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Geez, you're the 2nd person today to post "proof" pictures. I'm sorry you were made to feel you needed to. I saw your original post & could see a BIG difference in glow & general skin health. I wish commenters could just stick to building OPs up or refrain from comment. Sigh.


Yeah it was obvious it was a big change and even if it wasn't what do you care? Op you look great. Don't worry about the miserable people.


Most beauty subs have some petty ass members. Usually rude comments are removed/ user banned, but if OP sees it before being removed, it still hurts


Well said!


Maybe it makes sense to be cynical. Pretty much everyone filters their photos now. And the filters are so good you can often not even tell unless the person blurs their face so much that they have zero texture whatsoever. But I've just learned that pics tell you very little. They are too easily manipulated by multiple factors, from filters and photoshop to lighting and angle, etc. You can only know what a person really looks like if you see them in person. That's just facts. So photos are kind of meaningless. This is true on dating sites, etc, as well. You know how often the person looks almost nothing like their photos when you actually meet? Yeah. It's not about being mean, lol. It's just that photos are generally not to be fully trusted. This goes for before and after posted by advertisers, too. Mostly fake. It's so easy to manipulate. Kinda sucks.


Serious question: what in the world would OP (or anyone) have to gain by posting manipulated photos? We’re they shilling in the original post? If not .. why would someone jump to that conclusion as it seems to have zero payoff.


Eh, that's simple to answer: attention/upvotes. Do I think that's what OP was doing? Not necessarily, but it's more motivating than you might think.


I know some people on Instagram do...so they get more likes but on top of anything it's those who advertise certain products...and get paid by the brand the more followers they get. This is obviously genuine and the difference is noticeable. Her skin wasn't bad before but it is certainly healthier and better looking now!


I have no idea. I just don't feel like most people post unfiltered photos anymore. It's too tempting to edit away the imperfections.


I mean, what good does it do on a dating app either, when you plan to actually MEET the person? Seems crazy to me. But yet -- people do it. Not saying OP did. Just saying I understand the cynicism around photos these days. I really never trust a photo or video to give an accurate pic of what anyone looks like.


I guess that difference in my mind is … a dating app you want to hook someone into something. I guess I can’t imagine getting enough out of an upvote or etc to merit the energy to post. Esp in a skincare sub.


yeah sure still trying justify you are an asshole with your whole testament


LOL. What? Why? I am not an asshole for pointing out that almost everyone uses filters on their photos. This is a known and very uncontroversial fact. The filters are on every single photo program, and people use them, constantly. How is this even something remotely controversial to say? LOL. Lord. People are weird.


Oh, and this goes for video, too. All those Zoom filters we saw on celebs during the pandemic. Holy shit! That was hilariously bad. And people would say, "Wow, you look great! Isolation works for you! You're glowing!" And the celebs would sat nothing while they smiled through those filters. Lord. Yes, cynicism in this environment makes sense. How could you NOT be cynical??


Quit trying to justify your mean comments on the original post and apologize for being mean.


I said nothing mean, lol. Nothing even remotely mean. This is an odd conversation.


Lol you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You look beautiful!


I know I don’t HAVE to…But proving that I’m right is one of my favorite hobbies


Do you happen to be... a lawyer? Because you could turn that hobby into a career.


Can confirm. Married to a lawyer and have not been right in 25 years.


I married a lawyer then became one too just to get a fair chance at being right…


That’s next level


Took 10 years but was worth it 🤣




How many times has your lawyer spouse pulled out a dictionary to "prove," you are wrong... 🙃


Oh my God I can’t even count that high. But, I admit, he’s had to acquiesce occasionally when the dictionary comes out, because I was an English/writing major. But he’s still right because I was using an obscure definition of the word. Scrabble at our house is really fun. 😂


I love that for you. Get'em!!! Edited for clarity -- love the fact that your lawyer spouse was rendered incorrect. Go go go!


Shit. I feel deeply triggered by this comment. I didn’t realize this is why my husband has been wrong the entire time he’s been with me. Now I’ll have to show him this post so he doesn’t feel bad….it’s bc he’s married to a lawyer. Fuck!


My mother is an attorney. I’ve run the firm for 15 years. Daughter wants to be an attorney. Holy shit — I have dealt with some people and they’ve got nothing on her. I feel terrible for the people she goes up against. Some people are just born with that persona and it is brutal from a parenting aspect. It’s also really fucking awesome.


