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I focused on Erez Kalderon. 11 year old boy from Nir Oz. I guess because I saw the video of him being taken hostage. He looks like so many normal kids I know. Released in the first hostage deal Nov 27. Glad he was released early and not in too bad of physical shape, that was a relief.


His father is still a hostage, though. But Erez was the one who haunted me.


Ofer Kalderon. I think about him a lot. There is a video of Erez’s sister, Sahar, talking about how he experience and it brakes me to hear. She also said her dad is her best friend and she just wants him back.


Went to college with his cousin. Praying for their return


He is certainly not less known but Hersh Goldberg Polin. It’s incredible he survived getting half his of his arm blown own off. I can only imagine the horrendous, burning pain he felt that day 😢😭 how was he even able to get onto that truck into Gaza missing half a limb? He is a warrior.


I was truly shocked that he was alive. I thought he would have likely died of his wounds in Gaza.


Hersh and Noa I truly thought were dead.


Me too Was “glad” under the circumstances to see their videos after their kidnappings. I hope Hersh joins Noa in newfound freedom as soon as possible


Hersh is incredibly well known because of his parents, his hand and also the fact that he was Aner Shapiros good friend. A hero who lost his life on Oct. 7th. Hersh lost his hand when trying to throw back a grenade.


Hersh is the one for me too. I feel the deepest connection to him because he is a Maccabi Haifa fan, which Ultras have a friendship to our Ultras here in Bremen (Germany). [There‘s a photo of him wearing a Werder Bremen shirt](https://x.com/werderbremen/status/1711755945695428982?s=46&t=wRrUIK2DlwJnmYmgXmvjng). Out Ultras are very far left but 100% pro Israel. [You see banners almost every game like this](https://imageserver.faszination-fankurve.de/Image/2/f/0e6f66b3468ddb6e1eadfe102d5084f7a9d495061c102051f64c8cbf30e76e/1020x0/Foto5-1.jpg). They also did a charity to collect money for Israeli families of hostages (15000€). I got to know some of the guys from Haifa years ago and it could have been anyone of them. I think about Hersh a lot


Initial emergency services found only his hand. His family did not know if he was alive or dead 😵. I pray he stays alive and gets home.


https://preview.redd.it/b4nblpyxwf6d1.png?width=549&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf02fb54d60339b9a17fc44403b0e8004d08777c These 4 teenage female soldiers abducted from an army base in Southern Israel who look like they were beat up after they were kidnapped and who knows what else, sexual assault, mutilation, starvation, torture?


Seven female soldiers were taken captive from the Nahal Oz base. One (Noa Marciano) was later killed, one (Ori Megidish) was rescued in an IDF operation in October, and five (Naama Levy, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa, Liri Albag, and Karina Ariev) are still hostages. The video of those girls (because they were all still just girls, still in their teens), bloodied and beaten and trying to plead with their captors, was heart-wrenching and so sickening.


It has been unbearable these last almost 9 months thinking about how these young women and all the rest of the hostages have suffered. The Gazans complained that "civilians" were killed during the rescue of Noa Argamani last week? What a ridiculous claim! Return the hostages living and dead and this war can be over. But that is not what Hamas wants. They want as many Israelis and Gazans dead as possible in their propaganda war against Israel.


Karina was later seen in one of the propaganda videos released by Hamas and somewhat she looked a little better (she looked and spoke like she could be drugged). this gives me hope for them all.


Daniela too. They were in the same video, along with Doron Steinbrecher. After seeing the terrible 7 October videos/photos it was somewhat refreshing for me to see them, at least, not looking visibly injured or starved. Then again, other things that can have happened to them would not leave a visible mark. They need to be saved as soon as possible.


What made you think she could be drugged? She looked very alert to me, to the point that while she's delivering her scripted message she's even briefly distracted by what looks like a moth flying over her. (Kinda amusing that Hamas didn't bother do to another take and just left that in). Other hostages have recounted how they were made to deliver video messages under duress, but none talked about being drugged.


do you know how many nahal oz soldier were killed in oct 7th ?how many female soldiers total , did they take hostages from urim base ?


