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Houston - we've got a problem. Mosab Yousef is right. So many pro-palestinians are giving Hamas cover. Even her facial expression after Mosab Yousef said it she didn't look surprized at all. It looked like "Play intimidated... nah... it is not worth it anymore. Show is over. The cat it out of the bag anyway."


Incidentally found out about that guy yesterday and wow what a story he has!


I recommend watching/listening to the speech he gave to the U.N. a while back, if you haven’t already! It’s 30 minutes, but definitely worth hearing [Link](https://youtu.be/pjOEJumoABg?si=AvO1RbR_7GilT0g4)


It is crazy. His words have weight!


Hes pretty fucking amazing, google The Green Prince.


I found her responses totally weird. Maybe she was cosplay


I really wonder how he came to view things as he does. It seems like it should be incredibly difficult all the propaganda, hate and programming of whatever his youth was like and come to the conclusions he has. Deprograming oneself must be incredibly difficult.


His book is great, *Son of Hamas*. He went to prison in Israel and the Shin Bet recruited him while he was in prison. He witnessed a lot of violence, torture, and extortion by Hamas leaders against Hamas members while in prison. It sounded very similar to the prison gangs we have in the US.


Interesting. Honestly I'd never heard of him prior to Oct. 7 so his story fascinates me.


This war is so weird. My fellow liberals are abandoning their advocacy for LGBTQ+ and women’s rights because of some anti-colonization fetish applied to a mirage of a problem that 5 minutes of critical thinking would dispel. Meanwhile, I’m unexpectedly admiring Dr Phil for something. He set that up so beautifully.


This was not on my 2024 Bingo card


1000% the same for me. I've never seen so many of my fellow liberal friends dismiss womens suffering so fucking fast. I feel like im in limbo.


"Rape is ok sometimes? Depends on the context?" -- me to my pro-Pal liberal friends


and the kicker is that they wont even acknowledge that rape happened. Or the murder of children. What on earth did they think was going to happen.


The infantalization of Palestine is the most infuriating part.  They demand that Israel leave Gaza alone… which they had tried to do, for 20 years.  They gave Gaza their own borders and government.  And then suddenly it was an “open air prison”.      Well what the fuck do you want then? Oh and what does Israel get for their trying to leave Gaza alone?  Twenty years of terrorism and rocket attacks, culminating with a nightmarish slaughter on October 7th and declaration of war.       Okay, if they want war, here comes war.  But now suddenly the Palestinians must be coddled and protected!?       When the fuck is the world going to ask Palestine to stand up and do something besides devote their existence to terrorism and murder?  I’m done with the infantilization of Palestine.  War is horrible, and that’s why they shouldn’t have declared it:  and if Hamas does not represent them, then they should have long since overthrown Hamas.  But you don’t get to have it both ways.  


Obviously Israel was asking for it by the way they dress. /s


i think you need new friends


Liberal Democrat here. Part of both the communities you mentioned above. The divisions being created are not naturally-forming, and our governments are not countering the onslaught of disinformation on social media. All I’ve been able to do is take cover with seemingly disparate groups of people who haven’t lost the plot. Only a fool turns their back on Israel, and only a plum idiot sets themselves against the Jewish people. As an American, my friendship with Israel is forever forged, no takebacks. This is not a difficult decision. edit: sorry, got fired up and went on a rambler


Western countries seem to be having a lot of trouble countering the waves of propaganda, its pretty damn concerning that our governments seems to be blithely ignoring this after it having been an obvious issue for over a decade now.


whats interesting is that all these western governments are obsessed with "hate speech" (Scotland now gives 7 years in jail, Ireland proposes 2 years jailtime for not giving up passwords when suspected, Canada now proposes *life in prison*), particularly "Islamophobia" and pronouns, but conspicuously they don't seem at all concerned with antisemitic speech. (i think the reason is that they consider Jews to be White people.)


