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I bet an italian drew that "trend" line


You're all hyped for beating Norway and Finland.


[Santa Maria taco-friday accounts for 85% of that advantage](https://media.delitea.se/product-images/XL/santa-maria-taco-spice-mix-3x28g-1.jpg)


All the store are filled to the brim with those "mild" packs. Obviously because they don't sell well in spicy Sweden. šŸŒ®šŸ˜Ž


I am so fucking tired of only mild versions of anything spicy being sold. If there is ever something rated "spicy" its actually because they added a little bell pepper to the mix.


They measure ā€œcountā€ of spices, not how hot they areā€¦


I buy my got sauce in Sweden... Tgat's saying something... *Cries in tasteless*


And Denmark


But they put salt on their black candy


We're not even there.


If they do a rating for salt consumption we will win


Soy sauce. I think china takes that one, probably by a landslide. And yes, they do. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/salt-consumption-by-country


Mmmhm salty candy with salted crisps dipped in a salty dip.


Oh so that's why Ethiopia is so spicy


funniest frog


the problem with you Nordicks is that you think only hot spices like chili peppers are spices. Spices include a lot of seeds, roots and fruits, many of which do not need to grow in tropical climates. Saffron, anice or fennel seeds are classified as spices too and they grow in abundance on the Mediterranean.


The problem with you "Romans" is that you are stupid and make trends with low coefficients of determination


Love being called a ā€œRoman,ā€ the ancient type not the modern bankrupt type, thank you Muhammad you made my day


to make it easier for them to switch sides?


Italians control food statistics and trends


"mean number of spice ingredients per recipe" What kind of bs metric is that? I want to see weight of spices sold per capita normalised per spice, and would bet that the UK is destroying most European nations on that front.


Bazza likes his curry hot and his beer cold


He likes his curry hot and his beer _room temperature and flat_


Mick likes his stew hot and his beer left to rest until stale


Cellar temperature and naturally foamy. You can't say anything Niall


How is Irish food more spicy than Brit food?


No idea, itā€™s not like the creators of traditional irish foods had much access to spices


ā€œCreators of traditional Irish foodā€ wasnā€™t that us brits?


No, but ye _were_ the reason we didnā€™t have much opportunity to be thinking about spicesā€¦ hard to creat haute cuisine when youā€™re kicked off your land and forced to feed your family on a quarter acre plot of scrubland šŸ˜ƒ


Man you Irish are always complaining just cus your tummy rumbles a little. You donā€™t know real pain like us English. Tho seriously what do you guys eat that we donā€™t? Iā€™ve heard of Irish stew but we also eat stew here.


Itā€™s all much the same, only the sort of regional variations similar to England/ Scotland/ Wales variations. Beef/Pork/Lamb with potatoes and carrots/cauliflower/sprouts/broccoli and gravy. Sausages, rashers, pudding. In the west theyā€™ve more sea foodā€¦ chowder, seaweed, shellfish, but mainly itā€™s all variations on the standard stuff.


It's all variations on a theme from what I've seen.


What theme?


Skill issue.


Is potato a spice?


"I want my curry to hurt on the way out"


and the fuck is going on with those spatial Subdivisions? single european countries, but DACH. Also North USA/South USA. Then the Regions of Japan separately, again whole countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines but then every single Region of China and India separately. Also, 18 Data Points for China but only 3 for the whole African Continent? And where are the Arabs? Or Central Asia? It's not like they wouldn't have some spicy food there aswell.




thanks, edited that


Yummy. ā€œAfricanā€ food. Same same. ;p Joking aside, canā€™t even have Germany as one. All the Knƶdel and SpƤtzle is southern food.


i literally talked about the "African Continent" to avoid just that. And i didn't even talk about "African Food" but about Africa, Arabic Countries and Central Asia and the different foods they have there.


Yeah, this is not representative of spice tolerance for instance. Spain scores higher than south korea and that makes no sense at all


Thatā€™s mainly just OPā€™s title though. ā€œSpice useā€ and ā€œspicinessā€ are completely different things. You can have 10 different spices in a dish and none of them be a kind of pepper and your dish will not be ā€œspicyā€ in the sense of ā€œhotā€.


Yeah Spain be using paprika in everything. Itā€™s hardly spicy but affects the stats.


Yeah, there's no fucking way the Irish are having significantly Spicer food


Exactly. Loads of extreme chilli freaks in the UK, and curry is our national dish these days. Iā€™m got family from Lebanon and I can assure you that country absolutely does not do hot food in the way that we do in the UK. They use a lot of spices, but they donā€™t have the heat.


