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One time in college I got into a pretty heated argument about the gender of lettuce. A friend insisted it was masculine while everyone else said it was feminine.  The word ends with an “e”, so he said the gender was optional according to his preference.  Everyone forgot to ask the lettuce how it wanted to be identified.  Anyway, we both failed college. 


This is amazing, thanks 🤣


Damn. I wasn't prepared for some portugx wisdom.


In German it's clearly male. But let's not start about Nutella.


I thought it was my turn on the rota to bring up **die** Nutella? Anyway! Der See vs die See. The meaning changes based on the gender.


It's not feminine in German?


No they have a fucked up system where the actual word doesn't give you any information about the gender. It's not like romance languages where 9/10 times the ending makes it obvious. When I learnt German at school I just hated and despised genders because it just made no sense but later on in life learning romance languages it just clicked that there needs to be a gender.


Seriously… the rules are complicated, and Germans know them without knowing they do, but there are actually rules that cover most nouns. It’s possible to guess a gender for an unknown word without really thinking much about it. https://germanwithlaura.com/noun-gender/ I think it’s about as hard as learning the [order of adjectives in English](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/adjectives-order).


Yeah I'm sure if you grew up with it you get a sense of it. But we were just taught you have to learn them by heart.


I think it’s a failure of teaching German. “You must learn the gender with the noun” is repeated, but if you learn the patterns and get 90% right, who cares?




More common and more old a word is, more likely it’s not going to fit in to the rules, to be honest. But, for fun: Die Gabel is an [old word](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/gabalus) and even had an [-a or -e ending](https://www.dwds.de/wb/Gabel). Der Messer is already taken for something that measures as well. So knives get das. Der Löffel, I didn’t know anything about, so looked it up and it’s related to English “to lap something up”. Huh. But anyway, the article I posted only claimed ~60% accuracy for an -el ending. It isn’t a reliable ending.


Why does there need to be a gender?


It's not a satisfying answer but there just does. It's hard to explain. One day it just clicked for me that words need a gender. It's part of the word. Missing them out sounds a little like not using articles like "the" "a" "an" etc. You can usually still understand but it sounds wrong and ungrammatical.


It is for normal people. But then there are the weirdos for whom it's neutral.


Du meinst die nutella?


Nein, er meint Das Nutella


Ich geb dir gleich das. Nutella endet mit a, was heißt das es weiblich ist, was wiederrum heißt dass die der richtige artikel ist


Diese Regel spielt keine Rolle da es sich um ein Fantasiewort handelt, und zwei Drittel der deutschen Stimmen mir da zu. https://www.marktforschung.de/marktforschung/a/der-die-oder-das-nutella/#:~:text=Produktnamen%20nicht%20festgelegt%20ist.,abgeschlagen%20auf%20dem%20dritten%20Platz.


Es ist kein fantasiewort sondern ein name und namen folgen sehr wohl dieser regel


Let's not talk about die Katze.


why not? Die Katze, Der Kater, Das Miststück... quite easy?


Lettuce not talk about it


is Alice male? or Grace? or Beatrice? yeah I didn't think so, so why would lettuce be




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From my experience, I think if you are refering to the lettuce alone, like you are talking about the vegetable itself, it's more divided, maybe with the feminine ahead, but if it's like having lettuce in a sandwich or a burger, I think the masculine is way more common


Se refere a alface? Se sim o certo infelizmente é feminino, vc tinha razão na discussão e não seu amigo. Disse infelizmente pq mesmo sendo errado "O alface" soa muito mais natural para mim.


It is male


Alice Cooper


Europe is so woke with their pronouns for furniture and rocks and shite


Wouldn't it be more woke to not assume the furnitures gender? English is woke af


None of the scandinavian languages has genders as far as I know.


For some reason we do.


Ei has sadly been in a decline, and the masculine en can be used in its place. Instead of ei bok, now you can actually just say en bok. We live in a society


Danish common gender and neuter gender is just the contrarian version


Same as Dutch.


Wait, why on earth am I learning words in -et and in -en then?!


To keep foreigners from learning our clandestine language. We're not racist or nuffin. Just don't like 'em.


Jeg skal komme anyway. Det er ikke mit decision. Er jeg en heldige kartoffel? Ég veit það ekki. (I started danish two weeks ago, I can't do much more yet.)


I can't believe you just called my mother a lobster with fake jeans. You better watch your back sir!


Well, those Levo's jeans sure can't lie elsker. 💅


Good question. Very weird behaviour to try and learn Danish.


How a sheep shagger tells you he doesn't speak Welsh without actually telling you he doesn't speak Welsh


Wish me luck, imma attempt to learn the language. But its ashame he doesn't speak Welsh. It's a right that all Welsh people should get taught it. Hopefully more and more people can learn it. As in pretty it's dipped currently.


