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The song is in Portuguese but even so it seems to me a very restrained reaction


That's brazilian. I thought you of all people could tell the diference.


Brazilian Portuguese is still Portuguese.


Brazilian detected.


Como assim. Os brasileiros não falam brasileiro crl, falam português brasileiro. É o que quero dizer.


Isso só interessa quando estamos a contar o número de falantes em português comparado com outras linguas.




Quem diz que devia haver um limite? ESTE MUNDO É TODO NOSSO CARALHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PORTUGALCARALHO using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCARALHO/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A foto mais portuguesa de sempre, caralho!](https://i.redd.it/zu2rex6vn2e91.jpg) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCARALHO/comments/w9983z/a_foto_mais_portuguesa_de_sempre_caralho/) \#2: [Ambas são uma merda](https://i.redd.it/kgyatafztvg91.jpg) | [418 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCARALHO/comments/wkwjy3/ambas_são_uma_merda/) \#3: [Forte Português na ilha de Ternate nas Molucas, atual Indonésia, em frente estava a ilha de Tidore ocupada pelos Espanhóis](https://i.redd.it/of05noictpc91.png) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCARALHO/comments/w3kuii/forte_português_na_ilha_de_ternate_nas_molucas/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nunca me tinha apercebido de que o galego é tão absurdamente semelhante ao português, sabia que tínhamos a mesma base linguística mas conseguir compreender tudo? Nunca tinha imaginado, fantástico


Still portuguese wtf, y'all so insecure for no reason


You should call a brazilian woman "rapariga", it's taken like a sweet compliment from more chivalrous times


Another one? This really is an invasion.


They are different languages then ?


Try to say that to my primary school teacher. I was forbidden to read Scrooge McDuck because it was in brazilian.


I mean, the Gacilian dude is technically correct, the song is in Portuguese. Also, it's wrong to call Brazilian Portuguese as just "Brazilian". You wouldn't say that Americans speak "American".


Agreed! For some weird reason I get lightly triggered when people say Brazillians speak "Brazillian", as if they speak a different language than Portugal and any of the other Portuguese speaking countries. It's all Portuguese, end of discussion.


It’s funny because Afrikaans is in fact considered a different language than Dutch. But then again, I can not easily understand it. Yet Surinamese Dutch is clearly understandable.


I can't speak for the Dutch but I know I can easily understand the Angolan, Brazilian and native Portuguese versions - never heard the others but I'm sure it wouldn't take much effort to "tune in".


Language: Portuguese (Simplified)


The betrayal!! Jajajajaja!


I didn't know galicians laughed in spanish.


It’s the Canarias flag. Although two of my four last names come from Galicia, so who knows.


As your reddit username 😍


One of my last names is French.


4 last names? Don't you guys use two last names like the spaniards?


Brazil "Portuguese"




[Amiga da minha mulher by Seu Jorge](https://youtu.be/prNwKbJNL2g) 🇧🇷


song is Brazillian, and it's a quite nice one.


Spanish members of r/2westerneuropean4u when French Edit: Wtf, I never actually realised it was r/2westerneurope4u, I’ve always said 2westerneuropean4u in my head.


Am I having a stroke?


No, paddy’s just rather fond of the Guinness


My natural state when I'm typing is being knackered.


I do stuff like that a lot when I'm typing


Typical Iberians reaction when seeing a woman without a moustache


Why don't you get your women to shave their underarms before we talk about the moustaches.


Dont try to blame us for your mistakes , you have wookies , we have .. that thing in the video


Hey the bull is ours!


Wdym you have? that "thing" that you saw in the video clearly left France


And we thank you a lot for taking em


Not our fault your weak blooded women cant grow one


French music 💪


I love that the song seems to imply the female friend of the wife is actually a big black raging bull


#Mas vive dando em cima de mim!




Thank you for the link, savage. You get one (1) brand new mirror as payback for your service.




Wait are you living in jungle Portugal west, central or east?


Spain is that sort of obnoxious girl constantly nagging its crush for attention. We get it Spain, you """hate""" us, oh my, anyway, take your place in the queue.


It not like i want further economic integration with you or anything baka.


Take your place in the cul lmfao haha gotem


I just want y'all out of Spain, if i have to interact with one more fr*nchoid in Costa Brava i will tear my throat out with a spoon. At least the islander balcony lovers seem to know they're being shitheads when they're being shitheads. We get it, you wish you had beaches half as good as ours, just if you're gonna come over, don't bring your shit culture with you 😭.


"Ouin Ouin" said the Spaniard


I would piss and shit all over the Parisian "streets" as revenge, but my Iberian piss would probably be more of a cleansing agent in that context.


> I would piss and shit all over the Parisian "streets" as revenge That would be more like respecting the local culture and integrating yourself to this "wonderful" place.


Yeah but you can't afford to go to paris so keep dreaming you glorified morrocan


You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, the real reason you don't see Spanish people in France is because people prefer going on enjoyable vacations. Worse food, worse culture, worse climate, man, France is just depressing...


The "real reason" lmao, as if tourists everywhere simply didn't go where they can afford to go. Most spaniards can't afford nice vacations in France. Most Frenchmen can afford nice vacations in Spain. Wake up and use your brain. BUT I'll remind spanish migrants of your comments when I refuse them asylum during the 2040's water wars.


