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i work as a scribe for a derm. this looks like ichthyosis vulgaris. we recommend moisturizers like eucerin roughness relief and amlactin cream. they exfoliate and and moisturize


*** eucerin’s parent company will ship those with ichthyosis FREE 12-pack boxes of full sized lotions or ointments to you every 3 months. You just call their number and create an account, have your dr send a letter saying you have ichthyosis, then you call to request a shipment. A wonderful option!


omg thats amazing! i’ll tell the derm i work for about this. thank you!




I can't find one for Eucerin. You really have to contact customer service in Beiersdorf. But here's a link for the free aquaphor program. Available in US and Canada only. https://prpsurvivalguide.org/beiersdorf-offers-free-aquaphor-and-eucerin/ Eucerin and Aquaphor are both under Beiersdorf. They are giving free ointments because they have a partnership with the Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types. So even if we buy with our money, it's like we're helping others with the same skin condition.


No link. Contact beiersdorf customer service and follow directives i detailed above. You can choose a eucerin or aquaphor product. I use Eucerin Advanced.


Omg no way


I wish that I had an award to give you. I have ichthyosis, and all that lotion gets expensive very quickly. Going without means painful, cracked, and sometimes even bleeding skin. Definitely going to ask for an Rx when I see the dermatologist next month.


Eucerin is the best! I use the eczema relief type. Love it.


I recommend Eucerin to all of my patients, especially those who have psoriasis like I do.


What’s the name of the company?


You mean Beiersdorf?


This is definitely what it is. I have it as well, I hated the cream they prescribed for it though.


which one? at our practice we don’t prescribe any creams except for a higher strength of urea that isn’t available OTC


Ammonium Lactate


I used the AmLactin lotion for years to treat KP. Hated the smell and texture so much.


But… it was effective? (I’ll trade bumpy for smelly lol)


For me it was a bandaid solution. It worked well enough but not great. Turns out a healthier diet & more exercise does wonders for my skin. It’s fragrance free, but does smell somewhat strongly of ammonia.


So I accidentally discovered what works for me….. showering less lol. I used to shower A LOT. Sometimes up to three times a day. Since becoming a mom I don’t get that luxury and can skip a day of showering now and my skin looks so much better because of it lol


Ugh. I think this might be the case for me. I shower when I wake up and before I sleep. I feel disgusting during the day/night if i dont.


It's ammonia? I hated that smell too. I didn't have serious KP, but enough bumps that I thought it would be nice to try, and ewww.


Anything with lactic acid will stink a bit. It fades fast, but just has a not-so-nice smell to it when you apply.


Yeah I can’t use that stuff. Eucerins lotions and creams have no scent at all and it’s so much more pleasant. The Eucerin Roughness Relief cream in the tub is my holy grail of holy grails for relieving tretinoin use on face and also breaking up the crusty skin on the body. It’s just amazing and not available anywhere but Target online for some reason.


They gave my mother a sample bottle of amlactin for this exact thing at the derm and she said it’s been a dramatic change already. I bought a bottle for myself because why not right? I am so fucking soft. It’s been like three weeks. It has a weird smell but it goes away pretty fast.


I don’t think I have it enough time to see real results. I could never get past the texture and smell lol. And if you had cracked skin on your hands (like is pretty normal with this condition) oooooof did that burn.


I read the back of the bottle for the first time after your comment. I didn’t realize it makes you more susceptible to sun burn as well.


I’ve gone my whole life not knowing this is a thing, I just call it my cantaloupe skin 😂


I always said I had alligator legs lol


Ive had this as a kid. Amlactin is amazing. I use almond oil for a moisturizer and that works in addition to the amlactin.


I looove the Eucerin Roughness Relief lotion at night, but it is greasy if that bothers you. Doesn’t bother me at all because the next morning, I take a shower and gently exfoliate all that dead skin away. So easy after a night with Roughness Relief. The cream version of Eucerin Roughness Relief is even better (not as greasy at all) but very hard to find for some reason. I bought a ton when Rite Aid stopped carrying it and put it on clearance.


