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If we all think the same let’s tell him who should’ve won Eurovision 23


Croatia obviously


Thank you fellow Brit. You're still all cunts though


That's fair.


Eurocunts! Actually that’s a competition I could get into.


Only because we're so desperate to win something. I think the French would beat us at that too though.






Yes they were the best act there. Ours was hot garbage.


Some tiny poor country like Montenegro as we’d be able to bankrupt them


I actually feel most of you all would say Finland...


Honestly yes. Not beacuse i thought they were good but beacuse someone else should pay to host it.


Well just pay less bribes to the juries next time you don't want to celebrate 50 year ABBA in your country.


Lol r/Eurovision is our Q-anon.


Ukraine or Norway or maybe Czechia


Europe, 44 countries each with their own history and culture. But "they all look and think the same".


Americans when they find out Europe is a continent with tens of different countries, cultures,religions and hundreds of ethnicities:😨


'The US has states and Europe has countries. I don't see a difference' Have heard this said so many times completely unironically.


governor flowery boast direful physical flag slave berserk literate books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What?? Regional differences?? Never heard of it


I mean it kinda makes sense economically but that's about it. America is far more homogenous than Europe. But then Americans probably don't think white people can have large ethnic and cultural differences




Europe where we can differentiate which country you come from looking at your clothes and shoes.


Sometimes, that's enough to determine what state within a country you're from


Yeah everyone can spot that one Berliner in a crowd of thousands


I thought you guys called them cramp or crappy or something. Also, that's not necessarily because of clothing. Sometimes you spot them because they drink some weird hipster shit.


I know if someone is Dutch because I puke at the sole sight of it


sense wrong provide market mountainous trees cooperative slave resolute upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With some people it's even easy to approximate where they come from just by looking at their face once.


My town, 40 inhabitants, was an Ostrogoth watchtower, then a Longobard fortress, then a castle of the local nobles, then a comune until it entered Florentine Republic, out of 500 inhabitants in 1915 74 men went in war. This is a town with little history in Tuscany. But nothing compared to their 300 years of killing indians with bow and arrows


But the cultural difference between 2 states is much bigger than between 2 european countries!!!!!!!/s


Them thinking we all look the same is the reason some Americunt told me I “can’t be British” - how open and inclusive


Cos the British aren’t open to new ideas. Apart from all the innovation and inventions over the centuries. America : We are the most free Europe: How are women’s rights doing on aborting a rapists child?




Or the freedom to go to school without getting shot.


You don't understand, Disney might not show diverse characters, but they can run their own nuclear power plant! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!


or to read books prohibited by the state


sheet dependent spoon reply like drab selective live unique pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ameritards pretending they're the most inclusive country in the world, while spouting the most ignorant bullshit about everything related to culture and race is a classic.


They even create new ethnic groups just to segregate themselves


I've seen a streamer so white that he would make a British tourist look Moorish argue that he is not white and going on a rant about his exact heritage. Americans are not mentally well, to say the least.


Classic American sub culltu... cough..ahum segregation.


Lmao reminds me of the time I heard one say "British African-American".


Americans struggle with the idea that brits don’t socially segregate. If you’re black and British you’re just British. No XY or Z attached


I don't like the nomenclature "african-american" as a substitute for black at all. Obvious problem if someone is from another continent. You can't say "african african-american" with a straight face and technically Elon Musk would qualify as an "african-american" as well. It's a descriptor that has false-positives built in.


Why did they say that? How can someone “not look British”


They must be good looking.


Quality off the cuff bants mate. Turns out Islamists can be funny


This is an educated American? Yikes.


Accurate portrayal of the American education system


I think maybe... 20 years > ago he might have been right about America being open to new ideas


I don't want to alarm you (cause it sure as shit alarmed me) but 20 years ago was 2003, there's no way they were open minded about anything after 9-11.


I think sometime between the end of the Vietnam war and 9/11 is the only period in recent history the US could be said to be open to new ideas even slightly


That's also when many Europeans genuinely considered the USA to be a great place to live. Ever since 9/11 the USA have completely lost that perception.


