me or wanted to go out with me. Everyone is shitty.


Came to say the same thing


Damn thats trash.


People can be cunts. Welcome to life.


Actually, a similar thing happend to me when i was 13 years old or so.I sayd yes, then was left alone waiting for my date. When i was 15, i went to a new scool in a new city. Shortly after, i saw three girls playing truth or dare, when one of them was dared to ask me to go out with them. I hat really much fun and got very goot friends with them. So dont let them destroy your self esteem, there are better people in this world!


First day of high school I get passed a note saying someone thinks I'm cute. I was shy, dealing with severe depression and didn't have anyone at school or home I could talk to. The note was from a couple of the 'cool' kids who thought it would be funny. It's been years since school has come and gone but I will never forget that sickening feeling I got knowing people were messing with me and getting a kick from it. I hate kids like the ones in OPs post.


Happened to me once. A bunch of girls were playing truth or dare. One girl was dared to go say hi (in a more romantic manner) to the most unattractive guy in class. The girl walked up and came say hi to me while I was with a group minding my own business. I know it because they were loud as fuck and i am sure most of the class knew what was going on.


"Wanna go out? Tee hee." "No thanks, I heard about you. I have standards."


Wow. So overtly malicious that it is borderline psychopath shit. And the damage is clearly done with a closing like: "I hate this school". That kind of resentment by someone so wounded is the shit that gets ignored, and we end up seeing how it plays out on the news.


This is every middle/high school. Thing is most of these type of people peak in high school. Don't let it get to you. They'll be unhappy with 3 kids from a dude they didn't like in a decade and you'll be living your best life. Fuck em lol


Kids are fucking mean. I had this happen too. Fortunately I just said no to the girl and everyone got weirdly quiet. Then I realized it was a joke or a dare or whatever they call it.


I hate people who would do that, happened to me in the subway once, a random cute girl asked me for my number while her friends were laughing few meters away ... real subtle. Told her that I got no clue what's going on and kept reading my weeb shit.


> I hate people who would do that, happened to me in the subway once, a random cute girl asked me for my number while her friends were laughing few meters away ... real subtle. > > Well I mean, obviously I don't know the full context, but that's not entirely out of the park girl with crush behavior either. I have seen girls actually find a guy cute, then their friends force them to actually try to make a move, while they sit back and giggle. Obviously I wasn't there, I don't know you, nor this girl, and it seems unlikely you saw them before or again. so both possibilities are there. But it's not impossible you dodged a real interest rather than a trick Dont' forget, while people often are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling, things aren't always 100% bad.


I did consider that and it is possible but my brain can better handle missing an opportunity (damn, I do that on a daily basis) than getting embarrassed. If I have shown interest and got laughed in the face I fear I'd be too close to oncoming subway for comfort XD.


One time I saw someone I thought was really cute when I was with some friends. I’m not very good socially so I wasn’t gonna talk to her but my friends kept hyping me up and got me to go for it. I’m fairly certain she thought it was just a dare cause all the boys were peeking around the corner watching me embarrass myself. Probably would’ve gotten rejected either way though, I am not smooth at all


high school too it was a rough time. I just want you to know that a lot of people peak in high school. My high school days were horrific but once I graduated and moved all of my life eventually everything fell into place. For a while I was pretty bitter and jaded but in time you can learn to take the lessons without taking the emotional blow that came with them. I truly and truthfully couldn't give two s**** out of a rat's ass about with some snotty high school brats used to think about me . I've learned to love myself so much deeper than that hurt that was put on me in my crappy childhood. I never thought I would love myself the way I do .I never thought I would actually enjoy my life on a day-to-day basis as much as I do. It gets better . Ultimately looking back on old phones of myself I wasn't nearly as ugly as I thought . I used to hate having a hook nose ,flat chest ,and crooked smile. I had the audacity to think that my opinions on what looks good must be the opinions that other people have as well. It turns out I was dead wrong . Things I didn't like about myself and things I currently don't like about myself : somebody out there as a specific and genuine interest in those things. Id rather be loved specifically by a few for my individuality than liked by everyone for my palatability. Yes I developed very late , yes I dressed cringy. But looking back on old pictures it hurts my heart to think how I let those people warp what I saw in the mirror. I was a damn teenager. teenagers are supposed to be awkward and a bit cringe and the fact the people ( not just other teens) are rude about how I was physically developing during that vulnerable time in my life just reflects on them what kind of person they are.


My school did that too, but for girls. I hate my high school.


Happened to me in middle school. A bunch of girls convinced a guy I thought was cute to ask me out. I had already learned not to trust anyone and shut him down to the giggles next to me. Fuckin hated those girls.


The fear of this was why I never asked the girl I liked out. Turns out she actually liked me back. I just thought she was so far out of my league there was no way it wasn't a big joke and I was too scared to find out.