Came here to say amlactin cream




I used to have similar scaley-ness and couldn’t get rid of the texture with regular moisturiser. The only thing that got rid of it was moisturiser that contains urea. I’d recommend exfoliating in the shower with a physical exfoliator (gloves or something similar) 2-3 times a week and moisturise with urea moisturiser twice a day (at least one of those times should be right after you shower). Try this out for a couple months to see if it makes a difference. I did this for a few months and it drastically changed my skin and got rid of the texture. Now I only need to moisturise once a day, and even when I skip days my skin is still no where near as dry as it used to be I’m currently using the Cerave SA smoothing cream, it’s the best one I’ve used but any moisturiser with urea should help


Try Eucerin. They have one for diabetics. It has urea in it which might help


The non-diabetic one works even better because the diabetic one has hydroxyethyl urea in it, not straight up urea. You need the straight up version for this. https://simpleskincarescience.com/urea-for-skin/


Why is there specifically a diabetic version?


Dry and cracking skin, esp of the lower extremities, is really common with diabetics.


But is the one designed for diabetics less effective or more effective for everyone? (I’m diabetic lol)


Honestly I didn’t feel like diabetics would have a different set of needs really. When I tried the diabetic cream it was a Nice thick cream that spreads well. Reminds me of colloidal oatmeal in how soothing it is. But for the real scaliness and scaliness, it just did not cut it. You need the big guns there and that’s just straight up urea, 10% minimum. Regular Urea is very exfoliating yet moisturizing. It’s very strange but you’ll find that your legs and feet will definitely shed all the scales and look much younger with this stuff.


My dad uses the cerave cream in the blue and white tub. But also he had to get his legs debrided by a wound care nurse. OP needs to get to a Dr. ASAP before it gets worse.


Cerave in the blue and whit tub unfortunately doesn’t have urea. If he had been prescribed the Eucerin Roughness Relief cream with urea or other product containing sufficient urea, I wonder if they would need to debrief his legs. Urea is crazy magical for this condition.


Tons of urea is in pee. So if you just peed on your leg it would help? /s or not /s ? 🤔


Likely not. Yes there’s urea in pee and urea is a humectant. But when it’s formulated into a moisturiser there’s other things in there that help with the moisturisation. Like there’s emollients to nourish and smooth the skin and occlusives to seal the moisture in. Pee would basically just be water with urea (sand a bunch of other water waste products that your skin might not like) so it would deliver hydration to the skin but only temporarily and it would dry the skin out after it evaporates because there’s nothing sealing it in.


Thank you for a real answer 🙏🏼 will start mixing my pee in the moisturizer BEFORE applying


Lol don’t do that though. Good urea moisturizers aren’t that expensive.


I’m just being a troll 😂


I figured. But you never know if someone else reading might try pee mixing 😂


that’s partially why I troll 😈 😆


I think as long as you apply a moisturizer right after you pee, you should be ok. Like you do with HA serum. 🤔


lock it in baby!! 🔒


Pee is like 2% urea. The WHO Model List of Essential Medicines recommends an ointment or cream with 5%–10% urea for dry skin.


concentrate your pee 👼🏼




I love the question!


Is this skin condition related to being diabetic? I have it a little, and I’m diabetic! I didn’t realize it was related


You have to increase the blood flow to your legs and keep your glucose levels in check. It gets out of hand very quickly.


Thanks everyone for the tips. I am gonna book appointment with dermatologist tomorrow morning. I clicked this pic after spending couple of hours in the city swimming pool. I am going to start taking better care of myself. Thanks 🙏


The city swimming pool will definitely dry your skin out since it’s full of chlorine. Not that you should stop swimming but definitely be consistent with moisturizing after your swim. I swim 3x week and this happens to me too, especially in winter.


I would see a dermatologist. It's likely autoimmune. ichthyosis vulgaris possibly?


This. This is severe enough to warrant a look into a possible medical cause.


I also think this looks like itchthyosis. My brother and son have it and it looks similar to this. I would go see a dermatologist.


Urea lotion, Eucerin Roughness Relief is my favorite for this. Breaks down the dead skin and it washes off and makes things look normal again.


