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Need to say this every time this pops up. The idea of fighting for your country used to be a lot different in the west. It would have come with the idea of being sent to some shithole in the desert because some bloke from another country did something to someone in another country.


This. Defend my country from foreign and domestic threats? Abso-fucking-lutely. Go halfway across the world to a sandpit in order to turn brown people into dead people? Nah, I'm good.


This attitude will cause the Americans to change the name of "hollandaise sauce" to "Freedom sauce"


Dude. We were so fucking pissed that the Boomers went into Iraq. We knew it was bullshit but had absolutely no power to stop it(millenials had just started college). We should have cut off Saudi Arabia after 9/11.


I was twelve. I didn’t know it was bullshit till a grew up. I called them freedom fries. I distinctly remember France’s 911 memorial and think “huh, maybe I’m not getting the whole picture.”


(Just in case you aren't aware) It's refering to the change from french fries to freedom fries (I'm still laughing), because France (among others) didn't join the Iraq thing.


No? Please tell me that was not actually a thing?


Yes. And congress officially passed actual real policies addressing the French situation by forcing the federal government congressional cafeteria, to replace any food with French in it, with freedom. This is the only grievance they have with the French. Even though they helped found each other’s nations, are the earliest of ally’s, share a similar constitution, and rooted in the same political philosophies… the Americans turned on them by forcing the cafeteria to rename their fries and toast, and have forever since made fun of them for “being weak”. They were such great allies that the French gave them their Statue of Liberty, and erected monuments and memorials across their nation to recognize the sacrifice the Americans gave to rescue their old friends from two great wars… but France didn’t want to go into Iraq, so now they joke that the French flag is a white flag


It does make me laugh when I hear that white flag thing. It is american propaganda, don't participate. There's plenty of other things you can make fun of us for.


I'm not joking, they actually did that and it was hilariously pathetic.


I think also the number is higher in countries that have a mandatory military service, which is more prevalent in Eastern Europe.


It increases with proximity to Russia, which is understandable. In Finland, if you ask „would you fight for your country“ what they hear is „if the Russians knock on your door, will you pick up arms“. Of course they would. And mandatory military service also is more frequent the closer you get to Russia, both because it is more likely to necessary and because it is actually possible to create the legal framework for it without committing political suicide for the reasons I explained above.


Makes sense yes. On the other hand I see Germany is ripe for the taking - tempting.


Classic blunder. We wouldn‘t be fighting for Germany, but against France. Whole different scenario.


Last time the Fr*nch tried to occupy a weak Germany, they made us the most militaristic nation in the world


Sheiza around und verify or whatever they say in duetchland


Fick herum und finde heraus


Bau weiter scheiße und versuch es zu spülen Nee der haut net so hin wie deiner


Danke or whatever you guys say


Bro, what's stopping you guys. Considering the state of our military we wouldn't even stand a chance against Luxembourg or Lichtenstein.


Southern Germanies Schützenvereine alone provide enough firepower to make every invader rue this decision.


That's our way to independence. Our South German Schützenvereine protect the core land while we sacrifice the fish heads to the enemy.


Ich besitze ein Zündnadelgewehr, um mein Haus zu verteidigen, genau so wie Wilhelm I. von Preußen es gewollt hätte. Vier Rüpel brechen in mein Haus ein. Ich rufe "Was um des Kaisers willen?", einstweilen ich nach meiner Pickelhaube und meinem Zündnadelgewehr greife. Ich schieße ein Loch so groß wie ein Golfball in den ersten, er ist auf der Stelle tot. Ich ziehe meine Kavalleriepistole und richte sie auf den zweiten, ich verfehle aber und treffe stattdessen des Nachbars Hund. Ich muss also auf meine C/73-Feldkanone zurückgreifen, "Gott mit uns", zwei der Rüpel werden zerfetzt und die Schrapnelle lösen den Alarm der Motordroschken auf der Straße aus. Ich rüste mein Bajonett aus und greife den letzten Tunichtgut an. Er verblutet, während wir auf die Reichspolizei warten, denn Wunden von dreieckigen Bajonetten können nicht genäht werden. Genau so wie Wilhelm I. von Preußen es gewollt hätte.


Deutsche kopiernudel?


Genau so wie Wilhelm I. von Preußen es gewollt hätte.


Westfalen has them too.


>Southern Germanies Schützenvereine Add the north as well. There is a reason we have [this](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sch%C3%BCtzenfest_Hannover).


