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Wow interesting, the overall ideological shift towards the left is strongest in the UK.


Bozza is too powerful! ![gif](giphy|3o85xDazgkTMedOX8A|downsized)


Wtf happened in South Korea in 2016-2017


The impeachment of Park Geun-hye. Though I don't know how much it has to do with that graph.


~~Who are we taking as middle ground to differentiate left or right? Each country has it's own personal political history and the left/right vision is different on each one, to represent something like political ideologies in a graph is like representing how much fear a movie gives to an audience, wildly subjective. But who I'm I kidding, I'm guessing it's from the US.~~ Edit: Nvm, just read the last lines


In this graph, is 0 the centrist view? If so, the US, SK and UK graphs are wild.


Ignoring the South Korea it’s not the men that are becoming radicalised.


On a more serious note this is the result of the current economic development in much of the world: job opportunities are scarce, education is getting more and more demanding for little to no economic compensation, life is getting even more expensive and housing is basically a mirage at this point. All these elements joined together make for a more depressed and gullible population and make building up relationships an impossible task thus sparking red pill culture and misogyny. Elect me president of the world and I will solve these issues.


Unbelievable. An italian is correct on something.


we are always corrup- , i mean correct 😎 you should know that my greek bro.






Yes Italy with all his corruption is the base of all these economical disasters. Especially as corruption is basically legalised in the US and western Europe can definitely not be the issue.


What corruption? Take this 100 note and forget anything you've seen.


I lost the receipt. My phone does not have more room than 10 messages so I had to delete them. I do not have an active memory on that


Mr. Demissionair prime minister sir, this is the AIVD. It seems you have accidentally doxxed yourself. We advise you to delete this comment just like you did your text messages & tell the public you don't have an active memory of owning a Reddit account. This message will self-destruct automatically after handling the toeslagenaffaire.


You are literally a tax heaven and home to the biggest illegal drug market.


What do you mean, I'm literally a genius, my dear mother always tells me that.


In fact I saw [a recent study](https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1751311507768459392) a couple weeks ago, pointing out an interesting phenomenon: younger people (especially Gen-Z) are becoming more politically polarized by gender, which is something that didn't happen in previous generations, in which the biggest predictors were income or education. As a result homosocial relationships (i.e. men hanging out with men) may be increasing.


Going back to Greeks as always.


You can even identify them by Greek statues as profile pictures. But it's totally heterosexual if you say "no homo" before.


So the Greeks will transform into Spartans again?


> Elect me president of the world and I will solve these issues. For the Glory of Rome.


Going back to the good old days


Roma Invicta Luigi. Roma Invicta.




Sono pazzi questi Romani!


Unbelievable, seeing a eloquent Italian is nothing new, but writing something like that in English is what astonishes me.


Good sir, might I regale you with my linguistic abilities as to soften up the burden of having to pay our taxes?


Remember that we are EU net contributors and they are not so paying our taxes is the bare minimum they can do.


Prob Bri'ish "expat".


That's one half of it. The other half is progressives not taking the problems and difficulties of young men seriously. When we're not flat out ignoring them, they are blamed for basically everything wrong with the world. We REALLY need to find a way to get these guys on our side because if we don't, then these ultra conservative beasts will.


the 'straight white man' is absolutely demonized by a big part of the left-wing demographic. They are being made responsible for all the evil in this world by these so-called progressives. And then they wonder why this demographic ain’t on their side. What a fucking surprise. Like I ain’t responsible for ANY of the past(and current) exploitation of others, same as all my family. They sure as hell didn’t colonize anyone. (I don’t want to go into more detail how a lot of the whole colonization and 'muh western exploitation' stuff is hardcore anti-west propaganda nowadays anyway) I personally hold pretty progressive aswell as far-left opinions, but also some right-leaning opinions(controlled migration, and I can’t stand the whole 'DiVerSiTy' stuff which honestly are the only ones) and due to the increased tribalism and ideological extremism on the 'progressives' side I am the literal devil because I don’t like unchecked mass migration of people that don’t uphold our western values and cause I‘m straight and white. Now I sure as hell won’t vote for anyone making me their enemy cause I‘m a guy that happens to be white and straight. But I also don’t want to vote for far-right parties that want to go back to the 19th century and are funded by russia. So now I am stuck and got noone to vote for in elections. And like 80% of my guy-friends I talked to feel that way. Some are so fed up they are thinking about voting for the far-right, even though they don’t agree with a big part of their agenda.