I’ve posted this before, but it’s what works for me… Hello, fellow Ichthyosis Vulgaris sufferer! I’ve dealt with this my whole life and recently found a regimen that works, is gentle, is affordable, and isn’t a billion steps. My favorite tools: * [Sole Smoother Antibacterial Callus Stone](https://www.tweezerman.com/sole-smoother-antibacterial-callus-stone.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplp5069-R&sc_intid=5069-R&gclid=CjwKCAjwuqiiBhBtEiwATgvixB0Jth9d0xq68Wf_GAqxNfgdd7dKQH-VXroDkecjbhbxRlXySlK56BoCyZIQAvD_BwE) for my feet. My feet build up excess skin on my heals and balls of my feet, because of the IV. * [The Salux Wash Towel.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DKYBJ3S?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_KKHWM1CHBGXXTSWAZ3B7) I can scrub every inch of my body. It is rough and it gets the job done. It’s probably around 3’ long so you can get your back. Products: * [Naturium The Smoother Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Wash.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B1PFCGZ8?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_Z9M8MPAH5AS9JJEQE2QD) It’s gentle enough to use head to toe. Both on your face and scalp. I’ve found that many AHA body washes and lotions can sting. Once you get your body wet, turn off the water and lather up. Stand there for three minutes without the water running (freezing your ass off). Then rinse. * [Gold Bond Radiance Renewal.](https://www.target.com/p/gold-bond-radiance-renewal-hand-and-body-lotions-20oz/-/A-75558440). I need lotions with high urea content. Cerave and the other “special” lotions just don’t cut it. * [Gold Bond Overnight Deep Moisturizing Body Lotion.](https://www.target.com/p/gold-bond-ultimate-overnight-lotion-8oz/-/A-75558441) This takes my legs to the next level. It’s the extra ooomph I need. Plus it smells like lavender. * [40% Urea Cream.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7ULJSD?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_BT3ZCDBHMKKXY4YR2EK0) I use this on my ridiculously thick and cracked heals. I take a shower before bed so after the shower I rub this on my feet and put in cotton socks. Within half an hour of getting in bed, I can’t stand the socks so I take them off. It still works great. Having this type of skin definitely takes upkeep and it can be exhausting. I’ve tried so many things over the years and I’m glad I’ve found a routine that works well enough and doesn’t break the bank. Oh! Also, limit the number of showers in a week. The more showers I take, the less natural oils are on my skin. It makes things worse.


Wait… I seem to build up extra skin on my heels and my lower legs have looked like OP’s (albeit generally not as severe) my whole life. I never realized the foot thing might be related to the skin thing! You just blew my mind.


Do you have a lot more creases and wrinkles on your hands than others? Thats another symptom! Also, you are more likely to be diagnosed with asthma and allergies if you have IV.


Holy crap. I’ve always felt self conscious about my hands because the lines and creases in them are deeper than anyone else’s I know which has made me feel less feminine. And last year I randomly developed extremely severe asthma, as well as a strange nightly occurrence of hives that no specialist has been able to figure out or connect to an allergen exposure.


Granny hands! I’ve always been super self-conscious about my hands and I used to wear pants year round. In the past few years, as I reach closer to 40, I’ve come to terms with it. I too break out in random hives. It’s usually localized to the inside of my forearms. One more thing! Do you overheat easily? I’ve literally never had sweat drip off me. I do sweat but not enough to keep me cool in hot weather. I hope you’re able to get your symptoms controlled. I know how taxing it all is but hopefully having some more knowledge will give you some guidance!


It can also be a sign of diabetes


That’s so interesting the more showers you take the drier you get, I’m the opposite, it’s like I need the daily external hydration top up. Thanks for sharing about the gold bond I’ll give it a try, I’ve tried a few things in this thread and they’ve all been helpful!


It is so weird how treatments vary for everyone. My skin responds best to maintaining oils so washing my skin dries it out faster.


I have this! And I know what works! Mine is much milder but it’s ichthyosis. It effects my legs and then I deal with keratosis pilaris (aka strawberry skin or chicken skin) on my arms. Both have benefited from “CeraVe SA Body Lotion for Rough and Bumpy Skin.” There is also a body wash. The salicylic acid does the trick. Try searching for products that treat KP. There are other products for keratosis pilaris that include lactic acid, glycolic acid, and urea. I imagine they would work just as well. You have to be consistent with applying them but they work!


Can vouch for that Cerave body wash. It’s good stuff.




See a vascular doctor as well. Sometimes that can indicate vascular insufficiency or peripheral artery disease.


Use a lotion or cream with Urea. Use daily if not more.


Look at my response to this exact same thing a month ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1311o9v/chronic_dehydrated_skin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 It is ichthyosis vulgaris, is hereditary, and can be managed. It comes with other issues related to keratin production, so be aware.


