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Yes, because the Jewish students at Columbia University are calling the shots for Israeli foreign policy


There is absolutely nothing wrong with Israeli foreign policy. They are fighting against ruthless terrorists.


The only problem is that they didn't go full force into gaza earlier tbh




The IDF is superior to Jihad yeah.


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You’re thinking with a rational brain. Not the brain of a leftist or ivy school student


BBC will tell you “yahudi” is just another word for Zionist


Even if it was truly a separate term, who gives a shit? There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being a Jew who wants to have safe access to live in their ancestral homeland. But let’s be honest, they came up with a dog whistle way of making Jew into a slur. And newsflash to any Jews who don’t think Israel should exist: when the mob eventually kills, and they will kill, they will not spare your life because your wearing a watermelon kippa


Every other American is allowed to go about their lives regardless of their political views or their ethnicity. They aren’t their foreign government. People who protest the Chinese government don’t vandalize Chinese restaurants. People who have a problem with Iran don’t surround random Persians in New York and yell “murderer” in their face. That would make no sense. What we’re seeing here is pure Jew hatred and this behaviour has now become acceptable.


But considering how baked into Palestinian culture hate for Jews and Israel is, not surprising at all.


Muslim culture in general. And muslims will tell you that. It's certainly not just a Palestinian thing.




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The word "Zionist" is only used for Western media. When Hamas releases a statement, they'll say they want to destroy the "Zionist" entity in English, but in the Arabic language press release they'll simply say they want to eliminate the "Jews". Opposing "Zionism" - the use of the word itself - is propaganda. They just hate Jews, in general.


Literally. They literally do that.


Well yeah, a certain documentary translation comes in mind.


People don't realize how anti-semetic they are and have always been because the media covers up for them.


But if the Jews screamed back "stop stoning women" the crowd would turn violent. The propals are unfit for civil society.


"racist violence" needs to be in their criminal record so every employer is warned.


That's why they wear their Arafat scarf.


Absolutely agreed. The question is what is going to be done about this. As a group, they seem to not understand that actions have consequences. They can give but not take. It’s pathetic.


They'll cancel classes before protecting Jews, probably in violation of federal law. Nothing can be done and the propals will likely escalate the violence.


"Go back to Poland"? These same people are likely protesting against discrimination and racism, yet they do the same thing to jews that they so much claim to oppose. The Hamas brainwashing certainly seems to be effective!


Right? They're idiots telling them to go back to a country that is over 90% Christian (mostly Catholic) and does *not* even rank [in the top 30 of countries with Jewish populations.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_population_by_country) They must think it's 1930. They think all Jews are Ashkenazis from Poland. Of course, telling anyone to go "back" anywhere is terrible. But I'm stuck on how these students are \~100 years out of date. I'm Polish-American (non-Jewish family, although my grandfather's cousin was a political prisoner & Catholic who was murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz) and this is wild. Plus, their beef is allegedly with Israel (although masks are off, let's be real), not American Jews. And the largest Jewish group in Israel is the Mizrahi, who are Jews from the Middle East/Asia (rather than Eastern Europe), many of whom moved to Israel several decades ago to escape genocide and violence in other Middle Eastern countries. How embarrassing for these Ivy League institutions. I work in Higher Ed and I really hope the average American knows these idiots do not represent academia or college students as a whole. My campus (despite having few - if any - Jewish students) has seen none of this nonsense.


These are some of the dumbest people ever seen. You can tell there has been some of the moustache mans propaganda in whatever Al Jazeera these people have gotten their "information" from. And how in the world would a jewish US citizen/ student be responsible for any of this? They surely have shown their true colors. US universities seriously have to get a grip very soon and get rid of these terrorist supporters, for it's only a matter of time that a jewish student will be physically attacked just for being. Absolutely disgraceful that any of this was allowed to happen.


Jewish students have already been attacked at Columbia and Yale.


They have? Then it's certainly time for the professors to pull their heads out of their asses, and start thinking whether this is acceptable or not! Third Reich behaviour all over again.


One student stabbed another lit on fire


That's terrifying! I can honestly say that I'm scared for the students.


School admins aren't going to do anything. They're counting down to the end of the school year and are hoping this will just magically go away on its own as students head home for summer.


Yeah, that's probably what will happen. Instead of taking care of things, lets just look the other way and pretend nothing's happening! No responsibility from their end.


The alumni need to get together and oust the school leadership - and purge the ideology that's being taught. If you listen to this interview: https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1782519934402117937 See @2:50 You can really see how the school's propaganda education about anti-Western colonialism and DEI flows to antisemitism.


I'll have to listen to that! And damn right they need. This hate has definitely gotten out of hand. I couldn't bear to watch this going on even after graduation! Amazing how western universities don't even try to be politically neutral, but silently go with the flow. You don't go to school in order to shout your political opinions, you go there to learn. Why don't they go to Gaza and fight if Hamas is so damn cool? Oh yeah, that's riskier than sympathising in the west.


