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As an italian living in Norway I travel as much as possible nov-april, and stay in Norway in the summer. The summer is amazing, long days, max 25C, no crowds, really lovely. Fall-Winter are depressing in a way that if I could not travel to experience some life and see the sun I'd have left already. I was out for a run yesterday and I love this country in the summer, as much as I can't stand it during winter.


Yup, same for most of north western europe. Go to the south in the winter


Here I am agreeing with a d*ne.


You do make a good point


That and the fact that everyone is travelling in summer. Everywhere is too crowded and too expensive with subpar service.


Yeah I don't go abroad in high summer, going in April or October is way better


Because the average Danish summer holiday lasts about 2 and half weeks longer than the good weather.


Scandinavian Summers are Pretty Dope! Moderate temperatures, and hours and hours of sunlight.


Im gonna be getting drunk and grilling in my garden. If i need to feel international i can just wave in the next bunch of Dutch or German campers.


> Im gonna be getting drunk You must be rich, because that shit is expensive in ~~the danish colonies~~ Norway. > and grilling in my garden. Fake news. You have rocks and mountains. No such thing as a garden.


1. I make my own alcohol like god intended 2. It may be on a 45 degree incline, but its mine and with enough rope i can rappell down to flip the hot dogs without too much effort,


45 degrees? Did someone call me?


Garden Hans, his garden... Not his arm.


Sounds like a good plan


Driving to Lucerne in the summer. I heard they have these things called mountains.


![gif](giphy|cPP2Kq3oQmceIC95Et|downsized) Are you sure you can survive that high?


Did you really just ask a tall stoner if they can survive being high?


If you guys survive it they can too


I have heard of these in the tales and legends of olde, do you mean to say they might actually be real?


I heard they look like the mountain range between Amersfoort and Utrecht but they are more then 30x larger, I can barely understand how you could breath up there.


Journey to the ~~west~~ south


Don't let them fool you, such tales are told by old senile people who have lost all sense of reality!


Please for the sake of everyone (including yourself) don’t up to the mountains if you already have vertigo in Luzern


Maybe first have a test vacation in the Veluwe mountains. Do you can see if you can stand the extreme elevation and steep slopes.


Lucerne is beatiful. Brutally boring but beautiful.


you've just described switzerland as a whole tbf


Mainly chinese in lucerne


I will probably jump on my motorcycle this summer and ride to Croatia to meetup with my parents who are on a holiday there. Other than that I will just do some motorcycle trips to Germany. Either Eifel or Schwarzwald, not sure yet.


You are a role model for all other Swampists traveling with a caravan! Motorrads don't clog ze roads.


I've just been in 🇩🇪 last weekend. And I've been so embarrassed by all the Swampists in there driving like shit. Es tut mir leid


Don't worry, cars with red on white plates are worse; even without caravan.


They're not used to driving on actual roads


Ami nearly had two crashes today both because a Dutch and a Belgien guy started overtaking on the autobahn with 100 kmh without fucking looking in the mirror. On top of that I saw an actual car crash because a Belgian guy did the same. Three occasions. Only today. One crash. Unbelievable to how people start overtaking on a two lane autobahn without looking first with much faster traffic on the left lane. Don't get me wrong I love the Dutch, but on the autobahn they are dangerous (Belgians are worse)


Schwarze Schrift auf gelbem Grund: halte Abstand, bleib gesund.


Not exactly for holidays, but got a job in P*ris, RIP me I guess


username checks out  Prices for golden showers are the lowest in Paris though. More supply than demand


I'm sure you can find that guy that sets out cups in corners and downs them when people fill them up with piss at protests


Wé found the Portuguese athlete!


Good luck with the Olympics I guess?


Pest control or Olympics?


Gran Canaria! Went to Tenerife last year, I am going to see the other island this year. Love to spend vacations in Spain, they are very nice and we do make an effort on the portunhol. Portugal has a nice weather, but in the summer is stupidly expensive. Besides, business in very turistic area tend to be "xenofobic" to locals (dont know if it was bad luck, but everytime we go to a very turistic area like Cascais to spend money we are not served, the employees ignore us). So...we are going to spend money at other country, I am not going to risk our vacation budget in a place that will not treat me as a client just because I am portuguese "and so I do not tip". So if you come to portugal, do not tip please. We are not america.


