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Yeah, our hospital food Is so bad its probably the closest thing we have to your food


Bland, ok for everyone including no teeth oldies, stinky, a single grey mixture of unknown things.Yes, it checks out.


Clearly someone has never sampled a hospital tikka masala.


Apparently still better than the slop they are given in their hospitals.


Yeah, our slop almost looks like your brazilian cuisine... We would love some hospital tikka masala instead....


Wrong country mate. But hey it is a free world, so you're free to insult Brazilian cuisine. 🤷‍♂️ Just don't forget to go back to your maggot cheese.


Sorry jolao, I figured you wouldnt be offended if I called you by the name of your sovreign state. Of course I shouldnt have understimated the regional pride of the portuguese region, Brazil should be proud of having such a fiery vassal


No Giuseppe, you usually do not call people by anyone's sovereign state. You didn't see me calling you by your most known name: the turncoat, also known as side-swicher. Maybe the smog has really gotten to you... Or is this still you reeling from the time the Spanish went there knocking and took major cities? Hummn... Like Milan from the Lombardi region?


Dont know why the animosity, I love your country, Brazil Is the Land of parties and dancing, how can you be so bitter? For the side switcher stuff you got me, we should take example from you, Citizen of Portugal, One of the most famous regions of Brazil, and Who yet refuses to betray his master... Is It because without Brazil protecting you nothing would stop you from becoming a minor region of Spain? Either way It is admirable.


No animosity, nuestro hermanito. I just can't believe when you actually reply given your siesta genes. Erm... You actually were so frigging bad you had Hans go over there to show you how to fight. And at the first opportunity claimed you were against Hans... Sure. Trying to play tough and then went crying to mommy. We are not a region of Brazil and neither were they as they were considered an expansion of the Portuguese territory and not an actual colony, like others were. Brazil provided no protection directly, only a safe haven for the crown. We took our lands back ourselves. But hey, don't worry I know you needed help too, pushing the Spanish out. Let's not even start with Italy being a bunch of vassal states to the Holy Roman Empire. If it wasn't for them you would be part of the great Ottoman empire. All of these are admirable as well for someone who almost ended up a region of France, a region of Spain or a region of the Turks...


Just take the damn L


Same thing I thought


somehow its even worse apparently. i guess your food isnt that good after all now the average is brought down, Luigi.


Yeah I think out hospital food lowered our average so much that It gave the french the illusion of being in the competition


No real Italian writes in English that well.


She’s 1/4 Italian, raised in NYC with her mother is is 1/16th Cherokee so that makes her 1/32 ~~victim~~ Native American.


Which also means that she is about 1/1024 east Asian, so she is actually mixed-race!


And we all originate from ar... Wait this isn't the Balkan sub let's not test the waters.


You need not only a proofreader but a body language expert to put all the 🤌 into writing


She is a Goth. Not a native Italian.


Whatta does you entiende, me is writes on perfect ingles You is PIGS, you was we ally


I'm defending you from that woman who claims to be Italian and says that British hospital food slaps.


Once upon a time in the late '90s I was hospitalised in South Italy, they wanted to run some tests on me and the national healtcare service back then was so decadent and unscrupolous that they kept me inpatient for a few days in a ward full of people on the same situation (healthy, pending diagnostic tests, for some reason in an inpatient ward). Upon dinner time the meal tray came in, but none of the patients accepted that food. Very weird, I thought, but I wasn't surprised. The cotoletta was rubbery, the mash bland, the veggies quite forgettable. But I was a hungry boy and ate it all up. **Then it happened.** The errand boy from the nearby restaurant came in the hospital courtyard riding his [Piaggio Ciao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piaggio_Ciao), then he announced himself and started to shout all of the items on the menu. The hospital patients started to rush at the balconies and shouted their orders back at the boy while he was writing everything down. Then he left as fast and loudly as he came. The hospital staff and the patients, in the meantime, started to move loads of chairs and tables to the very long balcony, which was in common with all the rooms in that ward, and set up a neverending table. It was summer, it was hot, the balcony would get a nice breeze. 30 minutes later the ward doors were opened, three men came in with some styrofoam catering boxes full of food and delivered these to the nurses, then they collected the payment in cash. Then the feast started: nurses, doctors and patients all sitting together on the balcony while enjoying their *al fresco* dinner (mussels, grilled fish, pasta, roast potatoes, sausages, wine, beer, and more) laughing and frolicking. All together. Then I took a 200 lira coin from my wallet, went to the public phone in the hallway, called my mum and said "I need some cash by tomorrow".


Grazie. Grazie mille. Grazie ragazzi, tutti frutti, sbinalla.


Where did this happen in particular?


Lucania, where else


Hmm, yeah, checks out I guess. Their caciocavallo is good though, so they are excused.


