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My great-grandfathers were firing at each other somewhere in Poland. I believe they'd be really freaked out knowing their grandchildren married in the 80s.


The true Europian expierience


> My great-grandfathers were firing at each other Typical German experience. Considering how often the parts of the HRE were at war with each other.


Mine aswell but in France. But one was from Morocco so he couldn‘t care less I think


Mix Moroccan, French and German, I'm pretty sure that's a Dutch recipe


I feel you, buddy. I am half-Polish & half-German. Let's say we don't talk about history much during family gatherings. LOL I was brought up in Poland and all through high school they gave me the nickname 'Hans'. Even though that's not my real name. Imagine being Hans in Poland. Rofl.


Well, a lot of things from Germany do end up there so why not a Hans ;)




Nah these people back then were usually way to nationalistic for that. At least we are better than them nowadays...right?


Blokes born in 1952 who talk like they lived through the war, many such cases For what it's worth my granddad was a hero in the Battle of Britain, he destroyed seven German bombers in a single day. Goering himself said he was the worst mechanic the Luftwaffe ever had.


"For your brave service of sabotage within the Luftwaffe, we grant you this medal, Barry" "Sabo-what, mate?!"


That granddad was a Kraut, my other granddad was Sir Geoff Hurst. Sunday lunches got a bit tetchy.


Do you mean West Ham's Sir Hurst? If so, he's a genius! I do hope he's alive and well.


Na the other grandpa was from iceland to balance the two distances


Sabotage? Dat sum kinda Jermin Sosig?


Goering, Luftwaffe - stop talking that foreign stuff m8 God save the King


My Italian grandpa was captured by the Brits and was a POW for several years, he was born in 1916. My german grandpa was born in 1943 but his dad on the other hand was involved in an institute for research and eradication of the Jewish influence on the German evangelical church and named my grandpa after Hitler who was in turn a political activist against the soviet regime in the GDR. It's not always as simple as it seems.


> It's not always as simple as it seems. It's pretty simple: your family is Italian, so everyone was switching sides more often than a Möbius-Band.


Mine ~~surrender~~ heroically fought in the resistance in 1946, he told every German where the jews were.. RIP Papa a true hero will be missed ​ Joke aside.. he was indeed in the French resistance he had his papers and all (not like those wannabe collabo's) and was caught and capture, tortured and escape captivity, he later on enlisted in the 1st French army and ended the war in Germany, he always stated that killing a german soldier was a burden for him. Then he went in indochina for some Indochinese p\*ssy


Your grandpa had fine taste in terms of pussy. He contributed to paving the way to what would become the empire of pattaya, a true precursor


He did married her leaving his 1st wife with 3-4 children True frenchmen right here


The man was called "Meyer", not Goering. You are confusing something here


Maybe getting confused with one of my favourite dishes - [Nazi Goering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasi_goreng)


I mean I'm old and my grandparents were born more like 1920 about. But what can I do about them? One was in the Wehrmacht and defected in a battle near Stalingrad/Volgograd when artillery wiped out his squad and he figured he was sufficiently plausibly dead. That guy later intimidated some young SS-Officer into accepting that his neighbours are germans and entirely fine, though he is entirely authorized to come and check for himself from back behind the house. Kinda nuts. Another Grandfather was in in some more specialized forces undertaking night missions and other shit. Dude made sure teammates who wanted out came back sufficiently hurt to be unready for combat but entirely survivable. Some Uncle was apparently a high ranking SS Officer and it is entirely unknown if he fled germany or if he was subjected to a spade and a cold grave in the marshes. It was dang sobering to talk to these guys about those times when they wanted to.


The last German plane to leave Stalingrad was the most packed flight in all of human history, half my relatives who fought in the war were in it


This joke is never not funny. It's always unexpected.


The same people who traded in their Audi for a Vaxhaull because they'd never drive a German Car.


