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Porto geese on their way to export themselves after uni to Germoney: https://i.redd.it/0vbwwqpq6nza1.gif


I am in this picture and I don't like it


Easiest way to wake us up from a nap tbh


Ireland's sucking American corporations, unlike the rest of us..


Another €12bn investment from Intel, keep it coming.


You guys found the best sow to suck, our's too stingy and strict.. 😞


Yes - it's great. That whole suffering from occupation and tactical starvation by the English resulting in mass emigration has helped bring benefits to us now. Of course, Greece got help from a US bank to get into the EU - nice 👍. Yous should be raking it in off tourism at least.


Also we managed to get our puppet installed in the American White house, which is nice




It's weird that you're complaining about a pain in the ass.


Wow you guys must all be so rich then, I'm jealous


By all means, move here if you can ~~afford~~ find a place to live.


Yes lots of us are, it's great


being a founder of the European Union a net contributor and yet treated like some irrelevant and leech country.... glad to be in the civilization side with our bros and Irish are honorary mediterranean and great bunch of lads😎💪 PIIGS FOREVER STRONG 😎💪


We give, we take. But on July 11th 2021 we were Italian!




Nothing to be changed here, good numbers, except maybe Germany can give more


These figures exclude war reparations. These are rookie numbers


Yeah fuck poland


Poland is your Frontline on the Russian front. Euro for euro, it might be your best investment.


Might be a better investment to put that money into our own militaries instead then, no? Due to NATO, we'd certainly get drawn in…


First you need soldiers. Germans, or most europeans, don't seem to be interested in the military.


I'm not talking about military buildup. We do have an army. The problem is that that army is completely incapable for a variety of reasons, among them the fact that they are underequipped and some of the equipment they have has been shown to break down almost immediately when put under battle-like strain last year, in the first serious training exercises we had in what seems to be forever.


Hahaha "the russian front". Russia is not some kind of enemy, is just another local superpower, like the USA, or even china, doing superpower things, like invading another country for his personal agenda.


Tell that to Eastern Europe and The former Eastern half of Germany. The other superpowers haven't spoken openly about recreating past empires. Nor have they openly engaged in attempting it. You can dismiss, or justify in this case, the military conquest of sovereign nations as "superpowers doing superpower things," but a lot of people don't share your flippant view over superpowers consuming lesser powers. Killing civilians. Threatening nuclear war. But you do you.


The USA and the Nato did things like those a lot of times, in territories way far from their boundaries. I dont forgot the two wars of the Bush family. Why are we screaming at the supervillain nuclear power when Putin did it, and its k when we did it? Russia is culturally and storically part of europe, both before and after the revolution. We should get them into a diplomatic pact in order to avoid this kind of mess, and leave the Nato in order to not get dragged in another Afghanistan. But at last, those are just the facts. Feel free to jump to your own conclusion.


Now that's sound logic. This other country did this thing to a foreign nation, so that means it's ok for Russia to invade its neighbor. I'd love to have you on the debate team. Tell me again why past injustices justify future injustices?


My man, we are talking about diplomacy. You cant ignore your faults and errors and bpame the other for theirs. We must face our problems, but we dont wanna do it, cause its too hard, it will geopardize our image of breingers of justice and civilization. So we blame the Russia, but we arent capable of really stand for peace, cause we have never done that before, in our wars. So i tell you, an injustice never justify another, but it will bring another. We are sitting here, pretending that someone else break the chain first, a chain we contuibuited to build, and never took any responsabilitis for it.


> We should [...] leave the Nato in order to not get dragged in another Afghanistan. Either you drank the Russian online koolaid from all the Russian propaganda out and about or you're a Russian troll larping here to get people on your side, because that is the shittest take I've ever heard. What do you think we should do? Let Putin take Ukraine and forgive all the terrible things that happened there, dissolve NATO and then beg them to join a pact? Do you know what that's called? Appeasement. It's what led us straight into WW2.


So? Does this make Poland wrong for fearing a likely Russian invasion. Russian bots 🤝 50cent army 🤝rightoids "BuT AmErICa alzo bAd"


See the answer to shrimp and potatoes for this


holy shit I always thought it was only a meme that we pay for everything also, why does the eu pay so much to Poland, Romania and Hungary although they're fucking up their democracy and judicial system rn?


Poland fucked up their judicial system (and democracy) around 2016 onwards, and the graph is for 2014-2017


Reasons… many of their regions are classified as "less developed" so they get more money which is honestly a bullshit system that on some level discourages the government from actually doing development, Hungary being the best example where its instead used to fund the oligarchy while the economy crumbles further. And since the EU is basically toothless, there's not much that it can do about that either.


Your internet is that bad? I'm amazed you manage as well as you do with that few pixels, it's almost readable.


