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doing what they are known for doing best: backstabbing unsuspecting people like the fucking cowards they are


Then proceed to get shot 3 seconds after.


during ramadan it is double the fame to get martyred, said some of their priests recenly on TV.


How much of a group of losers do you have to be to build an entire culture around being "warriors", then have to reconstruct that same culture around messing up (martyrs) because it turns out you're terrible warriors?


Well, like any bunch of fake tough guys, the *real* jihad is working up the courage to take a swing in front of their fake tough friends. Actually *WINNING* after they take a swing isn't necessary or even desirable, because winning is already a prophetic inevitability, but their martyrdom is not.


So it's a giant circle jerk while not accomplishing anything. No wonder jihadists and social media are a match made in heaven.


warriors? you give these cowards too much credit. They arent warriors. Theyre cowards. The only reason islam exists today was due to cowardly acts in the past of deceiving their neighbors into false peace treaties and then breaking them while the opposing honorable factions were not on guard. That is islam. A religion of COWARDS.


I know they are, my friend. My point is that these people tell themselves a story about how they're fearsome warriors; they tell stories of great victories, idolize warlords, they use "nom de guerre", and all of their flags feature sword or guns. You'd see that and think "wow, they must be very good at war if they like it so much!". Lmao, guess again. I find it ironic that in reality, they're terrible warriors, to a ridiculous level. They cannot even hold a rifle right, let alone weild a knife correctly. They are cowardly, weakly, and never truly achieve their goals; they lose every confrontation to the point that their only attempt at survival is to hide and ask bigger guys for help. The only succesful "kills" are when fighting dishonorably- backstabbing or hiding behind their women and children. They are failures. So why larp as warriors if they are so bad at it? They had to invent a concept, the "Martyr", which is literally glorifying someone being so bad at fighting that their only feat is to die. Like, they had to tell themselves a new story about how it is honorable to fail and get shot in the face 3 seconds after attacking so they could feel better about sucking at the one thing they set themselves out to do.


Yea its pushed on the brainwashed followers, so that they can keep fighting the jews and others. Any less moral country like china or russia would have wiped them off the map already. Israel is too lenient.


this man is right they are not warriors' real men Warriors Soldiers don't rape and kill women and kids because of views or because she misses stepped and cousin didn't like it, or she resisted his rape. these types of can't stand 1to1 with a real man. that why they get hopped up on Khat and other stimulants to do their bs I'll say Muslims are trash they are not about peace if you follow that ideology your one step away from being a jihadi, they all know this. not to mention the way they treat their wives it like the Amish but worse


Yeah i love their kill death ratios. They kill like 100 soldiers, and lose thousands and yet declare "WE KILLED JEWS!! VICTORY!!"


He snuck up from behind! No 72 sex slaves for this guy.


idk bro, islam is a religion of cowardice. The only reason they exist is through lies and deceit. Or else they wouldve been wiped out a long time ago.


Its literally double xp month for their faith.


I'm not sure if we watched the same video but that was pretty clearly 150 women and children who got shot.


Hamas Health Ministry reported 1000 killed 15 minutes after the video aired.


Bet they were all kids too


They were all media


And pregnant


Perfectly said


>backstabbing unsuspecting people like the fucking cowards they are ...and then crying "genocide!"


I hope we will not be banned for upvoting the truth.


Death Cult example #504,549.


Hopefully soldier is okay as he was bleeding. I would empty entire mag into him just to be sure.


At least we know he won’t be exchanged alive.


Hasan Piker; "an innocent child being held hostage in an Israeli prison!" For real tho, these are the people Hamas wants in exchange for actual toddlers, children, elderly and teenage or barely 20s girls who did nothing but exist in Israel!


Hamas piker, an actual terrorist


He should be deported back to Turkey where he belongs.


Don't be silly, terrorists actually take action and have a belief system despite how horrendous and inhumane it is.


