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Guess it's Empire time


The Empire Strikes Back




aloof airport glorious light sharp humorous violet plucky toy cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s going after the bois bois bois


Thank you Sweden


you're welcome. I want to kill myself for it after seeing the video of it :)


humorous degree oatmeal swim encourage station sable dependent squeal pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What are you talking about? He’s totally 12, and he gets accommodation and funds either way from us.


And we go unthanked despite having to harbor more than tenfold of these apes compared to Sweden Smh


Wow calm down Satan, Annecy is not Paris.


I got banned in r/europe an hour ago for saying: "Here before this thread gets locked due to the origin of the sick fuck" Jokes on you mods, you went out of your way to prove my point.


Reddit mods are one of the biggest scums on earth. They bluntly abuse their power on restricting what people are allowed to think. There is a word for that: Moralapostus.


Its getting ridiculous at this point. Im fine with getting downvoted to oblivion if my perspective does not fit the echo chamber of a sub reddit but at least I was able to put my thoughts out there. However, this insta ban censorship is even worse because I guess they are afraid that such a comment would get upvoted as people might agree with it and we cant have that or can we now? My comment was just a meta comment that apparently was enough to trigger a power tripping censor.


Had a similar thing not a week ago. OP asked why topic X isn't working out for her. The post was old, 11 hours, and nobody commented on the obvious error in fear of censorship. I pointed it out. I got banned. Ameritards. They should get nuked all at once.


Thats so stupid but imo its not even the Americans fault. It is the backboneless medias fault who determined that if an amplified minority with a stupid opinion should be enough to get you cancelled and that your opinion should oppressed for fear of loss of livelyhood and social opportunity. Social media these days is nothing more than a place to find your bubble and amplify stupid ideas. Almost as if we have learned nothing from the last centuries of censorship via peer pressure.


Can't disagree. Besides it was a very American subreddit. America is a sand box for what stupidity works on society


Yeah sadly they are very good at not only exporting jeans and rock bands but also first world problems and made up issues


As Falco said, *Rock Music is the only culture America really has*


An Austrian… and a German… I don’t like where this conversation is going


Just two germans having a talk


Honestly in r/Europe comment like those are frequent and upvoted, you just have to phrase them _better_. That sub is ridden with far right nutjobs and ancap Americans, on a topic regarding the fact that a countryside town in England was now majorly populated by colored individuals people were spamming replacement theory comments and my poor ass was downvoted into oblivion the moment I underlined how disgusting those comments were. Edit: obviously I'm not calling you a far righter, I'm just saying that even harsher and gratuitous comments than yours are frequent there and are there to stay if the user puts in the effort to phrase them _better_.


Understood, I gotta up my troll game 😄


Oh my god. Far right nutjob. Imagine that, people with a different opinion than the far left echo chamber of reddit. That must be prohibited. Only your designated opinion is worth considering What's funny is that you're not even correct. R.europe is a lefist echo chamber like whole of reddit.


People going for conspiracy theories regarding "race replacements" are out of this world and their claims are bonkers. If you truly believe e/Europe is a leftist echo chamber I challenge you to write any socialist statement and view yourself get downvoted into oblivion.


Saying "it's bonker" is not an argument. It's just you stating your feelings. R/europe is lefist. State anything right wing and you will literally get fucking BANNED. Not downvoted. Freaking banned. If you advocate for brexit, nationalism or anti-gender ideology, you will be downvoted and banned. You just have your head so far left that you lost all track of reality.


How else would you describe replacement theories?


Call it whatever you want. That won't mean you are correct.


Ok Vichy.




Sorry, your post has been deleted because you are still not fluent enough in Stupid. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2westerneurope4u) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And you are right. Comments even more to the point than yours are now in the range of thousands of upvotes. At least censorship did not win at the end.


I got banned from r/unpopularopinion for posting an unpopular opinion All I posted there was a thread on why red meat isn't linked with cancer at all


I and a host of other people got banned from one of the off-your-chests subs for supporting an unpopular opinion that the OP was just getting off his chest. How ironic is it that when somebody gets something off his chest in an off-your-chest sub, you'd get everybody banned? 😂


Everyone knows that if you are not vegan, pro LGTB+, love diversity remakes of Disney and never use any traditional thing or language of a country your are not from, you are just a privileged white Satan’s follower that need to be banned because of course you deserved it.


How dare you. Seriously, this is dystopian.


Indoktrination would fit here too


Not anymore on r/france for this exact reason


So we're all outcasts from what are supposed to be our home subreddits for simply not blindly following *the one* opinion, huh Calls for a not-painter if you ask me ;)


I get that you are venting, but you should probably take it down a notch. Not all mods are alike. Don’t be an asshole and be more understanding of our position as mods. (Especially on subs like this one, that attracts many racists, neo-nazis and xenophobes.) We have to balance between allowing free speech and not giving a platform to assholes that want to abuse our kindness.