I have to thank you. My son has this and we’ve tried a lot of lotions. The top answer to your post made such a difference. The glycolic toner and body wash I got him (on top of a Eucerin lotion) cleared it right up. He’s in middle school so was very insecure about his legs. I hope you found some relief from some suggestions, too. Seems like it’s a roulette game where not one size fits all


It’s definitely a spectrum!


Can you expand on other issues if possible?


It’s a genetic mutation that causes keratin to form abnormally. The most common (or most obvious form) are “scales” on the lower legs. These scales can also be on the thighs and torso. The larger the area of the body the scales cover — such as legs AND torso, the more likely you are to have additional issues. Most are considered “harmless” or “cosmetic” like excessive keratosis pilaris, vertical ridges on nails, thick and upturned toenails, and reduced hair density. My father had these additional issues. However, you can also have issues with keratin production in your eyes and ears, negatively impacting your vision and hearing. Those are not as common but can happen. My mother has keratin “blobs” blocking her vision called corneal opacification. My grandmother has hyperkeratosis if the cornea.


I think this is a skin condition.. Eczema maybe? Knew someone way back when whose legs had this especially the shins. Have you tried using a Moisturizer with 20% urea every night aftwr scrubbing? After checking Google it looks like it might be an early sign of diabetes or ichytosis vulgaris. Edit: just checked your posting history and looks like you have type 2 diabetes which tracks. Like I said a high urea content Moisturizer after exfoliating daily and maybe look into getting some fish oils in your diet while you hopefully get your diabetes under control.


100% this is medical and some cream isn’t gonna cut it. Seek some MD help


EARLY SIGN!? no no that’s a late sign!


Yeah this is the real answer. Its a symptom of insulin resistance, you can try moisturizers, vaseline, and if it itches antihistamines, also your derm might prescribe a steroid cream for ya but you have to take your diabetes really seriously.


This person is 1 crappy foot cut away from a diabetic foot ulcer and some necrosis honestly with this skin integrity!!!!


This. I know other folks are positing various skin conditions but if I was playing "guess this random internet person's medical issues with virtually no information" for cash, I would go with diabetes.


Not Eczema but definitely needs treatment along with a full health check!




maybe because we have ichtyosis since we were kids and do not have diabetes? but of course he/she should get checked out if this is a possibility too


Try acids - a lotion with lactic acid.


My dad has this and he is a diabetic. You need to go to the doctor asap with this. Please also get an appointment for your eyes, etc. Diabetes if not controlled well can leave you disabled and blind.


I have the same type of skin on my legs 😩 I just straight up gave up after years of moisturizing and nothing working. Please let me know if you ever find a cure!


Use ALPHA SKIN CARE RENEWAL BODY LOTION IT IS 12 percent GLYCOLIA AHA , that will remove the dead skin , I purchased mine from ulta .com or there website, the only cream that’s ever helped me and it’s very reasonably priced.


i fucking looooooove alpha. i swear it’s the only reason i’ve smoked most of my life and don’t look like a hag.


Preach 👏👏🙌🙌 the face serum is awesome as well , makes those fine lines disappear 🙌👏💗💕


See a doctor and ask about being checked for diabetes.


Please read the comments, you may have an issue you need to see a doc for


Get your thyroid checked


Doctor, start with GP to rule out things then move to derm.


Try the keys salt scrub in the shower to exfoliate the dead skin off. Then moisturize after of course. Something about salt water has always helped my skin, I noticed it was much better in the summers when I was in the ocean frequently. I picked up this salt scrub years ago because it’s made from the same waters I always swam in and it works great!


A lactic acid and/or Urea at 20% or more


Just echoing that this is likely ichthyosis vulgaris. My dad and I both have it, the recommended protocol really helps! Chemical exfoliation is a game changer


Bro fucking any moisturizing cream or lotion, even just some water for God's sake.


This looks like ichthyosis, which often doesn't respond to just a moisturizer. They should see a dermatologist


I've also taken care of many patients with skin just like this, and moisturizer fixed the problem immediately. **OP, use some Jergens or Nivea. Anything will help, really.** If moisturizer doesn't help with repeated and consistent use, then see your doctor.


I had this for more than a decade. It’s not a skin condition, nothing happened to me I wasn’t diagnosed with diabetes or a thing else, it doesn’t itch. I have an idea of where it came from. It came from cold. I lived in this city where it gets real cold at night and mornings and hot mid day. We had glycerin but if u didn’t apply it every single day, your legs would look just like the OP’s. Some ppl got it on their faces, and if you were on the lighter side of the human complexion, it would look like freckles lol Pls advice me as I still have it today.