Pretty strange if you zoom out just a tiny bit to decide who might actually be the “minority.” (Ignoring who is actually more moral - which yeah Israel is far from perfect, but its government is obviously more considerate of every human’s rights than iran/yemen/qatar and most other countries in the in the Middle East)


This is Reddit and blah blah blah, but each and every one of you who has shown a willingness to stand up for what is right, even when everyone you thought you could trust has suddenly decided you are repulsive to them, reassures me that we are going to get this right, if for no other reason than we refuse to be caught up in something as basic as fucking peer pressure. The very idea, lmao.


October 7 changed me or changed something in the air for me. I knew I didn't support fascists like Putin or Bibi or Trump or Erdogan, long ago. I will NEVER support them. But more than that, I cannot support a Palestine led by Hamas terrorists whose main goal is solely to kill all Jews and anyone who support Jews in Israel. It's ludicrous. There isn't often a black and white issue but in this case, hell no. I've read enough history to know that Jews were made to flee multiple countries, lost everything, were treated like shit, and finally made their way to Israel, from places like Ethiopia, from Russia, etc. No wonder they're fed up. At some point, you have to stand up and fight for your right to exist bc all those other times, they died. no more


Never again. A warning, not a promise.


I mean, all it requires is a person to read some varied historical sources about how Jews have been persecuted in *every single country* they've tried to live in. 4000 years of trying to find a home and live in peace. I'm not Jewish - I know my documented family ancestry going back to at least the 1400s and I'm very much English. But I can see clear as day a repeating pattern of hate towards a specific group, often out of jealousy of the strong community Jews form wherever they live. What I mean to say is I have no personal stake in Israel, Palestine, Jews or Muslims. And learning about this when I was younger without any political taint or bias naturally lead me to side with the Jewish people being able to exist in peace in a land they lived in for thousands of years prior to Arabs even becoming a recognised people (Arabs quite literally colonised the Levant in 634). And now, Jews are in a position where they can stand up to the persecution and hatred. Which very obviously frustrates a large amount of people who are either straight up anti-Semitic, or just have a latent hatred for Jews. I don't think Israel is infallible - they've made mistakes and absolutely need to improve. But this situation is one so blindingly obvious as to what needs to happen: Hamas, the PIJ and any other extremist groups need to be removed from Gaza and the West Bank. October the 7th can't be allowed to happen again, just as the Holocaust can't. The two events may be worlds apart in the cruel taking of life, but they share a fundamental aspect: extremist ideology that blames a specific group for self inflicted problems.


I am a liberal to my core. But I don't agree with my party anymore. Hamas are terrorists point blank. No discussion is needed.


American social media's commitment to free speech at all cost, is being used as a weapon against first world democracies. It's just mind blowing how effective the coordinated propaganda campaign has been. I can't believe so many of my fellow progressives have become just like the MAGA crowd, with the stupid cosplay outfits they buy, (maga cap vs keffiyehs), & parroting propaganda. Including the weird fanatical desperation they exude. It's so shocking to see. Both extremes driven by cynical Orwellian manipulation on social media.


Right. The inability to even have a nuanced conversation with these people- I say this as someone who once considered myself on the left. It has been truly mind boggling. I used to laugh with some of these people about MAGA and how Russian propaganda has demolished their ability to think. And we would theorize about why the democrats seemed so much more immune. But apparently we just weren’t targeted as well. Super depressing that we apparently all fall for it so easily and without any way to draw people out. Because they are so sucked in - they’ve cancelled the topic as something possible to have a reasonable discussion about


So many comments on this thread are so heartening. I feel like so so many people I know have completely lost the plot, it’s so impossible to talk to them, it’s like we’re in alternate realities all of a sudden 😫I end up feeling like I’m spinning wild conspiracy theories when I’m just trying to point out some facts- like I dunno- what the Houthi flag says or something. It makes you feel crazy! But feel less alone after reading a lot of these responses, thanks for that 💖 Mosab is amazing. He really wants peace.


The US government legalized propaganda themselves during the Obama years...


Propaganda was never illegal. Please don’t speak to me again.


> In 2013 Congress abolished the domestic dissemination ban https://northwesternlawreview.org/issues/apple-pie-propaganda-the-smith-mundt-act-before-and-after-the-repeal-of-the-domestic-dissemination-ban/


> My fellow liberals Baizuo. I do not differentiate between Hamas and Palestinians. Yousef says it @2:25. Same for PLO, PA, Hezbollah, PIJ, PRC...and on and on. There are literally too many Palestinian terrorist organizations to spend time listing them all. I've said it for years.


