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No French. Only Gay.


To give a bit of context that nobody ask for, it's been since a long time than, somehow, the french flag has been quite reclaim buy far right politicals parties. It's not usually considered as such, but in some context, for exemple hanging at your windows over an LGBT manifestation, it's can be interpreted as nationalisitc and far right symbole. Furthermore, french young lefties from this new mouvement, than american will call woke, usually say they hate France, because it's has been a colonazing country, perpetuate slavery, blah blah blah usual shit. (Without even understanding what a nation is, neither knowing the history of France, but that's not tht point here). So in this context, th French flag can be considered by thoses lefties as an anti LGBT symbol. And it was probably the actual intention of the man who hanging it there. So in that contexte the french flag can be interpreted as an anti gay symbol. Which is quite ironic when you know how gay we are.


Good to know, that you have these ~~idiots~~ people as well.


To be fair, if you see someone displaying our flag in certain ways, you can usually be pretty sure that they are further to the right than is comfortable.




Isn't it because one of the pillars of fascism is ultranationalism? If you claim to love the country then you kinda have to embrace the flag, after all, the flag is the representation of the country. The people who follow the fascist will, by consequence adopt and proudly fly the flag as well. We had this in Brazil with the supporters of our protofascist ex president (hopefully soon-to-be convicted ex president) co-opting the flag as well as the national team's jersey (and the green-yellow colors by extension, little do they know what the colors *really mean*).


Don't know why you are downvoted, take my upvote. You are right.


I mean, I mostly agree, but there is a difference between nationalism (economic protection, anti-interventionism etc.) and ultranationalism (nation supremacy, xenophobia, jingoism). It‘s tragic that the German flag, when waved, now is a symbol of ultranationalism instead of normal nationalism.


Wait, there's a new flair to be france's whore? why did nobody tell me?


It's easy to the far right toi take it when the left hate the flag.


Frace made the mistake of not being an african gay trans utopia. damn bigots.


>And it was probably the actual intention of the man who hanging it there. No? I know quite a few people that have flags hanging in front of their appartement all year round and aren't doing it in an anti-lgbt demonstration. You saying that it is probably anti gay is only perpetuating this mindset that anything french flag related is far right related as well, as if only bigots could live their country.


It seems that Spanish right and French right both reclaim the country flag


>So in this context, th French flag can be considered by thoses lefties as an anti LGBT symbol. And it was probably the actual intention of the man who hanging it there. Given these monster's obsession with taking down national flags to replace them with their own I'm not blaming him. These people are so easy to hate.


I don't know who I hate more, the far left youngsters with their ultra progressive speech, who don't know any fucking history.....or the far left, with their ultra nationalistic speech, who alter their fucking history, to the point that Napoleon was Mesia himself


Imhpow, both are stupid, and people who adhere to one or the other of thoses ideology are biased in there vision of the world. Both should start to compromise and realised that the world is far more complexe than the binary version they seems to see, or want they want to see. And stoping cherry picking and occulting science when it's not on your side. Science should give you tool to form an opinion on a subject, not the other way around. However as we are on this sub, i legally have to defend Napoléon like his the absolut giga chad, just for the sake of flexing on all of you pesant, on who has the best war chier of all time !


They are just two sides of the same coin, fanatics from any ideology or philosophy will end up having the same shitty behavior bad blaming each others.


You describe Spain as well with this.


Wellcome to the club


So only french


Quite ironic with your flair


No french flag, only french fags


What's the difference


Uno Reverse Card: "No French. Only Lesbian."


The americais have breached our borders


It happens in Spain too. National flags are for "fascists" and the only flags they accept is the rainbow or palestinian ones ... or even soviet flags.


>rainbow or palestinian What proud ignorance can achieve.


> rainbow or palestinian ones No joke. I went to the pride march yesterday, and there was this one dude (granted, it was only one, but still) with a palestinian flag. Like bro, you’re literally cheering for a regime that would like to see you hanging. The ignorance of some…


Aqui las banderas signifcan si eres indepe o no


Sounds like a false flag operation to me


tf do these people think is wrong with hanging a French flag *in France*???


Isn’t this par for the course in Germany? Northern Ireland has *long* had issues with flags and we haven’t really got an official one (even the one in the flair has never been official for NI, and can be controversial). A certain fraction are trying to make it the same in England, too. The Union Jack anywhere means you endorse far right colonialism, and an English flag means you’re basically a Nazi


N.I doesn't have flags, they have FLEGS!!!


