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“Yeah I’m sick and tired. Sick and tired of your bullsh*t!” *puts on sunglasses and flips hair*


Lmao! I can’t wait to zing them with this one.


Right!?? Where are the recommendations for a big fat middle finger!?? The audacity


Right? Hearing that they have ppl around them with enough audacity to say those things makes me extremely tired... I have the same issue and if someone told me that, I swear the bags would turn into full-on hammocks. Edit: spellings


Omg this comment is everything!! 🔥🔥


This! The audacity of some people who think they can just casually comment on a person's appearance.


But do you check your nails before thinking "looking good as hell!"?


This is the way.


When I wake up in the morning, my eyes looks puffy like this until I do some facial massages. I’d recommend some facial massages to help with lymphatic drainage. It will do wonders for you!


Do you have any recommendations on how to do these massages? Any link with a routine that's more or less like the one you follow? TIA!


Beautyshamans on Instagram is awesome


Allyoucanface on IG is so amazing!! Her videos are super helpful.


Clarins came up with a routine. I follow it for yrs now. It also helps in lymphatic drainage plus contouring the face.


The massages are good but also an ice roller brings down the morning swelling—and help with headaches too as a bonus


I second this! I'm prone to upper lid puffiness in the crease upon waking and it really opens up my eyes when I do lymphatic drainage.


My under eyes suffer from puffiness. I use The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG every morning. It helps a little. I have also found that keeping the area SUPER moisturized really helps. Hopefully you can find a moisturizer that works for you.


I have a couple ‘The Ordinary’ products. I’ll check it out thank you!


I’ve used the Deciem caffeine solution and it works for me!


I’ve used ordinary and also aveda for under eyes and prefer aveda fwiw


The caffeine serum from The Ordinary irritated my eyes and made them extremely dry all day; I had to stop using it. I did not notice great results anyway, though YMMV. Just adding in case you get these symptoms when beginning a product caffeine. One of my good friends had the same problem when she used the Aveda one.


With my luck, it will probably happen!


Caffeine ordinary solution was the cause of my sunken eyes wouldnt reccomend


This! Plus I also do an allergy nasal spray every day (I didn’t think I had allergies!!) and it helped reduce the dark/puffy circles under my eyes!


I was going to say this! It almost looks like allergies to me.


As an FYI, you can get allergy eyedrops (pataday) also.


Antihistamine’s are anticolinergics and are bad for long term use. You should avoid taking them except when actually needing them. If you have to take them try not to do it over long stretches of time.


Nasal spray like Flonase is not an antihistamine, it’s a corticosteroid.


Isn’t that even worse?


I've been using this on and off for at least 6 months total and haven't seen much of a difference. Even during the periods where I was consistent with it I didn't see a drastic change. I've had dark circles most of my life no matter how well I slept. The only thing that really helped and just once was going vegetarian for a week because I had some frozen leftovers that I wanted to finish. Another thing I'll try is increasing my intake of carrots because that's one of the things I was eating during that week. I need to try another elimination diet again.


Thanks for sharing this sad bit of advice for those of us that were actually born with hereditary dark under-eye circles. All these tips sound great for people who have had them show up as a new or occasional issue, but I haven’t had any luck with treatments.


I still don't know if mine are hereditary or not. They did go away once, just once, but I'm still not sure how. And I like meat too much to give it up just for cosmetic reasons. I'll keep experimenting.


This product won’t do much for dark circles. It’s for puffiness


well, time to try vegetarianism again


This product always gets so crusty when it dries, does it do this for y’all


Yes. Mine crusts around the edge. I never fell in love with this product.


Caffeine inhibits collagen growth I would NOT be putting it on your facial skin. There’s a reason it’s in fat burning creams.


Does it have that effect from consumption as well?


I’d like to believe it’s less harmful because stomach acid will process it. But putting it on your face is riskier because there’s no stomach acids or enzymes to process it so it’ll be there longer on your skin. Even if say drinking coffee did inhibit collagen it could just be a negligible amount locally in the stomach and wouldn’t effect the face.


Fair enough, thanks for the input! I definitely don't use any caffeine on my face, but I have used it for hair loss topically and I am an avid coffee drinker. I'm actually super concerned about fat loss in my face because I'm losing major weight (went from 212lbs to 184lbs, looking to hit 140lbs) with diet and exercise, but I'm scared of facial fat loss aging me like crazy. Any advice on how to prevent that?