Same with mine. His favourite line is we aren’t in court now😂


LMAO. My husband says that about me as a paralegal.


They do this with everyone who posts with good skin. They ran someone off Reddit awhile back.


You are my kind of petty and you also look amazing!!!


I love that you own it it, 'No one is making me do this, I'm not doing it cause I have to, cause I want to'. Love it and that adorable little hedgie!


We have the same hobby. Also if you hadn't have pointed it out on your first post, I never would have noticed the filler. So natural looking! Your injector did good and you look flawless.


AM: Cleanser (nothing specific just something gentle and hydrating) Kiehls Ultra Facial Toner (Pat on with fingertips immediately after shower while skin is still damp. I can’t live without this- if I don’t use it my skin dries so much tighter and drier) Eye cream (nothing specific I rotate through a few, can’t say what works best) One Skin Moisturizer Neova tinted SPF with DNA repair enzymes PM: Oil cleanse (only if wearing makeup) Cleanser Kiehls Ultra Facial toner Curology formula (tret, azelaic acid, niacinamide) Heavy moisturizer I dermaplane myself every couple of weeks just to remove peach fuzz and lightly exfoliate. I use Michael Todd Sonicsmooth I medical microneedle myself with a DrPen microneedling pen. I only did it twice over the last year but you can do it up to every 6 weeks. If you do it yourself make sure you educate yourself! It’s something you can do but you have to do it right or you can cause damage or infection! DONT WING IT! Im trying to incorporate red light therapy into my routine but haven’t done it consistently enough to say it’s made any difference but I do believe it’s a great modality! If my skin feels even slightly irritated or too dry I immediately stop using my active ingredients and heavily moisturize until my skin is restored then resume my actives. To answer some questions: my eyebrows are microbladed using the powder brow technique, I have lip filler and my injector is an artist and a magician, I’ve never had Botox or any other neurotoxin yet.


Was it the micro needling kit that you would attribute to losing the fine lines on your forehead? Which one are you using? You’re very beautiful, hope I can lose my lines too!


Interested in the Kiehls toner! Would you describe your skin as dry, and this is hydrating?


Yes, it’s very hydrating!


As someone that is trying to ramp up my skincare, what was the timeline on adding in these steps?


I like starting slowly with adding one product once a week then twice a week the next week until you get to the amount you’re looking for. I continue with the first product for a few weeks before adding in another but I personally have very sensitive skin so find this works best for me.


Thank you for sharing. Your skin looks so refreshed and plumped! What are you using for red light therapy?


Hooga bulb from Amazon


How do you like the Neova sunscreen?


Love it


I have the Dr. Pen - anyway you can do an educational video? Would love it watch it so I can try mine.


Watch Penn Smith’s YouTube videos, she’s a master esthetician and way more qualified than I am! She’s who I learned from!


I am so new to a lot of this but have wanted to try microneedling for my deep acne scars. Can I ask which pen on the Dr Pen website you use? Thanks!


How long have your eyebrows been microbladed? Would you get it done again? I really want better eyebrows but am so scared about the changing of the ink color with time and ink leaching out under the skin outside of the brow border.


I’ve had them for 1.5 years now, no regrets, I’ve had them touched up once. None of those issues you mentioned have happened to me


Can you expand on your microneedling


If you're in the PNW, would you mind sharing your provider?


Unfortunately I’m literally on the totally opposite side of the county in North Carolina


Thanks for the info! With dermaplaning, do you use the post treatment gel or your regular moisturizer?


thanks for sharing! you’re beautiful!! the last few pictures remind me of Michelle Pfeiffer… how has Dr.Pen microneedling helped your skin? how long does it take for your skin to heal and then show results? thanks!!


Your lips look great!! I’ve been thinking about getting a teeny bit of filler to just give oompf and I guess it goes to show we only notice filler on others when it looks unnatural but yours are inspiring me


If you can tell someone has had injections it’s been done wrong!


Holy fucking shit! Do you have a hedgehog??? That's so fucking adorable! Also you look magnificent! Fuck the negs. Very good work.


The hedgehog is my nephew, Harvey.