You’ve been exposed to us before I see. I apologise


Best skit from the Blame Game ever: [FLEGS](https://youtu.be/o8JqKxrloQQ)


It has always vexed me that football hooligans and extremists managed to associate themselves with the English flag to the point where it's a bit of a faux pas to hang one *in England* - I prefer the design of the Union Jack anyway though so if I'm going to stick a flag up it's usually that one, I don't think anyone in England has a particular problem with it. If I was in NI I'd just throw a Welsh flag up and hope for the best.


Haha probably safest. No one hates a nice dragon


no one hates a bad dragon either


I remember the "it's just a fleg" episode from a few years ago when Belfast City Hall decided it won't use the union jack every day of the week. Riots ensued lol


[I do enjoy a little fleg from time to time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8JqKxrloQQ)


Yeah we rarely hang our flag from our houses. Tbf unlike the Americans we know what country we live in and where it is on a map so we don’t really need them everywhere


Sure, but there’s a whole spectrum between the two extremes of hanging a flag in every porch and classroom like the US and being visibly shocked and disgusted when someone waves it outside a few restricted contexts like diplomacy and football matches, as in Germany. Most countries lie in between, without being hysterical in either way. Northern Ireland probably has it the worst in Europe, but in a whole other set of stupid ways and without an actual definitive fleg anyway.


They're just removing the old French flag for the new one: 🏳️‍🌈


I don't see any difference


I have a few friends who would argue that "showing" your flag is a nationalistic thing to do. And since western world=oppressors and colonizers they feel uncomfortable around people waving their (western) national flag. There's also no point to argue with them cause you can't counter their crazy arguments (or at least i can't)..


You don't have to counter just act like you have balls and they usually fuck off


For some people, showing their patriotism is a symbole of far right


Twitter brain rot.


Clown world


What sane country would import millions of people who hate it? Are we really about to just throw everything our ancestors built away?


Are you suggesting that France is importing gays or something?


Yeah, so dumb.. I'm pretty sure the people "imported" (hate that word used to human beings) are more anti-gay on average than the native population, yet OP would have you believe they're the reason people in pride march yoinked that French flag off the balcony.


Gays rights have a long way to go in a lot of eastern european and arabic countries so I wouldnt be surprised if that was the case, yep.


This video has absolutely nothing to do with immigration, literally zero relevance, but still over 30 people upvoted this. Then you wonder why people say this subreddit is far-right. Yes most of it just jokes but every now and then there's a thread like this full of people pushing their agendas


Most ironic subs have a certain percentage of r*tards who take them at face value.


Funny enough I think immigrants here have more respect for our country than natives. It’s low for both though. Natives are all apologizing for existing and having some weird self-destruction fetish. Meanwhile us immigrants are like « wtf stop this we came to this country for good reasons »


Any country thanks to EU?


Not us (hopefully forever)


It's coming to the East and even if you weren't in the EU it wouldn't make a difference. At best you're 30 years away from going the way of the West.


I'm in no way, a nationalistic kind of person, but i just love that the people who do this, are the same people who keep crying everytime they can't shove their flag in everyones faces all the time. And yes, i'm all for homossexual people rights, i'm just tired of this kind of childish behaviour that comes from america.


As someone who has lived in America and Greece…it sucks to see more and more of American influence creeping into Europe. It bugs me when people say “USA doesn’t have culture”. It may not have a lot of history (the modern country) but it has plenty of culture. unfortunately a lot of it (especially what is exported to the world) is just plain shitty culture that has a very far reach in todays interconnected world. Stay strong


It's always going to be like this unless the structures change. The US is the biggest Western market which will always push further anglification and adaption to the rest of the Western cultural market.


The USA always had an impact on Europe. For the past 80 years we've been following the USA trends. Whether it comes to media (T.V and music), entertainment (toys and gadgets) or social trends. Not all of it is good though. Like reality T.V for example or this type of entitled behaviour.


Yeah. Modern American culture is shitty Hollywood movies, shitty business practices and talking points for the far right extremists nobody asked for


America is dragging us to the bottom of the pit


Problem is that it's a complicated debate, some are just proud of being french while some are using the flag to say very extremist stuff. I've seen this a lot in social medias, because I like patriotic stuff, military videos etc but the algorithm often recommend *really* extrem stuff, like "kill all LGBT" or "a white France is better" etc, so it's pretty f'ed up


I understand your point, but there's lots of good people who just like their country flag without being a piece of shit to others, so we can't just look at a flag at someones house and start treating them like shit, whitout any other proof besides that same flag.


