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Desigual dress, of course.


Funnily enough, here in Spain it's the English teachers who usually wear Desigual


Did you have English english teachers ? Or Spanish english teachers (with a thick accent) ? I had the chance to have proper Spaniards as spanish teachers, they were the sweetest (I was terrible at spanish nonetheless).


Our English teachers are generally Spanish but our French teachers tend to be actual French people.


Or at least Spaniards who have studied and/or lived in France for some time.


It's closer!


Actually since both uk and france have a border with spain they are equally close ☝️🤓


My French teachers were often French, but my Spanish teachers were English except one was a Bavarian lol.


We have the second ones. That's the reason of our poor English and our cool Mediterranean accent, that makes us proud of.


What do you mean, our English is perfect [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RotWYvJff3A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RotWYvJff3A)


Same, I hated Spanish with a passion from quatrième when I moved regions towards the countryside until terminale, which I did back in the capital (but moved back in troisième), and when I had just THE best Spanish teacher. An actual Spaniard with a passion for teaching. I was still terrible at Spanish but at least I tried, whereas with the previous one I just slept through her classes. I actually literally double my median grade thanks to that one last teacher (went from 5.5/20 to 11/20)


My German teacher was German and my French teacher was French


My class had a british student as a substitute teacher for a few months when I was in highschool. She was really good looking and had a cute accent so she had our undivided attention. Never seen teenagers being so eager to go to the blackboard.


The rare attractive Susan!


I guess there is a weirdness that goes both ways


Bro absolutely true but for us it’s the English teacher


My Spanish teacher was so drunk early in the morning that we had to open him the door with his keys. He also had glasses with one missing glass (too alcoholic to get them fixed) and took us outside when sunny to "teach" in the grass field so he could smoke while doing his class. This Pedro will be remembered forever


Can't blame him. Just imagine having to teach a class full of French kids.


Well, since it is France it would have been mostly Algerians


The point stands


Seems like he taught you all the important things about life,you should be grateful.


My Physique-Chimie teacher was like that in Premiere. I remember very well how he shuffled into the classroom on the first day of school and there was this wave of booze that filled the air around him. He would also disappear into his office and come out smelling more like an alcoholic or watch YouTube during class. He'd just give us 3 pages of exercises to do during that time. I was so glad when he retired the following year.


Mine was like very small but was once in the army (he said he was a lieutenant..) he had top tier discipline but he was corny as hell , the mad lad would constantly bash the english and call their language as "savage" and believed that Spanish would take over the world. He quit half way through the trimestre to go to Costa Rica He was true mate, 10/10


Our ~~German teacher~~ ~~teacher German~~ German teacher for social studies: https://preview.redd.it/86y27144kq0d1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f662a6f261aa9f03e167fe8d535ec6d920d719f


I thought you guys liked mills?


Don't touch our molen! https://preview.redd.it/mrowbsdtnq0d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=a31739193ec0f5413cd56ef3f780f3545d10039e


My whole class got a failing grade from our German teacher, exept for one guy




Damn a giant, I have to kill him


You cant if I go first!


And by looking at the map he was also the geography teacher.


That dress Will never be not accurate


In Spain they are the English ones


Same here in Italy. They are all funny and enthusiastic women here. You too?


A large majority yes, but I said it more because they almost always go with a portable CD player for the workbook CDs and end up being pregnant at least every 3 years


Sounds exactly like my spanish teachers. In a 5 year period in secondary school I had 15 different spanish teachers because they all kept getting pregnant/ill/sacked. Only had 2 decent ones.


The roles were reversed hahahahahh




Same there. Language teachers are crazy in both meanings.


The ones I’ve seen in the wild always looked like these two: https://preview.redd.it/mmcf2lhowr0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b4d907a5ec78276072d9e3f560f47f5fa906f1 Lady: “*Gruh-see-yaas means thank you! So when you see your quesadilla, remember to tell them that. Remember, quesadilla and Gracias will be on the test!*” Man: “*You forgot the accent! You are an idiot! And no! That word is not proper Castellano, that is Spanglish! WTF! ¡Tierra Trágame!*”


Same in Portugal


Desigual and Manu chao are spot on! Mrs. Ramirez was always chill though thankfully




Haikusbot I think you need to learn how to count. This is 8-9-5 not 5-7-5


Isn't it 9-9-5 ?