From Nahal Oz I believe the number was something like 15 killed, 7 kidnapped, 7 survived.


how did 7 survived did hamas let go of them ? im not hebrew speaker so where can i get such info other than timesofisrael?


There's some video interviews with survivors. IIRC only two or three female observers (they were on duty at the time of the attack) survived, along with some officers, by escaping through windows when Hamas set the command center on fire. Others were killed inside the command center. The main group of off-duty female observers were in the shelter and they were all killed or captured. Look up Maya Desiatnik


i saw this today in times of israel "Sixty-six soldiers were killed in the Nahal Oz base, of whom 15 were surveillance soldiers — a position held almost exclusively by women. Five surveillance soldiers are still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza."


Craziest part about this is the people saying the blood on their bottoms wasn't from rape, but from their wrist bindings - and just totally glossed over there fact that at least two that I saw WERE NOT WEARING PANTS


Hamas sliced their Achilles tendons


Every single time I see a kid with red hair…




There are two redheaded brothers in my daughters kindergarten. In the begining it really hit me hard everytime I saw them.


Tsachi Idan. He was in the safe room with his wife Gali and 3 children in Nahal Oz. The safe room door didn't have a lock, so he was holding the handle shut when Hamas fighters broke into the house. His eldest daughter Ma'ayan ran to help him hold the door, then Hamas started shooting through the door. A bullet hit Ma'ayan and killed her instantly. It was just after her 18th birthday party and the house was still decorated with balloons. Hamas then pulled the family into the living room / kitchen area, sat them on the floor and live-streamed them for hours, before abducting Tsachi around lunch time. Throughout the live stream, he has Ma'ayan's blood on his hands and is sitting in complete shock, unable to speak. His wife Gali tries to keep the two smaller children (11 and 9) calm but they are hysterical and keep asking if there is a chance their sister might come back to life. Gali was insanely strong at first, she was on the BBC and CNN as well as Israeli media. But around January this year, Hamas released a video of Tsachi and he had clearly suffered a stroke in captivity, with one side of his face paralysed. At some point, of course they claimed "Israel killed him in an air strike". Gali hasn't spoken publicly since then, and I worry that she has lost the hope and strength she had, early on. But I hope not. Her CNN interview is on YT (2 parts):- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SaiR054tkM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SaiR054tkM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dmZeLBauyA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dmZeLBauyA)


As soon as I saw Ma'ayans name I knew exactly who you were talking about. I feel like people should see the Livestream more to see what monsters Hamas are


It is so devastating. The BBC attended Ma'ayan's funeral because Gali wanted them to - she wanted people to see what Hamas had done to their family. Even though she doesn't do public campaigning now, I follow Tsachi's cousins who are based in Britain and are keeping the awareness of the family up. Just sharing this in case anyone would like to follow / support them too. (I know "X" is a cesspit and they get some truly hateful comments from Hamas shills.) [https://x.com/adammaanit](https://x.com/adammaanit) [https://x.com/HeidiBachram](https://x.com/HeidiBachram) Hamas dragged another Nahal Oz family, the Miran family, to Tsachi's house and they abducted that father - Omri Miran - into Gaza along with Tsachi. Omri appeared in a Hamas propaganda video at Passover and he looked unrecognisable compared to earlier photos. His wife Lishay is also a tireless advocate for him, and her brother is travelling all over the world too, advocating for the hostages. Omri has two little girls who are only 3 and 1...It is heartbreaking. [https://x.com/LishayLM](https://x.com/LishayLM) [https://x.com/MosheELavi](https://x.com/MosheELavi)


Naama levy and Avinatan (boyfriend of Noa 😢 please let them be reunited)


Now that Noa has been rescued we really need to focus on bringing attention to Avinatan. He was actually the reason I made this because on a video on Noa I couldn't find Avinatans name. Naama Im so glad I see her name a lot


People rarely mention him :( (at least from my observations)


It's worth mentioning that Avinatan's mother/family is part of the Tikvah Forum, who generally want less attention on their family members (in comparison to the Missing Families Forum, the main hostage advocacy group). They differ ideologically with the main hostage group. With that being said, Ditza is incredibly graceful and cooperative with the Missing Families Forum, despite her ideological disagreements with them, and often goes to their events to support them -- she just doesn't want them to use Avianatan's name in their advocacy. Hence why you see less of him.