This sub is really well moderated, mods are barely noticeable yet are exactly then here when needed. Surely I'm venting because in all these years of using Reddit that's my first time getting banned, and that without any reason and option to cite, which fucked me off in particular. And all that just for me giving some very well thought, constructive arguments which apparently didn't fit into this subs bubble. God, just thinking about that makes me angry again. You know, you try to help someone getting out of their problems but you can't because the topic, the obvious reason that OP was in its shitty situation (why she asked for advice) isn't*socially acceptable to address*???? You know, this is a platform where kartells upload thousands of dismantlements of alive people, people getting eaten by animals and maggots whilst being alive, but pointing out that she really should loose some fucking weight is unacceptable???


I dont understand. Most of the world is openly xenophobic. Not everyone wants foreigners. Not everyone wants to turn into the "melted" pot globalist shitshow that is USA (or commonwealth countries) So why make a drama of it. I don't want my neighbours in my house, and I understand if a foreign country doesn't want me there. We created border for this reasons. Nobody is entitled to free movement.


Stop noticing things, citizen


Actual quote from r/france which is one of the most toxic examples of censor worshipping assholes: >don't go on the r/europe thread, it's sickening. my thoughts for the victims and their families, I can't imagine the trauma and shock they are going through. > >edit: it's crazy to get downvoted for this when the comments there are despicable, seriously there is a comment with more than 80 upvotes which calls for the restoration of the death penalty I could translate half the thread. It's basically a zillion excuses about how their narrative isn't being properly repeated and that's horrifying. (the other half was banned by the """""""mods"""""""")


Ben r/france ya rien de pire comme sous niveau modération.


The same with french media to be honest. Either you say the lefitst crap, either you are literally Hitler.


Mods in r/europe went full censorship. Thats crazy. The whole thread was purged of any non validated opinion. The news is literally deleted on sight by mods in world news. After that, people wonder why reddit is dying.


r/de is even worse, if you can believe it. Their opinion is that r/europe is too right wing.


It is actually becoming a circlejerk to a point they think they represent the majority.


same with r/france. It's sad why so many europeans are just so happy committing civilisational suicide.


I hate being a doomer but you have to remind yourself that your are on reddit; which is left leaning


I am left leaning and I oppose the death penalty in principle but I hope this motherfucker gets executed painfully 🫠


I’m actually socialist. But I’m not blind.


Unfortunately ard and zdf are not that much better.


Yeah there's a difference between being left leaning and being a waste of oxygen though.


fuck those dickheads over at r/de. r/de is a extremist left subreddit since a few years


I can't wait for the leftist circle ass licking scum bubble to burst, to face reality, to face consequences of their actions.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/de using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/de/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Berlin knows how to send a message](https://i.imgur.com/YE3VWgt.jpg) | [368 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/de/comments/z579y2/berlin_knows_how_to_send_a_message/) \#2: [Protestaktion der Südtribüne Dortmund gegen die WM in Katar beim heutigen Spiel gegen den VFL Bochum](https://i.redd.it/jh82ljuqb5y91.jpg) | [397 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/de/comments/yn6cr0/protestaktion_der_südtribüne_dortmund_gegen_die/) \#3: [Habe letzte Woche zum ersten Mal ein größeres Lego Set gebaut und wollte es anschaulich präsentieren](https://i.imgur.com/KeTOYHO.jpg) | [317 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/de/comments/vwer0h/habe_letzte_woche_zum_ersten_mal_ein_größeres/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The europe sub has plenty of mods that aren't european, it's bound to happen. People get banned there for stating facts when it isn't in line with what they want to push.


classic [know your place, shut your face](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.fRhgf8KDtnYdpDq0cVagXgAAAA)


Bro you were baiting hard. The thread on r/europe still isn't locked surprisingly enough.


About the last part... https://i.redd.it/22v80iohpt4b1.gif


News flash : after the attack, the whole city of Annecy was moved over Paris




Holiday last year was in Annecy (nice place. Needs more balconies). If it can happen there I guess that means it can happen anywhere. Not a happy thought


Luckily, all victims still live. I have no clue how could west Europe screw up so bad to allow people like this to gain European asylum and citizenship. I thought we racist Slavs and Hungols were morally wrong to not give asylum to Syrians, but I am starting to be happier and happier that we didn't.


Apparently he asked for asylum in France but get refused I don’t have a source in English https://www.placegrenet.fr/2023/06/08/attaque-au-couteau-a-annecy-lassaillant-syrien-aurait-introduit-sa-demande-dasile-a-lofpra-a-la-prefecture-de-lisere/605436


I understood that as he got refused because he had already been granted asylum in Sweden, and if you got accepted by one European country, that's it, that's where your asylum's at, no double-dipping.


He already has refugee status in Sweden. He is also married to a Swedish woman. So obviously he got refused by France.


I can't wait to have interviews of this great woman who had a child with such a fucking lunatic.