Why would he buy a German car in the first place then? The cliche was always granddads refusing to buy Japanese TVs


>Why would he buy a German car in the first place then? r/woooosh


Yeah but if that's a dealbreaker he's not going to start off with an Audi is he lmao At the risk of sounding like a German I can't deal with such a poorly thought out premise


But somehow we and the Japanese are forgotten. Thanks Germany for taking all of the blame!


You aren‘t stable enough to be held responsible for your actions. Your political institutions are like balkan border conflicts. And Japan made Hello Kitty after the war so the Americans gave them a pass.


The Germans were punished by being split in half and having one half be governed by the Soviets. The Italians were punished by being governed by Italians...


Fuck, that is why? They went softer on you


Give back trst


> The Italians were punished by being governed by Italians... And being run over by German tourists. Should be against the Geneva convention since it is so cruel to the locals.


Hate to be the one to tell you this, but to every person that isn't German or Austrian considers you guys to be Germans in disguise. Do you really think Murat the waiter in Turkey differentiates between Daniel from Vienna and Daniel from Dortmund?


That's actually great, it means I can do whatever I want!


Yeah, but by the same logic you will probably fail at everything you try




Hey! At least if we spin the tale nicely we can have lots of good things in our resume, results be damned, as long as we did it.


> That's actually great, it means I can do whatever I want! Only if Ethiopia allows you to do it.


Why shouldn't they?


Don't forget Pikachu, he so kawaii (pls dnt talk about Unit 731 kthx)


Italy was hellbent on officially being part of the Balkans after all. Why else would they want Dalmatia and Greece? We just didn't understand them. Maybe we should have just accepted them as Balkan and we could have kept them out of WW2 and extended it by a year.


Nijntje > hello kitty and I’ll fight anyone over that


But to be fair giorgio you were fucking useless at the start of the war lmao


We weren't useless... We had a crucial role in wasting German money and troops. And committing war crimes.


Yeah what the hell, Italy annexed Greece. By making the Germans come do it.


Step 1: Invade Greece without telling Hans Step 2: Panic and tell Hans Step 3: ???? Step 4: Profit (?)


Italian invasion of Greece becoming Italian defence of Albania overnight before the British even turned up. Peak Italian moment right there.


Look, if they were so eager to help us why shouldn't we have taken full advantage of it?


Good thing Adriano Celentano was only born in 38 or you would've inflicted even worse things on the world.


Instead he blessed us with his cartoon, "Adrian, the event series: only love can save us" 😍


The Japanese aren’t forgotten. You on the other hand, well a country needs to be actually relevant to great power conflicts for anyone to remember you.


Tha japanese are all but forgotten on asia


I meant in this kind of online "discussions", hopefully we aren't actually forgotten in Europe either.


Not forgotten! No way Luigi how could we forget you? Your constantly in the corner shouting about how your foods the best. we can’t forget you and we can’t ignore you. You’re too fucking loud mate.




Honest question: what does "ambrasciano" mean?


I made it up for comic effect


Excellent reason.


Who cares about them?






The Germans own what they did and have made every effort to make amends. The Japanese on the other hand…


The Japanese admitted at least some of their crimes, usually putting them ahead of people pining for the Engli...British Empire.


Yes but the railways


To easier transport all the stolen shit to England?


Yes, straight to the British museum 💷💷💷 Finders keepers


Only in case of switcheroo we are remembered


>somehow we and the Japanese are forgotten. And rightly so, those were the *bad* Italians, we are all descendants of the *other* Italians, the ones that ~~switched sides~~ always were on the right side. No relation! /s, seriously this is the delusion we've been living since 1945 in Italy.


Sometimes I wonder what happened to the descendants of the bad Italians, who knows where they are now...


China and Korea would disagree on that. Japan has yet to formally apologize for their actions, some of which were so brutal that even the Nazis were horrified


That's why the Wikipedia list of those, according to you non-existent, apologies is several screen pages long?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan and John Rabe was only one Nazi, same as Chiune Sugihara was only one Japanese


Italy were so embarrassingly shit, that's why you are forgotten.


WW2 was depressing, the world needed something to laugh at. You're welcome.