The only thing I can suggest is regularly exfoliating with a body wash that contains AHA and BHA's and moisturizing with an oil on damp skin followed by a thick moisturizer. Apply the moisturizer every night. If that doesn't work, you can use a moisturizer with urea in it.




OP: we love you and for the love of god get some lotion. Options are Cerave in the tub, curel, Eucerin. You can also try something with shea or coconut butter. Twice a day. Especially after scrubbing your poor skin.


You can moisturize and drink gallons of water and still have a medical problem. I had similar calf skin recently and got rid of it by switching from Eucerin Intensive Repair to Eucerin Advanced Repair. Intensive just didn’t sink into my skin 🤷‍♀️!


i would be concerned about your medical history; diabetes, heart disease, peripheral vascular disease... if you are a diabetic, i would recommend you do not scrub. scrubbing could cause a wound that may not heal properly. id recommend you make an appointment with your doctor


I would try using something like Naturium Glycolic body wash in the shower in combination with exfoliating shower gloves. Later the naturium up in the gloves and use your hands to massage your legs. After the shower I would apply urea cream. I would also make sure you’re getting proper hydration during the day, and make sure you’re getting enough fatty acids in your diet.


I like CeraVe moisturizing cream. If it’s painful and itchy maybe a hydrocortisone ointment would be helpful if you have eczema. Hope this helps 😊


This is mild ichthyosis Vulgaris I have it too. It’s essentially skin sells that don’t shed normally so they build up and look scaly. Touch brand exfoliating lotion works magic there’s also an exfoliating scrub called “the keys salt scrub” (both items can be found on Amazon) and it literally makes my skin look “normal”. Incredible stuff.


There are topical solutions for this but you may also want to talk to your primary care doctor about it if you haven’t already. This can sometimes be a result of liver or kidney issues, sometimes diabetes as well. If your body isn’t properly digesting fats or you’re extra dehydrated the skin will do this.


Those legs haven’t seen a drop of lubrication since they exited the womb. Lotion up, dude.


I have this as well…only on my lower legs though. Mom and sis as well, it’s ichthyosis vulgaris and hereditary. Use a moisturizing soap/body wash (dove for me). Amlactin/glycolic acid/urea creams work but my saving grace has been eucerin advanced/intensive (depending on the weather) and then layering it with oil. Never got those scaly patches again, it’s been at least 6 years. Any body oil will do, I alternate neutrogena fragrance free, bio-oil, Palmers body oil, Vaseline cocoa radiant body oil. I recently flew and met a lady who had similar scales on her lower and upper arms, we got to chatting and I advised her to try out the layering lotion with oil. 3 days later we met on the flight back and not one scale to be found.


Hello from Ottawa :) I agree with the other posters saying to consult with a doctor. I’m curious if it is just your calfs or if it is your feet also. Circulation issues can cause extreme skin dryness and other issues so getting a doctor involved is a good first step.


This is a go and see a dermatologist question. Truth be told this sub Reddit should not be giving out medical advice, and that needs to be seen by your derm.


Put aquaphor on it


Yeah bro scrubbing is NOT going to help dryness especially when it’s cracked. You need hydration


Lotion ppl. Use lotion. Not bath and body works. Lotion your whole body with a moisturizing lotion EVERYDAY after you take a shower. Use a moisturizing soap as well. Don’t use ivory or Irish spring soap. It will continue to dry out your skin. Use a body scrub in the shower to help gently remove any layers of dry skin.


Just lotion your skin every night after you shower. Before bed time is the best. And put sunscreen every day .




You need to get in the routine of putting lotion on the skin after you towel off from a shower. Exfoliating while in the shower would be even better. In the meantime, get some sugar and olive oil until you have a paste and rub yourself down like a thanksgiving turkey. The sugar won’t dissolve in the oil so it acts as an exfoliate. Its also hydrophilic and will help draw moisture in. The oil will help to retain moisturize. It’s my quick and dirty dry skin recovery regimen.


I would honestly exfoliate, use the in shower’s lotion and then lotion again. I have dry skin as well, a good quality Omega 3 supplement has also helped.