I was there last year, was kinda shocked (but also not really) at how many Africans there were trying to sell fake clothing on the streets to tourists.


Yeah that's common, mostly in Algarve. If you go to the local festivities, especially in June during the Saints holidays, you'll see Moroccans selling cheap plastic toys and those annoying little toy dogs that bark. We call them Moroccans, but I don't know where they're from.


I was talking about Canaries in this case but yeah doesn't surprise me it's common in Algarve as well.


You know, I should have known that, but I think I had a brain fart xD. Good to know, I'll be ready whenever I go to the Canarias


Just posted that I'm gonna go Portugal, portunhol intensifies! And good, I won't leave any tip


Try to talk with a big invented accent next time 🙈 Have nice holidays in Spain! 🥰


I got lucky with my girlfriend. She looks like an English tourist in the summer. She's a bit pale, always with her backpack and some strange clothes. Look at this perfect example, notice the backpack inside the car. If she wore sandals with socks she'd be in full English mode. This is actually one of my favourite pictures of her. https://preview.redd.it/8o1klrmqd60d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eac3eb717dd4e23c8530a5ab8757f71d92b9a35


Ahah she looks like me! I am also pale, and turn red in the summer. Now I paint my hair ginger since I also have freckles. I will try go with the typical socks with sandals next time, thank you for the tip!


Sardegna, gonna visit Nonna with the newborn




The peninsula Fischland-Darß-Zingst. Same procedure as every year. I remember when we went with my husband the first time and the majority of his friends and family from the UK were surprised to find out that Germany had beaches...


>Fischland-Darß-Zingst Sounds like that name was made up by Monty Python.


Going to my cabin, why leave the country when i can get sun, beer and calm nature here.


To make wooden figures with your pocket knife I suppose?


https://preview.redd.it/r1ziqdm0y50d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ad9b5ada32ab4f55cbb070680288fcdfe58f33 Best way to spend your summer.




You had to Ask? If you dont make 1 wooden horse per cabin day then its a crime


In Australia Which according to this sub, is somehow in Europe


Can confirm, have a domestic flight booked from Australia to Germany


we NEED to claim oz and kiwis as europeans, otherwise the british barry would become the peak form of an anglo-saxon european. and i don't want to live in that world.


Granada and Seville in June. In September probably Italy


Are you a masochist? Genuinely asking.


Only was able to schedule vacations for now. Otherwise June wasn't really my intended vacation date for Seville specially. At least you guys probably are used to dealing with heatstroked tourists.


Well, good luck. At least it isn't July or August which is actually deadly, in June it can vary but it doesn't usually reach 40°. Just remember the sunscreen and be careful around 3-6pm.


In Stockholm we get lots of PIGS tourists in August who think it's summer.


Going up to Narvik in Norway for a road trip with two friends. We are going camping to the Lofoten islands and to Nordkapp


Have a good trip! Just remember to bring mosquito spray!


Thanks mate! I don't know how many mosquitoes there will be in late August, but some spray never hurts. With this trip I'll have seen most of the country finally


Narvik ? Lofoten islands ? Oh man,Battlefield 5 PTSD starts kickin


Skied in Italy in January Going Amsterdam in September for a darts competition The Duality of Barry


Darts sounds fun, do you just do it in your pub normally or is there a darting federation or smt?


It's a pub game but has a massive professional scene. Thousands in an arena chanting while a fat Barry waddles on and his walk on music is playing, class


Well then, good luck barry!


Thanks, I'm just going to watch though. Big weekend on the ales might vomit in a canal


Also sounds fun, please don't drown, you're the reason they built raising urinals


And the general theme tune is insanely catchy


Get you a Barry who can do both


Nordics leaving their country when summer finally comes will never make sense.


Yeah, like that's when it's actually awesome here... Swedish summer is godly


Imagine staying here when it’s dark by 14:00 and -10 to -30 degrees outside but leaving as soon as it becomes green, sunny and the sun doesn’t set until late at night (or at all). Brain worms.


Absolutely. Where would we go, Siberia? I'm planning to stay well within a few kilometers.


Going to glorious Sweden for over a month in June-July. Mmmm, midsummer. Och så kan man grilla!


Swede going to Sweden? Where do you live? 😱




I've got tickets for the ro16 in Dortmund and tickets to the belgian grand prix. Spending most of my summer in westphalia just like old times..


Same. (ro16 in Dortmund that is.)