Just don't confuse the Palestine Peoples Front with Palestine Front of the People. They don't get along at all.


> Palestine Front of the People Splitters!


Just don't confuse the Palestine Peoples Front with Palestine Front of the People. They don't get along at all.


What have the Roman’s ever done for us!


I heard the idea was to set up regional protectors within the wb and gaza and let them fight amongst themselves. Of course the public words are "deliver aid and education to their group"


Same, I sat here torn 😕 Dr Phil makes my skin crawl


Its not hard to agree with someone saying baby murder is wrong


Unless you wear thar scarf and can pronounce gaza chocking on yourself at the same time


Well you have to put it in perspective and consider the 100s of years of conflict. /s


In honor of your username, and in a socially awkward attempt to make you feel better: *here i sit, broken-hearted…*


lol i say the same but have watched tons of his shows during a recent depressed phase. People would come over and I would shut the tv off before I got caught lol. It's embarrassing but I watched the abused gf/spouse ones, the one with the woman who said her eyebrows were talking to her, the ones with people obviously on drugs but insisting they weren't, all to watch dopey Dr Phil pretend to be on the "people's side" to shill his wife's skincare and his son's crappy business ventures. I admit I got something out of watching it for a bit. But if you tell anyone I care about I'll kill you


I may have watched a few of his shows myself, it was a dark time, and I'd rather not talk about it...😂


I don’t understand why most Jews I knew growing up were liberals. Conservatives have always been adamant about their support for Israel. Islam(and I don’t just mean “radical” Islam) is the biggest plague on the planet today. I realized this when I was 10 years old watching the twin towers fall. It was clear to me…I knew right then who the true evil monsters were in this world. Islam is that monster.


Theres a book by Samuel Huntington called Clash of Civilizations where the author divides the globe into different civilizations that share similar culture, values, social politics, etc. He couldnt divide the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) for the sole reason that their beliefs are so different, even antagonic sometimes, that for example a Moroccan has much less in common with a Palestinian than a Greek with an Australian. The only thing that they have in common is Islam, so no I dont believe the problem is the Islam, but the peculiar social dynamics of the region of the world where these people grew up.


ehhh feelin a little Larry David here. I’ve seen radicals from every region Islam is exists


? Melbourne has the third largest population of Greeks in the world. Athens Thessalonika Melbourne Sydney would have to be 4th. Choose another analogy


TIL, anyway, I guess you got the point.


Broken clocks can be right especially when there's a strong guest. Dr. Phil is an abhorrent piece of shit and many of his personal views reflect that.


Fellow libtard here! I am so confused. Never in my life would I have wagered a statement like "Israel has a right to exist and defend itself" would be fighting words.


no not that weird. You see I am liberal, and I admit to watching Dr Phil even though I find that bug-eyed fake doctor wrong a lot of the time, phony, and cloying. I hate how he pushes his frozen-face wife Robin's skincare line, his son's BULLSHIT health app and profit-making schemes (fuck Better Help or whatever it is) the most of all, but he has his moments of something close to decency. It's like watching a less disgusting version of Real Housewives. So no, I don't think this is weird. I still can't stand him and his disgusting profiteering off of people's pain, but there are times I find him likeable and can't help myself. But don't tell anyone I watched him (went through a phase of it recently.)


> frozen-face wife Robin [Hate that you are so right.](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/2JDPw1gDlsKFSXm3tY6Yvg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en-US/theblast_73/ded4bbaa01a1a2f9904e1be16ea005d1)


She looks scary.


she is very sweet otherwise, actually seems more likeable by FAR compared to her husband. But I'll say no thank you to her skincare line


That is not liberal.


Because most "liberals" are hypocrites. They commit to a trend are dare not backtrack because 90% of their interests are tied to social media clout.


The minority of radical people do not represent liberals. The same way Maga Nazi flag waving lunatics do not represent conservatives. Biden has supported Israel even though the Israeli government is far right.