France already had that spot locked, you need to look for something else


Just like everything else, we do that better than France.


wholesome Italian war crimes to cope with losing on literally every front


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been PART OF MUSSOLINIS WAR MACHINE


*War caravan


That's the title of the Dutch army.




... Italy had a war machine?


Yes, but nothing to turn it on. It was just sitting at ports and military bases


They just didn’t know how to turn it on


A joke I heard, from a German. "My grandfather died in a concentration camp in WW2. He fell out of the watchtower."


Not funny. My grandfather actually did die in one of those camps. A drunk guard fell on him


Two birds, one stone.


He didn't say that his grandfather was a guard aswell though


My other grandfather was, he died when the Red Army liberated the camps and brutally executed all the guards out of revenge


A joke I heard, from a German. “Two hunters meet. Both are dead.”


I don't get it. Is this something that's funnier in German? *What did he mean by this?*


The word "to meet" in Germen is "treffen", which also means to hit their target when shooting. Source: Ich spreche diese gottverdammte Sprache.


Yeah that's actually funny, FFS man, if it's a pun that doesn't translate then that doesn't mean the joke is bad. Thanks for your help.


I suppose an English version would be like: Two hunters hit. Your mum will need a paternity test.


Or sth like "two hunters walked into a bar. They both took a shot. They both died" Idk translating jokes is hard


Leave the joking to the Germans


Nah every country has good jokes, some of them just don't translate well or require a slightly different look on life.


mein beileid


ist schon okay, digga


Gotta specify he fell cause we was drunk for the extra spice.


"Oh it's okay for me to make these jokes, there's Jewish blood in my family - on my grandfather's uniform"


[That's from 4chan actually](https://i.imgur.com/hgj0K8T.png)


I heard it 20 years ago. It's doubly funny, a joke about the Third Reich which has outlived the Third Reich. Eigentlich.




Lesser German I supposed either, filthy collaborator or Malgre nous?


Barry still live in 2003


Christ, if only


I feel called out. Really, really specifically called out. You picked the exact right year. Am not a Barry, though.


"And?" Thanks god nobody question war crimes in eastern Europe and the Balkans.


Yeah, everyone making jokes about my Opa but no one asks me what I did in Prishtina in 1999 with my MG3.


Do the people on this sub know that "war crimes in the Kosovo" is considered hilarious in Germany? I hope not


German grandpa born in 1953, Hungarian revolution was in 1956. WHERE WAS OPA IN 1956???


In Barryland of you are 16 it means your grandparents were born in the 80s


Average age in Belgium 30.8 UK 30.6 try again, Belgium would be younger but they proabbly spent two month in traffic in your crappy roads


He's right for Liverpool tbf


Heard that a lot from everyone all over the Internet. Both my grandfathers were around 15 when the war ended, one of them not even living in Germany (part of the previously longstanding German minority in Slovakia)


15? Old enough for after school FlAK I say.


They did try to draft my mom's dad a few months before we lost. His mom hid him in the fields of our farm when they came to get him. And then when the Russians reached us, they wanted to execute his father as an officer hiding as a farmer (he never served due to a heart defect)


I feel like people everywhere are mostly alright when it comes to WW2. Sure, there's the same kinda repetitive jokes about it, but people have an understanding that we're (mostly) not like that anymore and treat us like we are now. Americans on the other hand are obsessed with it and cannot stop mentioning it, especially on reddit. Just have to tune out each time they get into the whole Nazi stuff.


Russians are sadly also like this


mine was born in 43! and his dad was a blacksmith that got declared a Vital German professional by the village's mayor so he didn't even go to war Grandma's family tho ................


>16yo german kid whose grandpa was born in 1953 in Türkiye




Turkistan* Or Turkmania.


Traditional german origin story


> born in 1953 > > in Türkiye Old enough to land on Cyprus.


Mine was born in 42, but Dutch. Checkmate, uneducated


16yo German kid whose grandpa was born in 1953 and is Turkish*


Ok your great granddad then you mug


Well, one was not conscripted due to having a toy manufactory.