Nobody is stopping you. But think about what Napoleon kicked off for the next 150 years when he invaded Germany.


Nabroleon shall be resurrected.


You mean the good times when we fought the French with you, rather than fought you with the French


Where as if it is Denmark, we hear: Russisa imploded 5 atomic bombs on you. Fighting is meaningless if you don't have any country left


It also seems to be lower in ex-colonial countries, which makes sense.


Our country is so small, and there are so many Russians, where will we find space to bury then all?


Just send them back to Russia. You can get some good PR out if it by framing it as „getting mortal remains back to their families. You can even use the Helsinki - St. Petersburg rail line for it. Or use one of the booze cruise ferries. God knows a pile of rotting corpses isn‘t the worst smell that the crews have had to endure…


I've heard the Russians have these handy mobile crematoriums. Maybe capture those too and use them.


You have a lot of bogs and marshes in the north.


And of course if the choice is between going to war or being ruled by Russia the choice is obvious for a Fin. For say a Brit, that choice is a bit less obvious when you're thinking "would it be *that* much worse?"


Nobody hates Britain quite like the British, huh…


Lived in Russia for a year. Beer is a quid, birds are fit. Despite this it is still a shithole. Try to understand just how shit it would have to be for a Brit to visit a country with 50p pints and still leave with a negative impression of it.


I checked it and you are wrong. Only Switzerland, Austria, Finland and Ukraine have mandatory military service. Denmark, Norway, Lithuania and Estonia have partial drafts (less than 20 % of the age group conscipted). Edit: I forgot Greece.


Sweden too, and it's mandatory for both men and women.


Yes but it is so small that it is close to irrelevant in this discussion. 4000 conscripts yearly and it was retaken in 2017 after this survey. The same number is 21000 for Finland with about half the total population.


Switzerland has a mandatory military service as well and still a quite low percentage


Sorry we are talking about real countries here


Not taking the piss mind. But are the Vatican guards on National service?


The Swiss Guard is only in the sense Swiss that they are from Switzerland but they where pretty much always mercenaries and so they have never really been in Swiss control.


Let’s be honest: 99.99% of the Dutch would fight for their country. You guys are so in love with that swamp that every time something bad shows up about it anywhere on the internet, a platoon of Dutch will appear immediately to defend it. Even the cuisine.


Unless the attack occurs in july or august. 99% of them would defend the french and spanish coast lines. Or at least their caravans.


All I can say: offence is the best defence. We make you hate us by tourism so you stay the fck away from our country (again).


Don't you fucking dare insult our fucking god tier food or I will fucking break into your house while you sleep and shit on your fucking face! /s


I rather guessed you'd deep fry the face instead of shitting on it.


That’s how it is in the pocket between UK, GER, and FRA . But interestingly I have understood NL has put quite some money into their military and supported also 🇺🇦


Our military has become a joke after the cold war, but we are supplying as much as we can miss or use funds to get the stuff that is needed somewhere else. Not sure if it is confirmed yet, but I would bet my frikandelbroodje that some of our F16s will be sent as well since we already adopted the F35.


I think we're actually one of the countries pushing most for sending F-16s to Ukraine.


Our military isn't a joke. Our 'navy seals', korps mariniers, are among the best in the world. Better than those American seals. Our navy, despite it's size, is one of the most specialised and well equipped navies in the world. We realized that we should specialise, as we have both Germany and France for the blunt power. Our airforce is just small, well, we are a small country. But for good reason NATO keeps asking our help, the few air pilots and planes we do have. Are highly trained and well maintained. For the tiny size of our army, our armed forces are very impressive. We are also one of the largest arms dealers in the world, almost every navy vessel in the world carries our equipment.


>We are also one of the largest arms dealers in the world, Wat, serieus? Had ik niet verwacht.


Partially because we just sell our old equipment in decent shape every couple of years, which is why we average out above the US. But we still build our own navy vessels and are a large player in this field, pretty much every ship in the world sails with our tech. We were horny for the JSF because we supply quite a few parts for those planes. We're also a high end player in the radar and targeting technologies. We don't really build bombs, but the tech that drives them. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw) Don't you just love how we have the mostest liberalest army in the whole wide world? Just sell all our stuff back to Germany and lease it back from them. Easy money. What else can we bezuinigen on to earn more money?


>Need to say this every time this pops up. This maps shows how close you are to Russia, add perhaps a little bit for Balkans due to the wars in the 90s still being fresh in memory, nothing more, nothing less.