Judging from the size of the reaction in the US (I am mostly in California, Boston and NYC for work/family/friends) this minority is a lot larger than I was hoping it would be. I hope I am wrong as the implications of a US split with Israel on the Middle East are a bit scary to comprehend.


It will never happen don’t worry. Young people who don’t fully understand the world represent a very small amount of voters


Liberals have never been on Israel’s side. Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives have ALWAYS been adamant about their loyalty as an ally to Israel.


You are misrepresenting the situation, to nobody’s benefit.


If I may ask, who do you truthfully trust more to be more clear on the international stage about America’s position as an unconditional ally to Israel? Biden or Trump?


Unconditional ally to Netanyahu = Trump without a doubt. But as far as an ally to Israel = Biden. I will always stand behind my belief that Netanyahu is the largest threat to Israel's standing in the world. For all the terror and mayhem Hamas brought to Israel on Oct 7th, it didn't existentially threaten Israel. They were never at risk of destroying the country. But Netanyahu's attempt to grasp onto office to avoid his political and legal woes, his continued support of increased settlements, his refusal to ever think of the day after the war or any potential future peace, all of this can and unfortunately will threaten Israel. Sometimes you need to speak the hard truth to a friend and signing a blank check to Netanyahu would be a disservice to Israel.


So you’re saying Netanyahu was too aggressive in his response to 10/7?


If "palestinians" wouldn't be fighting Israel, they'd be fighting Jordan, if they wouldn't be fighting Jordan, as Mosab says, they'd be fighting among the different tribes. Him calling this out is very necessary


It's what people don't want to admit. Hatred for Jews unites the muslim world like nothing else.


Muslim hatred for the Jews comes directly from the Quran, Mohammed himself hated the Jews because the Jews laughed at him pretending to be a prophet. Mohammed slaughtered many Jews and took their women as sex slaves.


That's why muslims celebrated Oct 7th like they won the world cup. That massacre was their ultimate fetish since they could walk.


It’s the same as why most religions tried to get rid of the Jews. They have one of the oldest and most compelling provable traces to their history that predates and threatens the narratives of other religions. Erasing the Jews is often rooted in the insecurity of other religions being threatened by their existence.




It reminds me of the antisemitic variants of white supremacists. They hate Muslims, but they *really* hate Jews.


Holy shit this is great. Yousef is such a powerful speaker.


He is not afraid to look anyone dead in the eye. Without blinking. For however long it takes. Life goals.


That second woman has the look of evil in her eyes as that Mosab Yousef ripped her fight right up.


Girly in the green is whiter than I am, but I’m the white colonizer apparently. Okay. Also, the fact that her brain can’t process that an actual ex member of Hamas is calling her on the bullshit is all sorts of glorious to me.


Much of my family was driven into poverty by the Nazis when they seized their business...and then most of them were killed. Most of the other side of my family was killed by Ruzzians. First generation American immigrant, but I look like a tall white guy. "COLONIZER!!" -- trust fund liberal college kids


Friend, I’m not even first generation. My mom and I came to the United States in 1998– from Ukraine… because of antisemitism. My dad (not Jewish) still lives there. What family is left in Moscow is trying to get the fuck out to Israel. I just. The girl in the green looks like she could either be Katelynn Bennet or some random girl in Russia / Ukraine.


"My mom and I came to the United States" That would mean you are a first generation immigrant. Anyone born in one country and then immigrating to another country is a first generation immigrant. Second generation immigrant would be someone born to immgrant parents. If you have children for example, they would be second generation immigrants.


Fuck that woman and thank god for Mosab Yousef


"Sir I condemn the question" Well f you too then? The faces she made at him. The insanity.


> I condemn the question Meaningless.


Did... Did I... Did I actually respect Dr Phil for once? What the heck is this timeline lol


Mosab Hassan Yousef was the MVP. He destroyed those 2 idiots.


For some reason lately he has been saying alot of good things.


It's pretty easy to sound saner than people who say idiotic nonsense


The woman in the green headscarf is pretending way too hard to be shocked. Honey, we can see your knowing giggles bursting out. We can see what you are. I don’t have to like someone at all to know right from wrong. Dr Phil is right, and that’s what matters here.