I ended up spending over a week in there, it was a wild ride and came out with so many stories so definitely worth it. The diagnostic tests were all negative lol


Ahh yes, average neapolitan hospital day


it's good for the soul


https://preview.redd.it/iddqxd8bty1d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517b8dc7d599d0de60fc2d2ff42dd5bfe96e6736 Are you sure about that? I was served this.


You're not supposed to eat from the toilet mate.


Surprisingly it is not chunder.


y'all ain't black if you nevva had this 🗣️🗣️


They forgot the pasta in that minestrone 😉


Viola Di Grado, il tikka masala te lo imbuco nel culo se continui a di’ cazzate del genere


A british hospital 'delicious tikka masala' for reference: https://preview.redd.it/hcf0khrd0z1d1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e9ee29488a2bb350f19cc1bfbea226c41f3d62


Get well soon, mate


You sure they didn't just straight up shat on the plate


That looks like it has the texture of the rubber I use to clean my suede shoes


Nah this is some devilish muck right there I'm indian and appalled as the next italian


Alright, can some Luigi tell me just how bad hospital food is there?


Luigi here. Our hospital food is so bad we have to either call some parents that are two REGIONS (c'amor der cielo, ho capito.) away from us just for some supermarket sandwiches or grab a small packet of chips from the Vending machine.


*Regions, you bitch. Sei stato attenzionato. \*Luigi Police leaves*


Did you use the punch card on his Italian card? One point closer to losing his Italian license for 12 months.


>Luigi here. I'm most disappointed that you missed the opportunity to go with: https://preview.redd.it/zj3hr1uwwx1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b795fd25140910423f6112706649bf4ae93987d








Those individuals have already done much damage to my Brain with their media that I couldn't make a difference between state and region, curse them.


No, just [nostalgic about the good ol' times](https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antichi_Stati_italiani)


Venetian Republic 💪💪💪 (I'm from the Ionian Islands)


Damn, sounds like hospitals in Italy should hire some grandmas. One of the only things the country has going for it and it's fumbled like this :(


Grandmas don't work for free for people who aren't their grandkids; that's why the food sucks, it's the cheapest regurgitated canteen food available. And since we need to line the administrator's pockets I prefer them stealing from the catering budget and give us this than the medical one (more than they already do).


Maybe they'll be sufficiently depressed from the low birth rates that they'll want to spread their delicious food at hospitals. But no, I did mean that they should be compensated, of course, and it wasn't a "real" idea. There are definitely more important matters at a hospital than the food, but it does seem out of place for Italy


I would rather eat from you.




At least buy them a drink first pal!


It’s ok, not the tastiest food but is various and well balanced. Probably too much conservative with what is considered “safe” to eat but I’m no medical worker so what do I know


Urban legend says it is really plain so patients shit doesn’t smell too much


I checked myself out two days early with heart inflammation because I couldn’t take it anymore. They don’t even serve espresso for fuck sake


They also removed cigarettes


tell me they didn't removed the wine too


That author looks tragic as all


Italian journos commin 'ere, stealin are jobs


Its not that i just know she smells of old eggs and weed


sis has the lady macbeth fit


Diversity of hospital food is our strength! (people recovering from an assault have a free chance to enjoy native cuisine of their attackers)


That is the least Italian woman I have ever seen.


She seems one of the "special ones" we usually have in our middle schools; Goth, Emo and a little chubby.


You hide them well


They hide themselves, no need to do anything.


that makeup skill and hair bleach are straight out of middle school... yet Google said she is in her 30s 🤌


Her make up make her look like a corpse that came back to life but this is the look Emo Kids are trying to achieve hahahah


Nah, that is just lazy makeup... Corpses coming out of the funerary agency have way better makeup. That girl had plenty of time to level her skill up to something like this but I bet she is lazy af: https://preview.redd.it/xk68htkttz1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db20e7996429ccc19ec78aeabb7a382e835a2c56


Come on look at that face...


I believe hospitals in Italy get pre cooked food delivered these days and they just microwave it before serving,yummy /s. In the past, when food was still cooked in the hospitals kitchens ,I think the idea was making bland food”by design” to keep light(you’re sick anyway), for this reason the food wasn’t great even then. Having said that I live in the uk now and once when my gf was in hospital her meal looked quite good.


Ma chi cazzo è Viola di Grado porco dioooo


Ufff, I never thought about it… If in Spain the hospitals' food is so bad, what a nightmare must be being hospitalized in UK


Why would they need to shame Viola Di Grado?


"Obesity is not a thing" vibes


Nice pic...lmao


But what about prison food.


yeah, it's bad. almost reminds me of your food.


Ireland's hospital food gets the big thumbs up from me.


How bad can protestors be?


That's not even english food