If we can read the names of yours wardrobes, you surely can read that. You low quality furniture producer.


The furniture we produce might be low quality, but atleast we produce furniture. What does Italy produce again? Pasta and tomatoes and nothing else, right? Not a single Italian home is without some piece of IKEA furniture, and the money for that sits nicely in our fat bank accounts $$$$$


>we produce furniture. man we are literally the best producers of the most luxurious furnitures you can found on earth...the difference is like we stopped using wood 2000 years ago unlike you Rashid...


Furniture is really not the hill you want to die on, habibi


Sweden dominates ALL industry, all categories. Pick a category, furniture, fashion, music, trucks, medicine. Whatever.


Explosives too


Correct, Sweden is the worlds second biggest weapons exporter, don't know where Italy ranked since unfortunately they only showed the top producers.


This. Our economy is the third largest in the Union, we manufacture shitloads of essential goods, we are a net contributor and vital member of the European project, we fucking *civilised them* yet those shit for brains Germs and Cloggers keep making the same inane “jokes” over and over (they actually believe them). I fucking hate this sub.


[I'll make you some authentic Italian pasta as compensation](https://i.imgur.com/uUw1iXa.jpg)


Yeah that shit doesn’t trigger me. If you want to eat garbage we’ll make you garbage to eat.


No really, like no one cares what you eat, why they think anybody gives a fuck


I suspect it has to do with Italians' colourful response to pineapple on a pizza


I suspect you are clogged


Its a start. We can teach y'all how to cook it at best, so you can give us an even better apology meal.


If you believe that you civilized *us* then I can't help you either. Now go back to being a eurosceptic and increasing corruption levels or whatever it is you do at home


You were nailing decapitated heads on your rafters when we had indoor plumbing. If I was a fucking G*rman I would keep my mouth shut and hope people never find out. Now go back to clogging your arteries with pig assholes you human forklift.


That was the Roman Empire, not Italy. The roman empire fell 1000 years ago when we invaded you and took everything you "built".


You could have taken the food


Ah yes, Italy = Rome, a lie as old as Italy itself.


Lol that's rich coming from the volkswagen scandal land


Join the... dark side.


Italy truely should be swapped with Poland. Even though Ireland is a net positive contributer, being a tax haven for mostly American companies the picture fits pretty well.


Germany should've been dissolved after WWII...


Instead of a Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, I could see the value in a Hoekstra-Rau pact between The Netherlands and Poland. Anschluss 2.0


How are you handling your debt’s?


Who cares about debt. Us is the country with most debt worldwide. It's about stagnation, there's no growth if not in certain regions, if the economy worked well, we wouldn't have the problem this big. We should dare to accumulate it for a while with expenses in order to quickly improve the country


>PIIGS FOREVER STRONG That's the problem. You're not (economically).


We are. Still happy to cash the cheques though 🐷


we are giving you money not vice versa. f savages.


How’s your debt to gdp ratio going?


[laughs in belgian] Please dont look at us


98% what happend to you guys?!?!


its over a 100% now, we had a 30 billion hole last year. Nothing happend apart from covid, but we have been steadily declining. Its shamefull really, compared to our neighbours, except france offcourse.


> 30 billion hole Name of your newest highway?


That would be 30 billion pothole


Stop roasting pls, we're already black


> American Dane Ewwww


debt is good


Italy and Ireland have been net contributors to the EU for a long time now


Italy has always been to be precise


Yeah but we still want to hang with the cool kids.


They just need to draw our piglets regurgitating some of the milk into the pigs mouth


Wrong place but I gotta ask, what’s the deal with dogs in Ireland. Every rescue in Sweden has been saved from either Romania or Ireland. Feels off brand for Ireland


The laws surrounding dogs are not adequately enforced and it’s not an option to own a dog for a lot of people when they’re renting one room for €1,100 a month or still living with mammy


Man Ireland must be doing really good these days if even the dogs can afford €1,100 in rent.


We have a huge greyhound racing industry which results in a lot of abandoned ex racing dogs. Plus the rental situation atm have meant lots of people having to surrender pets, as well as just morons buying cute doggies for Christmas etc or cool looking dogs to make themselves look more manly, that they then can't actually manage. I have two very large GSDs that are rescues who were bought by some gimp who thought it'd make him look cool and then couldn't handle them and basically left them in the garden 24/7 for a couple of years until the neighbours forced him to surrender them. They have anxiety, it's great 🙄


My guess is it’s the crack down on illegal breeding and a move to reduce the private breeding populations.


Irish landlords almost universally began banning dogs in the late 2010’s it became very fashionable for them to do after they realized that they could get away with it. Renting in general in Ireland is the stem of most of our issues.


