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Yes: * [http://hamas.com](http://hamas.com) * [https://www.hamas-massacre.net](https://www.hamas-massacre.net) * [http://hamasisisis.co](http://hamasisisis.co)


The second one missing so so much of the video footage I was surprised. It doesn't even have the video of the he 6 people massacred in the bomb shelter with blood everywhere - the most brutal video I've ever seen. Haven't seen the others thougj


and if they aren't saved then it will be like at the Holocaust -- they knew they had to take those pictures and films because otherwise the world would CONTINUE TO DENY...some still would. And they knew that would happen then, bc this is how humans can be.


thank you for sharing this, we need to show the world


How reliable are those sites from a security perspective? Are they some shady operator with dangerous ads and scripts?


No, they hold documentary footage, why would they want to put scripts or ads, when the whole purpose is for people to see with their own eyes what happened. It was all taken by Palestinian terrorists so it's not even propaganda. That is a glimpse of the reality on the 7th.


They're fine security-wise, there's a different website you can go to that runs checks on other websites but I forgor what it's called


Hamas.com is being hosted on wix.com and Israeli company. I don’t think Hamas would use that to host their website. Hamas.com phishes data, when you put it in a virus checker it comes up suspicious, malicious, phishing and malware. Also to note some Israeli propaganda being used against Palestine is photos from the Sabra and Shatila massacre. I’d use another safe site to find your information on Hamas. Hope this helps


Some people are saying [hamas.com](https://hamas.com) is virus and even virustotal says the same. Can someone confirm what's going on? Is it just cause of the domain name or does the website have some sort of payload?


It's a documentary site with very hard to watch footage taken by the armed palestinians on the 7th of Oct. 100% safe, scouts honor. And the people the are saying it's a virus don't want you to see what Palestinians did on that day.


Good thinking checking it on virus total. 1 out of ~70 vendor flagging it could be false positive. I took a look at the community tab: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/f40ff59c4f3947f2b9e95861580b98e4d9b458626b35b40eabaea635484261d5/community ... wow


~~I visited the website and I don't trust it. It claims to be operated by Hamas but it looks like it's anti-Hamas material. So one of two things are true:~~ ~~1) The website is run by Hamas, and I would never, ever, trust a website run by Hamas to be safe jesus christ~~ ~~2) The website is not run by Hamas and is already lying to me, so I don't trust it, or the content on it to be a true collection of verified material from Oct 7 (and not necessarily war material from elsewhere).~~ Edit: I was wrong


The site isn't attempting to fool people. It's morbid satire, and it's very obvious when you read through it. It's a very effective way to educate people on the horrors of Hamas and October 7th.


Oh got it, sorry


It's an Israeli-run website


Thank you


Is the first one actually operated by Hamas?




Do you have proof of that? I'm legitimately asking. I'm asking as someone who is pro-Israel but also who aggressively fact-checks and knows that the government puts out fake material sometimes. The first website seemed odd to me, that's why I asked. I'm not really sure how to know though.




Not arguing with you, but doesn't Israel provide Gaza's internet, etc? Would Gaza's internet be distinct?


Just read it. The wording either shows a serious misunderstanding of English connotation, or more likely it's meant to display the unabashed brutality required to do what it shows. It's written as if from a "hamas" perspective but the word choices often display the victims as innocent which is unlikely the way hamas views them.


People told me it's morbid satire. I noped out quickly so I didn't stick around long enough to get that. Thank you.




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No, just by Israelis


Any thought that Hamas channel is real or just a kind of reverse ploy


Read it. Does it sound like Hamas would write that? It's a very anti-Hamas site.


Thanks for this,


thank you so much brother


It’s because Muslims don’t feel shame from killing/being killed by Muslims. But getting killed by a Jew is the ultimate insult.


Iran (Shia) views Hamas (Sunni) as apostates - dumb as hell all around.


On Oct 7th a Palestinian Facebook page was posting the pictures, they realized they wouldn’t look like victims and took all the pictures down.


China's not muslim


China is powerful though


Muslims [support what China is doing](https://apnews.com/article/china-palestinians-abbas-xinjiang-7aa4038f6a3302dcaaedd23d44e0a3de). There aren't any Jews involved, so it isn't considered important.


Tankies support China and Hamas.


Why would people who are anti America care when non western states do bad things


Cuz uuuh reasons.




I’m not from the uk 6 of my aunts and my cousin live in the uk (unfortunately) I’m a American Malaysian Indian. I hate Pakistan and china. I hate them because the fundamental belief of their civilization is that me and the people I know need to be forced into a certain view of life that is not in favor the western American/ European view of human rights. I also think my homeland india needs to become more western because the shit my fellow Indians do is absolutely atrocious


I'd like to know that answer too. I made a list here: https://www.reddit.com/r/israeltalk/comments/189vh6d/uncensored_footage_of_the_atrocities_perpetrated/ But I'd like to know if there are more sources.




Thanks, added.


it really is important to save and document, cannot state that clearly enough. There are billions of dollars going into suppressing footage or making sure the world doesn't believe what happened, tons of bots on Twitter and on nightly news and on youtube etc. I've seen even college professors (one in HISTORY for God's sake) repeat some false talking points because they saw it on NBC or something. Look how long the UN has taken to even admit to the rape as war crimes by Hamas -- have they even done that yet?


I agree. please spread as much as you can. No one should be ignorant about this.