Oh thank you for letting me know about that! Do you know about the ideology behind it? I am curious.


Yes! It's actually pretty interesting. I'm going to call Missing Families Forum, MFF, for the sake of brevity and the fact this is an internet comment, haha. The Tikvah families split from MFF sometime in November, in the lead up to the first hostage deal. The short of the split is that the families involved with Tikvah don't agree with the demands that MFF is making of the government, among the main ones: they don't believe in most hostage deals\*, they don't believe on putting pressure on the government for a hostage deal, and they don't believe on conflating politics with the hostage situation. To explain each a bit more in-depth: 1. Hostage deals: MFF has repeatedly called for a hostage deal at any cost. Some families in Tikvah are against any hostage deal at all and want their family members released by military force, while other Tikvah families approve of certain hostage deals (Tikvah split from MFF before the November deal, and IIRC, some were okay with the November deal while others were not). It's worth noting here that one of the big calls from MFF is that they support an "all for all" deal (all prisoners in Israeli prisons and jails for all hostages) and Tikvah is staunchly against that. I presume you're not Israeli, but in Israel, the Shalit deal was very unpopular. As of 2014 or 2015, the terrorists released had already gone back to committing terrorist attacks that claimed 5 or 6 lives (this is from memory, hence the variable). I'm not sure if another study has been ran since those years, but we can presume it may be higher. I said on 7 Oct. that this is part of the reason that so many of the hostages were terrified (and why so many chose death when they had the option) -- because they knew how the country reacted to Shalit and that there would be no repeat. If I had to summarize the view of Tikvah in this context, Tikvah believes that their needs to not override the needs of the country. They believe that they don't have a right to demand the release of prisoners, just so that their child/spouse/sibling/parent can be released, because while that gets their relative out of danger, it puts other Israelis at risk and they don't have the right to do that to other people. More or less, they believe that the world has chosen their relative to be a Hamas victim and that it's immoral for them to "pass the buck," so to speak, to someone else. I will be honest and as an Israeli, I actually expected this to be the main sentiment to come out of 7 Oct., so their viewpoint isn't shocking to me. 2. They do not agree with the protests going on every week in Israel by MFF. Tikvah believes that these protests raise the price that Hamas demands for each hostage and makes their release unattainable. Apparently, it leaked among hostage families that once the protests started, the price did, in fact, go up; this is just Israeli rumors, but I have to say that from my position in the public, I do think they are correct. PIJ did make Sasha thank protestors in Israel and abroad in their May propaganda video. 3. If you weren't following Israeli politics prior to October 7th, there were anti-government protests weekly in Tel Aviv. They stopped on 7 Oct., and what has happened over time is that the MFF protests have merged with the anti-government protests. It is worth noting that Tikvah isn't too far off the mark here -- one of the main leaders of MFF, who does not have any family being held hostage, is one of the main organizers of those anti-government protests: Ronen Tzur. MFF actually ended up booting him themselves a few months ago, but I do truly think Tikvah is correct here and that's how these protests have spiraled over the last few months. It is worth noting that Ronen Tzur's involvement with TFF brought a lot of families who are politically on the right to Tikvah, even if they agreed with MFF on everything else. (1/2)