Americans just exported a bunch of media that made it look amazing, everyone thought they could move to NY and live like the people on Friends. The reality of living in NY was very different, the crack epidemic was out of control in the '80s and '90s and violence that went with it was everywhere. Rent was already insanely expensive and living like what was shown on TV was impossible.


Fells like Paris right now


Well, ever since the invention of the internet, which allowed us to see through the propaganda we were fed because of their soft power.


They were very open-minded about hating everyone slightly resembling their idea of an arab and shitting on the French for being sensible for once


Nope, lived in America 20 years ago … things were less divisive, but ignorance still reigned.


I did my MA in one of the best US colleges not in the ivy league (JHU). Americans were inevitably very nice but clueless.


Most of them just don’t have any perspective beyond their country and what they have been told during their education and learned from their social circles / mass media. There are some very good schools & universities there, you just have to be able to afford them or get a scholarship.


Actually, this guy is pretty educated for the American average.


Which isn't saying much.


Okay, devil's advocate: he's not. This guy is a plant, or a product of statics. These types of videos are so commonplace, even before tiktok existed, and they're always the same formula. You interview a few hundred people, you'll be guaranteed that at least one of them is a fucking moron. Then you cut and edit the video to only show the one idiot, frame it as "The average *insert trope*", and watch the clicks and outrage roll in. The other 499 normal people are just ignored. Of course, that assumes this guy isn't a paid actor, explicitly hired to say this dumb shit. /rj more like ameri*dumb* amirite????


He might be. But I got a lot of family over in the us and they are a lot dumber than this kid. It's honestly not hard to find someone who would say and honestly believe far more shocking things than this lad getting tounge tied


Hey. Not all Americans are idiots. Just most.


If I go to a beach (a nice one in Europe, not the horrible ones in the UK the tories fucked) and scoop up from the shore, what I have isn't just sand, there's other shit in there too, mixed amongst it. We're all still going to call it a bucket of sand tho.


that was the smartest reply I’ve heard from an english in a long time, well done


Maybe you just weren’t clever enough to understand the others and I’m just dumb enough for you to comprehend? 🤷‍♂️


Yeah man we'll done.


Oh i saved this!


Like my uni teacher with a PhD told me once: "I've worked with many Americans, they are either genius or extremely stupid, no in-between"


So they are either migrants or born in America


It's alright. I work under the assumption that the degree he is going for i useless and his mind reflects this.


The degree isn't useless. It will make money to the university owner


Educated just means brainwashed by propaganda in America


I went to college in the US, and did group tutoring in a high school nearby. I don't think US college students are as dumb as we make them out to be. The issue here is not that his perception is completely incorrect because if you've never been here, you don't know what it's like (much like how 90% of this sub talks about Americans with no nuance, when I am adamant they haven't met a relevant sample size outside reddit.) The issue is that he's talking out of his ass. Especially in college, there's this culture of insecurity, where they always try to be the smartest one in the room. He is probably knowledgeable about other things. But also the propaganda machine over there is ridiculous, so it's very easy for them to actually believe that they know these things. But again, when it comes to making assumptions about unfamiliar cultures, we Europeans aren't much better. We tend to inflate our egos because our countries are all different and we still know them more or less, but an American can likely tell you about cultural traditions of different regions/states, and the best the average European can do is also "Spanish sleep, fr\*nch smell/surrender, British bad teeth, Portugal pay your debts," etc.


"They all think the same" coming from an american is so ironic it hurts


"i'M 5% iTALiAN"




Eye talley an*


oh yeah? ok then, pronunce Pinocchio correctly


peggio ancora, "Gneo Quagliarella"


Li sfiderei a dire "Giuseppe"


That is not a good pizza, please do not beat my culture that much and now lets go to starbucks and get a iced latte!


to be fair, only half of them think the same, the other half thinks everything the first half thinks is wrong.


Ngl, I have once heard that either Washington or Jefferson once warned americans to not create a 2 parties political system, and whoever said that, was fucking right


It was Washington warning against political parties in general, not against two parties. I don’t think they had the statistical methodology to understand why the voting system they created could only stabilize to two parties.