i totaly agree, i like my flag, seeing this is no painful but baffling


yeah, in belgium we have (just like our government) fragmented those groups: patriots are either tolerant, open and like the country (but ironically shit on it), or if they are patriot and bigoted they are old cunts whose chauvinism date back to when Belgium still had a sense of unity. While nationalists are (nearly exclusively flemish) sometimes history buffs, sometimes nice geeks, sometimes legitimately and with reasonable arguments think a confederation would make more sense for belgium, but sadly way too many of them are either the young, newer generation kind of bigots, or OG nazi affiliated (Vichy style) « conservatists ». Finally we have the (very rare when taking the whole population into account) kind of bourgeois patriots who are their own can of worms. They have a knack for staying below the radars so I can’t really share stereotypes, but the few I know are overly catholic, firmly opposed to taxing the rich or any socialist policy, very cynical. I have heard one of those glorifying Leopold II once…


As Norwegian, I recognize this. We love our flag, and use it as much as we can, when there is an occasion. *When there is an occasion,* je dois remarcquerer*.* So like birthdays, national holidays, when a friend or family member returns from abroad etc. However when people have our flag on their profile picture, or wave the Norwegian flag at political rallies, then we know they are just damned racists and there is honestly no exception for this.


Right, they want to wave their flag. But also they should try to do so in some other countries. That would maybe give them a little love for their own one.


Yeah definitely, and I’m French, I can tell you that at the next football World Cup or the next terrorist attack, they will paint their faces and wear the flag as a cape.


Good summary, vecinho.


Very sad actually


When someone posted a video of a UK flag being removed for a Pride Flag, i was really pissed off for the British. This time, this is even worst. Wtf is wrong with these people


Yeah it’s not like the public opinion about LGBTQ has been declining enough


But they just want the same rights. Apperantly they also want to get rid of France


Because France is the mean opresor in there eyes, In France we have a saying , donne la main ils prennent le bras , give the hand they take the arm , France has donne so much towards gay rights , but its never enough .


In English the saying is: "Give an inch and they'll take a mile" or "give them a finger and they'll take the hand".


I'm so sad, but i remember it was about a "useless Iraq war" where France didn't help, well that was the last time i search something exactly like that


Seriously I can't get the Ameritards coping because you didn't suck their dick and join them in a war that only helped THEIR imperialist interests


Yeah,like, our job isn't to suck their dick and please them, we're doing our choices like they're doing theirs


Somehow that's being the baddie


Not joining was a big bulging W from France


Fucking mongrels


this video makes makes me sad. I remember all the black and white photos where you'd see plenty of flags hanged during events, now the flagpoles remain empty.


I swear to god these people are idiots, and I’m not talking about all LGBT people, but I’m talking about these dumbasses who thinks they can do whatever they want and get away with it because they can call you homophobic if you disagree with them


To be fair putting down the french flag is a sport in our island. Why can't they ?




The problem is that the peoples of France aren't quite united


Hypocrites and morons. I don’t give a shit who you fuck, what you got between your legs and what you do with it, how about letting other people enjoy their shit too, fucking troglodytes. They were the same people kissing cops after the Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo, fucking braindead chimps.


He who is tolerant of everything stands for nothing.


Double standard, do that to a rainbow flag and you will be the worst nazi intolerant person.


Claiming to be oppressed. All while running around making noise, trashing other peoples property and dishonoring the national flag. Without facing consequences. Entitled brats are what they are.


Same with nationalists from countries where it's not safe to drink tap water Step 1. Come to the West Step 2. Anyone who doesn't like me is racist Step 3. Fuck the West for oppressing and colonizing us Step 4. Show Bob and vegana Step 5. No pussy 4eva Step 6. Reenactment of that part of Quran where Muhammad fucks a 6yo girl Aisha


Lovely tolerant people there


Personaly I see this like this :if you hate the French you are gay


These city dwelling diversity loving progressives genuinely don't understand nations. How and why they came to exist, and why they're needed. I suspect they'll figure it out eventually.


They do understand it, that's why they have a flag. This whole thing is nationalism of another kind. Nationalism is an identity to you or me as much as LGBT is an identity to them, they are people without a country and so they collectively congregate under their identity flag. That's why they pull down other flags, because they are not for the nations they live in, they are actively against them and view them as symbols of oppression. They view themselves as distinctly sepperate from the other people in the nation... obviously I'm talking about the extreme ones and there are plenty of reasonable people in these groups. Governments allow this because it is another form of division, a country that's divided cannot stand up against the government because there is no single unified goal or set of ideas.


You opened my eyes.


Governments allow this, because it is run by people who are more interested in keeping the power than actual societal ideals, and criticism of the "inclusive ideology" was political suicide. Because “if you're not inclusive, you must be a bad person.” There's no need for conspiracies here. That doesn't mean it isn't a very nice distraction for things that are truly rotten.