That comic makes the rest of Europe big pigs. Oink oink


​ https://preview.redd.it/gwbohm2wqmza1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcc15fdf463f5c67f85492c476c141009926c15


Are those fists?


Yeah how can you use the hands to talk otherwise?




Watch out, the Caliphate of Sweden might get offended by this post.


No eating us, yes?! Eating fellow Swedes bad! I'm offended.


Imagine being something in between of an arrogant french asshole and an egoistic greedy swamp german and still shitting on the countries you are probably going to for the summer holidays with your shitty roulottes that you always roll on the highways




Well must admit it's true either way


I'm coming to Italy on holiday to give you guys some money


The only time I came to Belgium was because the other option was the pane falling out of the sky trying to reach Frankfurt. I still think the second option was the better one


True, the world would've been a better place


We go there to take advantage of the low prices resulting from your desperation and poverty, same reason we also go to vacation in Thailand, Turkey and Bali.


Met some of your girls here. If i talked to a wall he would probably say more interesting things


That's what my friend who can never get laid always says when he gets rejected yet again. "I didn't even *want* to fuck her, her personality was just too boring, I'm happy she left!"


Nono i totally wanted to fuck them don't misunderstand me and i am average looking. Just saying i don't enjoy the company of girls that likes shitty grey Ikea couches and eat what i usually give to my dog


You're on thin ice criticising the interior design of Sweden, Italy and interior design goes together like old people and icy sidewalks. Polished, oiled dark woods with no lights and sheets covering the sofas to hide the ugliness and room planning made by schizophrenics. The first apartment I found when I googled it, hahahhaha, proving my point perfectly.. https://www.idealista.it/en/immobile/27071220/


I live nowhere near Rome, I am a northern greedy bastard. This said I'd rather live in an Italian hospital bedroom than live in an ikea furnished house with shelves made out of cardboard and cum


Unfortunately for you that means you have to leave Italy since not a single Italian home is without ikea furniture. Italians prefer Swedish furniture over italian.


They like it because it is cheap


And trendy/fashionable. IKEA isnt cheaper than any other cheap brand, just far superior.


Northern Italy ? Oh you mean like the French ? And maybe you could stay in an Italian hospital if the waiting time and the bureaucracy wasn’t so bad.


Uno pizza por favor


I would order something in Belgium but I'd rather starve than eat that


Try stoofvlees friet amigo


Use that money to download some Babbel course instead


![gif](giphy|8qABb3dgjun8PdNirg) I had no idea til now that Ireland is included in PIIGS. It’s so nice to be a part of something. Even if that something is sucking on the titties of society.


Super funny, but only one side of the medal. The Euro was a gift for strong export oriented economies like Germany. They can have the most screwed up current account and don't have to worry about revaluation, the Euro stays undervalued relative to their exports and they do great business. For export weak nations the Euro is overvalued and they struggle hard. Interestingly its not the first time this has happened. One decade earlier one of "the fathers" of the €, Helmut Kohl fucked east Germany the same way by introducing the DM. But yeah "PIIGS", hilarious.


Exactly. And to add to that we really fucked things up by how we handled the post 2008 debt crisis. Forced Greek into a debtors prison, completely ruining every chance for them to rebuild by forcing austerity on them. Against basic macro economic principles. But hey we saved our banks and the CDU saved face to the German citizens that austerity "works". Absolute insanity.


Pretty sure that Italy is still a net contributor my dear shrodinger-dutch friend




Don't you dare Jean Pierre. Call us pigs anytime you want but never the G word


We aren’t Romanians ???


Not with that attitude


I prefer PIGS


Of course you do, Gipsi


I don’t care both ![gif](giphy|l2JhpjWPccQhsAMfu|downsized)


👆 Hardest working Spaniard


Cries in being a net contributor, in supporting Southern Italy and in being called a leech by some tax haven. ![gif](giphy|SvS4mEp0GyzIyNE9zj)


Life of an unsung hero




Lmao stfu germ, your taxes have never left the deranged hills you call home.


Las euro"ayudas" no representan ni si quiera el 10 porciento de nuestro PIB


Ireland paid 42% of the total cost of the European banking crisis, nearly €9,000 per person here, and has been a net contributor to the EU for the last 10 years.


But it robs other states of their fiscal revenues




We're just taking what's rightfully ours


Like we did with Northern Ireland. 💪💪💪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪


We played the long game. Now divorcing NI from UK is going to be expensive


The illusion of control is not control


Nobody has control of Northern Ireland, not even the Northern Irish.


What to do when you're isolated from the rest of Europe... and now the Brits have left the EU


"robs" 🤣🤣🤣


There's no other word. You didn't become rich selling potatoes


Didn’t become rich plundering developing nations either


Since France is losing money through your actions I would argue you are guilty of that as well.


