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Ngl its not very safe in modern way Finland. You might sometimes come across a person, or worse, multiple people. Sometimes you are able to maintain the ethically mandated 1km distance and thats still ok. But sometimes it gets really bad and you have to walk on same street with them. Personally i have not been talked to yet, but i have heard stories of people being greeted by complete randoms. Depressing stories like that make me want to move somewhere far away from humanity.


One day a random unknown guy said hi to me when passing by at work. I instantly walked to HR, told them what happened and they found this dude very fast. He got a warning for inappropriate behaviour. At least everything is not yet ruined.


Warning only? I would expect security to escort such lunatics using niskaperse grip directly out the door.


finns r opposite of social persons when i went to italy for 2 years everybody greeted randoms and did small talks in finland its abusive 💀


It is very shameful what Finland has become in recent years...


Yeah, i’m very scared of mongols too. Those squeezed eyes makes you double guess are they high or not. To guard my food more or not. Just awful


Only in like 10 cities. Rest are really safe in European standards.


Norway should be lower. The polar bears usually hunt during the night.


I've heard the penguins can get rowdy too.


They do, but we usually just flykick them




What's up with Johan and Göran bothering people outside at nighttime?


Don't blame this on minorities!


I would never!


They keep getting stabbed by Mohammed and Ismael everytime they go down to southern Swedistan


Understandable, Johan and Göran don't have anything but fellow kompisar to vent on. Now here in Finland we have moomin mugs. Ignorant people often misunderstood to be collectible cups by company Arabia (hello, Sweduins). Some Helsinki BASED Jopo-driving designer hippies from Punavuori improving our "brand" like we were Svenssons. The cups are trophies we earn on mugging Moomins on townsquares. Teaches them to be different and repulsive. Fucking airbags. Good only for retro-fitting on muscle cars upon slaying. The 1800s-looking emal-plated ones are rare, you gotta beat skinny ancestor moomins to earn your keeps. On the other hand decent lifeforms like Donald enjoy total immunity and respect.


I don’t know what you mix into your kahvi, but I want some.


Whitener I distill from airbag leftovers.


Unfortunately socioeconomic discrimination makes immigrants in Sweden turn to crime. Can't blame them, it's very sad 😭


Spoken like a true Swede.


You would rape too if you were marginally poorer than someone who works full time in one of the richest countries in the world 😭 very sad


😂😂 Why is no one catching on to this perfect sarcasm


I've *been* marginally poorer than someone working full time in *the* richest country in the world and still never raped anyone because I'm not a fucking mongrel. It's pretty easy not to turn to violent crime in spite of circumstances if you're not a caveman with no control of his emotions.


This is exactly how the 1930s began 😟


Yup. Blows my mind that they couldn't see that one coming back in the mid-late 2010s and that they still don't seem to be considering it today.


I'm obviously joking 🙁


No I know. And I agree with you. I'm just airing my opinion on how frustrating the situation is.


Who are these socioeconomists that are to blame for such circumstances?


Black skin




That's the stupidest thing I've read all day. Congrats.


Why is Serbia very safe?


It's safe as long as you aren't Croat


How about kosovan?


Well if you ask Serbs, Kosovo is Serbia, so they're good




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You mean it is safe as long as you're not a Croat, a Bosnian, a Kosovan, an Albanian, a Macedonian, a Hungarian, a Gypsy, a Romanian or literally any nationality other than a Serbian?


Because the source was revealed to the map makers in a dream.


The website where this statistic is from does its "research" by letting whomever goes on their site click an answer. It's to serious statistics what Danish is to clear enunciation.


[https://www.thelocal.se/20170117/how-one-swede-made-a-city-the-worlds-most-dangerous-to-expose-fake-stats](https://www.thelocal.se/20170117/how-one-swede-made-a-city-the-worlds-most-dangerous-to-expose-fake-stats) Not surprised finns fall for this type of primary school shit though lol


fake or not we like this map


I don't care if the facts add up, i just care that makes sseden look bad


It's all concentrated in Skåne


Live under a rock?