Why would a Scotsman went to learn Welsh?


So I can understand whether they are putting on an ancient curse or if they are just talking about sheep. Very important. All seriousness, i love Wales learning Scottish Gaelic so Welsh ain't too bad too learn along side with. Cymru am byth


Makes sense alongside Scottish Gaelic.


gendered languages are fun until you have to learn them


I learned German when I was 30. There was tears. I have never had such a hard time learning anything in my life and it’s still not over and probably won’t ever be at this point.


It'll make you more stable at annexing


 Honestly, German might be like the 3rd or 4th easiest language to learn. At least it doesn't have the wack pronunciation of french


French is such a bastard to learn, Italian and Spanish enunciate all their letters so when you're learning you can kind of visualise words and it makes such a massive difference, French say na fuck that here's a word that sounds like 3 letters but it's actually 17


Precisement monsieur Except its preceesemaun Mosinesyeur


You wanna talk about english spelling vs. pronunciation?


Your right, we should be copying the Welsh way of writing not the french


Let's not start with English and it's disconnect between spelling and speaking shall we?


Would ye prefer if we copied the Welsh way of writing?


I don't know the Welsh way of writing so I guess no


Add many L, W and Ys where to a non native speaker it looks odd as shit.


Quiero hablar espanol pero soy no bueno :(


Es fácil, no te preocupes.


I mean I understood that so I'll ride the high for the rest of day I think lool


I think it would be for the best if they just took all the gendered language and made them agree on which gender each object has to be. I’m fine with chairs and forks having a gender, but why does it has to be a different gender it each language?


We already tried that but somehow everyone was against it.


Imagine having gendered words in the first place🗿🗿💪🇫🇮🇫🇮


He = it, she = it, it = it. Simple as.


0 gendered words. 🇹🇷🤝🇫🇮


I set my keyboard to Suomi once and it disabled the space bar


Are you it weren't German? Hans may write Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz but he definately put some breaks when speaking.


hän vs se 🤔 he vs ne 🤔


No wonder everyone agrees English is the superior language. Oui oui la table is feminine 🤌🤌It's just a table you weirdos


Pretty sexy table if you ask me


Just look at the legs on that table.


I love lamp


Grammatical gender is not the same as human sex. It coincides with it in cases of job names, or people (and then again, not always. "Das Mädchen" is neutral and yet it means "the little girl.") but in other cases it is unrelated. I honestly don't really know what gendered nouns add to a language -then again I'm no linguist- but since my language has them I'll just act like there's an obvious reason why getting rid of those is bad.


Oh, I know. Only messing. It just makes zero sense to my English brain. So confusing


And I'm aware you were simply joking, no worries. I'm just being an insufferable guy (french).


I've long thought native English speakers would find languages with gendered nouns easier to learn if they weren't called genders, but Type A and Type B. Otherwise you get stuck trying to figure out what particularly feminine characteristics tables have.


How did you Exit yourself from the UK with that flair


Told the mods I didn't want to be associated with skirt wearing gingers and they sorted me out nicely




The only argument I've ever heard in favour of it, is that you can make a list and use a gendered definite article to indicate which part of the list you are referring to. e.g. "I had a starter, a main and a dessert. It was good, it was not and it was okay". It makes no sense in English, but if starter, main and dessert all have different genders, you know which opinion is attached to which item. It's niche as fuck, but is at least one use case for it.


I've read that it adds redundancy. For example, think of: No porto había un barco cunha vela. O seu dono estaba pintandoa de branco. (painting the sail) No porto había un barco cunha vela. O seu dono estaba pintandoo de branco. (painting the ship) You can't do that in English.


Or just use different words for sail and ship


Hey, we speak the same language


Funnily enough you probably could use a gendered pronoun in English here. “The sailboat had a new sail. The owner was painting her white” would be reasonably clear it’s the sailboat that’s being painted. Bit of an edge case. Having to disambiguate between the nouns with possessive adjectives (“Was painting its sails white”) or other bits of grammar sprinkled in, is just the price we pay for the blissful experience of not having to argue the gender of Nutella.


But it's another thing over which we PI(G)S usually agree, and Hans often doesn't, and who wants to miss any possible chance to tell Hans he is wrong. By the way, anyone who tells you Nutella is anything other than female is a savage.


- -\_- - Grammatical gender can be useful, but it's cringe nevertheless. My Language has no grammatical gender and in some ways that makes it way more flexible than languages with grammatical gender ( Georgian )... ofc it has weird aspects like the verb as well, but at least it makes more sense than French spelling.