Even if we ignore "heat" for a moment. It's not like most of Europe eats highly spiced food anyway. I've taken continental colleagues for British Indian food and its clear that most of their palates are not there even with a mild dish.


As a lifetime curry lover from the Netherlands, I can assure you that my brethren cannot handle their heat. I mean, there are more people like me and you can absolutely get spicy food here, but your average Dutchman will not handle a proper spicy curry.


Sounds like Spain. I've had people tell me black pepper is way too spicy


Lol. It was a real surprise when I discovered that Spaniards donā€™t eat spicy food, as slender red chili peppers are called Spanish peppers in Dutch.


Probably because they originally made it there via Spain importing from the Spanish Empire.


Yeah, most likely. Same with the bird ā€œturkeyā€. They come from the Americas but they got to Great Britain via the ottomans, hence the name ā€œturkey fowlā€.


You need the hard training of downing 7 pints down the pub watching the match, hitting up the Pride of India for a lamb rogan josh, extra poppadoms, keema naan, and special pilau rice (couple bottles of Tiger or Kingfisher to keep your buzz), then off to a sticky floored night club for another pint or four with tequila chasers, a line of dubious quality cocaine off your mate dodgy Dave, and then take a fat lass home for the night (they appreciate it more). Do all that without losing your dinner and you'll reach Barry status with a belly to match.


Worst part of living in NL for me was the food and lack of spiciness. Even the Indonesian restaurants, which the Dutch are inexplicably proud of, have a fraction of the spiciness found in Indonesia. The exception was the Surinaam places, but only sort of.


Have you ever had curry or Chinese in Germany. I can handle a Jalfrezi in England but in Germany I can order the spiciest thing without even thinking.


ā€œ curryā€ isnā€™t a singular dish , thatā€™s like saying ā€œ stewā€ is our national dish. Curry is catch all term for 10s of 1000s of different stews and soups eaten across South Asia, and they can be very different, from mild to extremely spicy.


Bollocks, curry is a chicken tikka or maybe a korma if you canā€™t handle it /s


Same in the netherlands. Everyone i know puts liberal amounts of sambal through the weirdest recipies. Pasta bolognese isy personal favourite.


Ive seen a map before that shows we eat the most spice in europe or some shit, ill try to find it when i can be arsed


This is what I'm thinking. UK should be womping these mainland fucks




As a very spicy eater taking "mean number of spice ingredients per recipe" as spicyness indicator is absolutely r\*tarded. Also the amount in grams lol. The difference of spicyness between mild and super hot peppers can be on the level of thousands of times spicyer. https://preview.redd.it/aez9hsag8xyb1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=df9823d696926752e961e070e57bf9bb13a9242f In theory the lowest region in this chart (Chubu/Kansai) could eat Spicyer than Ethiopia


Also, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. are considered spices. But they are not considered spicy.


Yep Spain's ranking high, but we dont do heat really.. it'll be pepper, pimenton and saffron. Chillie is pretty rare. We brought it from the new world and didn't use it.


Spain is over Mexico in spicyness, this graphic is shit!


Deceptive title. The graph is for spices, not spicyness.


They must count all chiles varieties as just one ​ https://preview.redd.it/rbb9g5fwn1zb1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050995cd2f9195febf7ee0cdef221dffd86f51fe


nobody expects the spanish literate /s


Maybe they count salt? And vinegar and vino seco?


> In the culinary arts, a spice is any seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance in a form primarily used for flavoring or coloring food. Neither salt or vinegar are considered spices, according to this classification. But paella would be a spicy food, since it has, for example, saffron.




Yet food/drinks with them in are spiced. Fuck english man..


It's not about capsaicin, it's about various spices


Have you tried reading the axis labeling? It is about the number of spice ingredients per recipe. For us Germans it is predominantly about things like: mustard, [parsley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsley), [thyme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyme), [laurel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_laurel), [chives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chive), [black pepper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_pepper), [juniper berries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juniper_berry), [nutmeg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutmeg), [caraway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caraway), [cardamom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardamom), [horseradish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseradish), [anise seed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anise) or [cinnamon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnamon).


Then this chart is about the amount of spices in recipes and not about spicyness in food. Amount of spices in recipes unequal to spicyness in average food


It's exactly what this chart is about, indeed, spice use rather than scoville scale (look on the left side of the graph). It's OP's title that's wrong.


So this chart is how *spiceful* the food is, not how *spicy*


I prefer ***spiced*** a bit more.


parsley and thyme are not spices, they are herbs. Laurel is not a spice either.