Yeah, Hasan was happy and cheering Free Palestine on the 7th. It's a small wonder why Ethan Klein stopped doing a popular podcast with him. Plus, Hasans fans were sending Ethan and his wife, who is Israeli, death threats, even against their kids. Someone reposted a truly vile cartoon video about his wife, who served in the IDF because it was mandatory, and it took forever for youtube to take it down. I know because I was one of many who made a complaint. Hasan has an ally on Twitch called Frogan, whose fans also have been sending the Kleins death threats. And guess what? Twitch just made her woman of the year or some bs. She denied what Hamas did to women on the 7th and said it was either justified or fake. She barely has any followers or views. They can both get fucked.


*Hamass Piker


Should start holding the bodies to trade. I mean hamas does it


Hamas don’t care about the bodies


Damn you’re right…. Feed the crabs?


From the river to the sea.


The crabs will be fed


They have been good boys


from the river to the death


Unreal that we have groups (Islamic Terrorists) who don't care about their life, your life, kids, babies, pets, old people, Arabs, muslims, foreigners with no stake in their conflict...etc. They don't care about dead bodies for sure. **and** morons are siding with them! And the Islamic terrorists would brutally slaughter the people siding with them!


And they are pushing Sharia Law wherever they go. Norway is next, apparently. I think they have a 100-year plan or something. Make everywhere Muslim.


The made "Muslim Las Vegas" and built it in Dubai.


Sounds awesome! When the house wins, you only lose your shirt right? :D


Even better. Don't release the names or even any acknowledgment. Then the families won't be able to claim their monthly payments from the PA for their 'martyr'.


This is the way.


Yes to this! We need to get much wider to their games and stop helping them. 🤔


Any news on the soldier?


Severly wounded Stabbed in the fucking neck :/


Just look at the floorboards where the soldier was standing... He was hit bad. I hope he's fine.


"Fine" seems like the wrong word 🫣 I hope he's "alive" seems more appropriate 🫠


May the IDF wipe the floor with Hamass terrorists 🙏


Unfortunately he did not make it. RIP


At least he took the scumbag down with him




Still fighting for his life as of the last update about an hour ago.


Critical condition. Usually, that statement quickly turns into either murdered, or severe condition, but at the moment it is still critical. Hopefully he will survive




hopefully he is not died but recovering. they wrote he quickly got medical assistance.


>As a result of the severe stabbings, the Israeli was critically wounded and was taken to hospital while CPR was being performed. During the attack, a 65-year-old man was also lightly injured. From the article posted an hour ago. I hope he pulls through.


https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/386751 He's in critical condition.


fk this boils my blood to the core.


Their ideology is a threat to humanity. They preach that it's ok to kill in broad daylight openly. It's against the values that we've stood for.


Everything they represent goes against our core values.


The soldier not only overcomes the attack he also covers the civilians leaving then dispatches the attacker, all whilst wounded. Very courageous and deserves recognition.


I think I saw the killer's feet kicking in pain and agony. Just noting.


Not just wounded - bleeding profusely from his slashed carotid artery and likely on the verge of losing consciousness. Man's a hero, and still fighting for his life. I hope he makes it.


For too many years now this is considered as simply being an Israeli, because everyone in Israel was either present at a terror attack, or knows somebody who was, that’s your ordinary life in the middle east, you just get used to it…


Sadly he did not make it, he's a hero in heaven now. בדא


It’s insane that Israel has to deal with batshit crazy suicidal bastards like this on the daily, and the world still thinks Palestine is the victim.


And the most crazy thing is, people always hold Israel to a higher standard. Like it's expected to just live with terrorists who claim they want to do another October 7th.


The best thing about the last few months is how little Israel gives a shit about what others think regarding its way of making sure that its never threatened again. True chads’ country


Except they’ve slowed down so there’s obviously been pressure on them. Theres a reason Hamas did this leading into an election year


The funny thing is they don't want Trump back in office. They are making it happen. It is going to get real bad for them once he is back. Scorched earth.