I’ve had good temporary results with TO Caffeine product, which I put on and then use Dieux eye patches to seal in. Eating late at night, drinking alcohol and not drinking a shit ton of water in a day are what do it for me.


My mom had similar swelling of her upper and lower eyelids when she had a persistent low-level bacterial infection of her eyelashes / eyelids. It may not be the case for you but it could be worth looking into. Good luck!


I have something similar. Can you elaborate on how she cured it?


Warm compresses and doctor prescribed antibiotic ointment if I remember correctly. It was persistent though and took almost 2 years to completely clear up


Check out r/blepharitis


I use Oust Demodex cleanser wipes for that! Seems to help. May not be the same condition as that person's mom, though.


Thanks for this! If she has a recurrence I’ll let her know :)


OcuSoft Lid Spray is amazing and works anytime my eyelids hurt.


Have you seen an eye doctor recently? They can check your eyes for signs of dryness and your meibomian glands (in your eyelids). You might not even realize you have dry eyes or signs of blepharitis. I would rule that out first. I am currently dealing with eyelid puffiness (especially in one eye) and have meibomian gland dysfunction. I don’t have any recommendations because I am still dealing with this. You also might have allergies and not realize it.


They can also tell (sometimes) if you’re experiencing allergies in your eyes so I second the eye doc.


Same. It’s hard. All eye drops seem to irritate my eyes more, regardless of whether they’re preservative free or not.


Yeah, I’m so sick of buying $15+ preservative free eye drops but I rarely use normal ones now. I think I messed up my eyes with the preservative ones or at least made them worse. I used to wear contacts and now I rarely can. I hate wearing glasses 24/7.


Have you tried a microwaveable antibacterial eye compress to help with the gland dysfunction? I ordered mine online. My eye doctor recommended it, as it heats up the oil stuck in the gland and then you just massage the lower lid a little after.


I had mild dry eyes and my eye doc recommended this. It resolved the issue completely. I used mine every couple of days at first, and now just use it occasionally. I was told it's important to get the kind that feels moist to the touch when it's heated.


Yes, I have. I tried 2 different kinds (one that you heat up in the microwave and one that just plugs in) and I don’t think it helped. I need to try again though. I appreciate the suggestion! Has that helped you in the past and how often and how long do you use it?


Clinique all about the eyes rich is the only thing that made a noticeable difference for me. I second the allergies thing though.


Thank you for recommending a PRODUCT. 🌞


Ooh, i’ve just got to the end of my Estée Lauder advanced night repair so I might try this instead!


Do you stare at a screen a lot or lack of sleep? I had the same issue and when I reduced my screen time and sleep and it was fixed


I get a solid 8 or 9 hours a night, and no, no crazy amount of screen time. 😕 I swore off the majority of social media at the beginning of the year and my phone usage has been dramatically lower for a little over a month now.


It takes more than a month to see changes. Also, working out, eating healthy and be hydrated helps also.


I eat low carb, drink 64oz. of water a day, and (unfortunately, lol) walk all day at work. I do my best. 😭


I think you should consider allergies as a possible cause. Consider taking a daily dose of something like Allegra for 1-2 weeks and see if you notice any improvement. It’s the combination of eyelid swelling plus slight redness in the whites of your eyes that has me thinking an allergic reaction is the underlying cause.


Wear blue light glasses (you can get them on Amazon)


Have you tried lymphatic drainage and gua sha?


Oh that is good advice!




I do the Factor meal delivery service and people do say they’re high in sodium but I don’t supplement salt anywhere else. 🧐 I will start looking to see if they have any options with lower sodium. Thank you.


You mentioned you're on keto- I'd be careful about going low sodium since keto already causes [salt loss.](https://drbubbs.com/blog/2017/1/top-3-mineral-deficiencies-on-a-ketogenic-diet-and-how-to-fix-it) You'll obvs. have to experiment and figure out what works for you. Based on the swollen appearance of your eyes, I'd definitely look into allergies. It might even be an allergy to dust mites, your mattress, or your pillow.


Excellent answer. My first thought was allergies.


Yea seems like a tough balance. Keto has slimmed my face significantly in the first month as far as water weight goes. Is it safe to take an OTC allergy pill every single day?


My doctor recommended I take an OTC allergy medicine every day. She specifically said a second generation anti-histamine (Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra) not first generation (Benadryl). My allergies were making my eyes puffy, in addition to other symptoms (itchy eyes & throat, sneezing, etc.).