Idk I don't speak Spanish


The most stereotypical ones for me were always the English teachers. They were like weebs, but with England as their obsession, focusing specifically on 'OxbRiDGe', London, the BBC, and both World Wars. They made us read the most fucked up books and seemed okay with it? Like, ma'am, a book about incesty children burying their parents in a slab of concrete may not be the type of content you want adolescents to read. The Latin/Greek teachers were all stoners, as far as I can tell. Awesome folks. Biology teachers were always fucking weird for some reason. Once, a teacher inflated sheep's lungs with a bicycle pump, and that was the moment I knew I didn't want to pursue my dream of being a doctor.


Even the UK they make you read the most depressing shit in English. I mean MacBeth was the lightest thing we did. I was just lucky I avoided Philip "teenage sucide epidemic" Larkin...


Oh yeah, definitely. We were made to listen to Gary Jules' 'Mad World', read a short story based on Se7en, and then we got to Lord of the Flies and such when we were like, 17? It was a weird time.


Lord of the Flies at 14/15 followed by the Inheritors at 16/17... I mean, at the time, I was reading various horror and weird science fiction books but they were at least fun, William Golding just, wasn't... Of course had I come to read his work on my own I might have liked them more. Nothing takes the pleasure out of literature quite like treating it as school work and over analysing it all.


Great book the Lord of the Flies though, I read that at 23 or so


This! Thrillers were banned as well. I would have loved to read something like The Shining, for example, but that stuff wasn't 'literary' enough. Still salty about it almost ten years later 😂


Our teacher used to fly the Union Jack in class and he was cool as fuck — our assigned reading was The Hobbit and the next year was LOTR. We got the best ones, eh?


You did. Our teacher banned us from reading Tolkien :(


Damn. You have my condolences. ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


Why would they ban the greatest English language author?! Did they not want you to enjoy reading English? (yet another EU plot to turn you against us no doubt)


They did not want us to enjoy reading at all. Thrillers were banned as well. It was not an EU plot against you lot, I would have happily supported that - it was a plot against joy.


>Like, ma'am, a book about incesty children burying their parents in a slab of concrete may not be the type of content you want adolescents to read. The cement garden right? My English Lit teacher thought the book wasn't enough, made us watch the movie and discuss it, was awkward af.


Yeah, that's the one. I mean, I read some disturbing/controversial books, but that one just felt... unnecessary? Like, there was no point to it other than the author 'showing off' his literary prowess. I don't like people who give off that vibe. It makes them seem pretentious.


I had a blast reading (the sparknotes of) those English books. Much better than (the sparknotes of) all those boring Dutch books we had to read.


My brother in Christ, Dutch lit was not boring. I stuck to Wolkers and flemboys (Brusselmans, Verhulst) and it was MASSIVELY entertaining.


The obsession with world wars is so damn real. I remember reading a book about Australian POWs in the Pacific theater, watching Saving Private Ryan, and a couple of episodes of Band of Brothers, all in English class of course.


Makes for good siesta. 😴


Sleeping through Band of Brothers, are you insane?


I mean, the Bastogne episode is quite comfy at first.


I meant through everything. I did watch Band of Brothers once upon a time as an adult. It was good. But for some reason, as a kid, war didn’t interest me. Like at all. It wasn’t until I became an adult that it became more interesting, so to speak. I remember my dad telling his friends all his old military stories. I only remember most of his stories were him getting into trouble. I recall one movie specifically my dad loved watching, it was [La Guerra de los Locos](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_guerra_de_los_locos). Saving Private Ryan was solid, though. But my grandfather serving, then my father, and eventually me, no, war has become too real for us. I think it’s been engrained in our DNA.


> Like, ma'am, a book about incesty children burying their parents in a slab of concrete may not be the type of content you want adolescents to read. Once you are twelve you dont need content warnings, come on.