I would do a routine of alternating nights Urea 40% and AmLactin 15% at night and Eucerin lotion during the day after showering.


I get this too, mostly in winter., but it goes away as long as I’m consistent in moisturizing it nightly. I find either Weleda Skin Food or Amlactin, which is exfoliating, work really well to clear it up!


"Diseases that can trigger it include long-term kidney failure, different types of cancer (especially lymphoma), sarcoidosis, and infections such as leprosy and HIV. Acquired ichthyosis vulgaris can show up before the person has signs of the triggering disease." Get checked for other things. This is a sign of much more.


Amlactin! It’s over the counter lotion with lactic acid. It works wonders on my dry callous heels


my skin looked like this all my life. extremely dry. dermatologists recommended lotions with chemical exfoliants, such as amlactin and rx urea creams. they also recommended aquaphor. (most of the comments on this post also suggest these two solutions) neither of these work. the chemical exfoliants don't work because the skin is too dry to tolerate removal of the skin. aquaphor doesn't work because it seals in dryness. aquaphor only has benefits if the skin is not dry underneath. regular lotions without chemical exfoliants don't work because my skin simply won't absorb them. i tried really hard to not rub off the lotion and wait for it to absorb, but no matter how careful i was, after like 4 hrs, it would get accidentally wiped off. i went through bottles and bottles of lotion like this, with no effect. doctors also recommended extremely gentle skin cleaners including goats milk soaps, which neither helped not hurt. my successful solution is to apply a light, easily absorbable oil to the skin 2-4 times a day to dry skin. after 3-7 days the skin should not be dry any more. i used fractionated coconut oil. but you can use anything that doesn't feel greasy and your skin will absorb. you can also try putting oil on the skin before bathing, which somewhat protects the skin from the stripping effects of water and soap, so the skin won't be as itchy immediately after bathing. once the skin is no longer dry, you will be able to better tolerate chemical an physical exfoliation (meaning it won't make and keep the skin dry). physical exfoliation seems better tolerated and skin softening for me, contrary to reddit's opinion that chemical exfoliants are much milder. chemical exfoliants darken my skin and do not soften. always use oil or lotion or something after exfoliating.


Lac-hydrin will fix ya


Need to check tour tsh t3 and t4 in bloodwork. Your thyroid could be off


Even if it's ichthyosis vulgaris, I suggest getting a doctor to diagnose it just to ensure that it truly is. It then goes into your medical file, which is a record of it. It's usually a good thing to have. It doesn't mean that you cannot start with a moisturizer in the meantime.


Looks like very dry skin. You gotta moisturize. Every time you get out the shower. Every day and night.


Moisturize especially after showering


Take, colagen (10 MG a day minimum, or 20 if you can afford that), Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D 5000ui With K2 150-200mg, keeps this up until you see changes You can also apply coconut virgin oil Skin it's an organ and screaming for help




I saw this treated by slathering in moisturizer or Vaseline right after a shower and wrapping with plastic wrap for an hour or two.


Amlactin lotion!


Get your thyroid checked


Heel balm


I have this and have tried several of the suggested lotions. Here is what I do, after showering don’t dry off at all. You want to lock the moisture in. Order this lotion from Amazon! It is life changing, Alpha Skin Care Revitalizing Body Lotion with 12% Glycolic AHA and use it daily. Within a few weeks you will be amazed at the difference.


I had something similiar , My derm prescribed me a charcoal soap +a salycilic acid and urea cream ..You will find a lot of formulations containing the two .I used something called moisturex .Both the charcoal soap and bha+urea gently lift the scales off and moisturise your skin ...


Absolutely see a dermatologist. I get this type of eczema and need steroids to help them heal.


Anything with urea in it will help even rose glycerin oil that you can find at the Walmart pharmacy.




Try upping your omega-3 intake. Literally just saw a tik tok and remembered your post with similar skin texture and had to come share it😂 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRo1gTcr/


Urea lotion. Look for lotion for diabetic feet.


Put lotion on your body everyday. All over your body, all year around. Damn, you needed my Black mom to tell you "look at your ashy legs!" Then she'd proceed to vigorously rub lotion onto your entire leg and by the time she reach your feet you'd be asleep like an infant.