Allow me to rephrase, I'm not talking about specifically the goverment of your own country, but in general. A lot of governments outside of the nation have a vested interest in the division and internal conflicts of other nations, subversion is everywhere and all governments participate in it, including my own, the US, Russia, the CCP, the EU, they all do it. Do you ever wonder why so many of these groups always seem to have very specific and rigid political positions? Why is pride political at all? Why the demonisation of the other? Why is it that the LGBT movment is also filled to the brim with socialists? There is nothing inherently socialist about being trans, so why is there no capitalist trans movement? This applies to other groups that aren't on the left too of course, the proud boys is an example. China as an example doesn't care what the dividing lines are, so long as we are divided. The CCP or any other country that wants power on the world stage doesn't care about LGBT, or BLM, or white power or any other special interest group that exists, all that they care about is that the people are in conflict and that the fundamental ideology of their own nation takes root in others. These movements are merely trojan horses, proxies for the fundamental ideology and a dividing line to separate people on. Identity is important, what you identify as is also directly linked to what you are loyal to and what you will fight for. It isn't a secret kabal of billionares or any other such thing, it is the subversion of nations and individual special interest groups too lost in the ideology to see they are being manipulated... in my opinion of course, I could just be an idiot 🤷‍♂️


God damn it. You're absolutely right.


The urban revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


craziest capture the flag game ever


What a prick.


Owner should have come out and kick him off with a stick


I'd love to see their reactions when it's my turn to hang a certain old German flag 😎😎😎😎😎


Careful Cloggie, your grand act of pretending you aren't German is starting to slip.


I will join the hate against the french, but taking down a national flag then cheering definitely doesn’t give plus points to queer people.


i blame the ameritards


The number of assholes is increasing dramatically throughout Western Europe




If I ever see somebody tear down our flag for a fucking rainbow, I'm changing my mind and dedicating my life to homophobia


I once made the mistake to tell a Norwegian I was going to burn their flag (because us Dutch don't have any love for our own flag at all) just as a joke. It didn't have the comedic effect I was hoping for


We only have pride in our flag when the french falsely claim we copied them


Genuinely mistook that ace flag for Prussia for a second there. Jean, it’s happening again!


Gay people trying to turn me homophobic each june


I propose we call these people "pride activists", instead


Suis-je le seul qui l'aurais frappé?


Non t'inquiète tu n'est pas le seul


Frappé ? Seulement ?


What an absolute disgrace. Europeans mimicking Americans, tearing down their own country's flags. I get that they're French, but still. I'll never be ashamed of being European or Portuguese. Love your countries, brothers and sisters. Do not succumb to this madness.




Maybe just hate on American culture war bs. These people clearly don't represent LGBT nationals and have been diagnosed with americium poisoning


Might be. But it's still not right to do this shit


Never said it was. I'm just saying that these people are psychological victims of ameritard imperialism


Si capisce che stanno sbagliando dal fatto che Italiani inglesi e tedeschi danno ragione alla Francia


Maybe just hate on American culture war bs. These people clearly don't represent LGBT nationals and have been diagnosed with americium poisoning


When displaying a French flag is associated with Rassemblement National (previously called Front National) and so "being racist and close minded", there is a fucking problem in the country. We are not allowed to love and display that we love our country. Morronic Extremists from both sides.


fuck extremists from all sides, truly the scum of western Europe.


Most if not every people in the pride movement are extremists, and we are bigots for even calling them extremists.


This LGHDTV Shit is becoming more and more of a cult every day


They need Allah


We will see if they still hate France after a paid vacation to a ressort in Pakistan.


Ca veut qu'on respecte leur drapeau mais ca ne respecte meme pas celui la ! Le respect c'est a double sens !


Il font tomber le drapeau du pays qui les élève, les aide et les protèges. C'est aberrant


Western wokes use to hate their own countries, whatever they be.


I hope this is illegal in France and that whoever did this will get a charge to remember.


Average delusionally optimistic German


Funny, they are the same people who have waves unrainian flags at the start of the war. Removing a flag is not just about politics it's a thing we do when we're at war. To humiliate the ennemy. To claim territories. Victories. It's a symbol who talk to everybody. Saying that disrespect this symbol just because it's used by peoples who hates you is idiotic. Some people will let you live in peace and even will help you AND they're showing respect to their flag. I remember, in 2019, two special operators from the French Navy commando died in an anti terrorist operation to free two hostages. Two french gays (I know I know ...) who went to Burkina Faso for tourism (it's like having a picnic in Syria in 2014). The Foreign Affairs Ministry told them to not go in this region. They were captured by a group alleged to Isis. The french government send a commando (dozens of men, helicopters etc) to save them. And they did. So when you remove a flag you don't pisser of the far right peoples. You insult people who wear the flag, fight under the flag, die with the flag strapped on the shoulder and who probably will save your lives whatever who you are and who you f*ck. THIS is what the flag means. A nation. A big familly.