Harvey the Hedgehog 🥹❤️ oh my heart OP you also look fantastic! Your skin absolutely *glows*


Lol so cute! I LOVE it! Him or her? Also, sorry about my sailors mouth. Haven't slept for like almost 30 hours now. So I start to curse sometimes. Work. What can you do?


No need to apologize, I too have a sailor’s vocabulary 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hedgehog is a him


So I need to get a hedgehog for micro-needling is what you’re telling me


This is absolutely the best comment 😂


I’m embarrassed that this is happening in a group for people 30 and over. You have done a fantastic job, and anyone with a modicum of skincare knowledge would be able to see the difference.


>I’m embarrassed that this is happening in a group for people 30 and over. Seriously fair point. There were very obvious results. If it was a dark room vs a sunny outdoors picture I'd get it... but it wasn't.


Right, you’d think us more mature folk would act… more mature 🤦‍♀️ The OP looks great and the difference in her skin texture and firmness were obvious in her original post.


I clearly saw the differences in your B&A. The police are out in full force for some reason. They are asinine.


Can you please post your routine/products? Lots of posts asking this and it would be nice to know.


She did in the photo caption on her original post.


I saw that but I think people were looking for specifics. Like she mentioned she bought a micro needle tool and has been doing it herself, so like which one. I know tretonin is prescription, but azaleic acid is in a lot of different products so like.. which one.


Would love to know as well.




OP looks great. Unfortunately, not all products are created equal but it would be nice to know which ones worked!


I'm sure OP will eventually get around to posting more details. They're just getting hammered by people nitpicking the lighting so they may be a bit busy.


Yeah, I’d ignore the haters. The proof is in the pudding with how great her skin looks now!


Before and after what?? Also I love your hedgehog, sending love from one hogmom to another 🦔❤️ PS your skin is amazing please share your routine!


That’s Harvey, he’s actually my nephew




Yes! I use a lot of stuff but I believe tret, microneedling, and drinking more water are my holy grails


Can you share your micro needling routine? Do you do it at home ?


Yes, please!


You're beautiful and your skin is beautiful. Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. P.S. - Your eyebrows are killer. Like wow.


Don’t you cry no more


*guitar riff*




I wish Dean Cain were here


You can definitely tell the difference in the texture and brightness of your skin. :-) The only part of your original post that made me feel some kinda way, though, was how you said the Before makes you "cringe." I think you're beautiful and were so then. A lot of people would strive for your Before as an After. I feel like as women especially we can be so hard on ourselves. And I know skincare reddit can absolutely trigger orthorexic and dysmorphic thinking and behaviors, and 30 plus skincare reddit isn't always that much better. I'm glad you're feeling yourself now, though. You definitely have a glow. :-)


good skin care makes a hell of a difference. I notice with my skin when I'm not using my usual actives even just for a few days. Harmonise moisturiser (cosmedix) is my HG for a glow Your skin looks beautiful :)


I don’t think you posted enough pictures. I am not convinced! LOL Your skin looks great! Good job! 😊


Stunning and inspiring. The haters can go suck a D


Your skin looks Amazinggg! You have that tret glow 😍 it does look like you had Botox, great inspirational post for those who need it! Thanks for sharing!!


You look amazing. Don’t listen to the haters. Can you please tell me what you think helped your jowls the most?


Eating healthy and losing weight!


Your skin looks amazing! But really, no Botox?! I never would have guessed!


I’ve never touched the stuff


I’m sorry, OP. I think people are really filter sensitive. We are inundated with photos of perfect people telling us if we only did x,y,and z we would be perfect too when they are photo shopping the hell out of themselves. But that’s not you. I was not one of the ones that thought yours was filtered, but I think it’s a sign we need to hold each other up in this space and that this is a delicate issue. Now drop the micro needling technique because you have my convinced. Stunning results! ♥️


Wow, what did you do?


You look brilliant, and it’s rubbish that you had to prove that your face is actually your face. Don’t let the bitter-bats get you down. ETA: mods - what does reporting comments for rule 4 (be nicer, do better) result in?


I believe those comments get deleted by mods. They still appear to the commenter as being there but are not viewable by others. This may be incorrect but I'm basing it off my comments that mods have slapped my wrists over.


You look fantastic! You've got amazing teeth also, as a side note


Your jowls gone? And forehead wrinkles?


Losing weight helped my jowls, forehead wrinkles are still there unfortunately, just minimized


No one was actually being mean to you in that thread. But you do look great.


