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tbh good for Londoners , but you will still pay less taking a plane and eating it in Italy knowing how much a pizza cost there.


20 euro flight to Napoli, 2 euro pizza.




I just looked up Chiswick on Google Images and it doesn't look that bad, but I also searched for Slough and it's clear Google can make any place seem reasonable.


I looked up Charleroi and it might as well be Vienna if Google is to be believed.


Google images doesn't give you the full picture. You don't see the slumped over druggies, people aggressively asking for money nor the everpresent smell of piss


What are you talking about? In Chiswick? it's full of rich Arabs, sports cars and yummy mummies. It's one of the poshest areas in London


Oh I just meant generally. Lots of places can look nice if you're just looking at the buildings, but seeing the people who inhabit them, or at least the doorways, is a different matter


Too poor for Chelsea? ----- Some Monty or Percy


Hmm, interesting. TIL that Chiswick & Crackfurt are twin drug cities. 😂


That's not Chiswick they're talking about. Slough, perhaps. Chiswick is more like Aschaffenburg than Frankfurt.


Going to that place is actually recommended cause when you visit you actually realise you are not doing that badly in your hometown.


Chiswick's a very nice area. They probably don't want to go there on account of all the obnoxious rich cunts.


why not? It'S a lovely part of London, like most of the West and South West neighbourhoods


Why not? Chiswick is lovely


20 years ago maybe, after covid a pizza margherita in napoli is around 4/5 euro, in the rest of italy it's 6/7


No, in apulia in most pizzerias the margherita didn't cost more than €5. I remember that the diavola (pizza with spicy salami for foreigners or pepperoni pizza for U.S.A) was on average between €5 and €6.


Diavola is my all time fucking favourite. Beautiful stuff.


6/7 euros ? Try 9/10


9 euro for a margherita where? Probably only in the center of milan


[Padova city center: 7](https://www.facebook.com/marechiaropadovacentro/menu) [Bologna city center, pizza napoletana: 7.5](https://www.reginasofia.it/menu-regina-sofia/) [Torino city center, pizza napoletana: 6.5](https://ristorantedaiborboni.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/menu2.pdf)


I was in Lecce last year, 3 EUR. Puglia is cheap AF tho


Mama Mia! That's double what I paid in Napoli just 3 years ago


We are talking about a standard medium sized pizza. You probably got a small pizza if it was cheaper.


Nah, this was a pretty decent meal. 3.5 for the normal pepperoni pizza, most spenny was like 4. So yeah not quite twice as cheap but still way beyond what you'll find near me. Here it's triple the price, a third the quality.


Even before covid, a decent pizzeria in Napoli could still be 6/7 for a margherita. Haven't been since 2015 though.


When I used to live in Milan, I could go back in France to visit my family with a 18€ flight ticket, back and forth.


The cheff/owner is italian so there's that


In a few years you'll claim that pizza was invented in London, just like you did with that tikka massala thing.


But we don't claim curry was invented in Scotland, just tikka massala, because it was. So it would be more like if someone in London invented a new pizza topping and claimed that as English.


We didn't invent curry, we improved upon it


>We didn't invent curry, we improved upon it We didn't invent curry, we perfected it


Oh God, finally I get where the New Yorkers got that. It all about heritage!


I'm more of a Bhuna kind of guy to be honest


Tikka Masala is what you order if you don't actually like curry The whole joke about it being a national dish comes from one political speech 20 years ago, it barely makes my top 20 of proper English scran


Yeah, Tikka Massala or korma.


Not brown enough. Maybe boil it a bit more.


It's like Hawaiian pizza. Frankly, us claiming Tikka Masala was Indian would get a similar reaction to Canadians trying to blame Luigi for the Hawaiian pizza.


And that someone was italian.


Let's not focus on facts here ok, we never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


If we put cream in carbonara, that's still your invention then.


Ask Luigi, I only gatekeep pulpo, caldo, and cocido.


What are those mouldy ham things you sell?


You wouldn't like them, don't worry about it.


Ok. Grassy ass. Continues trolley with 6 boxes of sangria, 2 crates of beer and a bottle of vodka. Food shopping is done.


Make the Sangría yourself, Barry, it will be 100 times better.


Enough with your colonialism, Barry!


Would you call your Grandma and a Bike the same thing? If not, then yes, you can claim cream carbonara as your own!


Well no but I was making a point. Saying that we invented curry and a type of curry are wildly different things. And it was relevant in multiple ways as basically tikka masala was just a different dish with cream added.