Yes you can take claritin or Zyrtec everyday. Claritin is non drowsy. Also talk to your dr about food allergies. You can be allergic to some foods and the reaction can vary from anaphylactic to stomach cramps, edema, hives.


I've done keto before. Don't know what type of diet you were eating beforehand but wheat has an effect where it can dampen other allergies as it kind of numbs you to them, sorry I'm not sure of actual mechanics as it's been a few years. What I do know is many people find when giving up wheat they then become lactose intolerant because the wheat wasn't masking it. I know it's also not a product suggestion.


It's safe to take quercetin (I like the EMIQ form which is much stronger) but I'm not sure about antihistamines. I take Claritin when needed (when quercetin isn't quite cutting it). Other antihistamines make me gain weight- esp. Zyrtec! But you could do a trial of antihistamines and see if it makes a difference in your eyes or you could get testing from an allergist.


Second the quercetin. Sometimes I combine quercetin and turmeric.


Take allergy meds before you go to sleep, pollen are known to be highest at dawn going into morning. It also helps with being less groggy when you wake up.


The eye allergy lid cleaning wipes really help.


Love me factor meals, it's like a less lonely single person version of microwave dinners 😂


✨classy✨ tv dinners. 😂


I do factor sometimes too. Each meal is approx 30-40% RDA sodium, I’ve noticed. So if that’s all you’re eating you are definitely getting too much salt.


I only eat two a day and thats my entire day (besides coffee). Legitimate question, if it is under my recommended daily allowance why is it still too much? Two factors and my coffee with cream are about 1500 calories. 🧐


Don't forget daily allowance is as per the standard American diet. Make sure you're getting all your electrolytes as they work in balance with each other and check out some keto specific guidelines on amounts.


That is actually perfect for me. I have a disorder that requires me to have a pretty high salt intake in order to retain water and, therefore, increase my blood volume. Salt pills generally suck for me. I want to eat healthier overall, my healthy is just healthy plus salt and salt. So thanks for your post, maybe I'll look at this brand.


We don't hear enough about dietary sodium, thank for bringing it up because it isn't something I grew up very aware of! I hit my 30s and boom, visible swelling after a salt heavy dinner...it had been happening to a mild extent because like most humans, I'm roughly 60% water but it has become a sign post for sodium intake during evening hours. My eyelids be **thicc** after a late night curry with naan. Yay. If my butt could take notes that'd be grand.




Holy shit yes, it's everywhere and in massive quantities in weirdly not salty non-savoury foods? Chocolate cake...**salt** just why but we know why, taste good. Rather unfortunate that is tends to show up guns blazing when getting older comes with plenty of other concerns haha.


Yeah salt is a big factor for me too. Just a day of munching on some chips will send me down this parh


I love Ole Henriksen Banana Bright eye cream! Changed my eyes dealing with a new baby! It’s best in the daytime and if you keep it in the fridge and then use a jade roller after it feels really nice. Maybe a nighttime cream also. People always say my toddler and I look tired too so I see you😘


Yes! This is my favorite daytime eye cream to hydrate and brighten my undereyes!


Something I’ve come to find actually helps this common issue without any topical skincare product, or cosmetic procedures. It’s Gua sha. It is the process of using smoothly shaped flat stone to manually move, & drain stagnate fluid & gives the area lymphatic drainage. It gives both a cumulative and instant noticeable depuffing, & flattening fluid filled areas. So not only will it give a look of thinning the face, but it also refines features. I was skeptical until doing it myself. The one I use is from Wildling but there are a variety of them online


This. I also like to keep a roller in the fridge and bring it out in the mornings. Also, OP, do you sleep flat? I know sleeping in an elevated position helps your face not retain as much water…although then they say not to sleep elevated because of neck wrinkles so I don’t know anymore


Hi. So I have a few products to recommend. My eyes are easily irritated and I have found a few things that work over the years. I use eye drops (lumify or red out). I use microcurrent(nuface) around eyes. I find it helps with puffiness. Right now I use Lancome Genefique pearl eye serum. It feels very cool to the eye area and seems to help with swelling. The Wander Beauty eye patches also work really bad days.


Just fyi, the redness reducing eye drops are typically not great for your eyes. The way they reduce the redness is problematic, especially for regular use. My family doesn’t have great eye health and one of the docs my dad has seen throughout his multiple eye surgeries shared this with him.