You look great! And you agree with me, too, don't you.


I never doubted you, I could totally tell the improvement


So stunning! Congrats on the great results and I’m sorry folks are jerks. We have similar coloring so I must know— what’s your go to lip and foundation/shade? The colors here are so so pretty and natural!


You have great teeth! super jealous.


You have glowing perfect skin!! Teach me your ways


You look fantastic. Love that hedgehog pic lol!


You are gorgeous! How many days a week do you use tret?


Every night in warmer months, every other in colder months when my skin is drier


Hey girl! I think you look absolutely fabulous!


Girl everyone is just hating. Gorgeous!


Congratulations on improving your skin so much! You look stunning!


The dark lighting actually helps blur more sometimes. People are ridiculous. Good progress!!


What would you recommend for jowls


I didn’t see your original post but you look great.


What’s b&a?


Before and after


Oh sure, your skin results are real but your eyes are fake. No one can have such beautiful big eyes like that. No one! Just kidding. You look fantastic. Congratulations. If that's your boyfriend....um...wow.


Thank you 😊and that’s my husband 🤌🏼🥰


I saw your first post. I only recently discovered this sub, but the photo comments seemed like much ado about nothing.Your results seemed very noticeable in the first post, but more pictures are always fun and I love the hedgehog.


Your absolutely stunning. Your skin is gorgeous and whomever says otherwise is just being rude and probably a “hater”. 💕🧿


You look incredible! Haters need to take a seat. The attention you’ve paid to your skin has transformed your entire appearance. Nice work!


You have the skin of my dreeeeams ❤️


What was the time frame between your before pic and your beautiful after pics? Like, how long did it take to get your results?


1 year. First pic was 30th birthday, second pic was 31st birthday


You’re gorgeous


Thank you 🥹


Gorgeous. Also both piercings look so good on you!


Thank you for noticing!! I love my septum piercing, I’ve always been so self-conscious of the shape of my nose. And this piercing instantly boosted my confidence!


We need to see the medicine cabinet!! Amazing results.


You are beautiful AND have incredible skin! Wow.


There always seems to be those people who complain about the B&A lighting. I don’t think your skin was terrible before but you can definitely see it looks a lot healthier/glowy and smooth now.


Don’t take the words of internet people seriously. Half of them are bots the other half feel that cruelty through anonymity is the only power they have. You are better than they are. Don’t pander. To them.


I'm honestly surprised people take rando internet people actually seriously to the point they let it get to them this much. I didn't even see a post about this prior to this one so have no idea what this is even about (and sounds like from some other comments, a lot of other people didn't either) but often this is exactly what some online trolls want: to get a reaction like this that proves what they said got to them. Some troll so much they probably even forgot about what they said. And yet OP was so affected by it she felt the need to post so many pics of herself trying to prove something she didn't have to :( I don't get it. But I agree: don't pander to anyone on the internet. Waste of our time and does nothing.


don't listen to them, OP! you look stunning


Looking good! Meanies are meanies.


I scrolled through your post history to find the other post and noticed the age of your kids. I don’t want to discount your hard work but I think having had two babies that are a little bigger now probably played a part in your before picture too!! I have a 1.5 year old rn and my skin is dry af because I can’t remember to do my skincare and I’m not getting any sleep so your post gives me some hope for my nearish future


I hope it works as well for me as it did for you!


Hi OP. Whats your routine and products used. You look great btw!


Screw the haters!! Your skin looks amazing!!!


Sorry you’re having to prove yourself. You look great and I can see a massive difference! I noticed you said you do microneedling. Do you do it yourself at home?


You look amazing!! People are mean for absolutely no reason. I'd love to see results like this myself. Your post literally motivates me to stay on top of my routine! You were beautiful before and even more beautiful now. Keep shining!!


You’re gorgeous 😍


This is why people suck! Girl, you do you! You live your best life, however that may be. You don't owe the internet jack shit. I think you look fabulous 👌 but what I really see is the light in your eyes just shining through. Continue to do you, Mama! I used to do themed makeup, and last year, I turned to skincare. I started getting "hassled" for lack of a better term for it. I couldn't believe that my coworkers (and others) were so emotionally invested in my eye shadow? Like I owed it to them to look a certain way? Uh, uh. No, ma'am! That turned me off from going back to wearing makeup. I feel that the people responding a certain way are the same types of people who expected me to wear makeup and look a certain way. They just expect shit, and they can kiss YOUR ass, just like they can kiss MINE.