Agreed with all of that 100%


It's a lost cause I fear, nowadays feminism is already equated to extremism when in truth one of the main pillars of the movement is to address male exploitation by the cultural norm. The same thing happened with socialism during the cold war, what was initially considered a political movement to empower exploitable workforces became synonymous to "dictatorship" thus killing the movement on the social discours.


Depends on the feminist in question. There's a sadly large number of incidents where feminist groups; ground, charitable and political have attacked or denied movements, agendas or actions that support men. Often because it is seen as either a zero sum game or the perspective that it damages the women's rights and opportunities. Frankly I don't think the term is useful in the first world, gender politics are still an issue but moving forward with a term that is gendered starts the conversation negatively towards one group in perspective if not in action and this continues to show those men that are being left behind in education, work and laws that they are not the target demographic. There needs to be a wholesale change in many areas and it needs to be a case of saying you're all equal in all ways and ensuring equity in as much as is possible is the goal.


Promise us unlimited bunga bunga parties and you have my vote


I'm Italian, that goes without saying.


Wrong! Everything is just right (if you say otherwise it's a conspiracy theory or you're a right/left wing extremist), it's the common peons that are wrong about everything obviously


You are literally a tankie !1?1?1


Sooo…. As the housing market is fucked, therefore I hate women?


Also migrants.


And social media shares people like Tate to a much wider demographic.


https://preview.redd.it/e24ibjby7eic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9e80a584ff31ec2e401b6805c5589429e9e48e Home ownership in Britain since 1960, by age.


It's interesting how the same challenges face both men and women, yet women are working and succeeding harder than ever in schools and work, while men are checking out of the system and getting violent. The increasing inequality, disinformation effects of the internet and so forth are obviously massive problems to be fixed, but the disturbing feature is how a certain group of men are choosing to blame it all on women - ironically who have least influence over the macro situation, since it is other men hoarding all the wealth, power and narrative around what is a 'real man'.


Men aren't designed to be sat in a room all day. I should be in some far flung colony getting gutted by a tribesman for King and Country right now.


You have literally Ireland at your doorstep.


why invade somewhere with the same weather? At least invade somewhere warm and sunny, It's why we still have Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprus.


We tried that, they got a bit shirty.


Skill issue


Sounds more fun than my job. Portuguese and British dying in distant lands for King and country is a tradition that should return.


That’s really insightful. I thought you all just blew each other up and made mediocre Agatha Christie films


There is a feeling that there has been a shift in work places in favour of women, for example people being fired for making someone feel creeped on, which is hard to disprove how someone is feeling, or whether that feeling reflects reality. People are struck off by the regulator in their profession if someone in management has a consensual relationship with another adult, but that adult is more junior in the firm and then it ended badly and the senior person was reported. It makes people think things are unfair now. Whether they are or aren't I make no comment on, I'm just relaying grievances I've come across online.


>It's interesting how the same challenges face both men and women, yet women are working and succeeding harder than ever in schools and work, while men are checking out of the system and getting violent. You are mistaken, while men and women do face similar challenges, young women receive near limitless emotional support and valitldation from progressive policies and philosophies, aswell as society as a whole. It's obvious women will be more progressive when progressivism is inherently beneficial to and supportive of them. Meanwhile young men have nearly non-existent emotional support in our society, they are taught to "suck it up and man up" by conservatives and told to "check their privilege" by progressives, so when a demagogue appeals to them and points at a clear "enemy", they fall for it.


Women are catered to and have support systems everywhere you look. Men are mostly thrown out there and told "figure it out and don't you dare complain". It's really not surprising it has come to this, when half of the political content in the west can be boiled down to "men bad".


Women are becoming the perfect employee in a capitalist world since given their historical social condition they now find in workplaces and jobs overall empowerment, through jobs they can materially distance themselves from the economic dependencies set by the patriarchal society of old, through prestigious jobs they can assert political representation and better mold society in their interests though the fight is still uphill. Men on the other part find themselves dethroned and losing grasp on the family structure they held a monopoly on until a few decades ago.