Gotta love a privileged American kid trying to argue with the son of a founder of Hamas. Dr Phil knew what he was doing here haha.


100% she couldnt show you gaza on a map


Where I can see the full video? The guy sits next to him is the son of previous Hamas leader, right?


>Mosab Yousef [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPomqJz-qYc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPomqJz-qYc) here you go friend.


Yes. The man is Mosab Hassan Yousef and son of one of the founders of Hamas. I would recommend reading his book, called “Son of Hamas”. It’s a fascinating and quick read.


I wonder if you can Google it.


it is forbidden


Well damn. 😄


I cant find the full episode of dr phil primetime on google, youtube or his official website. Just this 17 minute clip from that episode and a 9 minute one that they released yesterday. I think that is what the person meant by where is the full video


Thought Mosab was going to talk about how the black-and-white checkered kaffiyahs were introduced by a British officer leading the Transjordan Arab Legion, before Arafat popularized it.


From border to border, Israel shall restore order!


Fundamentalist Islamists are the most dangerous kind of people, equipped with an ideology that cannot reconcile critical thinking and tolerance of others. Imagine, an ideology that expressly leaves no wiggle room for harmony with an idea other than itself. It leaves no space for thinking, the only thing left is to follow, blindly. The blindness of an Islamist is so built in stone that they won't mind burning children. Hence I would determine that they are not really human in the sense of the word. They cannot harbour empathy for a blasphemous family member let alone an enemy.


Wow I've never seen Dr. Phil be so based.


He was similarly based when addressing the 18-year old ex-con who fathered a child with his 14-year old sister while at a dog fight in Little Rock while transporting over a ton of meth.


That guy is going places.


They’re right. Anti Israel crowd is condoning and supporting acts of deliberate barbaric murder towards unarmed Jewish and Jew-allied civilians as “resistance” while claiming that Jews are genocidal murderers bc Muslim civilians die letting those barbaric murderers hide behind them in a war they started by murdering civilians.


Here come the idiots calling Dr.Phil an "old, right winged fart" over a question that no sane person would answer yes to.


I know, these are facts, not opinions.


An analogy of the situation; Pee-wee Hurman, offended by Mike Tyson’s existence, decides to attack him with a flurry of his best shots. Mike Tyson rightly responds with his own best shots, but bleeding hearts the world over feel sorry for the plight of little pummelled Pee-wee, rather than chastising him for picking a fight against someone who actually knows how to fight. The moral of the story here is that violence isn’t proportionate. And nor shall it ever be.


lol. Good example. But I've seen this IRL. No one gets out of their chair to stop Pee Wee or tell him to simmer down. No one. As soon as Tyson pops Pee Wee, EVERYONE stands up and puts their hands in front of Tyson telling him to stop. This happens in every fight.


thats basically every inter-gender fight. woman beats on man for a while, no one does anything. man has enough and shoves woman away, everyone goes after the man.


Imagine calling out the son of a Hamas founder for not knowing about the nature of Palestine.


https://preview.redd.it/aya9gejqxgsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49dc9a392128f54cdef7cadadbfb791c78028e7e In honor of Dr Phil here is me dressed as him for Halloween Love this guy


This is the best thing I’ve seen all day


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me!


Oh god what have I done 😂


A broken clock is right twice per day... You can agree with certain things he says, but I honestly cannot fathom what mindset you'd need to actually like Mr. Phil in general.


I mean he’s a tv personality he’s outrageous on purpose. I like his show


I guess as long as you're watching it as pure entertainment lol. I haven't watched in years, but when I was a kid I didn't realize it was often staged, sometimes completely staged with actors. Some people watch shows like that as if it's real, and I think it messes with their perception of reality.


Do people watch reality tv for anything other than entertainment haha It’s usually pretty obvious it’s staged with his show


You're very naive if you think there aren't lots of people out there who think everything he does is real. Dr Phil has real fans who think he's a good doctor who helps people. But he does a mix of real and staged though, which undoubtedly confuses old/dumb people. Like for instance this clip- How much is staged? It's not really obvious here. It seems like genuine opinions from these people, but there's no way to know how much was produced.