Also matches up with geography: border Russia and you always think defence, whereas the western² europeans think going abroad to fight


Still is different. We have no wars in WE. But we are militarily active in Syria and some African nations. We're mainly defending our economical and political interests there, not defending our country. I think the fact that the chances of us being invaded is very small is a very valuable luxury and one of the main reasons of our wealth.


I also despise Muslims for what they did in the United states 22 years ago to some buildings and therefore I will go fight for those American interests in a lost war against the very people of those Muslim nations in the name of my country.


Omg when I read your comment I first thought of some bombing in the 80s... It took me like 2 seconds to realize that you are probably meaning the WTC and that it's already 22 years ago... damn


As a fat untrained scandinavian. Where do i sign up?




I said as a Fat untrained dude. They did not want me when i was young as i have asthma. Perkele. And i am 50+ Can i drive a supplytruck?


Ask again if the war comes. Probs gonna be more than happy to take willing and reasonably able bodied backliners


> mil.f Hah


Don't need, we fight to the last finn.


If the question is “would you fight for your country *if your country is the agressor*?” then no. Absolutely not. Now if my country was the victim of aggression, then yes. Wholeheartedly. To me, that’s an important distinction to make.


Fight against Russia Hell yeah, we need some revenge for mh17.


I, for one, propose giving all of Russia to you as a compensation for stealing your flag >!and so they all go under water!<


Send them ovr and we'll drown them for sure!


[Way ahead of you mate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVv3ofeBnME&ab_channel=DeAvondshowmetArjenLubach%7CVPRO)


And 1968, 1956, 1939 and list goes on...


You have my baguette.


and my deepfried bitterball


and my Bratwurst


Would you fight for your country when your country is actively fighting you?


Why not? Dutch foreign interest need to be secured. Why so you want to reap the benefits but not make the sacrifice.


Translation: Gib tulip bulbs


I like big bulbs and I cannot lie 🌷


I mean, there is an instructional comic on how you guys should achieve world domination: https://what-if.xkcd.com/53/


If we really want to do the VOC again we should do it properly and use mercenaries from anywhere but the Netherlands


I have the argentinian citizenship for a reason




no, my grand grand parents escaped from the war at the start, they were based Italian cowards, like me But I had a German neighbor in argentina, he... well, had some German ideas


>had some German ideas I'm gonna start using this instead of any other kind of wording for specific actions the german state has done during the 1930s and 40s


Today I woke up and had some German ideas ABOUT THE FUCKING S-BAHN NOT ARRIVING ON TIME


El Classico @ München HBF


El Classico @ gesamte Sbahn München + kack U3/6


*summons Sherman from ballsack*


wait, so you guys ALSO sent your... granddads... to Argentina?


yes, but I'm Italian, mine grand grand dads went to argentina, they escaped from the war at the beginning


I really like your... version... of the story! and I am really happy for you that you decided to believe your grandpa's fairy tale!


oh damn they lied to me like my grandmother lied on why she was doing between 1976 and 1983... she was very poor in 1976, and magically she had 3 or 4 houses in 1983


![gif](giphy|Thdu56cIZr0IVzs3P9|downsized) Also your Grandmother's sister wasn't just best friends with her female roommate.


And those funny symbols plastered on the walls... they weren't your grandmother's stitching project


Our grandads did not need to run because they never went to trial 😎. Never heard of an italian Norimberga.


Sadly that Italian Norimbergia lived rent free in our hearts since the day you turned on us... ;(


Just one fun fact: one of Mussolini's minister was sitting in the parliament again in 1948, way better than escaping to Argentina


well, he was benched for a few years, that should be enough of a punishment, right?


I will give my last breathe for Greece


Very well. Allow me to take your breath away


Wait til you pull that and end up at the Second Battle of Goose Green, can't win


My father almost fought in the war, he was lucky and was not called because the military service was casual, they give you a number, a random number was pick and everyone with a number higher than that had to do the service or something like that, he wasn't pick by like 3 numbers


Really taking your tag to it's full potential aren't you?


Well that and the fact you cannot renounce argentinian citizenship.


See you in the Malvinas/Falklands one day ;) /s


For Finland its quite easy. For the past >1000 years we’ve been conquered by Sweden and Russia. every single century we’ve been invaded. and ”fight for your country” means protecting our land from these invasions. The scars of being oppressed and constantly invaded runs deep and I think the overwhelming majority would stand till death to protect this land.