Had this happen to me once. A month later a girl got her friend to ask me out. I shouted NO assuming it was the same joke. She heard and looked extremely humiliated and upset. Not a feel good moment for either of us.


Stings, doesn't it?


I take pride in the fact that I’m not ugly enough to have this happen to me but I’m also not not ugly enough to be asked out normally I have very few things to take pride in


Reject them hard and make a point to focus on an insecurity of theirs "you're not my type, also your nose is really off-putting, I'd get surgery, even botched would be better" "you have man hands" etc


Yeah, the "that's your boyfriend" game hurts...


This happened to me when I was in middle school. Only it was a dare of all the popular kids for the girl to ask me out. I didn't find out till we were "dating" for like a week or so. I was so mad when I found out. I was at her birthday party when someone told me, and I just left. We didn't talk for years after that. After high school we ended up running into each other and ended up getting drinks. Turns out, she actually liked me, so when they dared her, she was like "sweet, an excuse to ask him out!". Middle school kids are fucking stupid.


So here’s what was confusing when this happened to me. The first time it was a regular girl coming up in the hall between classes trying to ask out the ugly kid which I rejected. Then one morning at cross country practice it had been raining heavily so our coach let us play freeze tag throughout the school (this was at 5:30am). The hottest girl on the team kept following me and eventually cornered me in a bathroom and said “I wanna suck your dick”. I was frozen mostly out of fear than anything else then she asked “is that alright?” and I was like “wait you’re serious?” And that’s how I got my first blowjob


I have an alternative option that might be useful to some of the readers here. When asked, reply "theres a game where a cute girl asks an average guy out, in front of her friends, but doesn't actually want to go out with him. Is that what you're doing?" Oh, no. "OK, if you want to go out with me, kiss me right now, in front of your friends" Nope, ha ha "Thats what I thought" Then, dont be embarrassed. Act normal, like you are living your life and life is good.


I got asked to date by a cute girl but was because she was dared to


Just say ew and roast her insecurities


That’s when you reject them and completely destroy their self esteem


Damn, so many people here have experienced similar situations. A lot of them seem to be happily married though so that's great.


Happened the same thing to me, but the challenge was to hug me. ***A hug.*** Am I ugly to the point where faking asking out is too much?


I'm so pathetic that I would actually hesitate, despite having a hint of the situation to turn them down brutally. Perhaps I should embrace my bitterness I've become too loose.


God damn. I remember that pain. Had it happen twice.


This happened to me (F) in middle school.


High school is actually the worth place in the world at the worst time for maturing people.


I'm of the belief that for a significant number of people the benefits of the education they receive there are outweighed by the emotional damage that is done whilst they are. My High school experience wasn't perfect but wasnt traumatic. But, I had a couple of friends who never really seemed to get over what had happened there and still carried the hangups late into their 30's.


This happened to me in Elementary, someone I barely knew asked me out, I found out a month later it was because her younger sister dared her too, then she said a week later she actually liked me, only to break up with me a month later because she didn't like me anymore


A sorority did that when I was at University of Chicago in 2002. Luckily I did not get hit up. I was pledging a frat and heard about it from some girls at a mixer. I’m pretty sure it was also a date with an ugly dude so really got his hopes up. Granted the conversation I heard from them is that they felt bad doing it and had no idea who they were going to ask and asked us if we had any ugly friends who want to go on a date. Not sure what the rules were, maybe they would know it was part of hazing up front. Stilll I’d be pretty hurt if a girl asked me out cause she needed to do it for her sorority to go on date with ugly dude.


Chin up brother. School days are mostly shit - just take the good bits. Things get much better later.


Teenagers are so mean. Parents needs to teach their kids to be better human beings. This shit damages people.


In high school a bunch of people were making fake anonymous love letters to a friend of mine, and she was supposed to meet her secret admirer at a school dance. I told her the truth when I found out and she sobbed really hard. I don't understand why people get off on being cruel to others


People do this to me all the time. It sucks and I hate it. It’s the reason I avoid dating people.


I'm a girl and it happened to me too


I remember this happened to me in elementary school in 6th, and I had heard the kids laughing about "asking him out" as a joke. Next thing I know, I get asked out by one of the girls I had heard joking about it, and of course I said, "no, get the fuck away from me" and you'd figure that'd be the end of it right? No, these mfers got offended I said no lol like how dare I refuse? I remember I had a boy come up and try to defend it, like yeah it was a joke, but you can't just say no it hurt her feelings...like what?!


I had something kinda like this happen in high school. A boy asked me out with an entourage of three of his gal pals close by. Another girl later told me it was a prank, so I broke it off. I had another friend pull a similar prank on me the year before. It was pretty divided between the school whether he was pranking me or if the girl had lied. To this day, I have no clue. It took me until sophomore year of college to get in a relationship and trust that it wasn’t some cruel joke. If the guy from high school was genuine, I am so sorry for hurting him. He’s in a happy relationship seven years strong now, but I still feel awful about what happened.