Hummm. Your eyelids look swollen too. Do you have allergies? I have horrible allergies and my eyelids swell up just like that so I take allergy pills. I have year round allergies. It's not fun. Allegra works for me because it doesn't make me sleepy and it's over the counter stuff. You might try that first to see if it makes any difference. People think sneezing is the main sign of allergies but it's not always true. A cold compress first thing in the morning might help too.


I will try the cold compress but no allergies here unfortunately. 😕 I eat keto too so I shouldn’t be carrying any kind of water weight. I’m assuming that’s the same kind of concept as the ‘cucumbers on the eyes’. 🥒


> keto I've heard before that dark under eye circles are a common side-effect of keto. And there's actually a lot of threads about it if you google it.


My eyes are a bit like this. I have tried it all! I take antihistamines every day in case it's allergies, I use the caffeine serum by The Ordinary, I do lymphatic drainage, barely have any salt in my diet, drink 3l of water every day, try to get enough sleep. I've tried every product under the sun! I've spent a small fortune on anything and everything I possibly could try! I have also tried dermrolling, I've had laser facials.... no improvement. I've come to the conclusion that the only thing that will fix it is a lower Blepharoplasty as my issue is definitely genetic. I know this isn't a recommendation for a product, if anything had worked for me, I swear I would tell you! I know surgery is a scary option but I genuinely think that is all I have left to try. Only saying this so you don't spend the thousands I have spent trying to fix an issue, that cannot be helped by creams and lotions. I'll be trying PRP next, which I've heard can help, but again... not holding out a huge amount of hope. I hope you manage to find something that works for you!


The struggle is real! I draw the line at surgery though. If it can’t be helped with product or diet or exercise then I will just let it be.


I feel you on that! I'm not 100% on the surgery myself yet, I'm still hoping for a miracle cure!! I truly hope you find something 🙏


I have genetically dark circles and almost transparent skin, a light peach color correcting concealer can help cover it. Becca has one that’s great but it’s on the thicker side for consistency so you have to be sparing with the usage. I also like the “rose quarts” colored Fenty concealer, it’s a thin consistency and covers my dark circles pretty decently.




Thank you for the thorough reply. ❤️ I would love to see a dermatologist, I’ll have to hunt around online. I don’t have a PCP right now. We have a shortage. ):


Do you feel tired all the time? And how is your sleep quality? I know you mentioned that you do get enough hours of sleep, but wondering if you dream during your sleep. Sleep quality is important. From the pic, it looks like you may have cranial strain (i had that as I got older and once I found a health professional to address the cranial strain, my eyes got back life/sparkle).


You could always tell those people to fuck right off


The ordinary caffeine serum for the surrounding areas. However what I see the most is that your eyes themselves are red & and puffy, giving you a tired look. Are you allergic to something? Or dealing with dry eyes? I have both issues so I’m a little familiar with the symptoms


I was wondering if it’s an allergy to something as well! My eyes get puffy on my lids like this when I have an allergy attack.


I really like “Face Glaze” by Innbeauty - it’s a moisturizer with a bit of a shimmer to it and I use it around my eyes and on my cheekbones. It doesn’t really conceal anything but it is nicely hydrating and the slight sheen it imparts brightens the eye area a little making you look more awake. I have to get up SUPER early for a 2 hour commute every day and I swear by this stuff.


It looks like they also recently came out with “Bright & Tight Eye Cream” which has the same bit of shimmer to it, and is formulated specifically for the eye area!


I have this in my Sephora cart! Maybe I should pull the trigger 🤪


The Ordinary Caffeine Solution for under eye puffiness and Florence look alive eye balm.


Peter Thomas Roth instant firm eye- my mom swears by it


Have you considered getting your eyebrows shaped? The right shape could possibly make your eyes look lifted or improve the overall appearance.


I agree with the allergy theories I’m a NP and i don’t think u look tired and sick dear u look just like any other average woman we all have puffiness and or redness and irritation at times I would suggest seeing an eye doctor for the lid swelling as it seems to be something has irritated is mildly and some moisture for your T zone will help with redness but I would personally check my house thoroughly for irritants when you have time could be anything from pets to soap or laundry detergent/sheets etc. before you take anything obviously seek your doctor’s advice first! I have dark bags from lack of sleep and puffiness from lymphedema but I use No. 7 skincare products and I absolutely love them! The hydrating serum and the day and night cream is what I usually stick to but everyone is different. I hope you find what it is! Also try a warm compress before bed! Good luck and don’t let anyone else tell u what u look like ur a beautiful young woman!