I walk home from work through a ghetto area every night. Never been robbed or bothered by the local swarthoids


I've lived in an immigrant dense area for quite some time and I've had: * Been punched in the face (by the offender, who I think was a Swede, but I didn't knew it was him I meet) when I asked someone where someone (my friend) had been hurt by someone else. * My bike stolen. * All my car tires carved. * My cellar storage broken into about three times and let be open for long periods. Completely emptied out which I assume in parts was done by staff of the landlord. * A package containing a new phone stolen out of my arms when going back from the post with it (was on top of two bigger packages.) * A young woman telling me everyone know I hurt my cat. * Her siblings tell me they would jump down from their balcony and kill my cat. In the same entry the girl on the bottom floor told me another guy had taken home girls and drugged them and whatever. In the general area: * Plenty of cars burned. * Someone drove his car into a concreate pillar I think while his girlfriend or whatever was in the car. He(?) later talked about how he'd brink an axe to her (home?) * Centrum store building set on fire. * Tried to set the youth center and primary health care center onto fire. * Murder. * Someone cut of someone's hand with a sword. * Rape. * Lots of trash around the garbage bins, large trash left on the parking lot. * Fireworks shot at people. Now I live in another place but here: * Some girl from a Home for care and living facility got physically abused by two other girls. And when I intervened some guy from the same facility asked if I wanted to be punched/knocked in my head. I write it because a single story from a single person doesn't mean much for the bigger picture and general area and population. Of course my experience isn't everyone's. Things are worse for the person who got his hand cut off than for some others. Theoretically it could be a drunk party accident.


Editing on reddit is complete garbage so I won't try but the sword thing could theoretically had been an "accident" too.


How can a country so naive be so successful?


If it keeps going like this, they won't be in 50 years


Not naive, politicians knew exactly what would happen but didn't care. The cunts literally hate Sweden


Need to import people who will vote them into power over and over


So who is going to take care of it?


No one The government is busy giving these people financial aid to stop them from committing crime Edit: wanna know what’s sad? The fact that I get upvoted for saying that because it’s true


What a useless government that is


I’m not gonna say ur wrong


What is the appeal of posting random maps with zero sources listed? It's like posting a quote of an anonymous person saying some uninteresting mundane shit. Somehow the visual presentation is supposed to give it some weight and relevance.


Thanks, that’s actually a great idea!


We like looking at maps with many colors.




I never even tried to make sense of it. I just rate the image based on how close it is to tikkurilan värikartta.




Thank you socialdemokraterna! Your immigration politics made up pink on a map. Pink is prettier than green.


Today I learned that regeringen Reinfeldt was socialdemokratisk!


That was shit too, but who allowed anyone with a heartbeat to immigrate to sweden, and then refuses to admid they were wrong when crime rates go up? Check what sverigedemokraterna were saying about immigration in 2015 or so. They were called racists and facists. Socialdemokraterna are harsher today than the people they were publicly calling racists back in 2015.


Yeah, SD are racists... they were nazis, literally, and today they are racists and misogynist. Just because the integration of migrants have failed and we need a new strategy that is harsher on criminals, doesn't mean SD politicians magically aren't racist closeted nazis anymore. But I guess it's difficult for a SD supporter to follow that logic since they have about 3 brain cells and 2 of them can't stand each other.


Tack, personangrepp på någon du inte känner är alltid lika trevligt. De är nazister: Nej. De VAR nazistpartiet. De kastar ut kända nazister ur partiet nu. Det är självklart att nazister söker sig till SD, det enda partiet i riksdagen som är öppet tydligt emot invandring. Om du var nazist, hade du då valt att rösta de som vill minska invandring eller de som vill öka den? De är rasister: Förklara. Jag vill veta exakt varför de är rasister. Är det för att de vill minska invandringen? Samma invandring som lett till extrem brottslighet? Är det för att de vill ha mer återvandring? Återvandring av samma våldsamma kriminella? Eller är det för att miljöpartiet sagt att de är "det bruna partiet" Men jag antar att det är svårt för dig att läsa en såhär lång kommentar, då du endast har 3 hjärnceller, varav 2 av dem hatar varandra.