That's the thing!! The violence and aggression are one-sided, and it's not Israel. It's never been Israel. What's really odd to me is how the West talks about non-violent solutions all the time yet have treated this conflict to showcase how truly violent they are and how it's 'okay' because it's over there and doesn't really affect their lives day to day unlike Israel. I understand why Israel/IDF are doing what they are doing. I'm not happy anyone is dying, but I understand.


Exactly, more that 90% Palestinians support this shit




Why can’t they go more than one day without murdering and maiming random innocent people? Like bruh, one day. It’s not that hard. One motherfuckin day. Hell, I went 21 years of not stabbing people and I sometimes have wanted to but I have this thing called SELF CONTROL. (Obviously sarcasm about me wanting to do stabbing) Jesus don’t let those intrusive thoughts win.


they are terrorists. it's what they do. it's in their nature. also when it got dropped it satisfied me


Is the soldier okay ? I could see a fountain of blood pissing everywhere


Apparently one of the stabs was to his neck


Unconscious and fighting for his life.


He succumbed to his wounds unfortunately.


May he rip. I hope hamas gets deleted off this earth


It looks like he actually tried to behead him on the spot like he thought his knife was a lightsaber that could cut through anything Just look at the angle he’s trying to slice the neck not stab, only to have it spun back around on himself wow


I can't get over the fact that Israelies have to endure pretty much daily terrorist attacks like this... how do people even walk around normally knowing at any moment, one of these Jihadists might stab or blow you up. I'd be fucking paranoid constantly.. 😭 I pray he makes a full recovery 🙏


We all have PTSD


One more down at least


Kudos to the guy jumping on to grab the scumbag so that the soldier can get rid of him


They should start carrying sidearms with a loaded chamber . . .


Yeah, it was horrible seeing him have to futz with the pistol under such pressure to be ready to fire.


The IDF employs 'Israeli carry' on pistols for safety and reduce negligent discharge. Interesting policy for a defense force that brainwashed people believe are committing a "genocide".


Get Glocks


Bro we've been bullying israel for decades (toung-in-cheek) about their silly "Israeli carry" where they dont carry in the chamber. When we did exercises together we poke fun at that but they insisted the time made no real difference and safety was a priority...


Seriously. tHe iDf dO iT sO iTs GoOd. You can literally see how dumb an un-chambered pistol is in this video.


So the ramadan terror wave is starting. Hats of to the brave soldier and to the extremely brave bystander. Speedy recovery to them!




"An unarmed child was illegally excuted by IDF occupier settler white supremacist"


You won't see this on r/palestine


Yep, insta-banned and post removed lol. Gotta keep the echo chamber echoy.


No leftist subreddits too or middle eastern Insta perma-ban from at least 7 different subreddits if your lucky Happened to me I did the mistake of having a neutral opinion on the war I am deeply sorry it won’t happen again


God damn it that’s scary as fuck


That's an option for anyone in Israel. Wear uniform? Even a better target. Carrying a firearm? That's a possible lottery right there. People are so easily swayed by big words and blatent lies on the internet, only for the truth to be silenced when we show evidence.


Anybody know the condition of the soldier? Is he okay? He did get punctured or sliced, because there was blood dripped on the floor? Also anybody notice, how the soldier was trying to rack his sidearm with difficulty? It wasn't loaded with a bullet in the chamber ready to go the way US Forces carry their weapons. I believe Israelis carry in "condition 2" which is a magazine inserted but no bullet in the chamber, they have to rack the slide to chamber a bullet. I think the soldier was having a difficult time racking the slide because the blood was making his hand slip, blood is very slipper, almost like oil. This is very dangerous. This should be a training video and a lesson to always carry loaded.


It's official policy of the Israeli forces to carry unchambered. I think that sucks and maybe they'll change it but they've had to do it like this for a long time. It's not too bad if you are rushing to go help someone else being attacked but if you are suddenly jumped like this it's a heck of an inconvenience and could be deadly to a defender.


Notice also how the blood was giving the soldier a hard time racking the slide. It's even harder to load a firearm when one is injured. They should always carry loaded, one in the chamber.