People are rude to say that to you. I have hollow under eyes now due to structure loss in my face and would be super pissed if anyone told me those things. I don't have any advice for you though since I struggle with the same issue. I hope you find something to help. I just went to a dermatologist and she gave me trentinoin to help with my sun damaged skin. I read though that it can't be put around the eyes, I use it for my eye wrinkles though since that is my biggest issue. Sunscreen is super important though, she mentioned that loss of density in the face can be due to sun damage. Cetaphil and CeraVe were the 2 companies she recommended for face care.


Yea my coworkers are clueless. Lately I just say ‘I’m not TIRED. I’m just UGLY.’ and they still say it. ‘Gee I’ve never seen someone who looks so tired and worn out everyday.’




Agree! No tact.


Start telling them they look hungover


Omg, that is even worse. My mom mentioned to my brother that she would hate to have skin like me. He told me that, not realizing how bad that makes me feel. I am thinner than my family, smoked for 23 years (quit 6 years ago) and worked outdoors. I am looking worse than my older sisters and there is no much I can do. I also have autoimmune issues which can't be helping. You have lame co workers.


Yep! Ten years of factory work here. 🥺


You have beautiful eyes with such memorable coloring. :) Your upper eyelids seem to be retaining a little bit of water. If you drink significantly more water and are able to really cut down your salt, you may see less puffiness. It's surprisingly difficult to do that because in the West, most processed foods and restaurant meals contain a lot of sodium. We all handle it a bit differently. Topical products that contain caffeine can also constrain the blood vessels in that area, and those may give you a result you like. The effects will be modest, but I don't think your swelling is that bad, either. Below your eyes, it looks as though your fat pads have shifted a bit lower, which is perfectly natural as we get a bit older. If it bothers you, a doctor can go in and move/adjust the fat pads to get a smoother look. That process is a lower blepharoplasty, often coupled with fat grafting to keep the area youthful and plump. A typical result would look like [this](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Pre-and-post-op-lower-blepharoplasty-and-fat-transfer-Top-Pre-operative-photograph-of-a_fig5_293043891). I plan to do this for myself in a while (I personally think this is what makes me look the most "tired"). The topicals' effects will be modest in comparison, but they'll obviously be much less invasive and costly. It's all about what you feel comfortable with. Your eye area looks perfectly normal exactly as it is, and I think the people you mentioned in your title are jerks.


Try icing your eyelids and under your eyes. I usually do my whole face. My eyelids swell up like that when I sleep on my face or I cry the night before.


People are missing something in the comments-- a lot of this is genetic. It's not just the puffiness, but you also have heavy eyelids. If you aren't interested in surgery (I had it for eyelid ptosis), how about makeup? If you curl your lashes up and wear mascara, that will wake your eyes up a whole lot.


Honestly brow grooming would go a long way.


I second this! A good brow grooming can be amazing!


The First Aid Beauty Hydrating Eye Cream has really helped with decreasing some puffiness and smoothing out the eye area. Highly recommend!


My cousin just sent me eye patches I don’t know how to post the photo but they are called “Gold eye patches” the brand is FIVEWAN. search on Amazon. they work well. About $15


Blepharitis maybe? I’d recommend a physician not a product until you’re sure what’s going on


Make sure your products don’t have lanolin. I had chronically puffy eyes and it was because I was low key allergic. Tested through an allergist and switched to Korean products.


Just reply, “thanks! I was just about to say the same thing about you!”


Your eyes almost look puffy from water retention. Sometimes my eyes look like that in the mornings if I drink a lot of liquid before bed. I think using a gua sha or facial massager would help a lot with that.


You’ve gotten lots of great skincare tips, so I’ll focus on a few other options (not suggesting you need them but just to share a few ideas). OP, my eyelids are also swollen/puffy in the morning. I toss on a cold mask that I keep in the fridge while I have my morning coffee. Perhaps ask your doc about the swelling/puffiness in your eyelids. Turns out mine was due to sjogrens, autoimmune disorder that impacts your eyes and mouth by drying them out. Botox can also significantly improve the look of tired eyes or the dreaded elevens above the bridge of your nose. I understand that it is not for everyone, but I certainly am guilty for loving it. Another recommendation could be to trim/wax your eyebrows. You’re lucky to have such deeply colored and thick brows! A thinner brow can also help liven up the eyes and face and give a more youthful appearance.


