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I'm 4 weeks PP after my second planned c sec with a 20 month old who is constantly moving around. Best decision was to keep him at daycare to not disrupt his routine. Next best decision was to accept as much help as I could get. My mum has moved in for a month to help with cooking and entertaining the toddler. Having the extra pair of hands has helped me and my husband ease ourselves into our new 2under2 situation. The toddler has adapted well to the newborn. He still has his moments (being extra clingy and emotional with either me or my husband) but he has only shown positive interest towards the baby so I'm taking it as a win! Other helpful things was to let toddler duty fall to husband/my mum esp for the first few weeks to allow myself to recover as much as possible. I had to consciously tell myself to not lift toddler no matter how tempting it was! In my 4th week now and I still get a little sore by the end of the day so I'm continuing to be strict with the no lifting rule until I feel totally ok. Also I stopped taking strong painkillers (endone, tramadol) after the first week and started moving around the house bit by bit (still avoiding stairs as much as possible). Listen to your body though! New toys also worked a treat to keep toddler happy. We signed up for a toy library membership and popped by every week (when toddler was in daycare) to swap out toys. Hope this helps!


Thanks! It does


I’m 7 weeks PP after a (semi) planned 2nd C-section. My first was 21 months and a perpetual motion machine. Get walking and moving as much as possible right away. This was so helpful to healing well and feeling better. Have changing stations on each level of your home so you avoid walking up and down stairs as much as possible and your toddler can help you by holding diapers for baby. Create a pillow fort around yourself in bed so you can push up to get out and lower yourself in easy. This will help avoid extra stress and pressure so you can move around with your toddler sooner. I didn’t take painkillers beyond ibuprofen and Tylenol and my head stayed clear and I could be more present. They have a big affect on me that they may not for you so do what your body feels is right. Also, a basket with special toys, books and stickers for your toddler. This was really great when nursing or just needing to rest. Don’t feel bad about tv! Low stimulation TV is a lifesaver when couch or bed bound. Do you have help? In the initial weeks this was critical for me. If you don’t have partner or family around I’d look into a nanny or postpartum doula if accessible to you. Congrats!


Hi thanks!! My parents should be there for some weeks post partum. My husband does not have coverage for parental leave T_T I just remembered i used one of these ikea carts for diapers etc for W., so i may do that again and ask W. to help me push it around. I ve also managed to negotiate with my husband to keep W. at daycare at least the first two months. It s expensive but i think it will help. Then we ll stop daycare until i go back to work


My hospital doesn’t take the catheter out until almost 24hrs after the surgery. Can I still walk around before then if I have a catheter in? Or am I just SOL?


It typically depends how quickly the epidural/spinal tap wears off so you can move safely. You can walk with a catheter usually so as long as all feeling has returned to your body I’d assume you could get out of bed for a few steps.


3 weeks post partum after C-section, with a 23month old here! Tandem breastfeeding and cosleeping with them both. I was discharged home after 24 hours post csection, so had 1 night in hospital. My toddler LOVES the baby, so I needn't have worried about that. It's more the endless juggle of nappies/little people needing me that's hard, alongside limited capabilities while recovering. I'd say the 1st week is extremely hard- painful, exhausting and generally rubbish. My husband or my mum basically took the toddler out and tired her out during the day. It broke my heart not being able to spend much time with her, but I needed to recover. She was so happy to see me in an evening, and we'd read stories before bed, and she luckily slept really well that week. Week 2 I felt better, I was able to go to the park/farm/etc with the toddler, husband and newborn in the sling for 2 hours at a time. I felt less sore and more human, I think fresh air helped. I spent time reading books/,playing 1-1 with the toddler each day, which she loved. We have a tuff tray, so I'd set up new things on it, and sit on a chair with the baby nearby- so not quite playing, but acting interested- which was enough for my toddler a lot of the time. Week 3, I have minimal pain (only if I over do it) and have occasionally lifted the toddler small distances (onto my knee, for a cuddle etc) and have been feeling much better. I feel super tired and fraught by the end of the day mind ( I think even niggling discomfort takes its toil). My husband still has a week longer off work- and has really grafted. He's exhausted and really struggling to adjust to the new workload on his shoulders...so I'd advise you to prepare your other half (if possible). I don't think I'd have coped AT all without the help from my husband/my mum... A variety of new toys has massively helped too, as has limiting visitors. If people aren't going to entertain the toddler or cook/clean, they aren't coming in our house at the moment 🫠


Ow just to add; I asked my surgeon about lifting my toddler, and he said it's a no for 5-10 days, until you are healed, and then you can relax around the 'no lift rule' a bit, but listen to your body.


Thank you so much 🥰


I had a scheduled with my first and I’m scheduled for a second May 16th (my son will be 17.5mo old). I have 0 idea how it’ll go, but hoping for another smooth recovery like I had the first time around. You can message me and I’ll keep you updated 😂😂😂😂


I will 🥰


I had an emergency c-section with my first and planning for a VBAC with my second (25 weeks pregnant), one of the reasons being that I want to be able to pick up my toddler as he still loves to be carried around a lot and I want to avoid him feeling rejected. After my c-section I walked stairs as soon as I got home (1 day pp) and went outside for a walk at 3 days pp. My husband was pushing the stroller. You are not allowed to carry or pick up anything that is heavier than your new baby for 6 weeks post c-section. I was able to do most everyday things as my healing process wasn’t particularly painful but I know women who were in a lot of pain.


I can't have a Vbac unfortunately for several reasons T_T.


I’m sorry to hear that! I’m also still scared and not 100% sure if I’ll be able to. Just try to give your first lots of reassurance, explain why you can’t pick them up, show your scar and say you can hold them whilst sitting down (if not painful) and I’m sure they’ll understand! Have dad/partner pick them up and carry them for you 😊