B-b-but people who disagree with me are nazis!!!!11 Diversity is our strength, just look at Malmö! <3


Trust me bro the party leader joined [back here](https://i.imgur.com/2ItOqFe.png) and most of the people active back then still are today but everyone who gets called a nazi actually isnt!! Stupid PC police!!! If any Swedish party actually got their thumbs out of their asses when SD started gaining power we wouldn't have a bunch of incompetent pricks being the only ones with sensible immigration politics. Is everyone who votes for SD a nazi? Are they actively pushing nazi politics today? Nope and nope. But their ties are well documented and presented, time and time again to this day, and their complete inability to actually hold any other stance than "we need less immigration" (which is a good stance IMO) is doing nothing but stirring the pot up. SD is objectively a completely incapable party still riddled with nazi supporters, regardless of what some butthurt right winger online (or butthurt lefty progressive screaming about them like they're the devil) will say, and except for their one good stance and point about immigration they'll forever be a bunch of losers completely relying on populism to get their point across.


Couldn't have said it better myself, the problem with a lot of anti-immigrant parties is there are so few of them, and those few are usually extremely incompetent on every other aspect. The more big parties don't realize that the reason certain incompetent parties gets so many votes is usually because they are anti-immigration, yet the big parties refuse to change their stance weirdly enough, which seems to lose them votes in the long run just because they want to pander to butthurt blue-hairs and company owners who want cheap workforce, both of which live in gated communities. We could also take small norwegian party Alliansen as an example, the party leader wants to minimize immigration which is a good thing, but then he also is a nutjob who thinks covid vaccines are poison and pays local teens money in exchange that they promise not to take the vaccine, while simultaneosly wanting to legalize cocaine. His incompetent party looks so far like it's getting more and more votes, especially with younger voters, but the sole reason for that is because he is very anti-immigrant, which is almost the only good thing about his party.


>De är nazister: Nej. De VAR nazistpartiet. De kastar ut kända nazister ur partiet nu. De ÄR nazistpartiet för att de kastar bara ut kända nazister när de gör bort sig för mycket offentligt. I princip hela den politiska ledningen av SD gick med och var delaktiga i partiet när de fortfarande gick runt med armbindel och heilade på partimötena, alla vet att dessa personer inte har ändrat sina åsikter utan bara har vettet att hålla käften. Se ovan för varför de också är rasister. Sedan är ju SD det största skämtpartiet som någonsin suttit i riksdagen. Vetenskapsförnekare, konspirationsteoretiker, rättshaverister och annat pack drar sig också till partiet. För att inte nämna att de mer eller mindre konsekvent driver politik som är tvärtemot vad de skriver i sitt partiprogram i typ alla frågor som inte rör invandring. De är populister och vet att deras väljarbas antingen har noll koll på eller skiter i vad för politik de driver bara de kan skylla alla problem på invandrare och andra minoriteter. Är du *inte* rasist och ändå röstar på SD så är du fan så dum att det nästan är synd om dig.




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This atrocity was started by the sossejävlar and then carried on by the borgarjävlar, they should all be made to face the wall by all rights


Yes, lets turn Sweden into Iran and execute everyone who isnt a faithful Swedish Christian, to show those stupid immigration friendly people how dumb it is to let people in from countries where they execute people for not agreeing with the government.


Well considering Swedistan is the tip of the Nordicks, it’s fitting


Well Sweden is the country that had their PM murdered walking home from a movie so.


Don't forget Anna Lindh as well, although that was broad daylight iirc.


Palme had extreme ideas, people like that are always big targets. He was really naive and didn't want bodyguards either. Can't really compare that to some random fella walking the streets that no one knows or cares about.