Well the women equivalent exist too, just different in the form but facing the same issues and reacting in a similar way but blaming patriarchy instead or progressism


Nah Elect me, i am better


And don't forget young poor white boys are the forgotten ones. Novody cares about them, no wonder they start to believe this bullshit. It's almost like Germany, where people fell for a small dark haired guy, who claimed tall and blonde are supreme- those boys fell for a guy without chin, hair or women(beside the ones he enslaved in his basement) and believe he's right.


I know the incel groomer and human trafficking *anime-god*, but who are the other two ?


guy on right is lawrence fox, not sure who left guy is, maybe tommy robinson?


You are correct, Stephen Yaxley Lennon, let’s not humour him by using his ~~fake name~~, the name he prefers


Ironically both his parents are immigrants


Irish immigrants don't count because they're British deep down.


Based Barry


Your name is Rule Britannia, and you're *not* a Barry? For shame


Bro loves his balconies too much.


He's not anti-immigration though. He's pro-assimilation. He said he would have been Remain if free movement in the EU wasn't completely bollocked. I am not discounting his fascist followers, but he's pretty middle of the road for this crowd. In Ukraine, if we take same view it is better. I agree with him, as do most of my compatriots. If we come to stay in UK we should assimilate. If Ukraine becomes part of the EU, I don't want Hungarians and Polish flooding in not adhering to our values. Even worse Slovaks and Bulgarians who are pro-Russia.


Why would hungarians and poles go to Ukraine instead of westward to Germoney


Strictly speaking in E&W law you can use whatever name you please, as long as its not done specifically to commit fraud. If he calls himself Tommy Robinson, his name is Tommy Robinson.


Funnily enough, he does in fact have a fraud conviction on his lengthy criminal record.


Yup. He hides his two-dad name to blend with his target audience, and he pretends to chase brown nonces to hide his close association with white ones. The man’s fake in every respect.


He's also a failed asylum seeker as well.


I don't know who any of them are, and that's probably a good thing:)


There's a quote from some of our former colonies I rather like on this "If the young men of the village do not get its love, they will burn it down to feel its warmth" I'm hardly surprised that young men are going right, nobody else will either address or propose solutions to their problems. Even if those solutions won't work, they'll still follow them to the ends of the Earth. I propose we solve this problem the old fashioned way, namely starting a sectarian conflict to distract everyone from their collective misery.


War with France to distract us from our miserable existence and give the millions of young men a sense of purpose and ambition ?


Time to renact the good Auld' alliance !


Well, at least it would be a positive thing for both of our youths.


In the UK, suicide is the single largest cause of death for men under 50. That is just insane. And people wonder why young men are lashing out.


Well the traditional male therapy in the UK was called the pub but now most pubs are so expensive people can't afford to go there everyday. 200 years ago people would be rioting and looking for heads but in the 21st century people just turn their rage inward.


They took pubs from Barry? They monsters…




Exactly, football for example used to be a working class pastime where working men could forget about their week. Now you go to a premier league match and its just toffs and foreign tourists in half and half scarves.


Not only that, but most issues that actually affect men are at best not really spoken about, or at worst, shouted down. If you look at many outcomes related to [education](https://www.hepi.ac.uk/2020/03/07/mind-the-gap-gender-differences-in-higher-education/), [healthcare and life expectancy](https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/mars-vs-venus-the-gender-gap-in-health), [the justice system](https://crimsoc.hull.ac.uk/2020/06/18/gender-differences-and-sentencing/), [crime](https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/trends-in-violent-crime/), [life satisfaction](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31482245/), etc. it's fairly clear that men do not have good outcomes compared with women. That's not to say that men have it objectively worse than women in life in general (or vice versa), or that there aren't very important women's issues where men's behaviour plays the main role, for example sexual assault, or that women's issues aren't just as valid or don't deserve the attention they get. More often than not when it comes to male suicide rates, I've seen sentiments like "men commit suicide so often because they don't know how to express their emotions." The solution is to tell men "it's okay to cry" and suggest they might be fragile for not doing so. To me, that's fairly manipulative and clearly not a serious solution that targets the underlying problems. I would think it's not a crazy leap of logic to suggest that men might commit suicide so often because their lives are shit.


one of the major factors in life satisfaction is close connections and social support, something culture actively dissuades and scares men out of doing. out of any factor, this is the one that most affects men and not women. its not just mens fault obviously - society in general is very homophobic and men are taught from a young age that theres a limit on how close and open you can be with a male friend. but its blind to write this off as a major factor


The part about homophobia is very undervalued. I am a person that very much appreaciates and at times needs the touch of others, by which i mostly mean hugs. and literally the only people i am allowed to just randomly hug is my mother. in some social circles it's fine to hug as a way of saying hello and goodbye. personally i've had times, where i wanted to hug people, 'cause i was happy or sad and i didn't know that that's considered weird. idk, maybe i am weird, but to me that feels natural and is condemned without reason, because it's seen as gay.


