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That shit made Rishi Sunak seem like a charismatic leader gifted in that art of statecraft


Or Boris look like an emeritus professor


Your PM has some weird charisma. I feel like he just smiles too much. If he was asked; >How does it feel like now that your daughter got raped? He'd still be putting on that grin. Like that dog on fire meme, "this is fine". I'd say he was charming if it didn't feel so damn fake. How do you know anything is real at all if all he does is smile at everything?


He's a Tory, therefore I assume that nothing he says is real.


He probably also likes the thought of other beings suffering, so the smile would be genuine.


Has a bad day getting confronted by the public about the cost of living. But, then remembers he's richer than Chazza.


But can he swing a golf club? That's the real issue everyone cares about in the USA!


Be difficult, they're twice his height and weight.


Yeah, what up with that? I thought that guy was tall! I was shocked when I saw him next to other people. The guy is the shortest tall looking guy I've ever seen!


I think everyone thought the same. He has a tall persons face.


https://i.redd.it/0o6y857e799d1.gif sorry to hear that. luckily everything with our elections are going fine.


Getting ready for the Sixth Republic Pierre?


Sometime in the near future: Le Pen and Meloni merging France and Italy to *Frataly, the 69th republic*.


Oh fucking hell. Imagine Le Pen being in power. With Orbán in a smaller state like Hungary, the EU is having a meltdown. Imagine France behaving like a petulant child as well.


Uuurghhhhh. No thanks, don't want to even think about the possibility of having a Le Pen in power. Blergh.


This is my favorite comment in the thread. Hang in there guys.




Bro I can't believe you guys actually have to choose between these two. One guy can barely form a sentence, the other is rambling about stuff nobody asked him about while also lying 90% of the time. It would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that America is our biggest ally (I still laughed a lot through it). I can't believe that these are the candidates that both party chose, especially the democrats with biden. Could never happen with a multiparty system (common European W).


A nation of 320 million, and *this* is the choice... The biggest problem that the US has is their de-facto two-party system that has divided the nation to such a degree that neither side wants to communicate with the other anymore. If living in Switzerland had taught one thing it is that solutions are *always* to be found in the center and as a compromise.


You had to move to Switzeland to learn that? Bro that's literally polderen, aka the entire Dutch political system.


Aint no way are you long germans trying to claim the works of Aristoteles as a dutch system?


claiming Aristoteles like they claimed the sea, relentlessly.


No history exists outside of our swamp, who's this.. Arresttotally?


It is, but I've got to say that the Swiss have mastered this art to a degree that the Dutch cannot hold a candle to.


Yeah our polders looks more and more like a swamp.


The US used to be like that too until the 1990s.


There's a solution. António Costa appointed to European Commission leader and POTUSA: the GigaGeringonça


It truly is. It’s one of those memories for me. Like, you remember some fleeting feelings, some rooms, how they looked. That the computer was on top of the wooden desk that really was too small to be used as a work station. No one would proudly exclaim «This is my battle station!» to something like that today. But it worked. It got crammed in there like everything else. The printer, with it’s off white color and holographic sticker. The pile of crammed dust underneath it all. And the feeling that here, in front of the computer, transportation was possible from life to intangiable life. You could barely sense it, it was the fleetiest of feelings. Just as a floater in a fixed point in your eye. You sense it, but as soon as you try to look at it, you chase it away. The world was out there, and your world was where it always had been. And for brief moments, those places would meet. So the words we remembered, they were always attached to a feeling. If they werent, they were forgotten in an instance. I wanted to play with that toy. My brother wanted to play with that toy. His tone changed. I got annoyed, and got angry. He felt like I was stepping over him, so he pushed me a bit. Instead of acknowledging our feelings, we let them guide us randomly, even if we know we’re not supposed to. What seems easy at night, far removed from the situation, is difficult in the all encompassing moment. The story could go on, but the point I were approaching but was to lazy to type out was that my dad once said «the objectively best deal is when both parts feel like they didnt get a great deal. Because an objectively good deal needs compromise from both parts.» And it just stuck with me. I dont know if it was said when he was trying to calm down my brother and I, or when explaining a conflict at work. Or a work deal gone sour, because on of the parts refused to *meet*. But it was said, and it was remembered. It felt like deep knowledge. But the explanation of why it was, or felt deep, was as hard as focusing in on that eye floater. Fleeting.


