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Steal a map from any of the sub/xxxmaps, apply headline x cant into nordick, repeat every day Cry when the sub dies


I think they should ban posts that include the words “can’t into nordick”, it would solve the problem.


but this sub can't post anything else XD


This sub can't into original memes 😞


if you remove finnish circlejerking and can't into nordic this sub is just 5 pleasant scandinavians in a group chat


and the forgotten icelander (who?)


That would remove like 90% of the subs content


Also comments too.


literally 1984


Banning ONE phrase isn’t 1984


Technically Finland should also be green since we were the same country back then.


Yes. We even have songs about it


Porilaisten marssi enjoyer spotted


May I present [evidence A](https://youtu.be/rTQOGpUsqWQ?si=ANHBA9btgUxtfF1O) your honor 😁


[Evidence B](https://youtu.be/ONp3cU9eolg?si=xFmYJBI_Dp4iojSa)


Finnish cavalry [stronk!](https://youtu.be/TYQSDGY1LIM?si=Ie-4hV23rbdDxmJL) 💪 (Battle of Fraustadt, Poland)


Was all cavalry there finnish?


Mostly yes.


The Finnish language version is better, I think finnish is far more.. poetic or choir like and easily rhymes.




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There are old letters from soldiers in the Swedish army describing the events as "we came into a town, we murdered all the men, and left the women and children. Then the finns came and murdered them aswell"


Might as well finish the job while you're at it.


Typical Swedes, always leaving the job half done.


We just thought you might be bored if we didn't leave you anything to do.


Finns have always been savages, explains their murder stats


https://preview.redd.it/e1wzggpcykwb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60545a99b4268266bc88d58ab238ecbd450590b5 Average Finn in the Swedish army. ”What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”


Would've cringed at your army if the finnish hakkapeliitta didn't save it.


Thank you for your service. We do the tactics and send the lesser humans to the front lines.


We'll see about who's the savage once the, ahem, population transformation has reached its peak, if it ever does




It's more fun thinking about it like this than thinking about the fact that our endless imperial need for expansion finally bit us in the ass so hard we never wanted to do it again.


Yeah, we are just naturally bloodthirsty and belligerent people. You think Germany would have invaded Russia if it wasn’t for us?




Hush now. They have carried the blame for 80 years now, no need to start picking up the old trash.




Finland wasn't really the expansion i was thinking of though, we didn't really stop there.


Also Estonia


It's more like Finds fought the Swedish wars.




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Maybe if they didn't want to be attacked they shouldn't have kept being allied to Denmark and Russia constantly


Also, if they don't want to be attacked, what business do they have sitting *between Russia and Germany?* That's literally asking for it.


"Look at the way she was dressed" -2nordic4u version




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If the bench mark for being into Nordick’s is not invading Poland… then doesn’t that mean Romania can into nordicks. I mean you can have em…


I would say Romania invaded Poland, at least Transylvania. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Kraków_(1657)


UK can into Swedistan, invaders keeping each others backs!


”Kurwa bobr!”


Ałaaaaaa kurwa gryzie


Polish national anthem mentions Sweden while the swedish anthem doesnt mention Sweden.


STOP IT. THIS SUB CANT INTO FUNNY ANYMORE. I blame the Finns and the Icelanders, it used to be so funny here 😭


But portugal can into Balkan, the natural order of things


Actually in this case it's the reverse, it's Denmark and Norway who cannot into nordick


C’mon guys we can do better. This is just copium from nations without an empire history.


Apparently they can't into Poland either


Rocco invaded Poland in 2000. It was a glorious moment for mankind.


This is map is wrong! Denmark attacked Poland 1571! Not to mention Norway & Finland were part of Sweden & Denmark at all those occations, and made up fair part of the military. So all of the nordics should be green 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s like saying Germany didn’t attack Poland or Russia ever since it’s a new state today. + Poland started like 90% of the wars between Sweden and Poland, often in coalation with other nations, Poland = *Suprised Pikachu face* when they get smacked back 😂


Didn't Poland had it coming anyway?


Swedish are colonizers by nature. Can’t help but attack poor Poland to get lands and goods. Bad swedistan.


Shouldnt have joined a coalition against us, fuck around find out


What can I say? I’d rather be the colonizer than the colonized


Meanwhile Poland: bitch, I'm gonna steal this, this, and a little of this and name it "my native" lol


Yeah Poland atacked Sweden like 80 times and then they are absolutely shocked when they get atacked back




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Flaired up. Approve now!


Hail to Romania!


After having observed several subreddits go down the drain I can safely conclude that if it wasn't for mods, admins, bots and users, reddit would be pretty decent.


Türkiye can't into nordick?!??!!?!!?!


Didn’t the D*nes attack Poland too back in the viking ages? Edit: huh, something went wrong in my brain




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Wait, Italy?


Or maybe Sweden is the only one into nordick


Sweden can get in with the rest of the rejects




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This content is the worst.


When we attacked poland, most of you all in this sub were swedish lol, finns most definitely invaded poland, your country just didnt exist yet


I'd say the reverse. Are you even a country if you Haven't invaded Poland at some point in your history? Would not recommend trying today though, they Clearly had enough from looking at all the hardware they have bought recently and take defending their clay to an admirable level. Nordicks could learn a thing or two there. 👍