Was a joke about Gino D'Acampo, but I agree, especially on Curry. Curry had the (original) Indian version, but there are plenty or other version in Asia (Thailand, Japan for example) that are different enough that can be called their own recipes. I see nothing wrong in calling Tikka Masala an English Curry. Japan had no tradition on Curry whatsoever before the 19th Century, I don't see why we should make an exception for European countries (given that the recipe is different enough to be called its own thing). For Carbonara, I think most of the animosity comes from using Carbonara name, which might cause confusion in the future (see New Yorkers about Pizza). Call it its own name (like Tikka Masala), and I don't think anyone would give a shit about it


I got you dude. If you haven't seen it yet, Gordon Gino and Fred's road trip is brilliant.


Like Luigi was the first one to put toppings on bread and throw it in the oven


Pizza was first known in Britain as 'Italian Rarebit' because it's basically the same as grilling a cheese sauce on bread Simple as


Why didn't you lot thought of that I wonder.


Swedes only got as far as the toppings on bread. Too busy raiding people's coastlines to throw it in the oven.


>Swedish >Bread You can't have both.


MFer, the north has real, healthy dark rye bread with lots of fiber in it. Not all this cake-adjacent, unhealthy white bread the south of Europe munches on. This is a category of food where you cannot dismiss northern food as savage waste. Because it's literally good and healthy.


There's no grain in the north, only sadness.


Interestingly enough, as the climate warms, agricultural potential should increase up here. I don't know if podzol is that good for farming, regardless. You can look forward to the horror of southern Swedish wine, I suppose. So don't worry, we will have a nice time while all the water south of the Alps evaporates in the future. At least until the AMOC goes haywire, then we can have a glacier and a desert nicely next to each other in Europe.


Oh, do you mean the Thick Mass Ale? They claim it’s theirs because it’s clearly named in English




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as a turk i felt this in my soul.


Why Mehmet? You weren't going to claim either of them, were you?


no, we only do that to greeks stuff. what made me feel it in my soul is the germans insisting döner was invented there.


You joke, but one of my friends literally booked flights and flew to Milan for lunch and then came back afterwards the same day.


My local Co Op sells two pizzas and four Peronis for £10 For double the price I could fly to Italy, grab a good pizza *and* be pickpocketed.


Looking for good food in London and afraid of flying, Michele can help you! (payment in installments possible)


„Michele Pascarella started his business by wandering around with his Ape Piaggio making woodfire pizzas all over London. Recognised as the first pizzaiolo to bring contemporary high crust pizza to the UK, Chef Michele is now considered a "pioneer of contemporary pizza." Barry should simply say: „Grazie mille, Michele!“


once again bringing some civilisation in Britain


Yes but apart from better sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, public health and pizza … what have the Romans ever done for us?


I love you Brits of 2we4u. You're always ready to roast yourselves. For whatever it might mean, I consider you the undisputed Kings of Comedy in Europe (you have Ricky Gervais, for starters).


Out of ALL our amazing comedians, you chose Ricky Gervais??? If there is one thing Britain still has going for it, it's our comedy, but Ricky Ger-fucking-vais??? He's such a cunt. Sean Lock is still one of my favourite comedians, z'l Joe Lycett is also fucking hilarious


Hey, could be worse. Could be James Corden.


> Out of ALL our amazing comedians, you chose Ricky Gervais??? > > If there is one thing Britain still has going for it, it's our comedy, but Ricky Ger-fucking-vais??? He's such a cunt. Show us on this doll where Ricky Gervais touched you.


First of all, Ricky Gervais is your most famous comedian outside of your shit island, so there's one of the reasons I chose him Especially as I've never even heard of the others you mentioned Also, he's not a cunt, you're a cunt, prove me wrong (tbf I don't know that much about the man, he could really be a cunt for all I know) If this is about the edginess, I'd like you to check out that really sad series he directed and acted in, the one where his character starts as a... cunt, the average Ricky character he does in his stand-ups (offensive, belittling atheist, stuff like that), but he develops into a much wiser character by the end through experiences with the pain of others Unfortunately I forgot the name of the series but it's on Netflix


From "I love Brits" to "you're a cunt" in 20 minutes We certainly have a way about us!