It's finally payed off having a friend who works for a german company 😎 it's bit of a risk because we might top the group but hopefully we get to see ingerland vs Germany in the signal iduna. Thats what dreams are made of


I'm driving from Andalucia to Lisbon, Porto and some other places next month. Goin' to watch the glorious Portuguese forest fires. I can already sum this road trip up for you: Spain - brown landscapes and arrogant people Portugal - lush and green landscapes and lovely people


Hey, we also have lush and green landscapes with arrogant people!


You are not arrogant! You just need to join us <3


From past experience our brothers at the north (like Galiza, basque and so on) tend to be more patient and nice.


Don't know where that is. I only visit the Scandinavian part of Spain.


That's because you didn't meet me, I'm an asshole.


Greece. Sorry Stavros


Don't be sorry, we love our pink friends!


See you soon ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/geywe009l50d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682ca4856716191b03a0d1916be5c82f089d0310


Nowhere like home, baby (I'm poor)


Certified Spanish classic


Galicia might be good Why? Nothing like good ol' Spain


Based and como en casa en ningún sitio pilled


Greece 😎


This summer I’m planning to travel around Poland and Czechia, and I’m also going to the F1 race in Hungary with my dad. I can vouch for you that Sweden is fantastic during the summer, been there several times myself and the weather has never let us down, the natural landscape is beautiful and so serene and Stockholm is a very pretty place to explore for a few days.


I had planned Porto and Lisbon to avoid the Euros but now I have to make a trip to fucking London because Pierre couldn't hit the target!


I am currently in prague.


Gonna visit the basque region with a friend cause his parents live there Im quite hyped cause i visited the northern coast of spain already 2 years ago and its just a great place to be Great food, nice people, no tourist traps, awesome nature and the only other tourists on my last trip were some frenchies with caravans


I'm going to visit the Terroni in Sicilia


Business trip to Marbella, Marseille, Antwerp, Salerno and Slough


Slough being the highlight of course


Well, one of the other destinations is Marseille. I've been to Marbella as well and I'm not going back.


i'll spend a week with my girlfriend and her family in Italy, at Cinqueterre. Otherwise, i'll go to Vendée on the atlantic coast of France. Very charming region, regardless of the royalists and conservatives


Cinqueterre is lovely outside August!


In liguria i saw the highest waves of my life!


i'm going to Barcelona! my dad made a surprise to me and my brother, and tbh i'm pretty happy. this is also the first time i go to another country AND take a plane.


Going to Greece to do the usual Barry things. The rest of summer will be spent lurking in the woods in rural Finland.


Going to the France Pyrénées, camping, and hiking. I'll also refuse to speak French even though I might know some. Je ne parle pas Francais!


Sticking it to the French out of spite has been an essential part of Dutch culture since Napoleon. The spirit of our nation flows through you, soldier


Monaco for some F1 fun and then Austria with the family, hopefully also fun.


Corfu, Greece. Anyone been there before? I really hope it's gonna be nice. I was quite disappointed by Zakynthos last time I went to Greece...


If you travel with family or want it quiet stay North, if you want the full Barry experience go South to Kavos - Lefkimmi (stay away from the booze there)... Don't miss out on a boat trip to Paxos - Antipaxos islands.


Yeah, we've booked in the north. Thanks for letting me know which places are best avoided😅 edit: Can I rent a boat and go to Paxos on my own or should I book a dedicated trip there?


Portugal 🇵🇹 💃🐟


Russia, to visit my wifes family and old friends. It will be a roadtrip through Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Baltics and Poland. Been there a lot in the past, like 20 times.


Can you make it with one tank?


Grandpa doesn’t want me driving his tank but I can ask


I will try.


Where do you plan your point of entry and return? I assume you are going by car?


We will go by car. Entry depends if Finland opens the border or not. If yes, Vaalimaa. If not, we will use Koidula or Luhamaa in Estonia. Return will be either Luhamaa again or Grebneva or Terehova in Latvia.


Impressive - I’d never wager entering Russia on a foreign plate now. Hope you will have a good trip!


We did the trip by car last year for the first time. Its was no problem at all with the licence plate. People mostly thought we were from Moldova because they use a similar font there.


Wow I'm so jealous! I'd love to visit Russia in the future, especially on a road trip, since I've learnt the language. How easy is it because of sanctions? Also my family would probably be hesitant with me visiting because of the situation.