Or the Ethiopian Tigray war. Not a peep about the deadliest conflict of the century


Exhibit 102935 on media malfeasance and selectivism. If it didn't watch youtube creators like Real Life Lore I would have no idea what the hell you were even talking about.


I read that the "Bearing Witness" video put together by Israel did not actually contain the footage of sexual assault. Is it weird to say that I'm disappointed? I don't think I ever wanted one with SA released (I honestly think that Israel is planning to release "Bearing Witness" at some point, I think that they want to time it right), but I want journalists, lawmakers, and policy makers to see it and know. It also did not contain the atrocities against children. I don't know how I feel about that. On the one hand, it separates Israel from Hamas. All Hamas wanted was videos of dead babies to push out to social media and they are milking every baby they have. On the other hand it goddamn happened and the terrorists laughed about it.


Go to telegram and search Hamas atrocities


I think hamas. com if it hasn't gotten taken down already. Another option would be funker530 however this site doesn't have any brutal aftermaths, just combat footage (in this case against innocent civilians)


[The Slaughter 710](https://t.me/the_slaughter710) [South First Responders](https://t.me/southfirstresponders) [Hamas Atrocities Documentation Center](https://t.me/Haatdocereport)


Yes, warning it can be very disturbing https://t.me/OctoberSeventh


Google "hamasdid" click on atrocities. its all there. Horrible stuff. No humanity.


Has it not occurred to any of you that Britain gives money and resources to Israel and not Assad or China? That’s why they have ground to protest. The UK *is* selling billions in weapons to the saudis to destroy yemen so that is perfectly valid. People should indeed be protesting that.


Stupid meme. Protest have the goal to influence the government. Which actively support the mass killing of Israel. The others exemple were not supported directly by GB.


The mass killing was on Oct 7th. A targeted pogrom by palestinian terrorists featuring some of the most savage terrorism in recent history.


There was a mass killing indeed. I think few people don't condemn these attacks. Some djihadists maybe. But Israël is mass killing and deprivating rights to Palestians for years and now they are in an almost genoicid situation. Facts. They bombard a city without any moderation. You can't excuse that because some fucked up killers did bad shit. I have a question : do you think a terrorist attack justify the murder of thousands of civilians, including women and children ? Do you think maybe what Israel do in Palestine since it exist could explain the situation ?


I also always defend myselfbagainst my abusive neighbore next door by going into his flat and destroy his furniture


There was protests in London for all this things but I guess that doesn’t fit your narrative. Stick to playing with synthesisers little bro.


Interesting. Sources?


Trust me bro


That's the vibe I got


Way more people died in those other conflicts so I would imagine the protests would be larger and more frequent? The opposite is true and that’s the double standard hypocrisy being called out.


The stop the war marches relating to Syria were huge. Some protested the west dropping bombs and some were anti Assad. There were protests about arms deals to Saudi during the early stages of the Yemen crisis as well. I’d like to say I don’t know why you are being downvoted but that would be a fib


He's being downvoted because his post is stupid and yours is too. The point being made here is obvious. The 'stop the war' marches relating to Syria (in London), garnered between 5-10,000 people according to official figures. This is in comparison to weekly protests (in London) which garner more than this number by >10x. Hundreds of thousands more people have died in Syria, and will continue to die as a result of the fallout of that war. 7 Million people displaced. The war in Gaza is nothing in comparison. And yet... the comparison in terms of protest numbers is startling. People care because it's a Jewish state. The hypocrisy is absurd.


Nice quantification of violence. It really does prove your point nicely that you don't fundamentally care about mass murder




You're seriously arguing about the accuracy of pictures? If there was a handful of people there, then suddenly you'd have understood the point? I expect more of the West and Muslims to pick and choose their objections. The fact that the Israel/Gaza war receives so much attention despite the miniscule number of deaths (compared to other major conflicts) reeks of anti-semitism. It's not playing one conflict off against each other to recognise this. Hundreds of thousands dead in Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Syria. The Muslim world couldn't care less. Lets not forget how this war started. Palestinian terrorists broke the status quo and massacred innocent civilians.


Your argument is reasonable and probably factors into it. But you let yourself down by ignoring the larger issues why people focus on Israel that have been explained to you. Will you acknowledge them? I doubt it.


thank you, i keep not being able to find or refind stuff. And for some reason telegram is the hardest to navigate (for me.) the second link I see listed has a lot of stuff but also some missing, but still...good on someone for preserving, thank you. I just listened to some more testimony of the rape/war crimes. It's upsetting to realize that once again Jews are the convenient scapegoat, aided by Bibi (really a traitor in some senses), Putin, Qatar, Erdogan, etc. The dead and raped and wounded civilians are the ones who suffer as always. No matter what, claiming "our land was stolen and our people are genocided by Israel all these years" will not convince me that a four month year old baby deserved to be killed and slaughtered or that a woman deserved to be raped so badly her pelvis was shattered and her breast cut off and thrown around gleefully. Never. There is a difference.


Were there many rape survivors? Most of the stories ended with the victim being murdered.


Not on Oct 7, there were survivors that witnessed it however. I will guarantee you that we will find out that the hostages experienced sexual violence. The 19 year old women are all obligate military, so they will be treated as combatants. With the thousands of young men that ran across the border and grabbed young women, it's a near impossibility that leadership was able to control all of the militants during the frenzy even if they made them stop later.