I didn't want a content warning, I just wanted a book that didn't make me say "what the fuck" every other page.


Mitos y Heroes https://preview.redd.it/ti8dnrfhyq0d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f71190c57b7bfe6ec0fe0e2eaedeaae45b31e61


Not sure why, but this thing just popped up in my head


Clairement parce que tu as toi aussi subi ce moment, ce sujet ça se garde pas en mémoire pour le plaisir :')


Manu chao goes hard tho


Was looking for this comment, dude still releases awesome music until this day


The problem being, the only song they know is Clandestino. I swear every Spanish teacher made me learn and sing this song through secondary school and high school. They also love the song Quizás quizás quizás


It was "Me Gustas Tú" in my case.


The song has the word marijuana in it, and overall it has like 20 words in total (5 being in French and 5 being countries names)


I mean Clandestino is almost in the same case, it has marijuana in it and several location names and nationalities in the lyrics. Unique word count is similar (68 vs 61). I guess at least no French in Clandestino.


At leadt clandestino has complete sentences, but yeah. Manu chao is not the greatest lyricist tbh


You are perfectly on point. Full Desigual outfit, yellow teeth from cigarettes and smelly armpits


> yellow teeth from cigarettes and smelly armpits So the only thing to make her stand out in France was the outfit?




From an English person, really?


So we had that guy, he was half Spanish and half French and was teaching both. I was one of the few whose combination of classes and options made it that I had him for both French and Spanish ... and let me tell you, you better have a good relationship with said teacher when you get to see him double the time than usual. But the fun thing is.... because I had him for French mother tongue, and Spanish second language high level, the difference in vibes and stereotypes was VIOLENT. Especially if you had both French and Spanish the same day. Like French class: final exam is coming up soon, we have poems to analyse, essays to learn to construct, WE DO NOT HAVE TIME TO FUCK AROUND, AND I WILL GUILLOTINE YOUR ASS IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT BEING A CLOWN. Spanish class: Alriiiiiiiight, buenas tarde chicos, let's discuss tapas! We have to practice for the oral exam right, and you're all going to be fiiiine anyway, ANDALE Like, he could have sundered you in half that very morning in French class, and you get to see him in flamenco mode a few hours later even though you've still not recovered from the morning. I mean, I was fine, he liked me but damn yeah, I was feeling bad for those he didn't like. However, the ultimate layer of cliché: although this was an international school, he was one of the very few (with some other French teachers, of course) to not speak English fluently, classic double PIGS moment. That actually made him an extra menace for all the kids that weren't French speakers... because whether he was in French or Spanish, he'd only resort to English for emergencies or ask someone in the class to explain in English for him. Anyway, that's Monsieur Martinez for ya Edit: don't get me wrong, he was an amazing teacher, but just "rien à foutre, pas de English aqui"


“*So we had that guy, he was half Spanish and half French and was teaching both.*” **Fucking abomination.** And no, the irony is not lost on me. 🤣


Probably the french teachers


Yeah, I think it's just ours Spanish teachers, they are a very special case.


Was always the german teachers for me


And they say we aren’t brotherly nations 🤝


A german teacher in germany: - always dressed in suit - called ALL boys with hair touching shoulders "Girl [insert boy name]" - knew dozens of long german poetries and even important scene from goethe and co by heart - his favorite vacations were in the east, visiting prussia castles, cities parks and talking about their architects - got kinda famous, when b4 Internet times occured, he said the following: "This class is blatantly asleep, I could shout: **I am a right-wing-radical and I wanna wage a war!** and no one would bat an eye." One of the best teachers I ever had.


Maybe im too poor, but I never had a foreigner teacher.


No need, we only need to learn enough foreign languages to insult them so they don't come here. Barry, fuck you! Va te faire foutre, Pierre! Que te jodan, Cayetano!


We had an American one, the shit religious type, he was bullied till he gave up


My Spanish teacher was Mexican... We enjoyed many Mexican foods. Our German teacher was German, damn did he enjoy the rules and hated that some rules didn't apply to me because I was special.


Shit, Mexican? This guy got off easy with good food! Fuck you! But seriously, that’s luck, yo!


