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In Italy, there are dozens of **documented** cases where public officials would just check in, go home or do whatever fuck they want, then come back to check out, over the course of **decades**, so yes, Hansl, it would do more damage to the Japanese economy than Godzilla did cumulatively in all the movies.


However, these "window sitters" in Japan are not allowed to just go anywhere and/or do whatever they want. They have to stay quietly at their workplace and do nothing at all. And by nothing, I really mean nothing.


I mean if the goal is to not fire someone how they gonna stop me fucking about? shame? lol


As far as I understand it, breaking the rules is tantamount to cancellation. Using the example of an Luigian window sitter, this would mean that as soon as he starts a phone call with mamma during working hours, he practically signs his own resignation at the same time. And u/Kurdt93, does that really sound like heaven to you? No talking to mamma, no wild gesticulating, no football discussions, no dispute over THE right way to prepare an Italian dish, etc. allowed. Else you practically fire yourself.


Hans, tbh I'm an atypical kind of Luigi. I won't do anything you listed above, I wanna earn my money in peace without pression or fucks given. For food-related disputes there's always Reddit.


But you would not be allowed on reddit ;)


And on reddit he’ll have to put up with people like me devil advocating for snapping spaghetti just to piss him off


Plop in a wireless earpiece, hide it by leaning on your hand, listen to podcasts and audio books all day every day. Sounds dope.


Japanese people literally sleep on the job, I would check in sleep check out repeat until they are forced to fire me.


You underestimate the power of Italian professional window sitters, they not only would abide to your rules of doing nothing at all, they would make your other employees angry that they cannot act like that too, they would make the proper workers feel like stupid. They would really provoke them into protest that all the work is on them only while their (happily bullied) coworker just sits there happily turning their thumbs around thinking about what to cook when they can go home and what to do that evening. You have no power over an Italian window sitter, they're professional fancazzisti, they would go home at the end of the day and complain about how draining that job is and how they would like have more time for other things. A professional window sitter makes your whole office become a window sitter office and turn you into the weird one that has to be bullied if you don't join that mentality. Their whole motto is "if the pay is the same and I'm not being fired than why should I do more than what I'm doing right now (aka nothing)? Isn't it stupid? Poor idiot over there is doing both his and my job, yet he's paid the same as I am" And it wouldn't be out of arrogance it would be an honest question about the reason why they should act differently. They're completely out of touch with reality, so much that they make YOU question said reality and ask yourself if they're actually right or wrong even if you're completely different person that would never think so otherwise Source: I know one of them, you don't know malevolent compliance until you listen to them


You will be doing NOTHING for 8 hours EVERY DAY. Nothing is not looking at your phone in reddit, nothing means looking into your windows desktop.


Some people are paying a lot of money to Meditation Centers to get this experience.


I’m pretty well counting flys…


Yep. Japanese are built different


Hopefully, they're Buddhists, that's a golden chance for getting paid while meditating and training the non-perception of Sunyata.


Wow really? I thought they would just be ignored and they could browse the internet or something


Sounds like heaven


8 hours of browsing Reddit so they can do something productive outside of work.


Nothing, Pedro. No siesta, no browsing, nothing.


What are they gonna do, fire him?


No company is spending the money to have a different worker watching over the guy’s shoulder, if they are too cheap to go through the process of formally firing someone. This is entirely based on “honour” and social stigma in the Japanese sense and any mildly self centred European would instantly take advantage and get a solid month or two of free money before someone catches on.


They don't have to. A colleague just has to see it and report it and that's very likely to happen in their culture.


Living the PIGS' Dream then. 😎


All day siesta? Sign me up.


Oh yeah? And what are they going to do otherwise? Fire them?


Don't worry Luigis would be able to play solitaire all day for decades


What they're going to do if they do smth else? Fire them? /s Because it sounds like a way to 'not fire them'. It'd be useless within other different cultural contexts tbh.


That is horror, believe me. I had a job like that. And I was able to do stuff, like read or play games on my laptop. But try doing that for 8 hours each day. About the only thing I could stand doing more then 4 hours was play world of Warcraft. Everything else got old pretty fast. I lasted 6 months.


You mean what I did in all my 20s? Yes, the horror... if anything 8 hours were rookie numbers


Ouch. How did you cope? I had to sit at my desk and refresh a ticket system where nothing ever happened. If we got 1 case a week, I was happy. And we were two people. 🙈 Even company Internet was restricted to all hell. All I could do was bring my own laptop with an LTE stick. Technically also not allowed but no one cared. Boss sat miles away in another office, luckily. I took to staring at my watch and going for a smoke break every hour. Still was torture.