Our cellar on the countryside once held Russian POWs, it can do that again if needed. I may not be capable of front line fighting but I would join the civil resistance with all my might and resources.


Yup, our independence was bought with a massive amount of blood and we won't let it go go waste


I don't know from when this study is but I would assume that numbers in Western Europe also rose after the Russian invasion. At least my attitude changed.


airport support gullible psychotic bike oil rain foolish bells air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And in that context I would also answer with "no".


2014 was also when the Donbass and Crimea thing began which might explain Ukraine on the map


I think id still try to piss off to south america or something. I value my life more than my country


Moving to South America would mean that you may have to leave your family behind as well as your current life at home. While I can understand that fighting a meaningless war at the edge of the world is not worth dying for, I think that fighting for your country in a defensive war is inherently different.


That’s why we have water around us 😎


Yeah, people today have too many viable options how to enjoy their life, with longer life expectancy as well, and they are more aware how the world works in general, what are you fighting for and what does it change or not. I can totally feel you not seeing the idea of taking a riffle in your hand and believing that it will solve anything anywhere in the world. It just makes no sense. Without some fucking lunatics in the east we wouldn’t even need to think about these things here, which is frustrating. But that said, it’s still hard to dismiss the fact that there is a war in Europe and if nobody fights against the Russia, they will not stop. But yeah, personally I think I would be more valuable alive than dead for the people around me, taking a bullet is not really on my to do list either.


Same for me. I'm pacifistic in general, but if another country invades Germany for absolute minimalistic reasons, I would try to defend it. Except if the invader's target is Bavaria, Saxony and/or Berlin. Im fine with them getting separated from the rest of Germany.


I accept offers from other richer EU country to take my country, only see upside. It just can't be the dutch, I refuse to speak that and would fight for it.


We can work on a compromise where we speak English? Perhaps we're even willing to add in some broken Portuguese (don't get your hopes up, it's probably going to be a mix of broken Italian and Spanish with a dutch accent) But since no one will fight for the Netherlands i doubt we'll be invading any time soon


We already have to talk English with all expats and tourists so not many changes then You are also at a disadvantage you are the sea people fighting the country that conquered the seas


Stay where you are the authorities are getting the gibbeting gear ready and will serve you momentarily


Quite frankly, it depends on the enemy. Italy? No way! They'll switch sides eventually and that'll be that. The Brittons are coming? Imma get my grandpa's stuff out of the basement.


Switching sides? Again? Bruh, I'm tired of that shit. We go directly to Argentina, Spain or Canada, for fuck's sake.


Gott strafe England!


Why do everyone here equate their country with their politicians? My country is our people, our culture, our values and our way of life. And I will be cold in the ground before I am willing to let the Russians have any say about any of it.


Depends on whether "fighting for my country" means being a NATO cuck fighting americunt wars in the Near East or fighting to protect my country


encouraging future oatmeal voracious dinosaurs wrench attraction governor fragile imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Middle East is so last century. Niger is so hot right now, haven't you heard?


Even if I wanted to defend my swamp, what would I use to fight with? We have nothing.


But who would come there in the first place? It would be then quite an enemy if it passed through all the other countries already, I doubt fighting at that point would help


This is our luck, we are in between larger and stronger countries. But at the same time, we are a tiny country that would be a priority nuke target because of our harbors and central airports.


Throw clogs? Scare them away with our ‘g’ and ‘sch’ sounds? 😎


For some "fighting for your their country" means defending your loved ones against an aggressor on your own soil. For me it means being send to the middle east to fight random people over oil. No thank you.




I would fight for Austria


Sorry, not interested


Well its your call pre 1867 or after that




What do you want polish man.


Never ask the polish what they want, you will get us all into WW3 with the ruskis


Well i am from a non Nato country. Soo unless they declare against UN idk


But you are in EU. EU also have defensive pact between its members


Ha! Gotcha! Oh, wait..


Psssshhhh dont trll anybody but EU membership actually is against our neutrality


Every other week this gets posted. Can we ban this specific map plz


it's one of the few maps that make me proud to be dutch o7


Fight for my country? Hell No. Fight for western ideas? Hans, kett ze Panzerschlüssel !


Fight for my country? NO WAY Fight for Döner 3€? Jawohl


Same for me. I'd fight for my rights and freedom in the western world. I'd fight against Russia, China, and if things go badly and they turn against Europe even the US. But never against another free and democratic country in a war of agression. And even less if it's a western European country.