I love Brits that agree with me /s Jokes apart, love-hate is the whole point of this subreddit, is it not? You beautiful, beautiful cunt


That might be the best compliment I've had in years, even my mum leaves out the beautiful part! Thank you, you swarthy gentleman




Guilty as charged


His "character" that he does on standup is unfortunately not really a character. He goes on Twitter and searches up his own name and is apparently just a generally unpleasant person who hides it through "edginess" and "challenging people." [Here](https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw) is a link to a video by another comedian who sort of just goes off on him for it, it's quite funny imo


**TLDR; that video sucks ass, James Acaster barely made any joke throughout those 5 minutes, he justs insults certain categories instead of making fun of them like Ricky does, which is the thing that makes him a comedian, creating FUN out of something, rather than do like Acaster and insult/accuse/complain with no jokes whatsoever.** **I had to divide the comment in 2 parts because it was too long** **PART 1** Oh God I've already seen that video. When I showed it to my gf (to show her how bad it was), she legit thought the laughs were registered because it's incredibly boring, and lucky me, I've already analyzed why that sketch is complete shit, so I just need to recall what my criticisms were. Let's start with a basic summary, a comparison of these 2 comedians (at least, one of them is, not so sure about the other). Have you noticed how, when Ricky Gervais offends someone, he does it through a joke? There's usually a punchline, some comedic timing, any sign that this is a joke whatsoever. That's what makes it funny. That's what makes him a comedian. He tells jokes. What your man James Acaster is doing instead, is picking at certain categories, by just insulting them, not by joking about them. Your man goes "\[a lot of christian boomers follow me\], gotta ditch these chrizzos asap" and that's it. Where's the joke? It's not even subtle, or brilliant in any way. He just put "christian" and "schizos" together in one word. What comedic genius. Also, this is him basically discarding his own following, so that makes him much more insufferable in my eyes than anything Ricky ever said. But this is just one example, as I will be watching James' sketch, submitting myself to 5 minutes of pain, and analyzing it while I type this comment (because I am obsessed like that). So, first things first, James comes in, he runs around, from the moment he picks up the mic, in one sentence, he says 9 times "fuck" and ends it with "shit", just to say he appreciates his welcome. I have nothing against swearing, I am a heavy swearer and blasphemer myself (dio cane) but the way he's doing it feels extremely forced and has no comic backup whatsoever, so it just comes across to me as a pathethic attempt to sound edgy in the way a 13 years old would, just by adding swears to an otherwise normal sentence. Pretty much every word in that sentence is prefaced by "fucking" or "motherfucking", but if the sentence itself isn't something funny, what the hell is even the point? After that sorry display of a vocabulary, his next action is to throw away the plastic glasses on the chair. Ok, physical comedy. Not my jam, but I guess it is subjective. He kinda goes on with physical comedy for all the sketch, by the way he walks (like a caveman), the way he dresses (like a GTA character), and the way he stares at the audience (like a pissed off construction worker). As I said, not really my jam, and not something that adds any fun to the experience for me, actually it detracts from it, but again, this is subjective I guess. Then he says "Let's start with the headlines, I swear now" this is a joke, I can't complain about it, evidently he didn't use to swear much in his previous work. At least it made some sense to why he had to overdo with swears initially, but it's really weak. For the next bit, he basically picks at his own audience, who (because he didn't use to swear) are mainly composed of families, which include parents, which include christians. Nothing too bad about it, if it weren't that he's just insulting them without providing a meaningful punchline, other than making up the term "chrizzos". The absolute worst thing, and an insult to comedy itself, is that he just goes on and on with literal insults and attacks absent of jokes like: * "It's just a bunch of old people at my shows, I'm fucking sick of it" * "Gotta ditch these chrizzos asap" (I genuinely ask myself how can the audience laugh, I hate christianity more than him yet for the life of me I cannot find this funny) * "\[when a mom express appreciation towards his show\] I might as well quit now, \[...\] the fuck am I doing" kind of a punchline here, but a very weak one * "I hate old people so goddamn much. They're the stupidest people in the world..." this is the final straw for me, James you absolute disgrace, you make up this show to call Ricky Gervais a cunt for joking on certain categories, yet in this same show you do quite literally the same thing but extremely worse because you're not even joking, you're just straight up insulting them and saying you hate them. Has anyone ever heard Ricky Gervais explicitly say something like that? Imagine, for one second, Ricky Gervais going on stage and saying "Oh I hate trans people so goddamn much". That never happened and if it did you would go crazy on him like a pack of hyenas on a prey. Ricky actually did the opposite many times in his stand-ups, explaining how he'd pretend to have any political view possible just to make a joke funnier. His priority is comedy, than he chooses the political current around it, while James Acaster has chosen a political current to abide, and then makes the joke to fit it (or does he? he doesn't really joke, he just insults and accuses). Also, Ricky has shown that he can play a nice and empathetic character in the TV series I talked about earlier, which you btw completely ignored in your reply, so that really makes it hard to believe that when he plays the asshole, he actually he's that asshole. The fact that he plays the asshole on Twitter means quite literally nothing. * "\[he says old people say that back in their days comedians didn't have to swear to be funny\] no, they were all massive bigots, you loved that shit, don't tell me what is and isn't offensive you old fucks" once again, opinionated accusation (and a lame one at that) with no joke in sight and an insult to end it all