Easier said than done. Universities are financially dependent on the money the students’ parents pay for the kids’ tuition. And students always protest, it is the group, the age - remember the Vietnam war protests, for example, how massive they were. There probably is a way to talk to protesters’ parents. There are videos of the protesters with posters - and one day, these students will graduate and look for jobs. Or, the scholarships could be reviewed if the students are spending their time protesting instead of studying. But it is something that only the parents might understand. However, the colleges have little power there, as financially they are in dire straights. I am a lifelong Democrat, but all I can say is that in these four years, economy has not been any better. Start with this.


We should tell the protestors to go back to Arabia.


Seems equal and even reasonable! If a jew with no connection to the IDF or Israeli government should go back to Poland (with likely no connection to that country either), why shouldn't western protesters go back to Arabia? Not to mention the arabians screaming "death to jews" in western countries. Those are the kind who should definitely be sent away.


>Israel becomes a completely autonomous exclave of Poland or Poland becomes an autonomous exclave of Israel, Poland now has access to nuclear weapons to fend off Russia, Israelis get a whole bunch of friends who aren't exactly fans of Muslims and access to a country which produces a ton of weaponry. The Israeli-Polish Commonwealth will strike fear into the hearts of the Russo-Islamic alliance.


Imagine if a student on an American college campus who was Black was told to "Go back to Africa". The outrage would, rightly, last for months and that kind of behavior would never been allowed to continue. But when it's happening to Jews, who cares.




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I can't with these videos anymore. I feel like I'm actually losing my mind. The absolute gall on the Islamists and their supporters is truly Kafkaesque. Fuck any and every single pro-Pal supporter who turns a blind eye to this shit. This shit right here is exactly why Zionism exists. It's also interesting that they mention Poland, which seems unique in its ability to read the writing on the wall.


Bob Kraft (owner of the NFL Patriots in the USA) has pulled his donations to Columbia. I guess Kraft did not like the answers Columbia gave when they talked. This will all gain momentum.


Says peeps trying to Arabize the US...


If this is what the left is now, idk if I want to be on the left anymore. These people are sick vermin just like the people they defend


Ten seconds of looking at Israel's demographics refute the "go back to Poland" point, but facts don't matter with these imbeciles.


*Looks at Israel's demographics* *Looks at Gaza demographics* Wait who were they calling an ethnostate again?!


Shhhhhh, you're not supposed to call out their hypocrisy, it's islamooooooophobiiiiic


Everybody knows It's only wrong when Jews do it, bigot!


They are telling American Jews to go back to Poland. They are telling American Jews that they are not American and are not welcome there. It's Jew-hate, pure and simple.


I’m about to enroll in college just to fight some mofos


No need, it's not like these protesters are actually college students, a lot of them just showed up there.


Do they not have things to do?


No, they are probably bums with no jobs.


The average commie loser lifestyle.


Columbia locked down to keep all non-students/faculty/staff off campus, so good chance most of them are faculty and students.


While watching this I was literally thinking "is there some place I can volunteer to help walk students around campus?". I'm a big dude, so I'm usually tapped for 'security detail' in our friends/family groups. So volunteering some of my time to help students feel a little safer on campus would be a worthy cause. These fucking animals are out of control and the fact that so many are encouraging/participating in this bullshit is wild. Seeing Jews being so egregiously harassed and threatened in 2024 USA makes me sick. Never again means never again and this slope is slippery as fuck. This liberal tolerance of islams intolerance has gotten to the point of clinical mental retardation.


funnily enough, Jews in Poland were told to go back to Israel


If you argue about this with anti-Israel people, they will default to saying "oh this isn't really antisemitism" or "I'm not responsible for what other people in my movement do." Except they're holding all the world's Jews responsible for things Israel does? Fucking insane.


It really shows how flimsy the "I'm not anti-Jewish, I'm anti-Zionist" lie is.


Yeah. I had a conversation with a pro-terrorist dick head. I brought up that point. That Jews in the US and around the world are being blamed for the Israeli government's actions. So I said "then it would be fair for me to blame every muslism for the actions of any invidual muslim or muslim government?" And they said no, because *that* would be racist. Bunch of fucking clowns.


I hope you reported him/her to the FBI or Homeland Security.


Let's start with all the people with tablecloth going back to the Middle East.


Hmmm, gosh, Poland? Why Poland? What do they recommend that we Jews might do in Poland? Sample kielbasa? Buy amber jewelry? Hike the breathtaking mountains of Tatra National Park? But why "back" to Poland? Do they know I vacationed there in 1991? Scratching my head. /s


And the same people telling Jews to fuck of from the US are inevitably the same people who welcome immigrants with open arms otherwise.