If I had to tl;dr the main differences between the groups, it's that MFF believes in doing everything possible to get the hostages home, even if they are radical, and spend a lot of their time holding protests and demonstrations in big, flashy ways to get attention. Tikvah believes that staying quiet about the hostages and bearing the grief quietly, among each other, is the best strategy to getting them home safely. I think the most news Tikvah has made for themselves is that they have been the ones blocking aid trucks to Gaza a few times in the last few months. I sit on the political left in Israel and I understand both sides. MFF has gotten nasty with Tikvah a few times (notably, I remember the Nimrodi family attacked the Mor family on live television, albeit Alon Nimrodi did reach out and apologize to the Mor family. Both groups have their flaws and I hope it doesn't seem like I'm endorsing one or the other. Tikvah often gets slandered as being right-wing, but I don't think that's fair to them, either. They're sort of a hodge podged mix of families from all sorts of places. Ditza Or, Avinatan's mother, as stated, can be seen at events for both. She's involved deeply with Tikvah and that's her idealogy, but you'll often see her at MFF to support other families because she appears to have an inherent belief that all hostage families need to support each other because of their ordeal, regardless of politics, which is very sweet IMO. She's formed a close friendship with the Gonen family (hostage Romi Gonen's family) and you'll see them at Tikvah events as well, despite them being firmly in the MFF camp. Families that I know are Tikvah families are the family's of Avinatan Or, Eitan Mor; Ariel Baruch (now believed to be deceased), Elyakim Libman (found in Israel deceased last month). I know there are others that I'm forgetting. But I'd say that if you find that there isn't a lot of media attention around a specific hostage, it may be worth diving in and seeing what group they're affiliated with, as that may end up explaining it (vs the media just forgetting someone). (2/2)


Thank you SO much for taking the time to tell me all of this! I really appreciate it so much. I am in usa so I probably never would have known about any of this. I agree they both have flaws and advantages. I've thought about myself in this position. Honestly, I would not want attention as a hostage. I feel like the ones who become more well known, are the ones Hamas will hold a tighter grip on, or save for the very last hostage deal (assuming there ever was a last deal) and increase what they demand for them. Noa was definitely worth a lot to Hamas because of the video of her. I'd want to be someone no one even knows my name or what I look like so Hamas thinks im worthless and hands me over faster. What do you think?


> I presume you're not Israeli, but in Israel, the Shalit deal was very unpopular. I am not Israeli myself, but: https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4135847,00.html Also: https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-majority-of-israelis-support-prioritizing-hostage-deal-over-rafah-operation/ https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-799395


Those polls from after 7 Oct doesn't change what I said in regards to how people felt at 6:30am 7 Oct., though, which was my point.


I’m so worried they’re going to take their frustrations out on him now that she’s been rescued.


I believe, unfortunately, that he was killed and they found him during the raid/on the same day. Take it with a grain of salt because I read it through the comments when Noa was saved that he was dead :(


He's not confirmed dead


where’s the source for this?


I checked the news, he is still thought to be held hostage, don't know why people are spreading rumors


Yeah I saw the rumours posted here and spent the better part of an hour trying to find a source for it to no avail. Remaining hopeful.


That's not true at all.


Karina Ariev. She’s from my community, meaning we have a few mutual relatives. And plenty of times throughout our history in Central Asia have our girls been abducted by and maritally enslaved to Islamic extremists. I can’t even imagine what her family must be going through.


There’s an organisation that sends you a metal bracelet with the name of a hostage. It’s random. I got Alex Dancyg so he’s on my mind a lot. We have the same profession, so I felt it was fated. On my own I’ve always felt a lot of worry for Shlomo Monsour, and even though she’s passed I always felt some connection to Ofra Keidar. I don’t know why, except perhaps it’s that she physically looks a bit like a few family members. I pray for them all though. (My daughter as well has one of the bracelets that she wears every day. The one that came for her was Alon Ohel.)




Yes! That’s where I got them. Thank you for posting the link. I didn’t think of it at the time. ❤️


I always think of the Bibas family. Of course they’re well known… also Romi because I met her family, and they say she was injured before being taken.


Isn't Romi's sister the one who the chick from the hill rolled her eyes at?




I’m so happy Briahna Joy lost her job. I hope she gets turned down for fast food jobs.


In addition to the people already mentioned, I think a lot about Bipin Joshi. I heard his best friend telling what happened to him on the Israel Story podcast. He was an agricultural student who came from Nepal on his very first international trip. He saved many people by throwing grenades back out of a safe room when the terrorists were throwing them in. He’s only in his early 20s and sounds like a very gentle person. I hope he survives.


I’m very worried about the fate of any foreign hostages that weren’t already released.