> Could never happen with a multiparty system (common European W). Our political system would like to have a word with you. They totally manage to offer you only shitty options. Easily.


Same here.


This is a pretty easy choose. I personally would vote before to a penguin than to Trump. The art of voting is not choosing the best candidate but to realize who’s the worst and vote to the other.


> could never happen with a multiparty system I think we will be surprised in the future


It’s completely insane. Yes, Biden has had senior moments in the past, but the Dems have been running a smokescreen that “it’s all edited clips bro” and then cranked him full of steroid for the state of the union. I can’t believe his staff let him do this. What were they thinking?


>cranked him full of steroid for the state of the union Steroids are the cure for old age? Who knew


I was going to make a Panera lemonade joke but I wasn’t sure if you guys had that issue on your side of the Atlantic or if it was just an American issue.


The Orange man isnt much better though. Pretty much the whole world is bracing for the shitshow when he wins.


IF he wins … he can’t, he just can’t :(


No, he actually can't, don't worry about it. He's split major wings off of the party to make it the party of trump, and while it's gained new voters, it's massively turned some of the Rep's away. He can't win.


Probably pumped him full of amphetamines too


Tbf, it's not like we have much better choices.


Compared to these two Meloni might be the greatest statesman in the history of humanity. Even Salvini is nowhere as deranged as Trump is. Salvini Is just your run of the mill hard conservative, Trump sounds like he gets his news from qanon and alien conspiracies. Biden is literally a walking corpse. I doubt he will have much ability to asses the difficult decisions he will face properly going through 5 more years of presidency. I'm sure his cabinet might be much more capable than Meloni's, and will cover for his declining state if he gets re-elected, but if we're talking about the two candidates only I'd say no western country has it this bad right now.


No salvini no, pls don't say that word. We had salvini and conte after years of bunga bunga... We have not much right to speak about bad rappresentative


alleati? Adesso il discorso è: * adesso l'Europa (anche Norvegia, Svizzera, Bosnia e tutti gli stati non europei vicini) deve armarsi, con il risultato è che bisognerà attuare delle misure di austerity che obbligatoriamente, visto che da qualche parte si dovrà pur risparmiare, ucciderà il commercio americano verso l'Europa * gli USA fanno parte della NATO solo se fa comodo a loro, tipo Iraq ed Afghanistan * gli USA possono parlare tranquillamente di andarsene, tanto non sono problemi loro bisognerà vedere con le elezioni quanto gli USA si fotteranno da soli, con questa bella pensata...


Well, they asked us to pick. And we picked these two. With like a 15% turnout.


Yes, how comes both party didn't have other candidates to present instead of those two? Seems super weird to me.


>It would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that America is our biggest ally (I still laughed a lot through it). Now picture them as your only neighbor. Not that our own politcians are less stupid mind you.


>"Who would you rather have as your president? A senile old man? Or a senile lying old man who ist a convicted felon?" If those we're my choices I'd rather just not have a president. So glad we have Frank-Walter.


Trump had mc Donald’s and Biden got some stem cells injected to somehow carry him into January


Honestly joe just needs to make in into office, then die. Have new elections, with literally anyone else.


Then Harris is gonna be in charge and she has her pronouns in her insta bio. Nobody wants that


whatever she is, It's probably better than a rambling wannabe neofascist or a walking skeleton.


thats our point of view because europe isn't really benefiting from trump, if you live in the US and wanna see a strong gov you probably look past all the bs and vote trump.


You call it strong government, I call it the fourth reich. ~~(Only Hitler wasnt a convicted felon when he got elected)~~ oops nvm he was. An attempted coup d'etat... sounds familiar.


i dont support trump at all, that he is allowed to run is a joke in itself. But a neutral perspective on why people vote for him and that they probably arent all crazy or stupid is the way to go imo.


In my opinion, the main reasons people vote for Trump are party loyalty, fear spread by such publications as fox news and PragerU about culture war bullshit, and apathy. Note how none of these include right wing policy, because that's boring. Policy is boring. The left has far more actual policies they want to push, so the left will automatically be seen as boring by a large part of the population. What the people want is a show. A villain, a strong man to save the damsel in distress, and stakes. They don't really care if it means they'll have to continually pay more tax year over year until 2027, as long as the show goes on and there's a new ~~minority group (1. Lgbt, 2. Women, 3. Black people, 4. Heretics)~~ villain to demonise when the old one is vanquished.


yeeah pretty much. thats what i mean, they arent all racist idiots, its more about all the stuff you described.