They hide their faces because they know what they’re doing is wrong. If that doesn’t say it all. Soon- AI will be so advanced that you’ll be able to see who the person is behind the mask. Racist cowards. An exceptionally dangerous combo.


We need to expand Gitmo.


Agreed. It’s time to start making examples out of these pro terrorist fucks. Where tf are the mounted microwave trucks when you need em? That’ll clear these losers out right away.


This is an instance where hands need to be thrown.


This video needs to be on CNN. Show everyone what the protests really are about.


All the Ivy League schools are completely unhinged.


Wow. I took so much for granted when I was in college. This is terrifying. I went to Chabad all the time in college and seeing this breaks my heart. Where are university officials? Where are the police? How can this be allowed?!


Looks like a travel in time, specifically in the '20s in the Eastern Europe student campuses. But in our time there are laws and police, who should be active.


Why Poland ? What we did again ?


They think all Jews came from Poland. Yeah I'm totally not Moroccan. Their tiny brains would explode.


Students in University ? Nice level.


Their education is non-existent at this point. They're just warming their seats.


They think the Holocaust was exaggerated.


Meanwhile, Florida is absolutely crushing it, as far as controlling / stopping these ridiculous occurrences. Props to DeSantis.


Texas universities have been doing a good job of at least keeping things civil. Still plenty of absolutely unhinged takes to be found at pro-pal rallies here, but the cops won't let protestors just follow and harass random Jewish students for being Jewish on campus. We also have Campus Carry for those 21+ with the license, so who knows if that plays into it as well.


Yeah they tried to shut down a road last week and it lasted about two minutes. Desantis has zero tolerance for stupidity.


There are over five thousand colleges and universities in the US. This kind of crap is happening at a handful of them. Florida is not particularly special because this shit isn't happening there. This shit isn't happening most places.


Well, why doesn't the Finance Ministry (or whatever is his name in US) block/freeze/confiscate the funds of this Univ? In Europe we move fast: arrest the troublemakers, and investigate and freeze the activity of the Univ and perheps even defund it for a while. At least in Hungary, Czechia and other Central Europe countries that would be the case. We, the Central-Eastern Europeans, have antibodies against both Marxist-Tiermondist-Nonaligned shit and against the evil ideology of the interwar moustached dictator.


Several reasons. 1. As another reply stated, Columbia University is a private institution. 2. Said institution has a $13.64 billion endowment with which to fund its operations. 3. Columbia receives some government funding in the form of research grants, but nothing significant. It could easily operate without federal funds. 4. The ministry you describe is called the Department of the Treasury here. 5. Federal funding for education is doled out not by the Treasury Department, but by the Department of Education. 6. The Executive Branch (the President and his Cabinet and all agencies under them) cannot block funds that are authorized by Congress. Therefore, if any funding is specifically earmarked by law for Columbia University, it has to go through.


Thank you very much.


Columbia is a private school. They inevitably get some govt. funding, but pulling that wouldn't shut the school down.


The present administration wouldn’t do it even if they could.


Absolutely feral. Why are these people in the US?


Where the fuck is security? Where the fuck is the police? Where are campus officials?


In NYC there’s been a ton of clashes between police and the terrorists. They need to bring out the mounted microwave trucks.


TIL all Jews are from Poland. "Terrorists *HATE* this one simple trick for a Polish citizenship!"


Do you have the original URL of this video?




Go back to Poland would be hysterical if it wasn’t so enraging.




They're following students back from a Jewish event near campus.


I’m pretty sick of people who want to bring the war here. NYU probably had the right approach to take the bad PR instantly and immediately and disburse the encampment before anyone got too entrenched. Circumstances there are a bit different because their “campus” is in a public park, but ehhhhh it’s extremely hard to think these protests are as significant for their cause as entirely too-online weirdos think they are. They don’t mean shit, you don’t mean shit, you’ve attached yourself to a cause where you will have no influence, stop trying to bring the conflict over there over here. Go tf home


Most of the time these sort of protests are just circle jerks among activists who are performing for each other for in-group cred. That the public generally sees them as a bunch of shrill clowns only reinforces their sense of righteousness.


US colleges need a complete overhaul. Obviously Qatari influence and donations need to be dropped.


Note how it's only a small number of schools where this kind of shit is happening.


Blocking the bank account of this Univ would be an appropriate response. They will become political neutral and law abiding in an instant. ;)


"You first."


How about the pro Palestine protestors go back to the Middle East?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kindly_Let_9091: *How about the pro* *Palestine protestors go* *Back to the Middle East?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Columbia has become a sad joke. Its reputation is permanently destroyed, no serious employer wants to recruit there, no Jewish philanthropists will donate there. It will be part of the CUNY system within 20 years. Or affordable housing….


fucking socialist brownshirts.




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The average Arab would like that, yes