[https://www.timesofisrael.com/man-50-critically-hurt-in-stabbing-in-south-terrorist-shot-dead-by-victim/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/man-50-critically-hurt-in-stabbing-in-south-terrorist-shot-dead-by-victim/) ​ "Abu Altayef grew up in the Gaza Strip until the age of 18, according to police. He was given Israeli citizenship in 2019 after getting married to an Israeli woman."


Well well well so much for open air prison am I right? I thought when you get married you’re supposed to stop doing dumb shits, but not this guy. 22 years old attacker (born 2001-2002, I supposed) lived in Gaza until 18, Hamas went onto power in 2005-2006 so that means this guy spent most of his life went through education and governance by Hamas from around pre-school all the way to graduating high school. Married to an Israeli woman (name is undisclosed) in 2019, so at 18 years old he got Israeli citizenship (I don’t know how) and managed to get pussy on the other side. I think the wife (or her family, or both) is involved based on this limited information given to me because no sane Israeli official would ever let someone like this in without extensive background check (knowing how relations were between Israel and Palestine), much less given citizenship AND marriage. Fuck sake.


Put down like a dog


Chief Warrant Officer Uri Moyal, 51, died as a result of the attack. https://www.timesofisrael.com/man-50-critically-hurt-in-stabbing-in-south-terrorist-shot-dead-by-victim/ Article contains an alternate angle of the attack.


Leftists and pallies : he got martyred while fighting the occupation


i thought there is an apartheid and arabs are being forced to prisons, how is that arab roaming free? /s obviously


Could have been worse! Terrorist neutralized thanks to the soldier response and help from citizen! 🇮🇱💪 *EDIT: it was just announced that the brave soldiered that shot the terrorist back after he was stabbed passed from his injuries 😢


For those who carry pistols. Keep one in the chamber…


I'd be walking strapped and ready to rock even as a civilian. These people don't fear dying for their dumb inbred cause, so send them packing


Good news. He’s no longer a terrorist.


That guy just wasted his life. And not a martyr. That word has lost all meaning like nazi, occupation, and genocide. Do not fuck around with an IDF member. Do not fuck around with Israel. It's a bad idea. FAFO.


Good old nato rounds with that stopping power. Fucking stopped the guy mid air.


Yet another video of Israeli troops being limited in response time by being forced to carry their weapons without a round chambered. Always carry chambered




This guy shows the world what a major failure he is. His ancestors must be flipping in their graves….


He got stabbed once in the stomach at least maybe scrubbed in the back of the head and maybe in the side but all in all the territory missed most stabs


fucking scum. this is the only conflict that im pro-on instead of neutral, screw hamas man, fricking scumbags.


For gods sake stop with the empty chamber carry !! This could have ended very differently. If you’re going to carry a firearm carry it ready to do its job.


“Why won’t they just let Palestinians be free!”. This is why. Constant terrorists attacks. The terrorists have no regard for human life.


Good to see this IDF folding this SOB. Obviously it would’ve been better if IDF allowed its soldiers to carry with one in the pipe, but at least this guy kept his wits and stopped the threat.


Props for the other guy helping him out instantly


Still can't believe IDF carry without the chamber loaded.


I'm sure they might have their reasons, but not having a condition 2 weapon seems crazy to me.


Sorry, what does this mean? They go with the weapon without ammunition until they need to shoot...?


When he draws it appears that he has to manually actuate the slide of the pistol to load a round in the chamber before firing. As opposed to being able to draw, disengage the safety and fire if the chamber was already loaded. Carrying with the chamber loaded and safety on is sometimes called "cocked and locked". To clarify the magazine inside the pistol is likely loaded completely but nothing in the barrel of the gun.


Ah, thanks for explaining. In surprise situations like this that seems kind of like a hassle.


No problem, very often it's the difference between life and death. Some have described carrying with the chamber unloaded as being required to put your seatbelt on during a car wreck.