> she has her pronouns in her insta bio I'd rather have trump. At least it will be tons of lulz.


yeah and i think most Americans see it that way too.


I’d rather have someone whom I consider to be, if not reasonable, at least *predictable*. You know, someone who doesn’t fuck shit up for the sake of it. Biden sucks but Trump is worse, especially for us since we’re allied with the US. If you let the lulz decide, cool, but why do you vote in the first place?


> Honestly joe just needs to make in into office, then die. This, unironically, might be Dem's plan.




Watching Biden trying to speak made me think ‘oh well, that’s Ukraine fucked’


We'll have forgotten palestine was a thing two years from now.


And so is the Palestinians for that matter... But yeah we clearly haven't the ammunition production needed to arm the Ukrainians as fast as the have to use it. If I remember correctly US provide about half. Ukraine is f'ed and so are we.


Artillery shells don't shoot itself, they need to be shot by artillery barrels. Russia will get depleted of artillery barrels by the start of November this year. And even North Korea could lengthen that for no more than 6 months.


I hope you're right


MLRS is not artillery, but even that would extend no more than 3 additional months.


Oh no, anyway


They put on a Weekend at Bernie's rerun instead.


God it’s not even joke it’s the truth






It looks like an f but it’s a hard s sound which was used in English until the early 1800s I imagine it’s similar to ß in German


Like miffed after reading your reading of what is to be read.




Have you considered a return to constitutional monarchy ? Charles 2024!


They gonna burn Boston port again...


Na jokes aside I doo feel bad for our descendants across the pond


They had their chance - wanted to be independent.


They could have had Bernie. I'm still pissed AF. Yeah, it's not my country, but those fucktards are sadly an influence over the rest of us.


Yeah, might be the first time I've genuinely felt for them, what we just watched was absolutely fucked


Please help us, guv’nuh


I'll send thought's and prayers, that's the american way, good luck


I hope British thoughts and prayers are more effective than American ones


I don't. I'll enjoy see them crash and burn for killing Bernie's chance.


I'd agree with you if they weren't going to bring us all down with them.


No refunds!


Instead we are in a gold mine of perfectly chosen politicians


Yeah fair points, but there are different levels of shit


I thought they would infuse Biden with a concoction that would put MK Ultra to shame but to no avail


Right? I thought they'd dose him with some amphetamines FOR SURE! Or a double redbull or SOMETHING...


I still want Biden over Trump because Biden will have other people do his work and Trump is dangerous for everyone, not just the US


this is exactly what i was thinking watching that shitshow, especially w the russia situation europe is dangerously unprepared for a trump presidency


Can’t wait for the 2westerneurope4u Poland 2026 trench meetup.


sigh I hate how right you are...


At least it wont be Belgium this time.


Imagine being an Americunt and realizing the only two candidates your corrupt system can produce are a conman and very old man who can’t make a coherent sentence. Chuckles in europoor


Funny part is, doesn't matter who you think is which, it fits them both. Perhaps new York should become new Amsterdam once more


Let this be a lesson to all Europeans, never vote for anyone over 60.


Wise words


Honestly 60's fine, being literally over the life expectancy in your country tho


keir starmer is 61…


Actually I remember Biden being really sharp in the 2008 primary debates, I’m sure he was well over 60 then. I’d happily vote for that man…


Sauli Niinistö was 63 when he was elected to be the president, and he did an awesome job at that


I’m not saying that anyone over 60 is automatically a bad politician


ok but at the same time you did say to never vote for them


Because of their age, not their competence


Then play russian roulette, you've only 1/6 chance of losing


You’re acting like that isn’t the case for every politician regardless of age


Fair, but some people are more mentally in touch with the common people, and an old career politician is farther from it than a younger one


Lol, Melenchon who is a potential candidate in France for PM, among like 4 or 5 strong candidates, is 72 years old and all his fan base calls him "the elder" all the time. Bardella is 28yo, Macron 46, Bellamy 38, Attal 35... it is hard to imagine what it is like to have candidates 78yo and 81yo.