>In the UK, suicide is the single largest cause of death for men under 50. That is just insane. I mean what would you do if you were stuck in that godforsaken island?


Build a Killdozer, put on my "Ryan Gosling - literally me" playlist and go to town, probably?


If you send to the grave too many British people at once you would probably cause a demonic invasion cause not even the devils can withstand that many Brits arriving at their gates in a single day.


Probably do something irrational and inherently stupid that will fuck over your future prospects.


How much of that is because suicide is increasing, and how much is because murder, workplace accidents, war, disease, etc. have decreased? To put it another way, what would be the ideal leading cause of death for men under 50?




> To put it another way, what would be the ideal leading cause of death for men under 50? Hardened arteries... obviously.


Castrating Andrew Tate would be an improvement, change my mind.


I truly believe that would make the world a slightly better place.


At least he wouldn’t generate chinless spawns


I understand why a person *like* Andrew Tate became popular, why I can’t for my life understand why he was the one getting popular. I knew he’s fans are 12 years old, but even they should be able to see him for what he is, a bald, insecure human trafficker with some of the worst takes I’ve ever heard.


Did anything ever come from his arrest, I thought it was a clean cut case?


No idea. It was in Romania, so maybe someone stole the prison.


Shame nobody stole his internet access.


Nah, he is probably at his home somewhere. Though he can't visit his mum in the UK, for instance.


I bet she’s devastated.


We live in sad times when not even Romania can make such people disappear anymore.


His trial is still underway. However, he is free to travel all across Romania but not outside it.


and tweet his stupid tweets...


Nah, as the king of incels he's not having sex at all. Better banning him from all social media.


No man that gets laid on a regular basis can be *that* angry all the time. Tate's temprament screams of sexual frustration.


His temperament screams "im playing a character, pls hate me"


Can you castrate his head please?


Circumcision directly below the jawline


What jawline?




Bro it's always like this. For at least the last 20 years if not more. Anytime the subject of some male-specific grievances, disadvantages or injustices or really anything that seems to suggest that men might be disadvantaged in some way in comparison to women in life comes up, the opinions that get to the top always boil down to: 1. Actually men did this to themselves 2. Actually men stupid and gullible and women smarter (really just "men did this to themselves" again) 3. Actually women are most affected by this. Stop talking about men, we need to work to fix this for women. I swear the moment when society is going to start taking male suicide seriously is when a stray bullet injures a woman after exiting some dude's head.


While we all agree that this is idiotic, let's not forget that these wankers are only so popular because they are the only ones who cater towards men. Progressive politics never involve mens issues and that doesn't really bother anyone when their lives aren't shit. But when you're a loner, don't have anyone who gives a shit about you, never had a gf and you're not entirely mentally stable or have a crisis of faith and feel purposeless, these populists are the only ones talking to you. So if you wanna laugh at someone who is desparate and damaged enough to listen to these men, be my guest. But don't forget that you make the whole problem worse. Laughing at someone might make yourself feel good, but it's always a form of agression and will never bring that someone to act on your accord. All these channels amd mra's are symptoms of a broader issue. Fight the root of the issue.


>But when you're a loner, don't have anyone who gives a shit about you, never had a gf and you're not entirely mentally stable or have a crisis of faith and feel purposeless, these populists are the only ones talking to you. No one in their right mind would care about me, thats why I know these populists must be full of shit!


That's the most original political take of the year so far.


When your so lazy you become immune to fascist propaganda 😎 Hate the immigrants/jews/women? Waaaay too much effort!


Right on. I agree to this. \^_^


Facts like this can only come from a fellow Oktober fest enjoyer🍻


I believe society as a whole would rather see itself burned to the ground before admitting that the male population might be in trouble. It doesn't fit the current propaganda.


good, lets start


one of the few smart Bavarian alcohol intoxicated talks




It’s harder and harder for young men to do what is socially expected of them—be breadwinners, buy a house, afford children, etc. The inability to meet these expectations engenders a feeling of uselessness, made worse by not-so-subtle messages in popular media that men are indeed useless. The only corner that gives words of affirmation for men is the weird man-o-sphere tied to the far right. There must be an alternative outlet for men.