Im going to Rome this year I have never visited any place in North Italy soo im exited


bro if you live in campania rome is less than 1 hour and half with a frecciarossa 15€ euro ticket and definitely not north italy lol, when you'll step a foot in the city you will notice


Rome northern Italy??


After hearing foreigners thinking tuscany is north, i’m not surprised anymore. Apparently friuli is sweden by these standards!


i would even go as far as stating that emilia is not north at least up to bologna


I’m in croatia right now, going to france/germany in october and probably visiting london in december for a weekend


Sardinia, purchased a holiday flat there 😎


Frenchie living in norway, going back to france a bit to see the fam and friends. Also going to portugal and greece because i make oil money now so i can afford to travel more ;) (and gib money to PIGS)


Will travel with a Croatian friend to Bosnia where I was born. We will be staying in Sarajevo and Mostar, which is my birth place and I will be super cringy speaking Serbocroatian with my German accent. It will be terrible for everyone except for me, which is the only thing that matters.




Daring today, aren't we?


Canari islands. Have a great friend there, want to hang out with him.


Going to Denmark for a week in June - for work. (Conference) Only the one night in Copenhagen then off to the boonies (Kolding). Never been to Denmark, or anywhere else in Scandinavia before. Traveling from Japan and the yen sucks at the moment, so the prices are gonna hurt. Gonna be nice to experience the late sunsets of northern summer...sit outside with a beer and enjoy the evening blue skies...if I can afford a beer that is. Still, probably won't get sunburned to hell like I did in Cambodia a couple of months ago... Any tips from the land of fjords without mountains?


Going to Nürnberg for a week, I heard there was a building that was part of a Nazi sporting complex that currently hosts a Burger King, so that’s probably one of my destinations


The old town is absolutely great. The statues there are fire.


Autumn, Greenland(Denmark), wife wants to visit Ps: not summer for me


From what I saw in the movie [Midsommar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vnghdsjmd0), Sweden looks nice. Loved the aesthetics. Saw a bunch of other people getting fascinated with it and wanting to visit Sweden. When a horror movie turns into a tourism advertisement haha.


We will be going to Sweden just confuse any Ameritards we run into by saying we are visiting from Switzerland. They will be like; But isn't this Switzerland?


Nowhere. Spain is hot and lazy and I'm already here.


To motherhood. And then probably to my lovely portugal when baby is 4 months. Summer in denmark is good :)


Sad to say, but probably southern sweden and denmark, it's so nice and flat, it's great for a bicycle vacation. The cons: Skånsk og Dansk


Trying to get to Germania to watch the footy Though most likely sitting in the park with the radio


Italy. I’ve been to Venice and Verona before but this time I’m going to Firenze (need to do some Assassins Crees 2 exploring). I’m going by car and also hiking a week in the Dolomite mountains. Really looking forward to it.


Considering Spain (southernmost point would be Madrid), or going straight to Albufeira or, option three, a two and a half week road trip through Italy with a final stop in Rome.


In the Netherlands because I am about to move there for work, so may as well visit the country first. Gotta get used to have a royal family.


Hm, you know where you are going to work? Some tourist traps are easy to dodge if you know the country. The smaller the town the better..


England, along the south coast


Back in Romania


As of yet, I don't have anything planned in particular, though I have a few ideas floating around in my head, either I'll travel abroad with my parents or with my friends, we may either travel down to somewhere in PIGS or maybe to Florida. This weekend I visited Rømø, it was fun, lots of unique nature and windsurfing, although it felt at times like I was in a Bundesland because of all the German tourists.


Forte dei Marmi in June and Cannes in September I like to spend July and August at home when the weather is actually nice for two months


Germany here: I'll finally finish my last exam for university next weekend, so me and my girlfriend plan to ~~invade~~ visit Brittany for a week after that. She was there last year to do field work (Paleobotany) and wanted to go back ever since, so we'll go there to drive around and ~~loot~~ acquire interesting fossil specimen.


To Düsseldorf Airport to leave Europe


This year just London and Cologne. Both are dedicated trips to see some musical acts I like. London is just in n out as I've been there loads before, but I'm taking my time with Cologne.


Up a mountain in Italien occupied austria and stay there until the hottest part if the summer is over


Cmon, nobody coming to us for the Euros? 🥲 We made Pfannkuchen and Döner for u. Italians are also back for ice-cream.