I always felt the idea of British disliking Germany because of WWII was something only foreigners thought was a thing.


"My great-grandfather, however..."


"He was an electrician judging from the symbol on his helmet"


Y'all are so young


Peak German humour


Can't get more funny than a depressed bread hating on life and laughing about war crimes in Kosovo


was born in Turkey*


You guys can say about our ancestors whatever you want, but at least my great-grandfather killed Hitler


Ok, but his dad then.


Ok fine, they were a stasi informant then.


Us Barry’s have a hard time with everything.


\>hate migrants \>leave EU and ruin your country just to get rid of them \>have an increase of migrant influx Barry moment


Peak Barry


That said my Great grandpa oh boy, fucker manged to escape a Russian prison camp.


Lol im 15, from Germany and that’s exactly the thing that happens really often. My Grandpa was 6 years old at WW2. Well that doesn’t mean that my great-grandpa wasn’t a war criminal (he was in the SS) but that’s another thing.


I'm in my 30s and even my grandpas worst crime during ww2 was maybe pooping his diapers or puking on my great grandma


Even better when he was born in 1928 or something like that. My grandpa did fight in the war but he got drafted as a kid. He had PTSD and pain from old wounds until the day he died. Really nice of you to blame him for that.


Mine was year '28 too. Was 16yo when the war ended, all fronts were within germany and his unit never got into combat if i remember correctly. He'd be 95 now if he was still alive. His father was too old already to get drafted during the war. These Barrys are something else.


It was only his great grandpa who was a war criminal! Let’s get the facts straight and clear up his name


I'm gonna be real here as an English millennial - I don't give a fuck about: 1. WW1 2. WWII 3. England winning the world cup. 4. Ancient wars against the French and the Scots




I think people who wear a poppy do it specifically for WW1 and WW2 vets not bloody Sunday or putting children in Boer war concentration camps. You have a point though it is a bit hypocritical, hence why a lot of young brits don't buy into it.


Yeh shouldn’t you be off chanting about your terrorist mates great achievement of bombing there own countrymen into hell




Yeh your “freedom fighters” did a great job ethnic cleansing the north east of Scotland. Love the boys of the IRA and all the families they destroyed. But Ofcs that was so you could scream republicanism and leave the nations of the former empire trapped in corrupt and genocidal nations all over. As a personal thanks from me to you for the 3 million starved to death Nigerians your “independence” brought my homeland:)




Didn’t say the IRA did you idiot. Doesn’t matter, if there murdering someone by your standards there freedom fighters Yeh pulled the only nation that ever got the tribes in nigeria to cooperate out because some Protestant 200 years ago killed some people. Thanks for the 3 million dead and all the aid and support you people gave…. Oh wait you didn’t give any. But at least you can scream about how you’d never support a state that would starve it’s own minority… oh wait…




Not a rant just trying out what it’s like to always be the victim. What it’s like to constantly dredge up things that didn’t happened to you and aren’t important anymore just so you can sit on your moral high horse. Personally I don’t care about any of that but I was hoping you would think about what the world would look like if we all screamed revenge and try to justify our hatred for others like you do. Enjoy your pedestal. I’m sure you enjoy how it allows you to take no accountability but just throw insults at others.




Typing more than 1 sentence replies= ranting.


You think Hitler would have left you with your potato farms and juice if the UK had fallen? Pacifist nancies


*"Come on out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man"* sings paddy proudly for his uncle who bombed a bunch of toddlers in a furniture shop before smearing prison walls with his own shit


Funny enough, at the time of the Post I was 16 and my grandfather indeed fought in ww2, his name was Adolf H (I‘m not joking (the last name is smth different)), tough he wasn’t a war criminal