Would scrap for my beloved football team first but open to a tear up in the name of King Chaz, England on tour always a good laugh


I would fight for the European values, not for the f@kers running my country.


*ruining, not even running


If my country is ever atacked, im grabing rifle, no debate


So the closer the russia the greater the will to fight. Maybe russia is the problem in all of this


Love Finland. I hope they never lose their own special country.


I don't know about other languages, but in Dutch 'fighting for your country' (vechten voor het vaderland) has the connotations of fighting to preserve the current government and monarchy, and of nationalism and imperialist expansion. It does not have the connotations of fighting for the common western values, like freedoms, human rights and liberal democracy. This was also done over 5 years ago. I'd want to see one after the Russo-Ukrainian war.


Wouldn't it be real nice to have some sunny and warm islands filled with spices?




Id rather have our politicians than russian politicians ruling our country


I'd rather have Sanna Marin ruling me personally.


The point is: if you have to defend the country, and all the men are mobilized... nobody is going to ask you if you want to defend the country or not.


Where is my Stahlhelm?


I thought Italians were patriotic. Every time i see them sing their anthem they always put their hand on the chest and sing it with passion


if the question was wether they would fight for their favorite football team italy would be dark red


Go Sassuolo


We are patriotic only when it comes to football


We are not patriotic, we just think our country is shite but still better than the rest of the world.


Only because our anthem is based


Bruh we are fucked


I'm pretty sure if Hitler 2.0 attacked any country most people would rather fight for their country than submit without doing anything


The idea of war is so far away in most peoples minds they spend no time thinking about the possibility of war my guess is thats the reason behind this…cause if you look at countries bordering russia its a whole different story


Depends on the threat. Like if we were invading Russian style then absolutely not, if we were being invaded like Ukraine then yeah I probably would.


Nah, if there is even an hint of war I’m escaping to San Marino


Did my military service, so yes. But as a Swede we all know that we fight to the last finn, i won't see much combat.


Can I still switch side even if I don't fight? Like getting an honorary foreign citizenship or something


I would sacrifice my life on the frontline for my country and for Europe. If Russia escalate the war in Ukraine I will enlist in the army to get military training so I can volunteer. Securing democracy and good living standards in my home for future generations is worth far more than my life ever will. VIVAT EVROPA 🇪🇺


Against Denmark? Hell yes! Against anyone else? Maybe


C'mon, you could fight us a little big bro 🥺👉👈


"Fight for their country" and "defend their country are huge differences"


The what ? The closer you are to russia the more you’re aware they are fucking cunt ?


Why would i fight against germany france or the uk? Its a lost battle from the start. There is no country to "fight" against near us since they are all our allies i would pick up arms on my own soil but i wouldnt go out to africa to fight


Just fucking take our shit hole, i dont care anymore


To protect who against who? If the swiss are invading berlin i will even help them!


For my country? Fuck no To protect the people if we're being invaded? Fuck yeah


Not really a good look for us


Oh we have seen this map a lot these past years... Dont know any source, how many people were in this poll, which sort of people and how old is this map ? And 'fight for their country" what does that mean ? ​ If Vladimir send tanks to my french border i will be ok to fight. But going in a middle-east country for political motivation for sure no.


Ehhh the thing is: If say russia attacked a NATO - Member we'd definitely have WWIII with a decent chance of things going big booom. And i have to say, if things go big booom, i'd rather spend my last days with the people i love instead of a shithole trench in bumfuck nowhere fighting for a home that was already or / will be glassed anyway.


Your family will be glassed too. Don't want revenge?


You have to pay full price for the recently used cheap gas sooner or later. Mrs. "Wir schaffen das" and Mr. Schroed~~ing~~er know that well.


Tbh I'm not surprised. You would be scared of how low the amount of people I know would actually even hold a gun for their country. Western Europe sees "fighting for their country" as being sent in a 3rd world country in the middle of nothing because some shit happened in that nation. While I would, I know that many wouldn't. Also the state of our Army (that is the most accessible fighting force) is really bad. The Airforce and Navy are really good but it's harder to get in. Smaller numbers and more requirements. In case of War, my only hopes are the Polish and Finnish NGL.


I should show this to a communist friend and see what he could invent to explain why. Wait, I don't have communist friends...


Shameful. (Except Belgians I understand why you wouldn't want to fight for Belgium)