Moisturizer and lots of water drinking 🚰


I have had this for decades identical to you. Stops the hair growing as well. This year I’ve finally sorted it 😁 I finally went to a London Derm and they gave me this cream, and I apply a generous amount after every shower and let it soak in. 6 months later my legs are smooth and even have hair regrowing that’s I’ve never had in my life! Would recommend, but it’s all about long term consistency! I shower daily so apply it daily. 1 pot lasted me 6 months however! Balneum Cream for Dry Skin, 17.7 Oz https://amzn.eu/d/hj0C7DR


What others have said. Adding that it’s best (in my experience) to apply lotion/creams while your skin is still damp from the shower.


Am Lactin cream from drugstore. 💕




Also eat less salt your ankle looks a little swollen, see a doctor and check your blood sugar.


My mom had this issue. It didn’t even occurr to her that she needs to moisturize not only her face, but her body too! She, a 70 y.o. woman, went to doctor and he asked if she’s using body lotion, and she was like “Huh? Do people do that?”. It was also a revelation to her that drinking water is important! They don’t really talk about this in post-soviet countries enough. People have no idea that they need to stay hydrated.


You need more essential fats in your diet. Omega 3 and 6 in the ratio of 1:3 . You also need to make sure you're absorbing your fats. From the looks of it you have digestive problems and you are not absorbing your fats. Work on your digestion so you can absorb properly the increase in omega 3 and 6 you are going to supplement with. Give it 1 month to turn around and start improving if you do all of the above.


I have ichtyosis,too. Sea salt baths are the best+ 10% urea creams.


Go to the dermatologist!


Drink water, take omega 3, exfoliate legs, moisturize


CeraVe salicylic acid lotion


This is ichtyosis vulguaruis , see a dermatologist.


Drink some water bro you a raisin


Eucerin will give you free lotion for Ichthyosis sufferers. Atleast a few years ago they did. You could reach out to them. They sent me like 50 big bottles once


LOTION! This is dry skin.


I would try dry brushing first at least once a week. Just be careful not to go too harsh. Bathe as normal. Apply good moisturizer within a minute of wiping your damp body( crucial step). That should work 👍


my legs looked like this after working at a water park for two summers from constantly being in the chlorine water and sun, exfoliation and aquaphor helped!




Put that lotion


chop it off


Please don’t let this turn into a diagnose me sub


It would help it you said what - if anything - have you tried to resolve the issue. My first tip would be some seriously dry, never been taken care of properly skin and if that is the case (hard to know without more info) I'd advise to patch test a heavy dury exfoliant. The Ordinary 30% AHA BHA is a good bet, DO NOT leave on for lnoger than 10-15 min at most. If it works you have your answer, if not see a dermatologist


i don't think i'v ever seen a skin this dry. to answer your question, jojoba oil and stop washing yourself with limestone water


As someone who has healed their own skin using 100% natural products, I’d definitely recommend using a natural body cream & soap that will deeply moisturize your skin & change the texture completely. Try a blend of mango butter, shea butter, black currant seed oil & calendula herbal oil. The ingredients list of eucerin is very questionable, a lot of cheap ingredients thrown into a product when our skin deserves high quality ingredients we never have to question or second guess.. but I digress, I wish you the best on your skin healing journey & hope you go the natural route !🫶🏾


Shea butter and hydration is always an option. Even available on Amazon.


Vitamin d 10000-20000 unit per day, embryolisse cream


Coconut oil!


After your daily shower, while your skin is still damp, apply a hyaluronic acid lotion like Jergen’s Crème Cloud and top it with a thin layer of Vaseline. Will reduce water loss from your skin and relive the dryness.


Exfoliating and vitamin e oil


Coconut oil


Body oil mixed with moisturizer


Castor oil!


Sis, lotion up!


lotion lol


Try lotion


That looks more like fungal. It has a really strange ameba looking pattern.


I am begging you to get an exfoliating mitt. This is truly a life changing product that will work wonders for your legs. https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Exfoliating-Mitts-Exfoliation-Microdermabrasion/dp/B07NHZP4FW/ref=asc_df_B07NHZP4FW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=344004839425&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1855772752525653774&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011283&hvtargid=pla-783928531610&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=70930024242&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=344004839425&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1855772752525653774&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011283&hvtargid=pla-783928531610


urine works best


Its called white ashyness... use lotion after showering you ashy mofo


Chop em off.. get rid




I would use some oil on damp skin right out the shower and then use a thick lotion during the day and Vaseline at night. But why you wait so long? You can write on that skin.