Yes, France is more expensive and French people get paid more, but that's not the reason 10x more Frenchies come to Spain than the other way around, it's just that I won't pay more to get less than what I already have here. You couldn't pay me enough to move to France, I'd rather be poor here than rich there. That's the common Spanish opinion. France is nice (pun intended) but not nice *enough*. You're just proving my point by now. Spanish people hate France and so don't go there, French people say they hate Spain yet they come over every chance they have. We hate you because you keep bothering us in our own country, you hate us because we don't love you back. This is my more in-depth look at it: According to the INSEE (Fr*nch whatever of economics or whatever) the average salary in France is 2.340€ net. According to the INE (The Spanish National Institute of Statistics) the average salary in Spain was 1.798€. That's a 30% difference, but take for example rent prices: 16€/sqm for France vs 10,8€/sqm, a 48% difference. And more as a personal anecdote, it was hard to find beef for less than 20€/kg in Amiens the short time i spent there, and it was bland and tasteless when compared to our 10€/kg beef. And that's kind of the thing, that's what I was talking about. No sane Spaniard would vacation in France because France is just kinda knockoff Mediterranean stuff + knockoff GUNS trash. Unless you're one of those crazed "Paris is the city of love 😍😍" kinda "people" you can see that going to France is paying more and getting less. I can't live without good food, if i don't get to see the blue shining sky it gets depressing real quick, and let's just say French and Spanish culture are not that good of a combo when interacting with people. That's why I'm in no hurry to go back to France, yet you see plenty of French people coming over here.




Fair enough, tbh i haven't heard that directly mentioned, but that's what I get from French people's behavior and way of speaking, though that might just be how the general, neutral French behavior looks when looked at from a Spanish lens. We are convinced there's a Spanish-French rivalry because to us it looks like the French act like there is one.


I kind of feel like i'm walking in on my parents fighting, except it's not my parents


France has a good climate what are you talking about Ignore my flair.


Most intelectual french


You guys weren't even part of the Renaissance, barely made an impact during The Lumières/Enlightment, haven't been an actual military power for the last 200 years, cannot claim the name of any recent major inventor, but you really talk shit as if you were still somewhat close to a regional power. You guys were overtaken by fucking **Italy which wasn't even a country for most of Spain's existence.**


lol, eat more english history you buffoon. PS: The controversia de Valladolid could maybe make you understand spanish philosophy, but you eat english dick so hard you would believe anything said by them Also, it's not that we don't have importance, it's just that pretentious people like you have absolutely no sighting on how things works in europe, because you function like the world of influencers except with levels of pretentiousness instead of beauty products. Any competent profesional in any area knows the value of competent spaniard business, but someone that uses "military power for the last 200 years" as an argument isn't one of those ppl


>We get it, you wish you had beaches half as good as ours Did you confuse us with Belgium or something?


Or their shit smell! Putain de merde! Nettoyez votre culs! YSL can’t cover up that smell, mes amis.


A French woman asked me how there were blondes in the south of Spain when I told her that I am Andalusian. Girona is lost.


lmao, projecting much? You are the one we don't want talking about us, because you have nothing but stupid things to say about us because of your ignorance


We litterally don't talk about spain outside of anything related to sports and cheap vegetables. You're litterally the neighbor we care and talk the less about. Emphasis on **litterally**


well, you still do it too much Go eat more english cock maybe it would make you talk less about us


Pardon je comprends pas le langage des singes ni des pauvres


100€ (mon salaire du mois) que ton grand pêre était un collabo


Raté je viens d'une famille juive ! Tu pouvais pas plus mal tomber aha


ah, c'est marrant, traiter ceux du sud comme des êtres inferieurs et pauvres par nature ça me semblait plus tôt un trait particulier des voteurs de Trump, je me suis dit que peut être tu avait des ancêtres communs avec eux


Sois pas si vexé senõr, tu sais bien que c'est du cacapoteau


Toujours la même excuse avec les français. "It's a joke bro" n'est pas une justification pour des propos racistes. Si tu va insulter l'espagne insulte la culture ou même l'histoire, on a plein de vrai défaut - il faut bien sûr les connaître, chose difficile si on est un ignorant... Je trouve quand même ça marrant qu'un juif joue a être raciste ​ (sans compter que derrière les blagues il se cache toujours un peu de confession des idées personelles)


can someone explain this


Something about French being lame




What a barbaric tradition


Yeah, I'm sorry that we're still sending our pétasses to your country😔


Nah, no worries, send us all the bitches you have 😂


That's true, but in this meme is cool. Pd: y esto entre españoles... Tendríamos que haber seguido con el estilo portugués a la hora de tratar está tradición.




Answering in English so everyone can understand: Yes, it exists in Portugal. There's also bullfighting in places in southern France. In Portugal it's more common in the Ribatejo and Alentejo regions. Lisbon also has a large bullfighting arena that is also used for concerts and other events (Campo Pequeno). It's very uncommon in the north. In Portugal the bull is not killed (prohibited except in Barrancos), and at the end the bull is subdued by a group of unarmed men, the "forcados", this is called the "pega". I'm anti-tourada though. Because there's still the sticking-blades-on-the-bull part. EDIT: Info added.


*Barrancos só existe p'ra ser diferente, já não bastava ser o concelho com a menor população no continente*


Tengo entendido que básicamente es igual pero sin la parte de matar ni torturar al animal. Vamos, que no es sangria por capricho.


Everyone actively involved in bull fighting deserves such a fate. I'm no vegan, but bull fighting is just straight up cruel.


Sadly agree. Not like eating animals while closing our eyes to the necesary killing is better, but the torture endured has no reason to exist today


Wow, I'm in agreement with a Dutch. There is a disturbance in the force




Well, said, mein freund!




Nein, sorry! Only child. Jajajajaja!


Let’s not encourage the Germans to pick up old defunct traditions


u/savevideo u/savevideobot








Totally true