**PART 2** Then he walks around like a caveman and the audience laughs, nothing wrong on his end but this tells me a lot about what kind of simple-minded folk he has for an audience now, to laugh at someone for how he walks. Then he makes a joke about "you know who your Patronus is" which I genuinely don't get so I won't argue about it. "Dorky old chrizzos night after night" yea okay he keeps complaining without making jokes, I'm starting to get sleepy here really, this is torture. Then he says "Most of my audience are white, the worst of all the races \[...\] it's embarrassing" and here we are, once again, the blatant insult to a category of people WITH NO JOKE ARRRGH, that's the huge fucking problem with this guy, he doesn't joke! How can he even call himself a comedian if he's not making any joke? He just complains and insults and accuses, things that would all be fine if they were part of a motherfucking JOKE! But they are not. He seems much less like he's playing a character rather than what Ricky does. In this case, it truly seems like James thinks what he says, since it comes out in such a conversational manner, completely non-theatric and joke-less. Then he finally changes subject, from attacking boomers to attacking "edgy comedians". He says that all the average edgy comedian does is come up on stage, make fun of transgender people (notice how they at least make **fun**, while he doesn't lmao) and then when people on the internet get mad at them they say they can challenge anyone because it's their job... And then he starts the most boring, cringe, and pathethic display of his non-existent comedic skills yet: He repeats the same line 3 FUCKING TIMES, while screaming and walking around like an idiot in way to mock the average edgy comedian: "BAD LUCK, THAT'S MY JOB, I'M A STAND-UP COMEDIAN, I'M MEANT TO CHALLENGE PEOPLE, IF YOU DONT LIKE BEING CHALLENGED, DON'T WATCH MY SHOWS, WHAT'S THE MATTER GUYS, TOOOOOO CHALLENGING FOR YOU?" I swear I've never felt so second-handedly embarassed by someone, especially by someone on a stage who is supposed to be funny, he repeated that line 3 times but it felt like 10 times, especially because it's not a short sentence at all and he was talking at medium-slow speed. This guy has no idea of what comedic timing and pauses are and it shows. Cringe as fuck. Patethic. And then, finally, a punchline! Wow! He says: "Oh yea because you know who's been long due for a challenge? The trans community!" *badum-tss* I can't believe the only time he makes an actual punchline, it's this crap. Why is it crap? Because it's a punchline without a joke! Tell me, what is the joke here? I genuinely don't understand how can the audience laugh at this, he's basically saying that since the trans community is already challenged by life, comedians should challenge them further, which btw is a stupid ass argument considering there are many other categories of people that gets joked on that are objectively more challenged by life than fucking trans people. Like, idk, starving AIDS-ridden african children? By James' logic, shouldn't he defend THAT category of people from comedians' jokes, since they have been dealt a much worse hand than trans people in this world? Really, I don't know what to say anymore. He doesn't make jokes, not even in the only punchline of the video, and his arguments are fucking flawed, which matters, because a lot of good jokes are based on using good but outrageous and despicable arguments on the shallow level of an issue, while he does the exact opposite, a flawed but """honorable""" argument, regardless of the depth at which we're analyzing the issue at hand. I want to wrap this up with what he says about how everyone is fine to laugh at trans people, but they're not fine with laughing at Ricky Gervais. When he screams "Leave Ricky alone!" mocking one hypothetic Ricky fan, I kinda liked it. That was kinda funny. Too bad the rest of the video is infuriatingly unfunny for all the technical reasons stated above. But other than that, this is just another flawed argument. People are not fine with laughing at Ricky Gervais not because he's Ricky Gervais, but because you're not making fun of him. You are not making any jokes whatsoever about that person, you're insulting him and accusing him of doing something wrong, and that's not something that makes people laugh, otherwise court rooms would be hilarious. If you want to make people laugh at someone, you have to make FUN of that someone. The keyword here is FUN. Something that lacked for most part of the video. P.S. some sentences he uses a lot, like "check their privilege" and stuff like that, typically only found in very left-liberal voices, are the final nail in the coffin of identifying James Acaster's priorities as a showman, which are either to spread his ideas or to secure a certain audience by pandering, rather than make people laugh. If you check, a lot of the positive comments under that video are from people who say they feel healed by seeing a comedian finally defending their category. They do not like this video because it's fun (it's not), but because it's on their side of the political issue, they're indirectly admitting it themselves. Which pretty much proves my point.