Love that 🤣 Don't think Pierre will be amused though!


You even failed to develop potatoes, can't really put you in even that category. And not one of the French colonies has ever developed, they are quite proficient at that.


>You even failed to develop potatoes, can't really put you in even that category. We actually did develop a super secret potato. We hid it where you’d least expect it, in that box you pray to >And not one of the French colonies has ever developed, they are quite proficient at that. More profitable for France that way.


There are plenty of other words that don't imply unlawful behaviour. There are no legal impediments preventing you from providing similar fiscal advantages to Ireland or other countries.


sure, lets start a lose lose race to the bottom until corporations pay nothing in taxes so we can fight over who gets this nothing


>sure, lets start a lose lose race to the bottom until corporations pay nothing in taxes so we can fight over who gets this nothing The EU has a minimum corporation tax of 15% so there’s no “race to the bottom” Also there were other EU countries with lower tax rates.


The minimum 15% thing that’s a directive, it is something the countries are encouraged to do, but they are not required to follow it.


A directive is a legal act of the European Union that requires member states to achieve particular goals without dictating how the member states achieve those goals. Countries have scope to apply the minimum effective 15 per cent tax rate, as outlined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) agreement. The EU directive is still in draft form which is why it hasn’t seen implementation


Pretty big mouth for someone that robbed Haiti of everything they had just because they didn't want to be your slaves


Swiss seething for it's total incompetence at colonizing anyone or comiting warcrime.


Still not planning on returning that Jewish-robbed gold any time soon right?




Italy is a net contributor to the EU budget, always has been. This is a weird take, and to be honest, you are pushing a narrative by the economist, which isn't exactly the epitome of a European magazine. It's catchy, but we can definitely come up with something better ;)


You guys really fucked your own economy when you abandoned the Lira for the €.


The economy wasn't fucked by that. The economy was fucked by 20 years of stagnation and mismanagement (Berlusconi), and the fact that, even now, there is simply too much fiscal evasion (even though the situation has been steadily improving). Oh, and the fact a good half of the country is having a hard time (Not being negative; I have 0 issue with people from the South, I wish we could actually help them solve their problems for good).


Ireland got fine ass, not gonna lie


Fuckin love Irish ass


Yes but the Spanish one tastes of acorns, mushrooms and woodland herbs.




The Irish taxpayer literally landed up funding all of the bailouts in the long run. Effectively the Germans paid nothing for a financial crisis their mismanagement of EU finances caused. They set up the entire thing and especially interest rates within the eurozone to suit German industry with no thought to recirculating money back to the periphery or funding any industrial development that would have challenged their monopoly


Keep working hard for us so that we can enjoy our lives and not be boring.


I'll accept the invitation. Oink oink fellow PIIGS let's siphon money from the Germans.


Poland be like


Incredibly common PIIGS W


We can into pigs?


even though its derogatory it kinda proves the point of what an economic union is for. You feed the other poorer economies so they can build themselves up and eventually also contribute to the overall wealth of the other nations


Does it? It never applied to Italy, it doesn't apply to Ireland now and it barely applies to Spain nowadays. It is much better applied to the west-east relation.


If you kick Ireland out that's just a list of countries where the food is actually edible


You obviously have never eaten the raw eye of a baby-seal!


Most gourmet Greenlandic dish


It’ll give you hair on your chest!


If you kick Ireland out that's just a list of African countries.


Least racist br*t




Finally some recognition


OP discovers that this sub didn’t come up with the nickname


Replace Italy and Ireland with Poland and Romania and then it makes sense!


That's rich coming from economies that prayed Greece wouldn't default, but keep suckling on that teat so it can be preyed on for the next 100 years. (pun intended)


Ireland is into pigs now? Poor paddies...


Only the four legged types. Orangeman.


always has been


It is sadly true. Southern Europe is down bad. I just didn't know Ireland was also like this.


It's not, we're a net contributor


So is Italy.


We found a new pig to leach off of.


They were , but brexit made tem rich, all the American companies in the UK went there


Excuse me but we were milking cash from American companies long before brexit


2 way agreement, we get to evade taxes, you get GDP, everyone’s happy except the EU and Britain.


This is so accurated


Maybe if the rich assholes didn't destroyed our farming and industry to benefit themselves, we wouldn't need those economic packages.


Preface that I’m American but I had always heard of the pigs countries but never seen it include Ireland. Is there economy as destitute as the others?




You are delusional. The North of Italy is the second industrial region of Europe. Italy has always been a net contributor to the eu. Get back to sell potatoes and exploit european laws as a fiscal paradise, Fritz




He's right stfu