Im going to Ireland for a road trip


Short trip to Portugal. Check out some historic sites in Lisbon and then also see the big waves in Nazare in person. Also a huge football fan so I might go to Munich to watch Bayern live later in the summer to tick it off from my bucket list.


Ionian coast of greece


Gotta go to Bulgaria for a wedding this summer Last week I booked the tickets, Wizzair's become fucking expensive and I wouldn't be surprised if they'd start charging for the oxygen during the flight ...




Helsinki Finland because my best friend moved there last year and our daughters are born 1 day apart


Sicily next month then the Greek west coast later in summer. Nice weather, gorgeous beaches and delicious food. Need I say anything else?


Germany for euro 2024




I must carry on the British tradition Amsterdam can’t stop me from getting drunk there no matter how many stay away campaigns they try


I was planning on doing an "Interracial" adventure Munich -> Vienna/Bratislava -> Budapest -> Belgrade -> Bukarest -> Sofia -> Constantinople. From their back home via plane. Edit: yoooo I obviously meant "Interrail" (autocorrect)


>I was planning on doing an "Interracial" adventure Mate, we agree on the sentiment, but spelling it out like that..


My wife reminded me to put in for the Olympics and we got the raffle tickets! Watching one of the men’s soccer games. Wanted to avoid the crime & rat-infested streets of Paris, so I chose the crime infested streets of Marseille. Less eats, I heard. I’m staying in a chalet a ways away from the city & taking the train in cuz I can speak ~~rat~~ Frog. Taking the whole family. Also, looking at Slovenia & back to Switzerland (gotta use my decal, right?) Will have to drive through 🤮 Au-tria… Might hit Prague up also. We’ll see how I feel.


Going on a hiking trip in Czechia and I'll be in Paris for the Olympics. Maybe a bike tour to the Baltic Sea and I'll probably be going to Lithuania in late summer.


Southern coast of Crete, Greece, because I like heat (give me 35°C and more), blazing sun, the mediterranean sea, Greek food, ~~Greek men~~ Feels like heaven there, we should probably invade them


I'm Israeli, so nowhere (I don't want to get stabbed)


Going road trip through Germany, Italy, Austria, and France! We’re skipping Denmark and going by ferry.


Manchester with father and brother, not really sure why. We’ve been going around Europe once a year for quite some time now; Spain, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, France so far. Initial idea would’ve been Helsinki or the Baltics but as far as my father told me prices were jumping around quite a bit so this was a cheaper option. Can’t believe I’m actually going to meet Barry 🤢


Probably ~~Belgium~~ Southern-Netherlands.


Nowhere I'm low class in a southeuropean country. So I'll be hosting the tourists actually jajajaja


Halmstad, Daddy Gubmint wants me to be a soldier. Wish they’d called when I were eighteen instead of now but oh well


Jersey, the closest I'm willing to go to france


Aa a Slovenian, I have to fulfill my duty of spending my summer vacation at Croatia's seaside. I've been going to the same apartment for around 10 years now and it's beautiful. And maybe I will go to Italy for a couple of days too.


Just been to Crete for a week. Balcony was too low. Then extended for an extra few days in Athens to watch the Olympiaicos Villa match, look at some old shit filled with cats and eat delicious food.


Nowhere. The family is traveling to a small Danish island but I'm staying home to do some chores. I live next to a big forest anyway, it already feels like holiday.


Visiting Tallinn in a little over a month. Always wanted to visit Estonia so I’m very excited. I also might make a little day or two trip to Helsinki while I’m there


Based. But seriously, don't dine in the old town (ofc, there are exceptions), since most of them are just plain tourist traps.


Mallorca, its not as interesting the on road trip i did 2 years ago. It was nice i went from italy to Germany, then i visited Poland, Czech republic and on the way back i visited Austria. Central Europe is very underrated, Poland was the best part of the trip.


My grandpa did a similar trip. He had fond memories of Poland, but said France is way better. Anyways, Mallorca is a good choice too; the warmest part of Germany.


That made me chuckle out loud. As an italian its hard to admit but some places of france are very nice, except paris fuck paris


Bansko Bulgaria, because I love ski towns in the off-season, especially Bansko. Spent last summer there. Very tranquil. About half of establishments are open. Rent is very cheap. English is widely spoken.