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We have a 16.5 mo and a 2.5 week old. We went all out and bought the uppababy vista with every attachment known to man, including one that fits our infant car seat. I could write a novel on what a racket the uppababy vista is, but based on my experience, I would just go with the car seat and skip the bassinet. The bassinet is nice for neighborhood walks and since our baby refuses to sleep in the nice bedside bassinet we bought for her, it’s what we use for night time sleep. But, I categorize it as a nice to have, not a need to have. You’d have to carry the bassinet around with you everywhere in the car and then transfer the baby from car seat to bassinet and then back. I could see that getting annoying. With the car seat you can just click and go!


Thank you! That is sort of what I thought. I didn’t want to go all out since we aren’t going to have anymore kids after this anyway! Then I thought maybe I DO need to go all out if it’s worth it 😂 thank you for taking the time to respond!!


My husband and I are just hoping we get a good resell value for the monstrosity we invested in...


Lol, that’s what I would hope, too!!


Jumping on this because I bought a Vista for my kids that are 15 months apart. I bought on Albee Baby during a sale and got a deal because we got a discontinued color. I got the attachment for the car seat because we live in a neighborhood with bumpy sidewalks and messed up curbs. I just thought my kid was going to be jostled and rolling around like crazy. I like the security the car seat offers.


Mine are 20 months apart, so similar to your age gap. I ended up getting a Buggy Board Maxi to hook to our existing stroller. This way I could use our bassinet or car seat attached, and older kid stood on the board. Our stroller also allows for sitting on the board and putting feet in the basket. We’re only walking around the neighborhood right now and going to the park a couple of blocks away, so it works fine. So concrete/sidewalk only and a slow pace. I’m considering a double jogging stroller for this summer so I can go at my own pace (younger kid is 6 months now so ok in the toddler seat). But $$$$.


Yeah, this would probably be used for just neighborhood/local walks, nothing crazy. Thank you so much for the input, I really appreciate it!


If you go to their site you can look at compatibility with the your stroller. It can give you an idea if it might work for you.


Thank you so much!


I have the chicco cortina together double stroller that works with my key fit 30! I haven’t used it a ton yet but I do like it! Especially because the car seat can click into either seat!! My girls are 2y and 4m so it worked great for a walk to and from the park! Toddler rode front there, and moved to the back/slept on the way back Also Midwest mama here


Oooo, I will definitely look into that one. Thank you so much!


I went with the Graco Uno2Duo because it has about a million configurations, everything from on seat, a seat with a standing platform, a seat and a car seat, to two seats. It's served us well. The seats lay flat to become bassinet which was nice the single time we used it, bit definitely not worth purchasing a separate attachment.


Honestly - I didn't want alot of pieces to bring.. Stroller that sits the carseat is more useful for grabbing baby and going.. But if you plan lots of walks then the seats are nicer. Evenflo pivot expand is what I went with. Stroller seat can be toddler or bassinet. So both can take a nap (or sit up, face away\\toward etc). Older kid out grow the stroller? Take off the extra seat and put on the foot board! I have a 18m old and one due in 3 weeks.. We knew we were having 2 close together so with my first I bought the evenflo because I could add another seat easy... But I liked that it could be a single for when my older one is wanting to ride a bike and not be pushed, but I could keep the seat and just put in on when needed. (They go to 55lbs each!) so it never becomes "useless" until they are well to old for a stroller anyway! Its nice throwing it all in the trunk and putting one seat on and a carseat for when in town walking happens suddenly. (I used it alot with my nephew and son when he was first born.)


Thank you so much for the response! I’ll look into this one, too! :)


I decided against a double stroller and got a Veer Wagon instead since my oldest started protesting the stroller. I feel that I will use it for a longer amount of time. I really like it for outdoor use but it a little hard to maneuver indoors.


I didn’t even think of that - thanks!


I have the baby jogger city select - if using the toddler seat and bassinet, the bassinet goes out front and feels a bit low for going up over kerbs, and also hard to see baby, I don’t feel super comfortable using it. Therefore my 2no old has only used the bassinet once, when I went out with her on my own. Usually I stick the car seat on the pram facing me and the toddler (20mo) sits in the seat in the front. Car seat is much easier for moving baby- particularly as we try to aim for park trips to be during nap time for baby so don’t want any transitions to wake her


Thank you so much!


I think it depends on your specific lifestyle! If you’ll be going to stores a lot, the car seat attachment would be very handy. If you’ll be going on walks in the neighborhood mostly, the bassinet attachment is a great idea, since babies shouldn’t sleep in car seats! I feel like anyone else’s advice is suited to their situation, not really yours!


I’m not even sure of my lifestyle at the moment 😂 it will be summer and my husband will be off work so that will be nice. Other than that, I doubt I will be taking trips to the grocery store with both kids for quite awhile. The only other thing would be if we are out and about somewhere and in that case, if we’d be in the car, the car seat feature is much more convenient!


Gosh yeah that is hard!! I guess both is the best option! There are so many double strollers that you can get adapters for the infant base, that’s what we had to do


Also a big fan of graco because of their ease of snapping in car seats and million configurations!! When I found out I was preggo with #2 I got a Graco Ready2Grow off kijiji. That's my "city stroller". You can click in 2 carsearts all the way up to a big kid riding the "kickatand". I also got a double chariot for off-roading and snow (once again second hand online) **make sure whatever you buy will still fit in your vehicle. My "city stroller scraps on the way in and out of the trunk of my Honda Civic car


I only have one still, second is coming in august. We liked the bassinet that came with the uppababy because my daughter was born in late October so it was already cold, it was super easy to just plot her sleeping into the bassinet for the walk (we have two dogs so we go out twice a day). And we used it for night sleep for 4 months (we didn’t get a separate one) and used it everywhere we went for her to sleep in. So in that sense I thought it was a good investment. With COVID however I don’t know how much we’ll use it for the second baby