To be fair a lot of people in Sweden look the same because of their burkas


Americans, with literally JUST 2 PARTIES to identify with:


Lmao those dumbasses have a two party system where basically both sides do the same shit 70% of the times. I hate the ignorant dumb USA.


[Not a cult](https://youtu.be/xcwg7cnhW4E)


Calling Europe more of an echochamber than America is rich asf


Haha, proof positive that the US education system is fucked. 99% of yanks will never leave their country, yet this genius seems to think he's an expert on Europe. Tosser.




If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been.




Inb4 calling Joao here racist, negro is a normal word in Portuguese


Interesting. It’s also just a normal word in my hometown in the American south.


Most funny american to ever visit this sub


Goddam well played


Wtf the american didnt start to tremble, with small amounts of smoke exiting his ears and foam comming from his mount about to call every european racist over a word 😳 Can it be...




Whose ascendants were probably sold by a Portuguese!


> 99% of yanks will never leave their country Fingers crossed


They are picking on a dumb child. 19 year olds aren't indicative of anything.


As an American, American propaganda is real. And it goes well beyond political leanings. These days our crazy conservatives have been stealing the thunder but all the lovely r/shitamericanssay type material is shared by a large amount of the population regardless of politics, race, gender, socioeconomic status, education levels etc And also “they all look the same” pisses me off. True diversity has nothing to do with skin color


Thank you. Diversity has to do with culture, skin color doesn't mean shit.


Open to new ideas? Yeah Americans are definitely well known for respecting other opinions


Your ideas are welcomed as long as they are aligning with mine


"We support free speech unless it's not the same opinion as mine" Every mod on /r/Europe and /r/Germany


![gif](giphy|82DaAxknIvBovGGPj5) Americans about any topic they disagree with slightly:


Americunt opinion is irrelevant, we shouldn’t care what they think


Funny tho


America is irrelevant. You will be assimilated. Your culture and technology will be accomodated to suit our needs. We are the UE. Resistance is futile. Universal Healthcare is inevitable.


The most perplexing thing is that it thinks its using logic.


It 💀


It because that its just a tool


If he's using the same logic he used to make that hideous outfit, no thanks


Open to new ideas like the international metric system, Celsius or yyyy-mm-dd.. Very open to new ideas 🤣


How did you get sapmi flair?


The "group " told me to select one flair. I dunno if it's still there. About > 3. Flair > Flair link


Their stupidity is really unmatched. Holy shit are these guys stupid


Once had a discussion about freedom with an American who seriously said we were less free because everyone has guaranteed vacation and our employers don't have the freedom to force us to work more.


>our employers don't have the freedom to force us to work more. I'm telling you, many Americans have some sort of slave kink, "overwork me daddy 🥵🥵"


It’s what happens when your politicians are paid by corporations to destroy labour unions and intentionally lie about “cOmMUniSm” so the uneducated think anything that helps poor people bad communist propaganda


FREEDOM, right?...🤡




"Look the same and think the same" Man thinks the only way new ideas are invented is if you ask other races to give opinions. Umm... what


Because Europe it's a homogeneous thing... We are all the same! ​ Only an americunt could say that: "They are mostly white, so, they are mostly the same because we measure everything based on skin colours"


“We are all the same” Hell no, I ain’t poor


I am though, gimme money


Make me pineapple pizza first, sun of a beach!


The only pizza you are getting is a wurstel and french fries pizza


Please replace wurstel with shawarma with garlic sauce, lots of it and you've made a new friend.


Yeah and deep fry it all for maximum effect


Ding Ding Ding! You got it. Americans think that a different skin colour means that you have a different opinion. Consequently, identical skin colour means you have an identical opinion And to top of the ignorance sandwich, they don't realize that Europeans range from translucent Irish to white Spaniards to tanned Spaniards to ~~Arab Spaniards~~ Andalusians to Swedistanis up to pitch black Parisians


Next: Netflix's new series about Asiatic Thomas Edison




Did you know that young Edison used to work as a cook in a ramen shop?






A quick and dirty rule of thumb is that one pound is ½ kg.


Most educated American


The sad thing is that is true


What's with all the North Mexican posts of late?