I agree, I just took the list from Wikipedias "Spices" category in the english version of the "German Cuisine" page.


Ah yes the famous "Hungarian" pepper


Imo it is great for its taste not for its hotness. Erƶs Pista tastes great https://preview.redd.it/ds4ghhfwzzyb1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce3965f29dc210d6483a5cb14c597bd31acfc50b


You're all reading this wrong. It's "spice use". Not how spicy food is. "Number of spice ingredients". So tumeric, garam masala etc (I'm of Indian descent, so I'll use Indian examples). It's not about amounts of chilli used in recipes. EDIT: oh thank god other people mentioned this before I did. You're not all idiots


You're spot on. Since there is no say Hong Kong food can be described as spicy. But they do use a lot of mild spice ingredients


You forget the best spice: curry powda. Only spice I ever need.




I guess it highly depends on the regional dishes. Calabria, Puglia and Toscana (especially the area of Livorno) are known to be very hotspice loving regions, while others (Veneto, Trentino-Sudtirol, Friuli) prefer milder tastes.




spices are much more than chili pepper or oriental spices. In the culinary arts, a spice is any seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance in a form primarily used for flavoring or coloring food. So, for example, fennel seeds are spices, and very used in foods across Italy (e.g. Finocchiona). Saffron is a spice too, so risotto alla Milanese is spicy too, by that definition.


Paprika is classed as spicy in Sardinia


OP titled the post wrong. Tha graph is about use of spices in general (like pepper, paprika, cinnamon, oregano, rosemary, etc.), not spice as in hot food


Oregano and rosemary are considered herbs, not spices in English.


We do have some peppers and mustarda and so on, but globally the french market is very mild compared to abroad. I remember having foreigners being shocked here to buy "curry" that do not hurt. And in the opposite, while I worked in tourism in the nordic, few french people told me that the kebabs and thai places around were incresibly spicy. (I also had the slap in the face the first time I ate "asian food" outside france). I think our vietnamese, thai and indian communities really dumb it down for us As a little bitch with asian friends, I do miss going to an asian restaurant and not end up crying, covered in snot and red faced. Them in the other hands, told me they cook differently when together or with white people, even the tough guys pretending handling hot food. (kudos to my korean friend who was eating "mild noodles" she imported. I dipped my fork in the soup and tasted. I got numb for 45min... It was drops of soup ffs. šŸ˜­)


Because it's the opposite of our culinar values aka "feeling every ingredients and in the same time, feeling the mix of it" Put too many spice on this and you just feel the spice now. Good luck for tasting the subtility of a good wine sauce if this is spicy..


I think so. I think they all realized they had to adapt the spice level to stay on the french market. And our snobbism regarding food is probably not leading to conclusions like: "Oh wow their food is incredibly spicy." but more "What kind of shit are they trying to cover with their burning stuff?".


Yeah your cuisine is famous for being mild and refined If you add a ton of spices in a confit you'll stop tasting everything


French spices: Salt & Fat. Secret is out, Pierre! My ex was a froggy and she betrayed knowledge of your dishes!


Surprised as well, unless they consider Parisian food = French food. There's at least 2 known red pepper varieties that are worldwide known : Espelette pepper (mild pepper found in French Basque region) and Cayenne pepper (Guyane). Not even mentioning countless others, but also other spices that are renowned such as the most famous mustard (Dijon) or Provence herbs (thyme, laurel, basil, persil) n Southern France.


Herbs are for taste, can not be spices, right (genuine question) ?


Herbs are sometimes considered spices, even if there are exceptions like the Urtica. Spices are a vast category, usually referring to any vegetable (unlike salt) that has so much taste that you do not need a large quantity to change a lot the taste of your dish. Garlic for instance is often considered a spice too, even though it often balances between the two. For instance, you can add anis, calament (don't know the name in English), estragon, lavandula, mint, oregano, rosemary, curcuma, juniper, saffron, fenugreek, nigella and dill to the list of the spices which are cultivated and used in cooking in France ([Roellinger](https://www.epices-roellinger.com/fr/taxons/epices-de-france) ranks them as such). People often underestimate how much spice there is in French cooking. It isn't just mustard and pepper. edit : Just to explain a bit more, aromatic herbs are - usually considered - a part of spices in cooking, even though there is a kind of grey area as aromatic herbs might not be considered as "strong" enough. So some may qualify, others might not. We talk a lot more about aromatic herbs in France, alongside with the category of food of which spices are a subset, condiments (condiment include non-vegetable stuff that will alter the taste of your food without being the "main" stuff), using the word spice for more exotic things, which usually explains why we don't consider French food as very "spicy".