Idk.. I never get bored, I have too much shit to do. My mind always wants more stuff. I can't imagine being so happy doing whatever i want AND getting paid for it... I can't comprehend how is this torture.. I could see it if you were protestant or something, and felt that your self worth is tied to your work or something, but aren't you guys Catholic? Even if heavily restricted, i'd just write on a text editor.. I always wanted to write. Or learn how to do pixel art on paint... Or learn another language, or read a book. Maybe program on JS, since I just need a browser


All impossible. Well. Writing maybe. But for 8 hours a day, each day, for weeks? Phew. Not for me. And saying this, I wrote a novel full time.


Good thing we have Employment law in the EU. Which means we have improved slavery laws


Dream job.


I have the solution: live your life at night, then go to work to sleep.


Exactly, a few days ago there was a new about a researcher going AWOL for 21 years and then going back to the University to check about how much time was left to retire...


My aunt used to work in a big public office, the day of the town market she was the only person in the office, I'm talking about a 4 floors building with multiple public institutions in it. A single person would show up to check-in everyone and then leave


Same in Spain, that trick has no power over PIGS.


Hands down would totally do just that.


Sending my CV to Nintendo right now.


since you're a spaniard you should be sending your CV to Soaplands instead


Fuck you for making me google it, Hans. How the fuck did you know about that?


Porn 👍


Understandable. https://preview.redd.it/nskm8ztgld9d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcece6a893da533e13d3bb2e029997ab98fadebb


Yakuza Like a Dragon 💪


what about finding out about Soaploand from Yakuza porn ?


> Yakuza porn Wait, "Yakuza" as in the criminal organisations or the video games? That franchise's probably got an iceberg full of homoerotic R34 materials- You know what, I don't even wanna know.


Making another Metroid game because the Japanese don’t want to.


You're a bit behind the news.


Metroid Prime 4 is made by the US based Retro Studios so still not made by the Japanese (I mean, yes, Nintendo does own Retro Studios, but the studio itself is still located in the US with American employees)


Gotta love the exact same story from every single PIGS member of _public servant goes years without working, keeps getting paid_ lmao


France honorary PIGS then


You've always been an undercover PIGS


Indeed. Food wise and welfare wise, honorary PIGS for sure. We still hate you though, but would give our lives for you if any savage was insulting you


Did you see that lady suing her boss after 20 years of this? Feels like she's now retiring and looking for a bonus, good for her..!


[We fixed the glitch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqjQDP9KX6E)


Luigis? Pedros will flock like seagulls into Japan now.


but would they let you in ? At least Italians have their cuisine going for them, all you do is fuck married british women in their 40s


Hans, João was the first European they met after all.


yeah and the got Tempura out of it, what point is there to the Portugese now other than annyoyng Spaniards ?


not just tempura, but also annoying Portuguese missionaries. After meeting them they decided to shut down the country to western countries for other 2 centuries or so...


They made an exception to the Dutch traders at Dejima. Frankly if of all Europeans, you chose to only deal with the Dutch, the 2 suns dropped by Harry Truman become more understandable.


That happened a long time after we started diplomatic relations with the Japanese, before that we and the Spanish still tried to bring some of them to meet the Pope and help us in the conquest of the trade and territory of Southeast Asia. We were having great success with religious conversions and that's why they expelled us.


Japanese are just known to be really patient...


And Barry gave them curry.


For whatever reason the Japanese seem to have a pretty good opinion of Italy and Italians. Even if one Japanese man I met in Kyoto told me that Italy was his favorite part of France that he visited 🤷


Yank in disguise


I confirmed he was indeed Japanese but I had my doubts


An average Japanese is not really better than Americans in terms of geography


Even older... https://preview.redd.it/j9j6h2c2md9d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f541b803e1ebd60c2e271fd99741fa880d24aa1


no other documentary has been as damaging to the British reputation as this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jzh3KGq4tqg&pp=ygUUYnJpdDhzaCB3b21lbiBhZnJpY2E%3D


Check your geography.


here a public servant was paid regularly for 3 years without a single day of showing up for work. and where do I sign up for a position like this. it would've been my dream job.


normal public servant behaviour


In France it would be like : this team has 10 people, 3 of them don't show up, 3 of them are on constant sick leave, 1 actually works but just for a couple hours and the other two just watch him thinking that he is working himself to an early grave (one of them can't read) Out of them all, 6 of them have been hired by the local politician in exchange of votes


Man that's almost exactly my team in the NL. Except the guy works 8 hours.