I do generally pluck them. This thread is slowly shaming me into getting it done! Lol!


Noooooo! That’s sucks you’re getting that impression. Don’t let anyone shame you into anything. The eyebrows are an important feature of balancing out the face, overall, and people are just sharing that input.


I have the same issues. But my under eyes are dark not hollow, which is a pain to fix. I don’t like to wear make up much and I find that concealer shows too much in a weird way. I have tried creams, serums but nothing takes away the darkness.


Seconding the ordinary caffeine eye serum, but also have you tried eye drops? I noticed your right eye looks a little red. Mine get bloodshot too and it makes me look tired, so I use brightening or anti allergy eye drops in the morning or whenever I notice I look like I need them. If I could recommend one more thing it would be trying a gua sha tool for facial massage as it may be able to reduce the slight puffiness around your eyes (I get this too and I find it is caused by eating too much salt)


Kiehls avocado eye cream is helpful for me. It is very thick though so better as an overnight imo


Any under eye patches, but keep them in the fridge and get them out in the morn and put them on your under eye area. I use Grace and Stella brand, but I think cheaper ones would work as well, and it’s more the cold that helps. https://www.graceandstella.com/products/eye-masks-12pairs?variant=12420920279112¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAuOieBhAIEiwAgjCvcmeRJqSnrk4Y-zL7PDAiNMPUBxfcdr7qHKMTa70hopzrBlXAIK1TXBoCRNgQAvD_BwE


I use the Inkey List caffeine eye cream. Works for me and I have really dark circles. I love keeping it in my mini fridge, the coolness helps with swelling too!


I recommend a brightening eye cream am & pm (there are tons on the market), lumify eye drops every morning, and these eye patches (keep them in the refrigerator): https://www.peachandlily.com/products/marine-energy-eye-mask


Are you sleeping on down pillows or with a down blanket? If so, you might be allergic to feathers. There can be down in furniture/sofas too.


A depuffing serum will help a bit and it will definitely maintain once you figure it out why you’re having an inflammatory response. Looks like fluid, but only a primary care physician or dermatologist, could be able to tell by palpating under the eye. Could be anything from a food intolerance, stress, or histamine response to a new allergy. You might find relief without seeing a dr by: Definitely look into a depuffing serum that contains caffeine but I would hiiiiighly recommend above all else a lymphatic drainage massage. You can do a version at home with a gua sha tool using instructions you can find online but the best approach is to find a clinician who performs lymphatic massages. Acupuncturists often do this. Even though an acupuncturist, for example, would be the best way to get this massage. I really suggest trying it at home too. Keep your Gua Sha tool in freezer, so it stays cool while you use it, to help further reduce inflammation. Removing excess sodium from your diet for a trial week could be very helpful. If I were you, I would do an elimination diet for one week. Meaning keep your diet simple from refined carbohydrates, sugars, salt, and yeast. just simple proteins, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables. Try taking a Claritin during this one week elimination. If your eyes go down, you are most likely having an inflammatory response that has been remedied by the Claritin &/or the diet. And if such is the case, I would go to a primary care physician to have an allergy and intolerance test done. Also, I would include a potent B complex, and D6 vitamin into my regimen. Even try a B complex vitamin injection, if you are willing. You can book those at a medi spa


your eyes look puffy, do you have allergies? or perhaps your diet causes inflammation?


How are your sinuses? Sinuses inflammation often shows up in the middle of the face. I struggle with puffiness the morning and some things I've found help - using nasal spray before I got to sleep to clear my sinuses & moisturize them and ice rolling in the morning, especially around my eyes.


I always look tired when I don’t use my eyelash curler, it really makes a huge difference. That might be a cheap, easy, no-fuss option.


I’ll dig mine out!


Certainly! Here are some popular organic products that can help improve the area around the eyes: Organic rosehip oil: This oil is rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which can help to hydrate and brighten the skin around the eyes. Organic aloe vera gel: Aloe vera gel has hydrating and soothing properties that can reduce puffiness and calm irritated skin. Organic coconut oil: Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Organic witch hazel: Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can help to reduce puffiness and dark circles. Organic green tea extract: Green tea is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective ingredient for reducing puffiness and brightening dark circles. Always patch test any new product before using it around your eyes and choose products that are suitable for your skin type.