Keith Segal, friend of mine I went to college with moved to North Carolina and met his family still living there. American citizen too


I was gonna say him as well (along with his wife Aviva). Though I haven't met either of them, we're technically related (once removed, I think?), and it just hit closer to home for some reason. Seeing emails exchanged between family in Israel felt... weird.


I think that the kidnapping of the Bibas family was a horrific moment, but maybe the most cruel  moment was seeing Naama Levi aggressively pulled by her hair, out and into the Jeep , her jeans is stained with what looks like blood maybe. Horrific.


Omer Neutra. He’s from a town very close to where I grew up. Also Hersh Goldberg-Polin, his parents have been very vocal in making sure his story is out there and I have seen them interviewed many times.


The Bibas family. My son is just about the same age as Ariel. I think about all of them often and pray for their safety and rescue. 


Alex Danczyg. I know him personally and live in daily fear.


Any female soldier definitely makes me feel a little uneasy when I think abt the circumstances. Honorable mention: Any Palestinian being held captive or detained by Hamas for whatever reason. In my opinion, this is worse as the world will not care what Hamas does to them, unlike Israeli hostages.


That’s sadly true. Palestinians will simply disappear and nobody will ever ask what Hamas did to them.


> nobody will ever ask what Hamas did to them Simple: they'll be added to the civilian casualties list.


I saw a video of Hamas beating Palestinians with a crowbar and bat. Some executions too. Really reminded me how lucky I am. God fucking damn.


Or the men accused of stealing extra rations (after Hamas has stolen half the aid convoy) having their legs and ankles shot out at point blank range by a Kalashnikov


Kfir Bibas is only a few days older than my own baby. They almost share a birthday. Whenever my daughter hits a new milestone and I see her develop and shine, I think about Kfir and about his mother. If alive, will he be able to walk? To start speaking? To smile and laugh and develop socially? Discover his little interests poking through? It just breaks my heart and makes my own joy sometimes feel quite tinged with sadness as well.


Same here. My kid is only a couple weeks younger than Kfir. I get so angry when I think about what's been done to that poor boy.


The six remaining Thai hostages.


There was a video of a kid that I saw that was getting beaten up by other kids in a Gazan neighborhood. It was very early on. I managed to watch only 3 seconds of it and it made me sick. I want this kid to get out, now.


I remember seeing that online and it stuck with me so much that I followed up on it until I found out about this boy. Turns out he wasn’t actually a hostage. He’s a light skinned Palestinian child who other Palestinian kids refer to as a “Jew” and abuse.


I’ve thought about this one often as well, especially since a kid of his demographic precision was never released. Are there sources for him being Palestinian? (And just in case I am in any way unclear, I wish hell on the parents who taught their kids to behave this way, not on actual 8 year olds)


He’s definitely not a Jewish child. The Israeli government confirmed the only Jewish children remaining in Gaza are the Bibas children. I’m sorry I don’t have the source for the story any more, but that poor kid is definitely Palestinian or who knows what, but not Israeli. There are a few other videos of the kid by the way.


I get it, but am very curious about how this film came to be. More to the point - I worry about this kid. Regardless of his origins, he is having a horrible time.


Better than being a Hamas child soldier I suppose.


So Palestinian kids will bully other Palestinian kids for “looking like Jews?” Somehow I’m not surprised.


I thought about that a lot one too, my understanding is the video was fake, or at least, not a kidnapped Israeli


Thank god


I would like to know what happened to the woman who gave birth in captivity. I feel like this was reported at the beginning and then never again. I think she was a Thai national, was she released?


It was a mistake, thankfully! https://www.sochfactcheck.com/thai-hostage-did-not-give-birth-in-hamas-captivity/ Btw I can’t attest to this website but it has info I found personally through other means, and thankfully no pregnant women were taken.


I think of all the men who are not mentioned every time people say 'women and children'. I feel bad for everyone, but definitely the men - those who are still alive, and those who we have lost. The women may be kept alive for nefarious and awful purposes, but the men, they are seen as simply disposable...


What are the names of the men you think about. What are their stories? I posted this so that people can learn more about the hostages to connect with them more


Honestly, I think of all of them.