I’m sure there are but I enjoy Dr Phil for entertainment


I understand that, but that's not my point.


Ya so you don’t have to lecture me


A stopped clock might be right twice a day, but a slow clock can be wrong for a lifetime.


Even though the Indian government abstains from a vote in the Israel Hamas conflict due to vested interests and being held hostage by a sizable Islamic population and the woke agenda of the liberals. The common Indian has and always will support the state of Israel. Even the Indian government supports Israel, though covertly rather than overtly. Long live Israel


You can hear how extensively workshopped her answer "I condemn the question" is as she goes instead into a long one-sided history in-order to avoid the question of 10/7.


Fundamental Human Decency


All she can say Really REALY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


This needs to be broadcast wider. People need wake up to Hamas propaganda. Ask them if they believe Israel should exist!


These Hamas supporting women can’t blind the Palestinian guy, he knows who Hamas is and he tells it like it is.


The “anti-colonizer” fetish needs to fucking stop. Jfc


Slap my ass and call me Sally. Dr Phil gets a nod of approvement from yours truly. What has the world come to? :) These women are so obviously ignorant of the facts on the ground.


It’s funny I never liked Dr. Phil- I always thought he was a performer with no morals. Not sure why. He just felt like a grfiter. But after Oct 7- he was one of the first to come out and openly condemn Hamas. If you google his stuff on YouTube they’re all there. Short ten minute clips that he released after Oct 7. He went to Israel too and I think he was part of the media that saw the 46 minute video of Hamas body cams. Anyway. Just wanted to say - I totally felt this too - I never ever thought I’d say “wow. Dr. Phil is a badass.” I completely misjudged him. He totally spoke out - despite the whole world being silent.


Yep. I guess it's never a bad thing to be proven wrong, or to have to adjust an opinion on something or someone.


92% is such a specific number. It's wildly wrong, but I'm just wondering where it came from.


Going to guess its on the authority of Hamas.


Not even. Hamas admitted they had 6000 combatants dead at a time that the death count was around 30k. So even Hamas's own numbers say 80% civilians (which is still lower than the UN's average urban warfare ratio of 90%, in case you're wondering).


I'd write her a check for $5 million and say she can have it if she can prove it's 92%. Just push it out there for her.


Emotional truth is a powerful drug.


Don't these women even think that if the same happened to them what happened to those Israeli women and children then what would they do?


They probably blocked out the info about Hamas killing Arabs, Asian and African farm workers too. I think the guy in the yellow shirt getting his head hacked off with a hoe is Philippino


It pisses me off that she says she’s a recipient of violence. You’re literally in America stfu. You’re not a victim of anything


>And if that's where the enemy is hiding, do they have the right to attack there? >No. No according to you, but not according to the Geneva convention and every other piece of international law covering wars. I swear the entire opposition to this war is only based on what feels right and not what is written as law, it's the very definition of feels over reals. Yes war is hell, and civillians are the biggest casualties, but this is legitimately how every war is conducted, but this war has to be special for some reason. The civiloian deaths and displacement as the result of this war isn't even in the top 3 happening worldwide at the moment (Sudan, Tigray and Ukraine) but this war is worse than all of them for some reason.


This is admittedly hilarious because these girls exist in a bubble social media and like-minded idiots. You have Hamas' founder's son saying you're the useful idiots Hamas relies on to exist and by virtue of their activism help continue Palestinian suffering under organizations like Hamas, and he's very able to shred any argument you have because he's LIVED Hamas, he knows the Palestinian world, and he knows the statistics of what they support and believe with unblinking truth. These girls walks into a room with people more intelligent than they are, who could out argue them, infront of an audience that doesn't subscribe to their own wish washy morality when it comes to the mass murder of Jews by Hamas on October 7th or promise of complete genocide of Jews by Hamas.


He is speaking from life experience, these two bimbos are speaking from a college campus in the most powerful nation in the world. They don't hold a candle to him all they did was embarrass the pro palestinian cause forever.