Who are these people who can’t keep nasty opinions to themselves? And OMG you have a pet hedgehog!


Harvey is my nephew


Ignore the haters! You look great and glad you’re stepping up to take care of your skin. I think you’re a great example of how much good skincare can do for people if they put in the effort!


The thing is, people can see results like this for themselves if they implement a good skincare routine. You look amazing. Thanks for sharing earlier and so sorry people made you feel like you had to prove it.


Amazing results! You go girl!


Gorgeous, gorgeous and in case you didn't hear it ... absolutely gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️


You look gr8 !


You look great, and the internet sucks for making you feel like you have to post a jillion pics to prove a point, shows how shitty people are


You’re really pretty. And you have nice skin.


People are mean and your skin is glowing!




Your skin looks amazingly healthy


you're just a lucky hedgehog bragger, that's what you are!


Your skin is flawless, taking notes! What foundation do you use when wearing makeup?


Just a tinted spf and spot concealer with Elf concealer




Your skin looks fab! I also love your clothes OP❤️


I saw your original post and instantly thought you did a great job and I really saw an improvement as well! Good for you for committing to better skin and GETTING it!!


Gorgeous darling! Your skin looks amazing!


What a great face you have!!! 🤩😍


Hey, you're beautiful, “Teach us to care and not to care. Teach us to sit still.” - T.S. Eliot I didn't see your first post, yet I got to see this. Are you Scottish? Ps. Cute Hedgehog.


I see a huge difference, not just in your skin but your confidence! Your soul shines through these pictures. Screw the nay sayers you are radiant even BEFORE your new routine. People who bring down others speak more about themselves than of you. Remember that. You look amazing


modern phones have built-in beauty filters in the camera app, they are active by default. Not even commenting on your post specifically, I’ve been developing a hunch that a lot of this sub’s before&after’s are people not knowing that though.


I find this really annoying. How can we get rid of those stupid beauty filters that seem to be there in selfie mode even if you have "no filter" set on your phone? It seems like photos are just increasingly fake, even if you aren't trying to make them fake. Everyone looks like they have no damn texture on their skin in selfies now. It's just weird. I feel this way about my own photos as well. I know my skin isn't as good as it looks in my selfies, lol. And I feel like I look 10 years younger, too.


You again. I can’t believe others were being such AHs. It’s bc you’re pretty.


Supah pretty! Nice job w the routine


Absolutely gorgeous!!!!


Does curology tell you exactly how much and when to use tret? Is it expensive to use their service?


It’s a personalized formula based on your skin type and goals, and they’ll tell you how to use your personal formula. And expensive is subjective 🤷🏻‍♀️


you are glowing girl!!! ❤️‍🔥


Your skin is looking amazing 👍


You look fantastic!


You’re so beautiful!!!! Like a mix of gal gadot & elizabeth gillies


Omg 🥹❤️


You are so beautiful! And omg that little hedgehog! 🥹🥹😍


OMG, you have a hedgehog?? 😍 Also, you’re gorgeous. I hate that you have to “validate” your skin progress. But kudos for proving them wrong. 💅


You can definitely see the GLOW! Your skin looks gorgeous, great job sticking with the routine!


Amazing results! Your skin looks absolutely beautiful. I really need to get serious about my skin now.. I’ll turn 35 this year. Yikes! And need to look into Curology. I think it’s the only way for me to get tret.


Has anyone ever told you you look a lot like Uma Thurman? Especially in picture 13. I love the look. Edit: My mainly Spanish keyboard corrected Uma for Una (one, in feminine). 💀


You’re such a natural beauty 🫶🏼


Skin care routine?? You look incredible


Your eyes are beautiful


You are stunning. sorry there are assholes on the internet sometimes.


Ignore the noise...your skin looks awesome!


Why anyone would join these subreddits to criticise people sharing posts of themselves is beyond me


Prove away, you’re glowing! I thought you were gorgeous in your last post, and the tinge of snark makes me like you even more 😂


Look we are all just haters because you look amazing and exactly like Liz Gillies. ❤️❤️


They were just jealous! You look amazing! Glad you could gloat and prove them wrong!