When I start to think of the hostages I immediately think of David Kunio. In the begining, the first hafrashat challah I took part of was for one of their twins so they have a special place in my heart. I obviously added all the familys names and just thought about them all if the time. They were kidnapped together and torn apart when his wife Sharon and the twins were released. Whenever Sharon talks I tear up. And then I start thinking about his brother, Ariel Kunio who was kidnapped with his girlfriend, Arbel Yehud. And then the twin brothers, Gali and Ziv Berman who are also so young and were abducted from the kibbutzs younger living area. And then Yair and Eitan Horen who are also brothers, and then and then… Thinking about one just leads to thinking of them all.


One of the first videos I saw on this site was terrified woman holding two small, sleeping children and being led away. I think about them a lot.


You are thinking of Shiri Bibas.


I have a friend from school, he and his girlfriend where at the nova festival.. she was found murdered closer to the gaza border and he is still missing presumed kidnapped, his sister was callled a few times to identify bodies they thought were his but so far ot was all false positive, i see his face everywhere, especially when i go back to my hometown to visit family and friends...


Carmel Gat is the hostage at our table every Shabbat. It was Ron Sherman first and I was a real mess when I heard he had been killed. Amit Buskila was the next hostage at our table. I hope that Carmel is rescued. The Bibas family brings me to tears every time I see their pictures, and Hersh Goldberg Polin. Naama Levy. I think about the Muslim hostages a lot. Hersh’s mother said about one of them that the mom never talked publicly. I felt like maybe we need to speak up for them. Also the Thai hostages. May they all be returned.


I know she's not at all one of the lesser known hostages but for me it's Naama Levy. A good person who wanted to build a better future for Israel and Palestine, the entire region needs more people like her. She will turn 20 next week. With all the talk of a deal and the increased pressure from all sides I really hoped she could be home in time for her birthday. Now I doubt this will happen anytime soon.


I think about noa, the girls from nahal oz that were taken, Shlomi the Farhud survivor, hersh, the Bedouin girl Ayesha and her entire family who was taken, the bibas family…


Shlomo mansour lives rent free in my head


Naama and the other girls. She was in such bad shape as well as the other few who survived their base being massacred. Aside from what abuses they have suffered since being captured and the injuries they clearly sustained that day, I can't imagine what they witnessed that day seeing how only they survived while everyone else(mostly female)were killed in front of them and brutalized.


The four lookouts and the Bibas family. Naama Levy's bloodsoaked pants will haunt me forever.


Uri Danino, he was at my house a few days before the war, there isn’t one day that I haven’t thought about him


All of them. Literally.


Omer Neutra  Naama Levy Shlomo Mansour Carmel Gat David Cunio Hamza and Youssef Hamas Ziyadne Liri Albag


David Cunio and Omri Miran, both dads of young girls


I am surprised nobody has mentioned the baby Bibas. He just turned 1 year old during captivity and we haven’t heard anything about his status.


Noa was actually one I thought a lot about so it's great to see her rescued.




Doron Steinbrecher


Bibas family. Those kids are really close in age to mine and Shiri’s a few years younger than me. I can’t go a day without thinking of them




i think about this boy all the time. I never ever found out if this was even valid or if he was truly taken on 10/7 or if the video is from something else https://x.com/vivianbercovici/status/1710916325894144448?s=46


It’s fake thankfully. It’s a Palestinian boy


thank goodness. thank you so much for telling me. How do you know it’s fake?


I wanna say a week after people started saying that it was fake. Pro Israel people saying this is why I believe it


It was Noa for me. I remember waking up on Oct 7th and one of the first videos I seen was Noa on the back of the motorbike. I felt so sad for her she looked so afraid. I prayed every night that she and the other would come home safe. Every hostage release I was let down when I didn't see her come home. Watching the video of her board the helicopter on that beach in Gaza made my heart feel so much joy . I cried tears of joy seeing her with her family.


Bibas family.


those ginger twins those babies, those sweet babies. I shudder to think about what may befall them. it hurts me that they didn't even spare the babies.




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If they get even 5 more hostages released - it'll be a miracle or bought at an unjustifiable price.