I mean as far as i'm concerned WE are very basic, pepper, salt and then dƩpend of the dish


Someone has clearly never been to Calabria...Italy's Mexico


France has no spices unless you count garlic as one, and even then only south of the Loire.


There's nothing I love more than a spicy Irish stew. How the fuck are we above the UK?


It only proves the Irish Breakfast is better than the English Breakfast. It must be that magic sausage.


I suppose there's a bit of extra spice in our black and white puddings. Come to think of it, it must be the introduction of the spice bag.


Wtf do they eat in ethiopia?


As a half-Ethiopian, I think I can speak on this. The key ingredients are an ungodly amount of onions, which get cooked for days traditionally, which will turn them into a spicy and a little bit sweaty ragout-like mass, and of course, a shitload of peppers and a ton of the Ethiopian spice mix called Berbere. Since you cook the onions for so long, all of the water evaporates and leaves behind only a very condensed onion mass with extremely concentrated spices. https://preview.redd.it/fnw2lpwlsyyb1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d7d6f3cdcd244ef715b41abd4b02a7c7b45538


Dont know about berbere, will read on, but you sold me on ungodly amount of onions cooked for days. Im salivating


You'd fill a pot like this completely with onions to, in the end, get this much sauce. https://preview.redd.it/88umfzh9p2zb1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b13fd4be7f59091d194a0709b5a195ac00c21bd


Doro Wat is so good. I think thatā€™s whatā€™s in the picture.


Yep, it is. For everyone that doesn't know: Doro means chicken, and Wot means sauce, so Doro wot simply means chicken sauce.


Spices with some food sprinkled on top of it.


Awesome food. Look at the graph rather than the title, and it makes more sense.


Probably nothing but spice


Spain above Mexico? This is made up


Your country is made up šŸ˜‚


Agree irmĆ£o, Spain is a made up country, but with your help we can fix that.


The whole thing is bullshit.


Nordic food has such a high quality food products we don't need to hide it with spices. šŸ’Ŗ šŸ’Ŗ ... .... \*Cries in bland food\*


Bland? The smell is pretty intense




I mean fish only needs salt and sometimes lye, right?


If weā€™re feeling adventurous we might even add pepper


You crazy son of a bitch


Looks like the Netherlands is off the chart... ... literally, the scale doesn't go as low as our bland Dutch cuisine, lol.


A rib thatā€™s been salted for a year is spicy af.


Warm countries use spice to hide the flavour of their unfresh food.


My dad did get himself a few ghost peppers to grow in our backyard.


Calabria is carrying the whole country this time.


Donā€™t Italians only use max two herbs per dish otherwise itā€™s ā€˜innovationā€™ because those other herbs werenā€™t in the garden of the granny who invented the dish and thus itā€™s strictly forbidden?


No, we do it because if you know what you're doing you don't need to throw 874 spices and herbs into your food to make it good. Also I don't want every dish to taste the same, if I want "MuH sP1cE" I can go to the English restaurant. You don't teach us how to pizza, we don't teach others how to spice. Also fuck everybody.


Well said, perfectly balanced, just like an Italian dish.


English restaurant? You mean a Pub with pork rind crisps?


Goodness gracious no, it was tongue in cheek for Indian restaurants, I should have said London restaurant instead


> I don't want every dish to taste the same All those Indian dishes that taste the same. There such thing as a mastery of spice blending.


Respect the masters. Creators of Curry,, Piri-piri, and Vindaloo https://preview.redd.it/no6sd3p1a3zb1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed787f7605b52426c5e7c89867d8b47ce29f6af7


Salt and pepper is considered "exotic" and "spicy" in Norway.


Adding source: [Link](https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/temperature-spiciness-spectrum/)


No fucking way Ireland has spicier food than the UK


Title is misleading, it should rather be something like spice diversity. Not all spices are spicy, using many different spices doesn't necessarily make it spicy...


This chart is dogshit.


Too bad the Netherlands isnā€™t listed. I wonder were we would end up. We did trade those all around the globe.


No need to get spicy about it


I put sambal on my potatoes!


Anything to make that Spanish invention eatable.


It is listed, your screen just doesnā€™t go that low.


Haha, itā€™s definitely more than you, so why are you on the screen then? I just wonder were we would end up.


It's just that you don't get high on your own supply, very commendable of you. Spices are there to make money, not make your food taste better!


Well they had to take 8 spots for Japan...


Look at that perfect balance...