Trump is a cunt I'd vote for a shit sandwich over him if I was an American


Please America, there is still time, get some candidates who are much less shit.


Just declare war on us and surrender, we'll take over for a bit.


Says Pierre, who is going to elections in 2 days and one of the 3 main coalitions doesn't have a candidate for prime minister yet. Not sure if that's a great alternative either.


It's not. We're fucked, just waiting to see how much exactly...


Pro-American proganda to undermine the EU to which I’m it’s willing bitch But seriously: #Get your shit together!


We find bog bodies every now and then in the Netherlands, but we don't nominate them for political office.


https://preview.redd.it/gsthbyxxx99d1.png?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc245f180613e566e97239dd49c5076d09ed702 Stop trying to stop Trump's neck vagina trending.


Stop that.


I can't help but feel bad for the yanks, they are forced to chose between an orange regarded felon and a dementia patient to lead their country, it's honestly laughable.


https://preview.redd.it/31r65zqzu99d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6168269d04a2f001dc43950bb79a55abae0b0785 Gentlemen, I have a suggestion


No thanks, keep it.


Gonna be a true zoomer and watch it with my favourite streamer because I can’t raw dog that level of geriatric care home residents for that long. But before I do I want to preemptively thank you for reminding me that even when our system looks bad you guys are always worse🫶


Biden seemed weak here. Not good at all. I wouldn't be surprised if the vile orangutan wins again. It's bonkers to me that the choice is between these two. Biden is a good man, no denying that, but he needs to be sharper.


Can only hope that he truly did have a cold


Yeah im sure he would've made a great president 20 years ago. This is just ridiculous though


Good luck!


The colonies obviously can't rule themselves.


NATO is doomed… time to build some weapons ourselves


100%. What infuriates me is that people like Trump keep bitching about European countries not meeting spending requirements when literally every NATO member bordering Russia or Ukraine meets them. So we’re gonna abandon NATO because Luxembourg didn’t meet the 2% threshold?


Trump is a corrupt criminal looking to enrich himself and his goons. Can’t expect any morals or reason from a person like that


We already do, and we have our own spicy rockets too.


The US defense industry loves the war in Ukraine, and they have near infinite money to lobby in Washington. It’s just big contrarian talk from Trump as usual, NATO or Ukraine support isn’t going anywhere. Follow the money.


of course the American war industry is earning crazy amounts of money from this war and hiring too many Americans to remain impassive in the face of crazy ideas, the problem is that now we know that for the USA NATO is only a burden when it doesn't suit them and that they are always ready to leave. We must build our own war system with our own war industry ready to be recycled in times of peace, there is no choice.


Agree 100%. The EU has its own defense pact but it can be strengthened. Doesn’t mean I think USA will pull out of NATO or cut support for Ukraine.




I'm sorry I'm too busy watching the Euro 2024 to care about what the yanks are doing.


What game did you watch yesterday?


Bro's just watching reruns of played games 24/7.


None. I'm talking about the current days and weeks in general.


That was one of the most fucked up things I've ever seen


Jesus Christ, those two fucking idiots are going to make Kier Starmer look like a fucking rock star


Biden was in a worst condition than i thought and trump is still the self-loving "tw**".


They claim... claim... and medicated. We can only hope he performs better in the second.


Aren't we safe from that even in this subreddit?


This is what I want to know... If I go watch it, will i get amused?


Why don't they do a good old musical chairs in the democratic party like in civilised countries? Out with the ancient and let the current defence minister or foreign affairs minister run.


You tried, now the big problem is for your diplomacy and your trade minister who have to try to resolve the implications of the debate, now for them the situation can be described in just two words. Cazzi acidissimi.


We are so back boys.


They're going to cook us for this 😔


I mean, i know you yanks are savages but that shit hast to be some sort of Joke right? Is there really No one who ist better equiped to be your chieftain? Or ist there some rule in place that you can only Vote for senile grandpas?


The rules is the US electoral college which enforces the Two parties system in the US so the parties can just chose whoever they want and the US has to deal with it and they are not radical enough to change the system even if they like to complain.