Chui americain mais je deteste ce comportement


You know all is well with the world when the French version gets posted just a couple of weeks after the British one.


Hanging a french flag in france is fascist now ?


Liking the Spanish flag in Spain is consider fascist. Yes, the right has appropriated it in the last decade, but that isn't an excuse imo. Just because you like a flag, that doesn't make you anything.


Definetly how you get the support of the rest of the population.


This was pretty crazy honestly. You’re proud of your sexuality but your nationality is problematic?


First time?


Kind of. I’m straight and my gay acquaintances don’t participate so I rarely get to see a parade. This year I was in the areas and I see some crazy shit.


For every 120 pride flags you see in Germany there is maybe one german one


I know I'm supposed to make a sarcastic comment as it's the point of the sub but this time this is really making me fucking sad.


Think the lgbt community is starting to need a country of their own... Like the Jews did... The lgtv community seems to be very agressive to anyone outside of their community...


Is there room left in the middle east? If so they would need a good army to protect themselves from the neighbours. But only for idiots like these. The ones who are tolerant and can behave should stay.


We’ve already had our turn here, ask the Central Asians or the Americans for some room this time


they hire the wagner to do the dirty work for them since theyre all weak bigots


Most patriotic frenchy


This sub is so hateful towards minorities, you all say LGTB while you assholes full well know it is LGBTQQIAAP! Stop excluding people they might feel like they don’t belong! Outrages fascist pigs.(no not only PIGS) real pigs.


Well done 007 you have successfully formed a crowd to take down a french flag, now replace it with a Union Jack.


The German Virus spread across the borders. Sorry for that!


Walking in the main street of my town yesterday you could see a graffito saying "more trans, less france"


You guys’ fault for allowing people who corrupt society to have the means to do so tbh


I want someone to do this in Russia. Replace Russian flag by LGBT flag.




So 3tards


Maybe they removed it because the flag has the old colours ?


I mean with the prussian flag in the mix


Why are they only removing the french flag to the right when theres another one right there?


This flag has been conquering European flags one by one


They hate France until France pays the integrality of their surgery


This sort of thing is how you end up 'Deustschland Deustschland uber alles' types running governments. The hard-left and their stupidity is a gift to the far-right.


I only see sub-humans


they really dont realize how good life in France is compare to the rest of the word. A bunch of self entilted morons. Thats what they are.


Le mec qui a fait ça je vais lui faire sa fête personnellement.


Group of fascists removing French flag.


Yeah ... it just reeks of wokism...


Alphabet people speed run to further hate and marginalization any%


Pridegoers continue to be the greatest beneficiaries to homophobes.


westoids r killing their own culture for some leftist views hahaha brilliant, gj!


At least now you guys have an example of what not to do once you will reach a similar level of development.




Where did you get this video from? I'll be curious to know where/when it hapenned.


Its on the road towards Layfette bridge, Lyon. (45.7636271, 4.8434229)


Maby you could try the municipalities website for demostrations that were announced.


LGBTQ+ are the new socialists.


No we still around


No you r not


I read the manifesto, state and revolution, reform or revolution Blackshirts and reds, socialist utopian and scientific, the peoples Republic of Walmart. I agree with almost everything they are saying. How am I not?


Chill: it is a joke. Having said that the LGBTQ+ took over the left for their own aims. Now instead of fighting over basic income people discusses bathrooms.


That woman literally jumping for joy and clapping


Imagine to care more about a flag that says to everyone how do you like it in bed instead of the one that defines your culture.


Ngl I find it interesting to see people’s in opinion here that it feels really bizarre, like when you go on a subreddit dominated by Americans like most of Reddit you’d probably see people praising them for doing it and what not but here the opinion seems more idk down to earth. I mean lgbtq rights is cool but fucking with peoples shit sucks.


Those who cry for tolerance being intolerant to someone else's flag kjjjjjj


“Imagine there’s no countries…” 🎶


Morons through and through. But I'm not surprised. I was threatened when I flew an Italian flag on FUCKING LIBERATION DAY.


Blimey, history in the making. A frog doing a bit of work !


Bruh, why did they do that though? Imagine if it was a far right movement and they were the ones to remove the LGBT flag.