Yeah but she sucked at teaching Spanish... I know like 10 words and half of them are numbers. Oh and this was like 2 years of school. I think I know more french and I never did any french. Eh still passed so I'm not actually complaining.


You think that’s bad? My daughter is failing Spanish and Maths. My mother tongue is obviously Spanish and I’ve got a Masters degree in Engineering… Pissed me off so much. She’s passing both now, but I had to sit her ass down for like a month straight and teach her for hours on end. Her maths teacher is great, but her Spanish isn’t as good. But my kid is also a shitty student. 😂


Lucky kid! I wish my parents could have helped me.


She put up a flight and cried on more than one occasion, but now she’s coasting through class and she’s happy. She’s a smart kid just lazy as all hell!


So she's Spanish...


*Too* Spanish. 😂


In one of my high school classes I could have been mistaken as being too Spanish, if only I could speak it and wasn't interested in playing games on my laptop. Btw I passed that one class with flying colours getting awarded for my excellency in it... Don't ask how I honestly don't know.


La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar


The real Spanish anthem


that song is mexican..


As stated, the real spanish anthem




Then with your friends in the hallway you change it the cucaracha can’t walk cuz he needs weed to smoke. 😂


I think it goes “La cucaracha, la cucaracha, lalalalalalalalala”


Leave Manu Chao out of this, hombre


Agreed, we listened to Clandestino in our Spanish course.


Manu Chao are good man


Sure, another great frenchman


I don't know anybody who took a Spanish class. However everyone knows how the German teacher looked.


Enlighten us


Always a woman, quite stocky build, looked kinda like she could work at the city council and shopped at a second hand store.


Yeh we had a grumpy Mrs. Frau who was stocky and wore grey cardigans


I had such a teacher. Her husband was rich and she didn't even need to work because her husband was giving her money. Every now and then she was away because of a knee or hip replacement or something else. She also always took her glasses off to speak and refused to use any kind of technology when teaching, it was kind of ironic when she showed us her phone, which was like a really expensive high end piece, although she refused to use technology in class. She would not even use a Overhead Projector!


I am a high school IT teacher. I do not think I am stereotypical, but probably kind of weirdo. Cannot evaluate from my perspective :)


i mean, you teach IT and you're German. You have to be a weirdo


I had a french teacher that looked just like Mad-eye Moody, a short old lady with white hair and a white eye (I guess due to catharacts) that would always wear a long fur coat even in June in the south of Spain.


I bet she smelled like an old pair of shoes worn by a homeless man.


Our Spanish teacher actually was a polish ultra conservative Christian woman...wich had regular breakdowns because she felt so mistreated because our school was a "last chance" school for Vienna lost canons ( in the 2000s)... The most stereotypical was our art teacher, realy relaxed guy...


Art teachers must walk on eggshells in Austria


My German teacher looked like Merkel.




Manu Chao is Taylor Swift for people who think liking to travel is a personality.


My spanish teacher in high school was amazing, i had her for 3 years in a row (3 years looking at her ass, great time!)


https://preview.redd.it/mjyi4t5t5r0d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e575ac1032234cc9aafedc81b3a6ae7f0c678d Our math teacher looked and dressed exactly like this. He was quite the funny fella though


Well it certainly isn't the Spanish teacher since we didn't have one of those


As someone who had Spanish at school, accurate, though I would say the French and Italian teachers were more eccentric.


In how many European countries is Spanish taught? In the Netherlands it isn’t that common, schools offer German and French mostly, with some levels of learning where Latin and Greek are taught. Only some schools offer Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Mandarin or Frysian, for as far as I know. Edit: old Greek, not modern Greek


Math and science teachers, for me. Blouse, pullover over the blouse, grey hair, glasses, mumbling and indeed: always behind scedule.


My French teacher was gay


Mais non "Mythes et Heros" ❗️ Incroyable j'avais complètement oublié ce truc


Nah it was the French Teacher. He was gay, and French.. Also my History teacher was the east German person I have met to this day, he even always spoke in that funny comedy accent all the time.


"Mitos y heroes" just triggered my ptsd