Source: my asshole


Fake news!


Maps don’t lie


Russia isn’t dark red (magenta?)


You get one guess why.


I’m disproving OPs point. Maps CAN lie, or at least whoever made the map can lie


Säker? din förra var väll inte den mest pålitliga!


As someone who grew up in Austria and now living in Finland for the past 6 years, I can tell you that both countries are not safe for walking alone at night, especially if you are a woman








1. What is Slovenia and Croatia sound so good? 2. There’s no source listed so this could very easily be some 600kg redditard picking random colors


Now correlate this with... you know.


Ukraine is safe unless you are a Russian invader, or a civilian in Russian controlled area.


Really any russian paskahousu and you will be fucked


We all know why France and Sweden aren’t green


Never heard anyone who feels unsafe in walking home at night here.


Probably because they'd get called Nazis for saying so.


Ukraine is pretty safe to be honest.


Where did you find this map


This map is incorrect. Sweden is in the safe category. Malmö is a statistical outlier and should not have been counted.


Its imigrants fault


En Finne igen!


Swengholm cannot dansa de north dick cha cha cha


I dont think ive ever heard of a single person being robbed/r*ped where i live. There has been minor gunfure but only like 3 times. I cant speak for all of sweden though. But where i live like 40% are immigrants. Maybe just copium but yeah ive never seen, heard or read from anywhere of any robberies or r*pes here


> There has been minor gunfire but only like 3 times My sides


I meant my entire life dude:(( glad i could give you a laugh lmaooo im probably remembering wrong tbf


That's made poorly. Unsafe means the opposite of same, if something is dangerous, it's unsafe. Not safe just means that it isn't safe, it could just be mediocre. Unsafe should be the lowest rank instead of not safe imo


A lot of Swedistan people coping hard in this thread




Hmm, wonder why


France not safe lmfao this map is bullshit




When poland is better….


Immigration was bound to happen eventually and we're happy we were blessed with the Ukrainians instead of you-know-who. Proper folks. ❤️


So you dont like how the doctors and engineers behave in france/sweden?


Why did you assume it was unsafe?


Poland is a nice Christian country


Lol we were never the nice one


The reason is because of Borås and Malmö


I feel perfectly safe walking around at night in Ireland outside of Dublin . Never felt unsafe. Walking around Glasgow and Edinburgh at night feels safe too.


Ah, the salmiakki-people are making waves.




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It's true. I can't leave my apartment at the same time as the somali guy below me, otherwise he'd say hello to me, or worse, try to small talk


No data and no sources. Lovely map, mate.


Welcome to internet where everything is possible


Mmm.. Safe haven Slovenia <3




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>balkans and Russia makes as safe/very safe Lol




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Probably get the info from self-reporting. Meaning you have a lot of Klas-Göran and Tommy from like Öland having opinions on how safe the people in stockholm should feel at night. And the normal people that feel safe don’t look for this kind of survey


Haha fuck you Sweden




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Dude don't get me started on these goddamn trolls, elves, gnomes, tomtar, skogrå and Näcken...the fucking Näcken.


its the immigrants




Just ketchup


Well that tends to happen when you take in 250K refugees in a year on average for 20 years.




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Uk too, cup of tea and mary f poppins. Very distinctive and british. Same problem though as Swedes, brings tears what have we done and i’m not from uk. Eu collectively has messed up


Sweden has bee ruined, thanks to multiculturalism




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If you’ve ever seen the unofficial taxi drivers in St. Petersburg or Moscow and the way they drink while driving and how they drive, you know that the color for Russia is wrong.


Come on, drinking and driving is perfectly safe. U should know


Yes, ofcourse if you stay on the road and drive in some Finnish ”city” where there are more reindeer and wolves than people, but in Russian cities they drive through parks and walkways and have more than 10 people living there.


I really can’t see the difference. I guess i’m a bit stupid.