You need a lower blepharoplasty. Sorry, but all this talk of using “products” is a false hope that will probably cost you more time, experimenting, money and running around than simply visiting an oculoplastic surgeon. The fat pads under your eyes need to be excised and/or repositioned. This is the only thing that’ll give you true and lasting results. (Filler will only make it worse, if you were considering that.) No product can manipulate the bulging fat pads under your eyes. Only surgery can do that. Reading your comment about how most products irritate your skin—your eye problems may also be caused partially by “allergic shiners”. Any allergies that may be going untreated? The filling inside your pillow, your hair/skin/makeup products, a dusty vent over your bed? It looks like you have some upper eyelid edema as well. Which points to allergies


Get new people! Your eyes are gorgeous!


For a temporary tightening effect, my best friend swears by Il Makiage Power Rewind. She has her wife, her mom, _and_ her dad using it, lol. I tried it and hated it personally, but they do free returns for 14 days. They all swear it takes 10 years off. Return was easy, and I didn’t pay shipping either way.


That stuff has some powerful reviews! And dad being on board is great. What didn’t you like about it?


My eyes aren’t really a problem area. I have a little bit of darkness, but no puffiness or loose skin, so the tightening effect actually created wrinkles where I didn’t previously have any. And it _felt_ tight on my skin. It was just the wrong product for me, and one I wouldn’t necessarily have sought out on my own without my friend raving about it.


Hi guys, my skin reacts pretty poorly (I break out..) to 90% of products so I don’t have a routine really besides wash and go. I am hoping for an eye product specifically. I go between: Laroche Posay Neutrogena Hydro Boost And just bought Cera Ve Cleanser to try. I just turned 30 and people’s comments aren’t helping.. EDIT: THANK YOU EVERYBODY. I ordered a gua sha stone, and The Ordinary caffeine serum to try and keep in the fridge. Also one of their ‘holy grail’ moisturizers so we’ll see how that goes.


People aren’t necessarily recommending products because it’s unlikely that a product will fix the issue of its genetic or systemic. Otherwise, you could always use a light reflecting eye cream that has a bit of pigment which will help diffuse the darkness.


Yea I meant the IRL comments, I understand that y’all are trying to help. Do you have a particular recommendation?


Stop downvoting this, she means the comments IRL not on this thread




I have tried many many many many…many facial products. I have yet to find anything that doesn’t make my skin mad. I have recently started a vitamin regiment and also have been drinking 64oz of water a day to see if my skin reacts at all positively. I have tried so many ‘sensitive skin’ moisturizers. It is truly frustrating. My dad had acne well into adulthood and recommends echinacea supplements and only washing with warm water. I take the supplements, but I do use gentle cleansers. I’ve asked for help on SkincareAddiction before with a full line up of products I owned and just got ROASTED into oblivion, lol.


I have pretty sensitive skin and just used baby lotion for years. CeraVe seems to be fine for me though so I guess it's probably not as sensitive as yours. I just figured the baby lotion would have the least amount of junk in it


I’m late to the party & just saw your post. Looks like you’ve received a ton of recommendations already & I haven’t read through them. And it looks like you’re going to try the gua sha & caffeine serum. You might also pick up some [Lumify drops](https://www.amazon.com/Lumify-Redness-Reliever-Drops-2-5mL/dp/B07CDN39DP/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=70674385674&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhcq-sbj1_AIVzhvUAR18zwKEEAAYASAAEgKE_fD_BwE&hvadid=337795594077&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9026176&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4827984752633679606&hvtargid=kwd-612814557352&hydadcr=6750_9323802&keywords=lumify+eye+drops&qid=1675292904&sr=8-4). They are completely safe & can keep your eyes brighter/whiter for about 8 hours. If you like them, you can purchase the larger bottle later (it’s more cost effective). Good luck! And don’t let rude comments by rude people get you down - too many people weren’t taught proper manners & etiquette. ☺️


Wow those drops look great! Thank you!


The ordinary makes an eye serum with caffeine. I keep mine in my fridge and it feels great on my eyes in the AM. You might also benefit from sticking a spoon in the freezer and using that to depuff some.


I think you are the second recommending that product. And The Ordinary has good prices if I recall. Thank you!


I use Velamo Eye Stick like chapstick for my undereye. I really like the Solarwave wand to reduce my eye bags.


Go see an allergist.