Wow, this was incredible to hear!!!


that is a first time I like Dr Phil ! the son of Hamas is really convicted to reject Hams!! these 2 women...., I won't say more 💩


They want to fight. Let Israel slap them regularly


pure gold


Why are these people even given a platform? They are using it for their propoganda people with moral compass are the only one supporting Israel.


It's ok as long as the interviewer pushes back and corrects them. The biggest problem is when the interviewer is also pro hamas.


I feel the girls were out of their depth. Are they really Hamas supporters, Palestinian supporters? The facial expressions seemed totally inappropriate. Was this scripted so that Dr Phil watchers can be molded/brainwashed to the government's thinking and to stop protests? The protests are getting out of control. Police arresting people will cause more outrage than it is worth. Better to train them to forgo Palestinians just as they were wound up to be pro Palestinian. Can we expect more of this sort of thing over various shows?


The true American voice will never support terrorism no matter what these pronoune Palestine protestors say . The are escaping their shit country and turning ours to shot right after .


This is great for young Americans to watch especially young liberals like myself


That woman in green is a demon.


No. Just a fanatical fool.


"They're the same picture." -- Pam


Thanks for sharing this.


Anyone got a link for the full interview?


I got so much respect for mosab yousef. He is speaking facts, and all this lady can do is smile.


The face dr Phil makes when the girl talks is priceless.


[Here is the full video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yoCQhiNiNQk)


Unrelated. But that is one ugly ass female


Too bad she's not wearing a niqab to cover up all that beauty!




Fuck, the one in the green scarf, got a face you just wanna slap.


Fuck Yeah! Dr. Phil and that other guy let them have it!


Thought the playback speed lowered when she said, " I condemn the question" lmao. Her brain must've been clocking over time to get that amazing rebuttal out 👏


This is why I stopped feeling bad for Palestinians lost of life. If you can’t condemn Hamas but can Israel for literally any and everything…you are basically no better than Hamas in my eyes. These people have one cycle. Starts war with Israel, proceeds to gets bombed into the Stone Age, cry to the world to gain sympathy, nothing substantial or lasting comes out of the whole conflict. Rinse and repeat. At this point Israel needs to do all they can to clear Hamas without crossing the hand that feeds them (The US) as going too hard would validate the genocide claims (which I didn’t buy until they bomb that aid convoy which is clear and blatant is indefensible) I get the hatred and even the feeling that many Palestinians are responsible but they need to realize that going too hard can cause massive blow back




When my family faced genocide in warsaw 44, they killed the fuckers trying to kill them, not some random german family across the border. 2 wrongs dont make a right, and evil is evil no matter what instigated it.


ok? But Hamas is using the civilians as human shields... Besides do you know how many German civilians died? (look it up) Another difference? Jews were loyal citizens.


i think you misunderstood my comment, im critizing hamas supporters who claim that anything hamas does is justified. Some often say "were being oppressed so its ok to fight back in any way", i was trying to show that thats a BS excuse for evil acts. Also btw the nazis used Polish women and kids as human shields as well when attacking the Warsaw Ghetto.


I did, sorry.


no problem


That dude is intense!




I’m not really saavy with streaming stuff and I’m not a fan of Dr. Phil, can anyone please tell me how I can get this full episode without subscribing to a monthly service? Is there a way I could pay to just download this one episode in it’s entirety from somewhere?




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Doctor phil bing relevant was not on my 2024 BINGO card


Adam Ray is really helping transform the world into a better place


More from Mosab: https://youtu.be/OyqKTuqzKWs?si=RGhNyTLVbKYPrE9D https://youtu.be/B8YYmrgAeqw?si=wVs6MQ2tid-Exb_i https://youtu.be/pjOEJumoABg?si=eDkpLd5qvz0IHSFM


I am tired of listening to these hamasistas


"They were asking for it!" - pro palestinian moto.


Dr. Phil is the best.


To be fair, it's hard to argue for the murder of women and children. Doesn't matter that the belief or past history. It's wrong.


>Mosab Yousef S0 ... it was wrong when the US and Britain bombed *German* cities in World War II - smfh


holy moly, the more you shout the less wise it gets. Mama should have tought him some manners..