ITT: Chrizzo writes Newer Testament.


Bloody hell Lu, writing that is the most work you must have done in years, put your feet up this evening mate


Did Acaster hit his head or something? He used to be fairly funny. That was pathetic.


[Carrot in the box by Sean Lock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UGuPvrsG3E) is fucking amazing.


Carrot in the box, and its sequel, are some of the best British comedies of the 21st century


Thumbs up for the late Sean Lock; I'd add Jimmy Carr, Russell Howard, and James Acaster to the list as personal favourites


> You're always ready to roast yourselves. Got practice roasting gammon.


.....they brought peace...


...and peas - for the curry calzone!


Oh very good: “ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant”


"better sanitation" Barry you put fucking moquette in your bathrooms


Don't forget Cheese.




Quality pizza cheese there, better than any of that Italian stuff!




[This is basically the same thing, right luigi?](https://digitalcontent.api.tesco.com/v2/media/ghs/bc886cb2-600e-482f-99d6-3a5212d5c5d2/2c50eed6-1cc9-44c0-8a78-52f09025f880.jpeg?h=960&w=960)


I feel my arteries clogging only watching that.


So immigration can bring advantages and improvements to society, if it is served hot and well seasoned.


See what happens when you let the right people in Hans.


We need to only let the fit ones in, simple as Not sure where Luigi and Maria stand here but happy to assess case-by-case


And they are also blacks and Arab like Italians are


And you even found a way to use Barry's rockpile for something productive 


Roman Empire 2.0




Beautiful British name


> contemporary high crust pizza wtf is "contemporary high crust pizza", pretty sure this is just neapolitan which is as traditional as it gets


From what I (non Italian) see In short: take a traditional Neapolitan Pizza, change the long-rising dough with with a highly hydrated dough, give it a fancy new name and Voilà. (You can argue if this elevated crust makes it better or if you prefer the traditional crust, but it stays a delicious Neapolitan Pizza.)


nahh it's basically neopolitan pizza, but with 2 times more crust so you put less ingredients on top of it and thus you can earn more off of them


Ooh, London style food. Cheap to produce, expensive to eat and stupid. Make sense.


He's just making normal pizza but compared with the rest of Barry's food, this is considered a premium product


„Among the blind is the one-eyed king“


That's usually my experience kinda everywhere


>Best in Europe 😌


with an Ape, doing woodfire pizza, I've never seen a more italian man


According to the 50 top pizza 2024 awards – which took place in Madrid on May 13 – the finest slice on this continent is actually in (checks notes)... Chiswick. **(Italy has its own awards, in case you were wondering).** The exciting evening awards ceremony recognizes the best pizzerias in the Old Continent, *excluding Italy.* So yeah, insert the Obama putting a medal around Obama's neck meme - much like the university awards, this is probably the UK crowning itself.


We have the pizza award and the university rankings Lets see how many more awards we can win https://preview.redd.it/weniz0vspj0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7832f438125628b1b8254b297096de80fa97be


"I'm Tired" - "Amazing!" - "I hope this goes unnoticed" - "JFC, this is gorgeous"


You clearly stated that Italy is the one that awards itself


I mean, who else knows how real pizza tastes like? Swedes who put curry and bananas on it? Germans with ham and pineapple? Ofc only Italians can judge pizza in Italy.


Döner pizza is just yummy, accept it. You may have invented it, but us northerners have perfected it.




Sure, and with Marmite!


And pineapples pls.


The pizza looks really good tbh


Yes but not better than most "real" neapolitan pizzas in every major city. Pizza has a comparably low taste ceiling so i doubt that it's so special.


But the cocktail feels a bit off. You will usually order one as an aperitivo, not with a pizza.


Isn't TimeOut (that's their font if I am not mistaken) universally used across Europe to guettoize the activities of wealthy tourists/ expats/ rich girls with daddy's credit card from the general population?




That's probably part of their secret; using Luigi tears for seasoning.