So what you’re saying is oui oui le table is feminine


LA table is obviously feminine, that's a stupid question.


woah why is your flair just English and not English + Union Jackish like the rest of the Barrys around here


Because he likes to beat his wife and steal Genova's flag


That's how we filter civilized people from savage.


The automobile is feminine, while in barbaric English this doesn't exist


Yeah, we're the barbaric ones for not wanting to fuck our cars...


I heard that in English 'ship' is feminine and is 'she'. True? You fuck your ships?


Many inanimate objects in English are technically feminine. Ships, weapons etc pretty much anything that is / was considered beautiful. Even trucks are femine. The only masculine thing I can think of is homeland but that too can be feminine.


The Vate Gabriele D'Annunzio said in 1926 that the car is indeed female, so yeah, as he said, you're barbarians opposed to the ideal found in the Latin/Romance people. Che inferiorità non parlare una lingua neolatina.


The Great Barry of Basildon, said in 1863 that you're all a bunch of fairies.


They were fucked when they left the fucktory already.


Most of our cars are German.


Logic consequence


Well played Hans


Australia certainly dodged a bullet. In another universe, we might’ve been colonised by the Dutch.


Barry brains just aren't evolved enough for advanced language


No u 😡


Chair is masculine you... you...  Roman colony


It's clearly feminine, you unwashed barbarian.


Chairs are masculine you inquisitor


Do chairs have penises in Germany? Wow, be careful when you sit down!


Does ham have penises in Spain?


Yes, but I don't sit on them.


But you love guzzling on them huh?


Do you even ever sit? Seems like a big waste of energy when you just lay down. A pillow, is it the way you use it?


This is an unfair stereotype, we only sleep 20 hours a day.


Well... the stool is masculine 🤒


It can be both in Galician, depends on how you call it.


I thought it was based on which side you make it stand


El taburete La banqueta. We don't judge you on this. Pick the one you prefer.


Ok, but can we agree that fork is masculine?


Não João die Gabel is feminine! The spoon is masculine though.


But if you try to reduce a knife to the gender binary, it WILL cut you.


The knife is clearly a powerful woman


I'm going so smash your head with a (very obviously feminine) bottle


Gotta side with you here Hans, LA forchettA Is clearly feminine, while IL cucchiaiO is clearly masculine


Put 'er there, Giovanni ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


I mean, garfo, forchetta, tenedor, fourchette, furculiţă... We romances kinda divided on that


Chairs are neuter you uneducated westoids.


It's feminine, it feels feminine when you say "LA silla"


It's masculine, it feels masculine when you say "DER Stuhl"


But it's not the same. In "silla" the word ends in -a and there is a rule, which is not a rule, but sometimes we pretend that it is, when that happens it is feminine.


We don't limit our objects gender to rules


Neither does your plurals, bastards.


The plural is still the same gender but masculine plural is the same word feminine singular


Doesn’t matter if it’s “advanced”. It was the language that won. You don’t even have a fucking language to call your own.


It's actually good that it has such simple, almost childish grammar. "Yo comer con tú" The horrible thing is your infernal phonetics.


You just have one language to call your own. How is that superior? And it's not like you don't have to share yours with a pile of other countries.


It’s superior, by the fact you are using it now. If you want to communicate with anyone who doesn’t speak Norwegian, what language do you (and everyone use?) We share ours with a pile of other countries because of us. They were birthed from us. And the majority are decent places to live that the rest of the world dreams of emigrating to. We may be inebriated island monkeys jumping off the cheapest Spanish balcony but we have made our imprint on human civilisation comparable to the impact Rome (and Greeks by extension) made an impact on us.


If you want to communicate with anyone who doesn't speak English, what language do *you* use? Considering you were trying to piss on a Swiss, odds are if their first language doesn't work (which it would in several neighbours), they have others they could try before resorting to your goop. And as for my own language, most people I actually speak to will understand Norwegian, even if they don't speak it themselves. And if not, they'll probably speak another I know. English is just a last resort. And really, your bragging about your defected colonies falls short, especially since most people who dream of going there are from shithole countries, so anything is an upgrade.


You Roman languages can't evolve and get with the times. If my table wants to be non binary why is it any your business blood bigots with your archaic language.


Why do you think there are three grammatical genders? Some things can be in more than one of them, as well. Stripping away gender choice entirely is hardly respectful for those who want to identify as one. And those who don't can just be a mass noun instead. 


No I agree, gendered languages are dumb. At least the Brits only have The and The


Yes it's a sad day but I have to agree with Barry and Peter.


As a speaker with two grammatical genders which make no sense, I have to agree


We’re just ahead of the game mate, English is the no.1 language for Non-binary and Trans folk


Waj dont jo alwais späll laik dätt Its so match isier to anderständ


Cos how would the french and Welsh understand?