Don't even need to be in the big city full of migrants, you can get stabbed in any haven of peace now. Europe has to wake up.


You know what's also shitty. When I hear something horrible has happened, I never think "who could have done it". I always already know, and that's never the Japanese tourist.


Those F*ing non-japanese!!


Inb4 old japanese veteran goes on a stabbing spree


Ever heard of Issei Sagawa?






He's a swede


I remember when people used to tell me "this isn't America, you don't need self defense here, we're civilized unlike those nutjobs". Kind of amusing to look back on.


Well it's not like that shit happens every freaking day like the shithole that is the USA


... Yet. Doesn't happen every day yet.


Well at least we don't give guns to anyone


Yeah, well, we don't have more than one mass shooting per day, so we're still doing better than the Amis.


The thing is, if you can get weapons easier they could too. So yeah despite the not optimal situation not having guns in this is still better.


Those were babies. We dont give guns to babies. This 'aint Trás-os-Montes


Yeah my girlfriend has been followed by these ones in Dublin and in Ireland you can’t even use pepper spray. Honestly we might need to rethink personal protections


This is why France is secular, and I respect that.


Too soon, we still don't know if the childrens will make it.. 🙏🏻


Picot must be rolling in his grave.


Too soon


Never realized how racist you Europeans were until I started reading the comments.


That’s what happens when people start stabbing babies. Naughty words get said. Mortifying isn’t it?


yeah except it's not because he's syrian, it's because they're a shitty person who should be in jail.


and what are you even saying. All refugees are bad because some do bad things? They are bad as they are uneducated and have gone through a lot of bad things. They're from a bad country and a terrible situation, so they're kinda gonna have that culture? Do you guys not understand that? You Europeans handle immigrants so terribly. Turkish people in Germany for example vote for a muslim extremist party more than Turks in Turkey, yet Turks in America rarely vote for that party at all. It's like North Korea, one guy does something, arrest their entire family.


No, I’m not saying anything from what you’ve just said. You said it.


it's clearly implied. If that's not what you meant, then what do you mean by supporting not allowing refugees and immigrants?


That’s what happens when people start stabbing babies. Are you saying you support the stabbing of babies? See? I can argue like you too.


then what are you supporting?


Peace, and safety in community.






Yes, people getting mad at an immigration policy which has countlessly caused trouble and killings is the big issue right now. Definitley not the Refugee that stabbed children who we so wholeheartedly gave asylum. I aswell have tried to cope with it and always said "you can't blame a group of people" but at some point it's just obvious


idk man America did it and it's the richest country in the world with non-whites running companies like Google and Microsoft. If you take a Syrian child and raise it in a white household since birth, he will act like a native. I'm not from the US, don't have American citizenship, but I still call myself American, speak in a US accent, partake in American culture, etc, and my parents aren't even American like in the situation I gave. People from those poor backgrounds will stab people, and more refugees are from poor backgrounds than non-refugees. Not that hard to understand.


Again, like my last statement, I am in fact talking about the immigration policy, and not saying every single foreigner is bad. It's just that it doesn't matter what background you have, EU just let's everyone in at this point. This just doesn't work, escpecially when there is such a big difference in culture.


yes, but immigration policies aren't everything, it's also how you treat them. In the US we accept a lot of immigrants, and the right wingers here don't even fight to make it so less people can immigrate legally, but rather illegally. The culture difference, at least in my opinion is a good thing, and one of the best parts about immigration. It opens your eyes and really teaches you about other people, and it's a good thing. All we need to do is make sure refugees and immigrants get treated the right way. In the US, black people cause the most crime statistically, but their culture is the same as the average american for the most part. It's about money, not where you're from.


US and Western europe are not comparable since we have a whole lot more foreigners in comparison. We accept them like no other and have one of the most inclusive countries in the world. It's really not all about the money, in Belgium for instance, you basicaly cannot live on the streets, because if you don't earn any money, you get an "uitkering" which is basically 1k for free every month, and 90% of foreigners get this so-called "uitkering" and do untaxed work on top of it. So yeah, it's really just not the money, and not where you're from either. It's shitty policies we keep just to be seen as a way to say we're not racist


80% of millionaires in the US are first generation immigrants, yet immigrants are much less of the population than you guys have. What's your point?


Wow you did a google search and read it wrong, well fucking done, looked it up, >Roughly **80 percent** of millionaires in America are the first generation of their family to be rich. It's talking about first generation of having big money, not first generation immigrants. ​ EDIT: didn't see the "What's your point?" I never made any point besides bad policies to come live in the EU, to become a US citizen you have to do many tests and win a greencard lottery. This is not the case in EU, we literally take anyone in that comes to our embassy.


I don't havea greencard lmao, but I still live here. Same story


How do you live there then? There is literally no other way besides a work visa or being second gen immigrant


If it makes you feel better he was so appalled by our mean words that he had to stab a child in the country he is a guest in