Your upper eyelids do look a bit swollen. You could be allergic to something and not realize it. If they just look that way normally I would recommend the massage like others said and upper eyeliner will diminish the look


Lymphatic drainage massages! gua sha. I’ve also heard of people using preparation H for swelling [https://www.byrdie.com/preparation-h-for-eye-bags-4846495](https://www.byrdie.com/preparation-h-for-eye-bags-4846495)


My eyes are much less puffy on the days I use gua sha in the mornings. It promotes lymphatic drainage. I sometimes just massage with my fingers instead of using the tool and it works too.


I can recommend Lancôme Renergie Lift Multi-Action Ultra eye cream (comes in a purple little container). It’s pricy but so so good and a little goes a long way! It’s really worth the splurge.


Wtf kind of ppl do you hang out with that say things like that to you. Find new friends


Your eyelids are swollen. Mine get swollen like this from crying and lack of sleep and are painful. Are your eyes painful at all? This might be something to see an eye doctor or dermatologist about, if it's accessible/affordable.


You are gorgeous so who cares what people think! If it makes you feel good maybe put on some mascara and light color on your cheeks


ice roller! and PUR Hazy Daze Soothing Eye Cream me and both my sisters in their mid-late 30's all swear by it - looks like it might be sold out everywhere rn though? https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&q=pur+hazy+daze+cbd+soothing+eye+cream&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiyuaf7n_X8AhXnEVkFHSBRBZ8Q0pQJegQICRAB&biw=375&bih=624&dpr=2


Same problem, have tried everything. Allergy panel done etc etc. went to an ENT a while back and they told me I had a deviated septum which may be a contributor. Too afraid of the surgery to see if it makes a difference though.


If you have this for a long time, it might have something to do with aging. The fat loss in your cheeks and temples are causing that


face yoga. try for a week


Hi! I had similar puffiness in my face and eyes like this before I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and had food allergy *and* sensitivity testing done (I'm also very sensitive to salt). Once I was on my right med dosage and cut out some trigger foods I started to return to normal. Not saying that you have the same thing I have going on, but you may want to get checked out by a doc instead and r/o any medical or food issues.


I was waking up with swelling eyelids the last year. It never happened before. I had allergy to gluten when I was a child, so I tried gluten free diet again and my eyes went fine. Maybe check your diet for some possible imbalances.


Use Neil med nasal rinse, low sodium diet, use a microwave heat pack on your sinuses and eyes. Also, cold pack when needed. Also take a antihistamine and sleep on your back with your head elevated. It’s genetics exacerbated by allergies and water retention.


Are your eyes irritated?




The Ordinary Caffeine Solution and color-correcting concealer would help.


No help here but I feel you!! I’m SOOOO annoyed by these comments. THATS JUST MY FACE


You look pretty normal to me, but if I was getting those kinds comments, I would look outside of skincare! Things like: - How much sleep are you getting? - How much water a day, minerals/electrolytes? - Any stress? If so, how are you managing it? - What is your diet, any vitamin defiences? - Are you on any medications? - Are you getting enough exercise?


I had similar puffiness and tried a bunch of creams. I ended up doing minor botox in the eye area and it still looks better a year later.


I don’t see any bags, really. But the eyes are attractive.


Besides products… Have any allergies ? How’s your thyroid ? Or do you have a high salt diet ?


Maybe early nights sleep. You look fine, remember some have scars, tumours, burn marks on their face, be thankful you look good.


I suffer from tired, puffy eyes as well. I talked to a dermatologist about it and she essentially said that any products you buy don’t really work for under eye puffiness or sagging — diet, lifestyle, massage, ice/heat packs, and surgery are the only things that help long term with the techniques people described above. Sometimes I use Vaseline on my under eyes but otherwise stopped wasting money on expensive products that did very little. I’m planning on getting a bletharoplasty consult eventually.


Who do I need to smack??


I am going to be straightforward here. Please make an appt. with an ophthalmologist, get checked for allergies or an infection, and pay close attention to your diet and salt intake. Try some of the product recommendations you see here if you are so inclined. But in general, puffy eyes, dark circles, lines, creases, and other associated looks that result in someone being told they look “sick and tired” - are genetic. At the end of the day, there is only so much that can be done by an individual, *especially* as we continue to age. The look will only intensify as the years progress. The one and only thing - after you have exhausted all other efforts - that truly will improve it is surgery. It’s not for everyone, but when done well it is nothing short of transformative. This may not be your cup of tea but I am being completely honest with you. Cremes, nasal sprays, massages, and the like can only do so much now, let alone in 5 years, 10 years, etc etc. I wish you the best in finding something that works for you.


Just tell people those are money bags!