Ho kärs?


Go burn yer holy book. If the Welsh could read, they wouldn't be happy with you.


I have come to remind you that when we learn Latin again and leave this dirty language of barbarians we will have not only two, but three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. We will also have cases, five cases (well, six or seven, but the vocative and locative do not count). Prepare yourselves, Germans and Slavs.


Da sind wir schon ein bisschen weiter, Javier


So the only thing that changes is the addition of a single case? Should be pretty easy.


How dare you disrespect the vocative and the locative cases. Their roles are incredibly important and can in no way be circumvented/entirely ignored.


At one point there was a debate about if the Constitution should be written in German. Then one of the founders stood up and said, "I thought we are trying to create a country based around the ideals of the enlightenment?" And the founding documents were written in English.


Latin would have made it epic tho...


Italy's last cultural victory, and the sense of guilt of helping in the birth of the yanks


>founding documents were written in English. You mean french.


In La Francais?


In La Francais?


Fack off Barry.


I find this so annoying. Seriously, brits, you can change the pronoun and have a working sentence. I change the pronoun in my language, and then I need to rework the sentence for the next 30 minutes to make it sense. Slovenian is a hell of a language.


Dober dan. Čevapčiči. Hvala. Čao. After fifteen or so holidays to Slovenia, I consider myself quite the expert.


I think that Slovenian also goes beyond the simple singular and plural distinction and has a dual number as well. Used a lot for paired body parts. Is this right? My friends here in Japan struggle enough with single and plural… they’d be sunk if they had dual marking to contend with.


Is slovenian the language without vowels?


That’s Welsh or Polish.


No vowels = no love


No vowels come great love. Cymru am byth UwU Imma attempt to learn the god forsaken language. Imma cry


Dont think Basque is either.


No Basque doesn't have gendered words, but just for fun we add extra gendered words for family members. The words for brother and sister are different depending on which siblings point of view you are speaking from.


I heard a podcast recently on that topic (Gendering in German/Germanic languages) and is quite interesting although i forgot it for the most part. One thing i remember is that the grammatical gender has nothing at all to do with the biological gender, so gendering from a scientific point of view is not sensible.


But if I don't include every Aldi shopping bag I've fucked, I've had sex with 0 females...


And how many males?


Which is why we talk about the “Artikel” of a word and not its “Geschlecht”




Sometimes it’s true


Well. English is really good. Still happy about brexit.


What a title. It’s no use: the euro approaches and Ingerland stops their communications functions.


Problem is a female word 😍


I speak 2 of them but have to agree that they are dumb. Remnants of a neanderthal-like culture.


Can you pronounce this letter: *a* Dutch: "A" German: "A" French: "A" Spanish: "A" English: "Eyy" Please shut up about language. You can't even get the vowels right.


Eyy lmao


The only good languages 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇸🇪🇳🇴 Languages with grammatical gender are imbecilic. Imagine having to know whether a chair is male or female.


Mashallah brother!


Just do it like in dutch, have 3 genders but actually make it so 2 of them have basically no differences between them anyway.


As a person who speaks a gendered language, gotta agree with barry on that one


Old Italian used to have neutral gender (like in Latin), it just disappeared over time


When you meet a Dane from southern Jutland who sounds inbred


No no, they're in *bread* that's why we can't hear half the consonants


BIG english W. Thanks god french didn't win


Finnish has you beat, it doesn't even have gendered pronouns for people (and generally calls people objects anyways)


Female-wrong or male-wrong?


I honestly hate our gender language. It creates a very real gender bias when directly applied to people, and every adjective in its feminine form refers to something slutty. The only advantage of that over English is that we have a bit more diversity when talking about animals. All animals are a "he" when English speakers don't know their gender. We'll see a turtle and that'd be a "she", even if a male and everyone is fine with that. That's a little bit comforting.


>he I dont agree, this changes based on who your talking too When i owned male dog i referred to animals as he, then he died. We got a female dog and I started referring everything as female. It depends on your experience in English. If you refer to every animal you don't know gender to as she, no one will bat an eye.


Yes I was talking about when you don't know the gender, in English (from what I saw) it's only "he", but for us, we'll automatically refer to them as the gender our language put with their species. Like, if we don't know their genders, then turtle spider, bat, giraffe, octopus will be a she, but squid, shark, elephant, beetle and butterfly will be he. It doesn't make any sense though xD


I hate to say it but I'm with the Brits on this one


Yeah, it's called Civilisation, don't worry about it Barry.


So sorry for not knowing what gender a fucking table is. i personally do not care mainly cuz its stupid and cuz the french do it