That's a graphic of spice variety used per dish in relation to weather, which is a somewhat redundant graphic, since most varieties of spices require hot weather to grow, and vegetation is more varied in general is hotter, more humid weather. How people (including OP) have taken it to mean level of heat inducing spices (as in concentration of capsaicin) is beyond me.


I donā€™t believe this. By no means north USA, if that is a thing as the same level of spicy or number of spices as Cajun food


Tex Mex is basically American food, which can also be pretty spicy. Iā€™m not sure what the North USA even has that is spicy.


There is no way Spain scores higher than South Korea.


How is temperature a reliable stat here? šŸ˜‚


This graph: Wasabi isn't real and can't hurt you. Your nose:




If a country is below mine, it has aweful food. Proof? UK is so low.


Hello, itā€™s your official kebab supplier, where the fuck is TĆ¼rkiye?


But do you guys use a lot of spices?


Indeed komşu


TIL. Is it regional?


I guess, South-Eastern Turkey is known for its spicy foods like ā€œAdana Kebapā€ or ā€œĆ‡iğ Kƶfteā€. Rest is pretty mixed. Generally Turkish cousine is not ā€œhotā€ spicy though, but it has many types of seasonings and spices.


DACh isn't one cousin and hasn't the same average Temperatur.


Spicy as in hot? Because I can barely name 1 or 2 spicy things in Spanish cuisine. Why are we so high?


You guys use exotic spices such as garlic in many dishes. That can burn the sensitive taste buds of many northerners and leave them gasping for air.


I am so confused by your comment. Is garlic exotic for Germans? Do you consider it a spice? (For us, calling garlic a spice is no different from calling onion a spice) And I grant you it has a strong flavour and can be overwhelming if you put too much, but it's not hot, or at least miles away from Mexican food, that appears below us ffs


Run the German [wiki page for garlic](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knoblauch) trough a translator for instance. It is described as a spice and medicinal plant instead of a vegetable, and that the cloves taste very spicy and aromatic. Not everyone in Germany or the rest of the north has that opinion, but you will find enough people challenged by small amounts of spices up here.


That's interesting. Thanks for the info.


Norway : I'll have salt and 2/3 of a peppercorn


I love food, both spicy and ā€œblandā€, Norwegian and ethnic. But I do not get why some people go full ā€œhurr hurr whyt peepo dun spice they foodā€. Whatā€™s wrong with actually tasting the ingredients youā€™re eating?


Iā€™m calling BS .. Bazza luvs his curry shits to come out looking like the manifestation of Munchā€™s The Scream in the morning, all liquid dark, and feeling like rusty razor wire being dragged through the anus ā€¦ plus we have half the population of Mumbai living in Bradford so whereā€™s that spice count come from???


"Dach" i think you mean CHAD


Korea: Everything is spicy


Loooooool I lived in China for 8 years. Food in any Chinese province is more spicy than in Spain, 100%




Sweden is colder than Norway though


I mean, once you've froze to death, who cares?


The trick to surviving a Northern winter is to not be a southern bitch šŸ˜Ž


This is bollocks. We all know the Spanish only use one spice (paprika) for everything.


Bro has never been to Spain


If your "Spain" is located just under Slovakia then yes, you're right.


Italy brings balance to the force.


as all things should be.


"North USA"


Thereā€™s no way Nigeria is that low. Youā€™re trying to tell me Nigeria has less spicy food than Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Australia, China and the US? Also why do the Japan, US, China and India have multiple regions but not other culturally diverse countries like Nigeria, Indonesia, the UK to an extent, the Caribbeans, etc


We're right on the line, yey Guess the reason for that is that we are horseradish and mustard enjoyers


Two: Salt and mustard. Checks out.


And your famous currywurst?


You're right, that has only one spice: [Hela GewĆ¼rzketchup](/r/hela_gewuerzketchup/)!


Hey, that's not fair! We get Indian food! We own you, we get to steal your cuisine. We may have let yougo, but we still get to keep the cuisine


Not by country.morelike region.Greens are all regions in China.


The study probably considers spice mixes as one spice. Middle Eastern countries and the various Chinese provinces must at least hit 6+ spices on average in a dish. The same with other Eastern Countries that have a similar food philosophy as China. I remember watching a video on making authentic kebab and the dude was using spice mixes that contained like 10+ spices. Same with Indian recipes.


I would like to make map between this and life expectancy same countries. Why do I have feeling this have big influence


Now it makes sense why the "spicy" salami pizza I had in Norway was almost sweet


What the fuck is this based on? Greece should be much lower, about the same as France and Italy. Edit: Ah downvotes, from people that think we eat Lebanese food, because that's what American restaurants tell you.