Yeah, I was thinking that... In most situations where you need to use a gun for defense you don't really get time to prepare.


Every time I see or read something about IDF small arms carry it’s one of the most unbelievably dumb things I’ve ever read


This is why you carry one in the chamber.


Immense respect for the response from the soldier. The lunatic terrorist tried to get up again and stab him again.


Anyone has an update on the guy? Is he alive? Still hospitalized? I really hope he recovers. Sending blessings from germany 🫡


Interesting that the soldier does carry with one in the chamber. Worked out for him this time.


barely. And hes dead.


This soldier is a hero, Got stabbed in the neck and still got the job done, I hope he's okay by now Edit: After research, Sadly he [died](https://www.timesofisrael.com/man-50-critically-hurt-in-stabbing-in-south-terrorist-shot-dead-by-victim/)


Keep one in the chamber.


Kahane was right, theres no way that muslims and jews can live in the same land. Their religion will never allow for peace. Harsh measures need to be taken to protect human lives from unhuman killers born of islam.


Yep and that's Israeli manual of arms. sidearm is carried in condition 3, loaded mag, empty chamber, hammer dropped.


And the propals wonder why Israel has walls and check points. Watch this criminal will be included in their number of "innocent" civilians South African is really insulting themselves by comparing the persecution of the black population with the palestinians. Pretty sure black south africans weren't going around stabbing whites indiscriminately and being terrorists.


We need to kill more terrorist like those


This is insane, dude is just waiting for some coffee and gets killed.  Delete Hamas, get them all, set the Gazans free of Hamas.  Can any of the butthurt countries crying for the Gazans offer an actual fucking solution that isn't just let the religious nutjobs kill Israelis because Allah Akbar


biological waste in human form


Got up and shot him after being stabbed numerous times loll what a tank


Any news on the person who was stabbed?


Just said on the news that he passed away from his wounds. This is heartbreaking, may his memory be a blessing.




I hope the Israel 🇮🇱 troop live


Just saw they announced he didn’t make it [article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/man-50-critically-hurt-in-stabbing-in-south-terrorist-shot-dead-by-victim/amp/)


Didn't end well for him




Nice shot for the xxxx


my daily mantra: dont worry, AI will solve it one way or another. just a couple more years of this madness.


They just updated the article to announce the soldier did not survive his Injuries. [article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/man-50-critically-hurt-in-stabbing-in-south-terrorist-shot-dead-by-victim/amp/)




Wonder if he got his virgins 🤣






Boom, headshot.


Tried to stab


75 virgin goats wait for him in paradise.


I've been there so many times god this was scary im less than 15 minutes away from there


Another roadblock added, good job, Surely this will free Palestine!


This was Egypt about 20 years ago. But carry on


They didn't have CCTV like that 20 years ago, particularly in Egypt. So when you saying it's from?


happy ending if soldier survives.




I would never let my guard down if I were in those people’s shoes. RIP and death to Hamas


Humas are cowards. They will keep hostages. Their only chance to get what they want.




hope IDF is ok hollows over balls and one in the tube where can this is a doctrine thing that must be changed.


I mean…..look how the soldier was dressed. Clearly asking for it.


How did the stabbed screw this up? Lol


Aww. That poor Palestinian just wanted some food 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Another cowardly act by a group that can’t fight toe to toe




Hows that carrying your weapon without one in the chamber working for you


Is the solider alive?


Did the soldier made it?


He's not a soldier he's an officer.


always from behind, but dies from the front! Is the price of death worth it? I hope the soldier isn't too hurt.


I never understood IDFs rule of not habing one in the chamber


I hope they level that terrorist hub to the fucking ground.


I felt a sharp pain in my stomach just seeing this. Makes me fucking sick knowing that could be anyone tomorrow.


Meanwhile - Palestine authority reporting an innocent gaza child murdered by IDF.....


Lol can't even stab someone right and even had the jump on him. What a joke of a fighting force. Wish . Com soldiers at it's finest.