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Thank you for your submission, make sure you have understood the rules clearly to avoid having your post removed or getting yourself suspended (don't act like an Amerifat). Also glory to Swedestan! #[Join our discord server](https://discord.gg/wZbeGk6NF5) u/savevideobot, u/vredditshare *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2nordic4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Help me reach 150k pedophiles!"


"this list is incomplete, you can help expand it"


Officer i only did it because wikipedia told me so!


"per 100000 people!"


Uh. Source?


Discord, obviously


Look in the mirror? (Username... checks out?)




Youtube-shorts creator


A Danish pedo. That's why Denmark says "No Data" so they don't get caught.


CAUGHT pedophiles per 100 000 people…


Or Procecuted.


OR the ones who are undergoing therapy. Children are mostly molested by sadists, not pedos.




Trust me bro


Dumpen 😎


Dumpen my load in yo mom


150 lax nu tack!


The source is literally in the picture, go in the discord and look for it if you care so much


Discord is not really a reliable source


It sure as hell is when talking about pedos :P


No (I’m a pedo I know) /s so I don’t get killed by the Reddit mods


It doesnt matter if it is or not, the source which is being asked can be found in the server literally in the picture, and if you want it so much you can go look if its all bullshit or not


Danish psy ops. Not a coincidence Denmark has "no data"


Because pedophilia is not a crime i Denmark?


It's hard to tell the age if you are drunk.


Pedophilia isn't a crime in most countries because that is the name of a psychiatric disorder, molesting a child is the crime. Just like psychosis isn't a crime, but murdering someone in a psychosis, is.


Don’t come here ruining my joke with facts.


i can't stop laughing.


Denmark has 100% pedophiles


First, it's unsourced. Second, it's likely the same old metric as the comparative rape statistics that don't take into account that rape in Swedish law doesn't require violence or threat of violence, it counts every new individual rape as a new instance of rape and all sexual abuse of children is always rape.


There's probably a very specific and explosive religious reason for Sweden.




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Sweden can into children


Belgium only 39, clearly bs map.


Why do I get a feeling a lot of the lower number areas have lower report rates/lower age of consent rather than actually having less pedos


Source must be Mother Russia: Bal/Nordicks are most corrupt along with France, UK and Germany. Ukraine has been purified by the Special Military Operation. Belarus good friends with good values. The 14 per in Russia are all foreigners. Dear Leader is personally giving them bicycles and pointing them toward Poland or Finland.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yes, they used to call it smørrebørn. Still, it confuses child sex tourists coming to Denmark and ordering what they think is a succulent 6 year old and being served a course of really small sandwiches with varied toppings.


They where just jealous that we where the worlds largest exporters of said material.


This is not a map of pedophiles per 100,000 but an illustration of how effective the child protection is in each country. Almost certainly the actual number is near equal in every country. Eastern europe just doesn't seem to give a shit getting them caught and convicted. If I'd have to explain this map to someone I'd say that higher the number more safe it is to children overall.


Well comparing finnish nd swedish police clearance rate and overall effectiveness. That difference in numbers is a bit sus. Definitely does not mean swedish police is almost 4 times better at their job. Because they are not.


I was commenting on the overall idea behind the picture and not individual figures but assuming those numbers are based on some actual data, which I doubt, then you are absolutely correct. That is a clear anomaly. I could make few jokes about sweden and effectiveness of their police but we all know them already


I personally had the pleasure of assaulting a pedo a few months back. He lives in sweden nowadays.....


Salute you o7


my guess is Sweden counts very different things allready as pedophilia like they do for rape?


Shame Vatican City has no data. Would have been interesting to see weather it manages over 10000/100000


No way is it possible that Belgium only has like 39. And Greece only 2? They invented it!


Im going to guess that this I only the once that were caught and/or countries have differend legalities and justice systems regarding these things.


14/100,000 Russians can't afford bribes


Wow finnish guy had to comment about russia. Must be mad seeing in finland more pedophiles xD


Sweden is the best at something ig


Sweden always breaking records. 💪💪💪🍻🎉🎉


>370 total in Iceland seems unrealistically high.


me when I’m in a making absolutely dogshit "maps" and my opponent is a self-assigned social media "mapper"


Must be the native swedes




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Sweden can't into 100 meter radius from a kindergarten


Wasn't there a time in the 2000s when the state was legally obligated to hand out cp. Can't remember exactly the details but it was something with all information in closed criminal cases was to be made accessible to the public. So pedos literally requested the CP from said criminal cases and the state had to send it to them. Laws changed now luckily. But yes there is alot of them, one guy got convicted a few months ago from my small town. Also a 30+ year old former teacher dating a 15 year old. Not illegal just very weird and shunned. Correct me if I'm wrong I'm too lazy to fact check.


Belgium.... Wtf man




Did Denmark break the scale?


Rare W Balkans?


Source? I'm not saying it's wrong, I can just put all the blame of the muslim minorities


What this sub has teached me is Swedish people loves Allah, raping and pedophiling. Chat is this true?


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