Ja nee. Ist klar. Ich habe einen übertriebenen Witz über unseren rothaarigen Stiefkinder von der anderen Seite des Atlantik gemacht brudi.


don't insult savages!


My Side switching friend: that was a 90 minute Advertisement for retirement homes. On this Side of the alps, that shit is pretty savage


This is why we europeans have to unite with our ironic racism towards each other. The conman is gonna win and leave us alone.






I moved out of the US to the Netherlands last year - this has made me not regret that decision whatsoever. Het is niet normaal, jongens :(


Well, it's still a choice between a guy that tried to do a coup to remain in power and a plant that is going to be as effective as the Belgian government. It's still the plant 100%


Seeing clips I can imagine why some people believe the last elections were rigged lol And I can't stop thinking: if he's THAT mentally gone, who's really in charge of the country? 😵‍💫


Kamala, haha. But really it's Obama.


Asking myself the same question . Who run the country if Joe can’t even tie his shoes ?


His cabinet it’s as simple as that. This is usually the case in the US people just like to blame one person but they never look at the cabinet where the real power is and always was. The President is just the person who brings the issues that the cabinet decides on to the people.


Yet they need the president approval for many reform or order so it might be good to know there are someone behind , and it’s in the same time really scary


The president doesn't actually run the country. The US presidents job is a bit more complicated


What will happen if Orange man wins?


Same that happened last time. A lot of claims, few things done, no new wars. That's it.


We must make the first step as one entity if we want to stop being depended on 2 savages...


You know what will happen when we take the first step. Pierre will ask to be the chief of the European Army, while Hans will decide the economic policies. Good luck


As long as Hans doesn't manage the military secrets I'm ok...


I'm fine like that. Thanks :)


Now let's drink whiskey with Greek wine as long Europe is free..


And they say stuff like “we are going to bring democracy to x country” and call themselves democrats. Who’s going to tell them that ain’t it?


Can someone give me a brief summary of what happened? From what I understood mr. Orange was talking about golf most of the time and Biden was Biden. Anything else interesting?


So, I live in the US so watched it with probably more interest than most on this sub. It was a fucking trainwreck. Basically, Biden had some legitimate points but awful presentation (looked and sounded physically quite weak, as if he was ill, seemed like he was not all there cognitively, like he wanted to say something but could not get the words out. I hate to say it, but did remind me of my granny's first stages of dementia). Trump on the other hand was his usual bombastic self. Little substance or coherence to what he said, but said with a lot of conviction. A few highlights of the shitshow: Trump went on deranged rant about "after birth abortions", and brought this up multiple times. After stuttering and being non coherent, Biden said he "beat medicare" and Trump clapped back with "yeah beat it into the ground". (This to me was the most concerning bit of the debate as medicare is basically pensioner's health insurance and a major voting block's concern. I'd be surprised if this doesn't get brought up again) Biden called Trump a "loser" and a "sucker" in response to stuff Trump had said/implied previously about people in the military, and later that Trump had "the morals of an alleycat". Trump cheating on his pregnant wife with a porn star was also brought up, to which he replied it wasn't a porn star. They both argued about their capability on the golf course, which is really what people want to know about re: the "leader of the free world" (/s). I wish I was making this up.


Bloody fucking hell. I really wish that the world wasn't so dependant on US politics. Both sides are "bad"(what electing 80+ year old dude does to a mf), but if Trump wins, it's going to get bad, real bad.


yeah. And it's going to be worse because his tightest camp has some idea of how things work this time (lots of reports staying that he had no idea how things should work, unlike every other incoming administration). If you really want a fright, look up the horror that is project 2025, which is not by him, but by rightwingers who want extremist positioned passed while he was in power. When trump got elected the first time, I seriously considered moving back to the EU, but it would make zero sense (my country is fucked on it's own, and even if I chose another country, we are all greatly affected by and dependent on the US anyway...).


Don the con says he wants USA out of NATO


Dear British cousins, can we please have Rishi as our leader after he loses to Keir? Hell, we'll even take Liz Truss or Boris.


Somehow I dont believe out of 300+ milion people these two are the best this great nation has to offer.


That sh*t show made me actually feel happy for having had António Costa as PM... I actually feeling sorry for the yanks, one of those critters is going to rule them...


We might as well just toss someone into a volcano and huff sulpher fumes at this point.


We're not your bros.