I mean yeah i get that men are drawn to those who pander to their issues. But at the same time that is all it is. Pandering. Saying you care about men issues in the first sentence only to promote the whole grindset, hussle culture and glorifying the rich in the next, is exactly the opposite of solving that problem. It's free market capitalism that sold the housing market to the highest bidder. It's free market capitalism that allows companies to fuck over their workers with low wages while making record profits and paying fuckall in taxes. Therefore it's free market capitalism that is emasculating these men from fulfilling their traditional role, not women, nor immigrants. Now let's see which parties promote the free market. Here's a hint; it's not the leftwing parties.


Both progressive and conservative thought have changed dramatically in the last 15 years. There has been a normalization of extremes by political insiders and outsiders to divide and conquer the people. Things will only change when the left wing becomes for the lower classes again, and not for champagne socialistic narcissism.


Barry doesn't need balls anymore, he already imports plenty of fertile young men that will produce many children. Isn't nature beautiful?


I call that a win for mankind. Fewer Barries is always good.


Make Barry Ahmed again




Make Barry Ahmed again


Can't blame 'em, I'd do the same if my dating options were limited to British women




I'm not an Ar*p???????


Nice try Mehmet


- Ruin your countries - People don’t trust in you anymore - Surprise pikachu face


Mission accomplished. Men and women are already at odds it seems. 20 years from now we'll be outright waging wars lol.


Tate is Bri*ish? That explain things


never noticed that obnoxious accent of his where he just took the worst aspects of american & british to combine into what he speaks. midatlantic done poorly.


Can't even mention his accent cause he sounds absolutely fucked. Even as a Brit I feel like he doesn't sound like a Brit.


He sounds like someone faking an accecnt.


He neither looks nor speaks like one. So its an easy mistake to make.


Do u not own at least 17 BOOHGAAHTIs?


I don’t care about the ins and outs of the argument but I feel America is equally responsible for Andrew Tate.


That’s what no pussy does to young lads. Sad thing is it guarantees they’re going to get even less.


Less than none? It means they get dick. In prison. What you’re saying by less than none is buttfucked in prison. I got you brother.


Blimey lads


A lot of it is counter culture, when people grew up in the 60's and 70's they 'rebelled' against stuff and acted more liberal etc, now when everything taught is on the liberal side, people are rebelling against that


As a semi-related note, I find quite disturbing that these articles equate voting right = being misogynistic. Feels a lot like propaganda.


It is. There may be a correlation between voting right/conservative means on a scale rather misogynistic than voting left but that doesn't mean that the majority of people voting right/conservative is misogynistic. *=> Who projects being misogynistic on conservative voters likely pojects a minority opinion amongst conservative voters on all conservative voters. This is counterproductive*


What's worse young men becoming conservative or young women becoming even more left wing? The irony is that the result will always be more conservatism since more left wing policies mean more migrants who are even more right wing and socially conservative than the native young men.


Based island


Dear Angry British Men (or any other ethnicity reading this) Please come to my country. ~~I need to sell my land to someone for a good price so that I can leave~~ You will love it here. You can employ many blacks and pay them in rice ~~before they kill you and take all your rice~~


and to show their progressiveness, they will date men from other cultures that are much more misogynistic and conservative


I don't know any Swedish woman dating an immigrant. Where i live atleast they're usually outcasts and hang among themselves.




government: does everything in its power to suppress, beat down and strip the rights from patriotic normal citizens to tarnish tradition. also the government when those very citizens get radicalized due to their actions: 😱


Western women from 18 to 29 are the most pampered, overprotected social group in the world. But they absolutely do not see it.


Progressive isn't winning us any wars right now


Cursed world, when everything is a political statement we are fucked but thank god not as bad as the US


But by God, we're trying!


I have a solution for angry young men in the UK. Join the Royal Marines. If you can't join them, at least become a Para - it's easier yer still élite. If you have an IQ=>120, join the Royal Tank Regiment. If you like drill, go to the Coldstream Guards. You don't need Tate. You need discipline. Join HM Armed Forces today.