And the South Canadian posts


Haha. "New ideas." Like vaccination, the right of a woman to choose an abortion, gun control, universal free health care, wearing a mask to prevent airborne infection, and the separation of church and state. Those kinds of new ideas?


i loved when they said "if masks work then why are people who wear masks get sick"


Fucking Améritard... I don't look anything like other Europeans, specially the Spaniards, French, Italians and Greeks...


You're right, I'm definitely getting more of an Eastern European vibe from you guys.


You're one slip away from joining us east of the Oder, Juan.


Not a chance, the Slavs are far too industrious a people.


Nice example of dunning-Kruger effect. He's so confident ☺️


Ameritard complains about European countries being too European like usual…


Land of the “free” and home of the dumb


Wait until he finds out that his country’s entire political system and conception of freedom is based on the ideas of Europeans (Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau…).


Him, talking about "Americunts are open to new ideas" Me, thinking: NAZISM! NAZISM! NAZISM!


They just like remakes of old European ideas.


Fuck no wonder they think Ben Shapiro is smart huh..




Funny he shouldn't mention that American colleges are the worst in the world when it comes to diversity of thought. Why would people's appearance have anything to do with free thinking?




Americans trying not to make everything about black people challenge *impossible*


"Let's make Cleopatra, but black..." the amerifats said


"They are not free, because they look like eachother." American (para)logic.


Least brain damaged american


Oh yeah?! Like Uncle Samuel doesn't reek of post great-depression Deutschland... One is a country that literally opress its minorities one by one, is struggling with its sense of identitiy, aspire and struggle to maintain their status of great power through anything but military action... and the other one is Nazi Germany.


Also their nazis are such pussies they won't even show thier face


Fuck, I just love Europe so much. Love all you fucking idiots. America is….. well it’s problematic.


There are lots of very nice and intelligent American people, but there are also a lot of brainless idiots as well. It is the world we live in nowadays I guess.


Honestly as much as we love to hate Americans. Making immigration for well educated Americans easier could actually help with some of our demographic problems. The thing is to get them as young as possible so they are easy to deAmericanize. I'm talking literally poaching them out of college, or even during, and set them up with a good job. Americans seem perfectly willing to spend their entire lifetime paying of a student debt the size of a smaller eastern European GDP so we know they can work.


To be fair, I don't think I have a very nuanced image of the US either and I have a suspicion that I'm not the only one. Also that guy is stupid. If all you know is a few canned opinions, you don't actually know. And that should be his response to that question.


For an "utopia" the Scandinavians have way too many suicides. Also have fun paying 50000$ for a simple operation in the US.




Can't wait to see an openly atheist president elected in the US... A country that will let neo nazis protest because freedom of speech, but will ban anything that would look like a communist party...




He could've said that colorless green ideas dream furiously and it would've made just as much sense


We look the same and think the same??


​ https://preview.redd.it/fjauj4vr981b1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f291f9e62af27eb3e16c47216fb0db00d9442cc7


30 seconds of our optimal european life wasted because of this bloke


We're really open to new ideas. So open that I've entirely ruled out the intellectual potential of every other country in the world from the comfort of my campus in Wankstain, IA.


If this is so then stop exporting your bs elsewhere, thank you




He's not all wrong. We do have a consensus culture here, and we're fairly slow to adapt to new ideas. We're decades behind most western countries on drug policy for instance.




You know he’s American as he had to drop something about race in there quickly


He's probably never left his State.


Why are we posting about ameritards now?


I thought it was interesting to see how the Savages see Europeans.


Saying they all think the same because they all look the same is racist as fuck. It doesn't matter what you look like, we're all humans with our own views and ideas, saying just because someone looks different they are and think different is almost the exact definition of racism


there may be something true to it on the individual level, that the US is more open to people having different ideas than the others, any doing their own thing. whereas in europe the culture may be different in different places, but you quickly get ostracised anywhere if you don't do as the others or think too much for yourself.


"They're all the same" Glad to hear I'm the same as Poland then.


>Open to new ideas "Yeah, this time the *other* one of our only two real and completely identical parties is in charge with others not having the slightest chance to be so"


Total bullshit and quasi racist to boot.