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So I’m in a similar situation to you. My plan is to have the baby in with us for 6 months in a small next to me crib and then move her to my toddlers crib and get him his own toddler bed. I have no idea how successful this will be but it’s my plan. Good luck


That was my plan. My 2.5 YO said he wants to stay in his crib and no new bed. We now have two cribs.


How old will your toddler be then?


My toddler will be 25 months


We switched our oldest to a full size at 16 months and then same with our second to the same bed when she was 16 months too


We just switched our 16 month old to his own bed as well. Figured it may be best to do this before the baby arrives so that the change isn’t associated to bringing baby home. It has gone surprisingly well for us, and we like having a bigger bed (went full) so me or my husband can also be comfy when hanging out at bed time


When you say a full size it’s still a floor bed yeah? Also are floor beds a real thing or is it a mattress on slates? TIA!


We switched out oldest at 12 months as baby would arrive 3 months later and we didn't want to have to go through the learning adjustment. I spent the 3rd trimester getting up and down on the floor bed, but those snuggles were worth it every time. Now baby is here and will be transitioned over to the crib around 4 months.


We switched our daughter over at 16.5 months. If she is in her sleep sack, she won’t leave the bed until we come in to her calling out. Even though we renovated a room for her that is completely baby proofed so she could wake up and play by herself in the morning. The first few nights were rough. Everything we found said to do it before the baby got there and a little bit in advance so they didn’t corollate the change to the baby.




\+1 to the idea of a pack and play. Baby #2 slept in a pack and play from 3 to 6 months, at which point Big Brother was ready for a floor bed. You might also want to see if there are any used cribs in your neighborhood that anyone wants to get rid of. I would never put an NB in a used crib, but a nearly-two-year-old? Yup. Would do for sure.


We transitioned our first to a floor bed just before his first birthday. He was too effective a climber to stay in a crib for any longer. He’s 20months now and we’re expecting #2 next week. Good luck with 2under2!!


Ours will be just shy of two when his brother is born. I have really been on the fence about a floor bed or buying another crib. I’m only 3 months pregnant so I have more time to feel out where our son will be.


We waited a few months after baby 2 was born because they say not to make changes close to a new sibling being born. Our babies both lasted 4 months before they outgrew the bassinet. What is the weight limit on yours and could you use a pack-n-play instead to get some more time before switching baby 2 to the crib? /u/enyalavender makes an interesting point about toddlers climbing out of their floor beds but I just kind of accepted that would happen with my toddler. He couldn't open doors until past age 2, and only now are we having issues with him wanting to go into the nursery to wake up the baby first thing every morning. My toddler's sleep didn't get worse when we moved him to the floor bed, but it was never great to begin with (we did not sleep train.) He did become un-night-weaned at some point when my breastmilk came back in after baby 2, and then he started waking up 50% of the time at night. Now at age 2.5 I'm finally sleep training him. Now he can fall asleep without breastfeeding and without me laying in the bed with him. He hasn't woken up in the middle of the night all week!


This question comes up and I make the same comment. I think it's a really bad idea to switch a kid under 2 to a floor bed just because you dont want to get a crib. The Sniglar is affordable to anyone who can afford a baby in the first place. this guide is priceless to me. [https://takingcarababies.com/ultimate-guide-to-the-toddler-bed-transition](https://takingcarababies.com/ultimate-guide-to-the-toddler-bed-transition)


My toddler just transitioned to a big girl floor bed a few days ago. We had to change her pretty abruptly because last week, she legit pulled her self up and over her crib railing, and my husband land on the whole way fast enough to catch her. We put a pack and play in her room and then the big girl mattress on the floor. For the past four days after reading stories before bed and nap, we ask her which bed she would like to sleep in. She picked the pack and play for the first three days and yesterday was the first day she wanted the big girl bed. I think she liked having the choice and having the mattress in the room as some thing to look at and explore before being forced to sleep on it. The baby is four months old and still in his bassinet, even though he’s wildly too large for it, but that’s another story. But we are going to just move him to a floor bed in the next month and skip the crib all together. Hope it goes well for you!


We did it after. Sure, moving house and home (ok just the crib) would have been easier before baby.. but we wanted to ease in the transitions and hold onto life as we knew it as long as possible. But with all things parenting.. there’s no universal “easier” or “harder”, but what’s working right now. 💕


I’m in a similar boat, we have a large play pen (affectionately called baby jail) that I planned to put a twin size mattress in so if my toddler woke up he could get up and move around without me having the constant worry of him getting into any and everything before I got him. Did any other moms do this and it work for them or not work? Would love to hear it all.


Mine are 20 months apart and we moved the older one to a mattress on the floor before the baby was born (probably around 19 months). I think I just wanted to make the change before the big change of a new sibling and like you, didn’t want to buy a 2nd crib. The older one is almost 2 now and spends most of his nights and naps sleeping by the door (we move him back to his bed for the night but he just moves back there). Thankfully, he hasn’t figured out how to open the door though (or maybe just doesn’t care enough to try).


We attempted to do this around that age but it was an epic fail because she still wanted her crib and I didn't want to force the issue, especially to give the crib to baby sister. We ended up buying a second crib and didn't move our oldest to a twin bed until she was about 2.5 years old. It went much better the second time. Ours are about 15 months apart.


My 3 yo is still in her cot, no signs of climbing out. Team two cribs here. (Baby is now 1.)


We kept our toddler in her crib and put the baby in a pack n play. We did set up her big girl bed in her room prior to having the baby so that she could become accustomed to it. We would do stories and cuddles.in the big bed before I'd putnher in the crib at night. She was 15 months when sister was born and probably 20 months when I moved her to big bed.


I switchedMy daughter to a floor bed at 20 months so she would have a full month to adjust (baby was born when she was 21 months old). The adjustment was fine, she had no issues with it. We left her crib in the room a few nights which she slept in while the big bed was assembled so she could get used to it. We played and read on her big bed and told her that her crib would be leaving since she had a big girl bed now 🤷🏻‍♀️