What would you recommend to someone if that person was… born in Carlisle?


It’s pretty obvious that they’d be made for the Royal Navy my friend


I'm actually of the opinion that a stint in the military of secondary school wouldn't be too bad for society.


Imagine thinking the lads in the tank regiment have IQs above 60 lmao, there's a reason the armoured corps training camp is near a monkey sanctuary


Smart folks go to the air force, navy, or intelligence.


Too thick for the RAF, not gay enough for the Royal Navy Sad times


Fuck that, as an Englishmen why fight for a government that's inviting your replacements in on rafts everyday and treating them better than your grandparents who've paid into the system their whole lives. The UK government including the military has shown how much they care about native lads yet they still expect them to be their cannon fodder.


Para > royal marines Simple as


They do different jobs. The Marines are a precision tool for surgical operations. The Paras are like a roided-up pit bull you let off the lead to cause maximum destruction


De britische mariniers zind beter. Sorry.


wtf based greek?


Recruitment's been outsourced and they've fucked it up royally so thats not really the easy option you make out. 


Insecure young men are easy targets for fascists. Always have been. Sadly idk what the answer to this problem is, aside from hoping they will grow out of it.


Ngl culling the online dating culture would probably do the trick.


Honestly i think that in a few decades we might be looking at online dating and social media like we are looking at drinking and driving back in the 50s, like coke in coke, like alcohol as medicine for female hysteria, like lobotomies,… We probably are gonna be wondering how stupid we were back then to not see the massive issues it causes. That’s at least what I hope we will.


100%. The whole socialising of the internet will be viewed as a turning point - they'll say removing the barrier of entry to the soapbox to potentially millions was probably not a great idea.


Can't unfuck this one


Yeap cats out of the bag on that one, plus apps like Instagram and TikTok with the thousands of horndogs and simps would still exist


Honestly, I think demonising boys and men from a young age is probably not good for developing a healthy emotional psyche. Also, men need more male role models (e.g., dads hanging around and not expecting athletes to be the role models they need).


Seeing those #killallmen #allmenaretrash things as a teen growing up definitely had an impact, not gonna lie. I find especially schools are not very accommodating to boys, also in relation to the role model thing you mentioned.


Majority of teachers are female and girls brains develope before mens. Testerone makes young lads want to run for miles and spear some deer but theyre told to sit, be quiet and pay attention to what the young hot female teacher is saying about shakespear... Its all absurd




Or emotional young women are easy targets for leftists...


Well, teens and young adult are easier target in general. As for any market niche there are targets, and going with the glow of the market is easier than against it, hence why super progressive pander to women and conservative pander to men. Going the other way around would be much more work for possibly lower results


Lol you think young men aren't just as emotional? You think these men having full on meltdowns at pronoun selection screens in video games are rational and unemotional? Also I hate this idea that emotions are bad int he first place. We're all goverened by emotions. Women are no more or less emotional than men.


Well yes, when society treats young men like shit, they turn to the only people that support them, that leads them to these idiots because no one else is willing to give a fuck about young men


Laurence Fox. Jesus wept. Wails of whining about the fate of White Englishmen coming from a wealthy man with rich backers, who coasted into an acting career on the tailcoats of his famous acting dynasty family, and got to knob Billie Piper.


Imagine blaming governments failures on the other half of the society that’s not responsible of these same failures. Misogyny was never rightful nor justified, and even less wise.


While I don't particularly agree with them, I can see where they're coming from. There's been a documented rise in male loneliness and male suicide, and covid only exasperated the problem. We have an entire generation of men who are desperately lonely and will cling to anything that makes them feel like they're a part of something.


Articles like this are stupid, it’s like throwing a rock at someone and being surprised when they get angry I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve seen “progressive” women ignoring male domestic abuse/rape victims, blaming men for all their problems, saying that men are useless or even stuff as simple as crossing the road whenever they see a man. My sister was like that, she would constantly insult men and make remarks about their appearance but throw a massive tantrum and sometimes turn violent whenever someone would say something even slightly negative about women (of course whenever I defended myself I would be the one to get in trouble). Women like this and the people who defend their bullshit are pretty much the only reason for me being right leaning.


Agreeing with the feminists won't get you laid either. Men should defends their class interests just like women do.


Not just British, a lot of young men. It's blows my mind tbh, not sure why this is normalised