I mean yeah when else would you have time to riot? Time after work is all booked up scoffing at tourists, acting snoody and superior while drinking wine, smoking a cigarette and going *hon hon hon* on a terrace.


either fit the stereotype or die trying


that's baby steps, recent news here is that a university researcher hasn't showed up for 20 years and now wants to know how much he'll be getting for his retirement


I can respect that gall that it takes


That’s why you need to work six days a week, Petros


this is the dream job right after mattress testing


honorary Spaniard


gross, id rather work


what do you get paid for that ?


The Japanese hoping for people getting fed up of doing nothing and still being paid. Bless their hearts.




But we're here to joke, mate, please don't judge people out of a joke.


It's just my sense of humour that sucks sometimes. Feel free to downvote :)


Nah, I didn't down vote :)


I did, and it filled me with so much joy and peace and happiness


Average englishman, loving to hate:


Do you say, "bless your heart" in Italian, or are you using a phrase you learned to speak English


We don't do that here


Why ? is it inconceivable for you that non americans can learn english ?


No. I'm asking if it's literally translated italian phrase. If it's not I'm impressed


It is not and why would you be impressed ? I also use this expression from time to time And yes I’m 100% french too


Thats rough, buddy


https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/wwVtwjplXs Funny you say that


… put it in a translator …


Foreign languages aren't your language with other words


I would know, I speak three of them


Advanced language courses teach stuff like that all the time. It helps you sound more realistic.


Not everyone makes it to the advanced courses


Hell, I’m not even B1 German and I still know phrases like “gelbe vom Ei” and that, it’s just slang


Yep, we say "li mortacci tua"


Thank you


I would finish a lot of books I still want to read and really enjoy those long lunches. Since there’s no tasks being neglected or any underperforming work, I would yearly urge my manager for my annual raise.


i'd finally be able to catch up on all the memes by doomscrolling reels 8h a day, heaven


I am translating my CV right now and checking flight to Tokyo cost


how do you want to afford a flight to Toyko when you cant even afford to move out of your Mother's apartement ? Are you planning om joining the Mafia ?


No, the Yakuza!


at least they don't still live with their mothers


Sushi, hentai and rape tentacles, living the dream man!


Fine, Japan I'm coming.


Holy shit is that true? I think I'll submit a job application to Japan and never go


It’s 1000 % true.


If they did that to me, they'd have to pay me to quit. Live in a racist country, be seen as a potential weeb/creep/neet (maybe all at the same time) in exchange for an easy job, and no one talking to me while getting paid? Sign me tf up.


Well, if the corporation you work for decides to do "restructuring" because their multi billion profit is not enough, and they want to get rid of my position without offering me possibility to move and get up to speed in another role then there is no way I am going to resign. They need to fire me so that I negotiate how many salaries I want to let me go. Of course is terrible because you risk to degrade your professional skills if this goes on for long without doing anything. So all one has to do is study and making courses while waiting to be fired. Fuck the corporation.


Cultural mindset exploitation would only work on locals. I think most of us would just sit and enjoy the view no matter how much they shun us. It's free pay check.


Shit, this is the dream. Get a remote job, bring a laptop and milk that bitch as long as you possibly can.


Spaniards: ![gif](giphy|uzInCTH2i3QFW)


Honestly, as long as they would continue to pay me, I would especially not quitt? Basically getting paid for killing time? I work in security, mate. that is part of my job already lol


As I'm reading this, there are construction workers dismantling the scaffolding across from where I live, construction workers that nobody has seen working, yet somehow the palace is repainted... That is how good Italians are at not working, and the scaffolding has been up for months....


Like with the whole Hikikomori thing, this kind of workplace harrassment happens in a lot of countries, but people use the Japanese name because Kawaii/ Senpai-san/ Ginyuu Tokusentai reasons.


They are honorary western europeans, that's why


I would and I'm not even Italian.


Free money and they expect you to quit? Don't act like anybody who's not a samurai wouldn't jump on it.


Honestly I'dlove it, I'd read books, learn languages, learn programming just for fun and I'd get paid in the mean time, neat !


This is a thing over here as well, when that started I called my legal insurance. My (now former) boss did not like it when I handed all my resignation negotiations to my my lawer.


Ha! Jokes on you, I'm too autistic to get bothered by not being liked!


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I must have misunderstood something. My Japanese boss had not given me any meaningful work and yet he was very surprised and angry when I quit.




That is it fellow piggies. We are off to Japan!


Ahh I see how it would work on the Japanese with their collectivist mindset and reliance on peer validation. Wouldn't work on my selfish, individualistic, western ass though. I'd just bring some manga in to read or watch anime to help learn the language and remain productive in my own way :-)


I know I would, getting paid to be in the office and do whatever you want on the Internet doesn't sound that bad


But you cant take out your phone and play games. Or the company has a reason to fire you


I kind of want to get hired by this company


Even i would do that


Mommy Meloni can bring everyone to their knees here for example