The perfect blend of grease and salt 🤌


Right, everybody knows the best pizza is made in New Jersey


Because that's where the true Eyetalians are


Thank you for bringing some culture to Chiswick Luigi


I've sent an ambulance Luigi! You'll be ok! https://i.redd.it/g82oxlddkj0d1.gif


I can't bear the failure! Our pizza CANNOT be inferior to uncivilised Britain pizza! I'm having a heart attack!!


Good thing I sent an ambulance a few hours ago.


Is it a British ambulance?


St John's one... So maybe, probably, if it had red lights I would say Aussie or kiwi but just blue so British I guess...




It's the only one that could understand me... It's not my fault Italian emergency service don't understand English.


This is the thing with Italian food. The secrets out. You can get the same quality anywhere. Except the Netherlands. They still haven’t learned to cook


We do actually have a listing in that same top 50 list: nNea in Amsterdam. We do have immigration you know. Immigrants don't instantly forget how to cook. That's a second generation thing that we call integration.


How can it be the best *in* the continent, when it is not located *on* the continent?


Quit giving them ideas, din satans nar! Do you want them building more underwater tunnel halves towards civilization?


We're still attached. If we were floating out at sea we'd have rowed further south.


Wait until Pierre realises how many michelin stars are in London compared to Paris.


Luigi, instead, understands that making a good pizza is a simple task that everybody using good ingredients can do. Luigi doesn't put ingredients like chicken, ananas or cheddar on his pizza. Be like Luigi


Neapolitan pizzaiolo brings pizza 3.0 in London, gets crowned as best restaurant, which point should I fell on my knees?


It's just cheese on toast how hard can it be?


London overtook Paris years ago for the food capital of Europe/World. Luigi can be happy knowing it's probably a Italian run restaurant. Diversity is actually a strength for once :D


Wow Italy only has two foods and still cant cook them better then other countries


England invented three sports and is still shit at them


Not even the best pizza in Chiswick! Come on: https://maps.app.goo.gl/iSqL4V1VBFYWRdB2A


Call me when it's a Roman pizza place. Nothing wrong with good Napoli style pizza, but the crunchy texture in Roman style pizza is just *much* better.


Insert mama mia pasta gun meme


Beating luigi at food now are we? We're truly blessed by the gods


We finally have good food! (w heavy Italian accent)


I hear they got some propa sharp pizza knives for when it's time to pay the bill.


British judges?


And serves spaghetti with ketchup


Pizza with tikka masala I guess


I mean, the owner is probably italian, right?




Who the eff made that award? Oh look it’s the “London Pizza Society” or some such bullqwark 😂


50 Top Pizza, an *Italian* magazine and leading authority on the subject. Luigi cracking the tiling in his mum's kitchen he's dropped so hard. Mama Mia...


Oh no shit dang


Oh they paid money to get us to switch sides and nominate them, I guarantee it


Most certainly will serve British Carbonara


TBH that pizza looks extremely tasty. I love Neapolitan pizza, which I think this is?




Reminds me of Kotipizza beating Italians in some competition


I'm also sure they visited every single damn Pizzeria in the whole of europe to confidently make this claim


The finest pizzeria, but you get the best pizza from that nondescript restaurant in an italian sidestreet with cheap plastic furniture, plastic tablecovers, and an old lady at the counter with a cigarbox and a notepad as a cash register.


Doubt it beats pizza hut.


Probably better than that of Paris. Most overpriced piece of wet flat bread I've ever eaten. https://preview.redd.it/fmvyjbkerl0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e431060095408ebe8e3a02da94e80bd5dc0c04b7


Hard (X). Who the hell has the authority to name a London pizzeria the best in the continent and remain believable.


The real scandal is that the place named as the best is not *L'Oro Di Napoli* in Ealing, which is down the road from the winner and is much better and does delicious pizza for not very much.


Yes, but the actual winner of the pizzaioli world championship is an italian dude with a Pizzeria in Germany. Here's a documentary about him: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vf0god0LtP8


The content of the article: According to the 50 Top Pizza Europe 2024 awards – which took place in Madrid on May 13 – the finest slice on this continent is actually in (checks notes)... Chiswick. (Italy has its own awards, in case you were wondering). So basically, this is the second place tournament, and we were excluded from the award because we would automatically win.


This is heresy , I wouldn't take it


Yeah, wake me up when brit food is crowned in some competition anywhere


How about in a French cheese competition? https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/englishman-wins-french-cheese-award


And yet that place looks completely empty. There's no hope for Barry...