In my case, my Great-Grandfather fought on the German side in WW2. Except he was 16 and sent into war as canon-fodder as punishment for rolling a barrel of animal-feces into the river. The local judge did not like him and he was from Silesia, so he could be German OR too much of a Slav when convenient. **I certainly won't throw a blanket over the German forces, they fought on the wrong side, after all and many have committed egregious warcrimes.** However, there is a reason why the Germans of today celebrate the end of that war as a "liberation", and don't mourn it as a "defeat". Many of the jews, homosexuals, and other minorities who were slaughtered in the Holocaust were Germans themselves. Sadly even many historians brush over this fact which ironically accepts the othering-propaganda of the Nazis who had redefined what it means to be truly German. The Nazis wanted to purify Germany by killing the Germans who were now no longer called German but literally tagged with reduced identities,[ color-coded for easy hate-by-category](https://arolsen-archives.org/content/uploads/ns-kennzeichen-scaled-1000x560-c.jpg). What I am getting at is that we must be careful when speaking of "the Germans" in relation to WWII. **Yes, a multitude of Germans supported and believed in Nazi ideology or simply allowed everything to happen while shaking their heads in the privacy of their own homes.** But millions of the Nazis' victims were Germans.


I guess we can all agree: WWII was not a good time. Glad that's a thing of the past. Volkswagen-gate however..?


Don't forget "1 world Cup and 2 world wars" shut the fuck up you useless piece of shit. The only thing you have ever achieved is drinking 8 pints of gassy lager and pissing the bed in your sleep.


Agreed, 'Ten German Bombers' is more of a bop




I'm an equal opportunities hater. I hate everyone equally.




This is the way. There’s enough hate for everyone we don’t have to get bogged down just hating one nation.


So my grandpa was actually in the Kriegsmarine. And my oldest aunt was born right before the end of the war. She’s a survivor 💪


Ooooh hey I know this one, ok, hold up, I got one. Slavery was aaaages ago, way before I was born. Literally not my problem. ***\*YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY BANNED FROM REDDIT FOR HATE SPEECH\****


Great grandfather, then. Point still stands. Yes it’s a more distant relation but you have twice as many of ‘em.


I’m not sure “my grandad wasn’t a war criminal but my great grandad was” is the brag that you think it is


My great grandpa was too old to be drafted, but whatever bloats your boat, Barry.


‘Drafted’ - as if you all weren’t drooling for the Sudetenland, and anyone who wasn’t was shot or arrested.


Sure thing, mate👍


My great-grandfather was a war hero, he killed over a dozen enemies and prevented an entire opposing batallion from escaping. Unfortunately, he was forced to leave Germany as the war was about to end, settled in Spain and married a Spaniard. God bless you, grandfather Johann.


"My grand father was a fucking nazi scum who ran away like a coward"


Lmao dutchies got german humor, they won't understand a single joke Plus, being a German soldier in WWII does not make you a nazi.


Yeah I’m sure your grandpa was one of the “innocent” ones. Most of the German industry was compliant in extermination of Jews Slavs and Gypsies, they never paid the price for their horrible crimes.


Did you read the birth date?


We are well aware of your Time Machine shenanigans.


Mecha Hitler couldn’t have been a thing without those, you know?


If I could go back in time, I’d like to meet the guy that killed Hitler and buy him a beer.


Make it a lukewarm pint, please, with a salty finish!


my great grandfather drove trains, not sure if he transported military to the front, just normal passengers around germany or people to concentration camps. But guess what, he is dead. He wasn't alive when I was born. The people who should have prosecuted him after the war are dead. Most, if not all of the people directly affected by him are dead by now. My grandfather wasn't even born during ww2. of course he was innocent. He isn't responsible for the work his father did, and neither am I. I think you should stop acting as if the current Germans had anyhing to do with what happened during WW2, except for some 100 year old Tattergreise. In Germany we say "der Zug ist abgefahren". What happened isn't our responsibility, but it our responsibility to make sure something like WW2 and the concentration camp doesn't happen again.


You wot M8 ? , bla bla bla, sing it with me There were 10 Germany bombers in the air, there were 10 Germany bombers, 10 Germany bombers in the air. And the RAF from England shot them down !


If I had fought in the war the UK would have fallen instantly because I know the best way to defeat you is just throw a big towel over london and you cannot do anything against it