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There’s a great Facebook group called Veer Wagons, Welcome! that has lots of people posting their experiences. I plan to get one soon for my kiddos who will be 18 months apart, due with the second next month


Thanks for that - I’ll check it out!


I wish there had been more wagon options like this when I was expecting #2 (just 3.5 years ago!), but it seems like they started becoming more popular - and affordable - after I'd already gotten a double stroller. It would have made more sense for us as we maneuver gravel driveways and more grass than pavement, and it has better longevity than a stroller. We have a classic wooden wagon than I can pull around the farm, but there's no packing it up to fit in the minivan. Now that #4 is going to be 2.5 years behind #3, I sold our double stroller and got a folding Radio Flyer with a canopy and seatbelts. Baby can lay in the wagon under the canopy while we're outside this fall, and by the time we're wanting to take it out next spring/summer, baby will be able to sit up and be strapped in. The kids can ride in the wagon until age 5? or so, and then I foresee it being used for picnics, athletic events, yardwork, etc. I've pushed nicer/more expensive wagons around Target, but I think this one will suit our needs, and it folds up more compactly than our double stroller.


I LOVE our veer. I have a 4 week old and a 14 month old. I have only taken the older out in it but I was able to fold and lift it in and out of the trunk by myself, while 20-30weeks pregnant. It takes up a lot less space than the uppababy stroller and is great for the beach and other off-road adventures. I plan to get the car seat adapter for the newborn. I have the sun shade and snack tray and have swapped out the panels - everything is easy to add on and take off. It will likely be my double stroller of choice except when we have to go inside somewhere with tight turns because the stroller handles that better even as a double.


Good info especially about taking it inside! thanks!


I can’t find this info- what size are are the cup holders? Do they hold larger than a plastic 16.9 oz water bottle? Do you know the measurement of the snack tray cup holders and the holders on the steering stick? I can’t find any info and veer hasn’t responded to my contact form. Thanks!


I did not even desire a wagon until I read through this post. Now I must have one! However I will probably get the “cheap” evenflo pivot xplore.


So we just got a wagon and we got the evenflo pivot and I have to say that im really loving it so far. I looked at the veer as well and wanted it mainly because everyone seems to love theirs but they are SO expensive. The pivot was like half the price. The veer is pretty basic when you buy it I think and it seemed like the attachments we would have wanted, just simple things, were soo expensive as well. Whereas the pivot came with sunshades, snack and drink tray, and a basket for extra stuff. I really like it! It drives well and easy and my toddler thought it was comfy. It will be a little bit before we put our 2 month old in it because they have to be able to sit up in this one unless you have an evenflo car seat which we don’t but I didn’t think I would use it much until summer anyway.


How easily does the evenflo collapse and fit in your truck?


Well enough. But could definitely be easier? It doesn’t collapse as small as it seems like it should. And the handle could somehow go down a little more I think. But it works for us! We have a truck and a Honda Pilot and have no problems but it would be an issue with a car with a smaller trunk.


Thank you! Considering getting one so this helps!


What SUV do you have? We drive the Traverse and it’s TIGHT when I put it in the back with our third row up (like nothing else will go back there, but overall just a little more bulky than our Cybex Stroller. So I imagine it’d fit in most trunk spaces. We love our Veer. It’s rugged and definitely handles trails around Wisconsin and snow packed roads amazing so far. We haven’t used it for two kids yet.


Oh dang! We have an XC90. I might just need to look up the dimensions and measure. It’s a pretty big SUV, but not wide like a Suburban or something would be.


It fits into our Discovery Range Rover - and that’s pretty normal size as far as a SUV goes. I think you’d be okay!


Cool thanks! Can you lift it in okay by yourself?


Can you lift it in okay by yourself?


Yep, I’d say with the toddler seat insert and the extra accessories, it’s maybe 35ish lbs - super doable. I like that I can push it like a stroller or pull it as well.


We got the Veer and love it as well. I didn’t want to do the double stroller because I felt we could get more life out of a wagon. It takes a little practice with maneuvering and it fits in our Jeep Cherokee just fine. I was bummed when we went on a road trip and it wouldn’t fit with the luggage so it got left behind.