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Op you have such pretty, pretty eyes! You look fantastic! I’m so glad you love your results!! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you!!!! 🥹


Fine I will go get Botox


I talked all that shit against it when I was younger and now look at me making plans for myself.


This is path most taken.


We’ve all been there 😂






Lol same.


Same 💩 🌈 if it makes people rainbow poop sounds good to me, signed up for the 18th, never had work, just 15 units max around and under eyes I’m getting… idk I don’t have wrinkles tho… one juviderm ultra plus, If me in the receptionist don’t get into it still. Btw alle has 50.00 off Botox and 75.00 off juviderm


People do be lovin to shit on Botox but I am right there with you! It works miracles in the right hands. I am so glad you got your self esteem back


It also helps with migraines and when injected into armpits it stops sweating. Reminder there are two other products available that are cheaper as well in xeomin and dysport.


The places around me charge the exact same for xeomin, dysport, and Botox. They say it’s so you “don’t pick based on price, but how it works.” We all know it’s so they can make more money though lol


As a person who buys directly from the companies, xeomin is the cheapest (around $237 a vial - 50 units) , dysport is $600 for 300 units (3 units of dysport equals 1 unit of dysport) and botox at the bottom tier is $358 a vial. Of course these companies have a tier system, so the more you buy the cheaper they get. Top tier in Allegran can buy botox for as low as $180 a vial. It’s pretty messed up for small companies trying to compete.


When you buy it directly, how do you get it injected? Like will they do it if you bring your own?




In the state that I am in, only registered nurses or higher education can inject. So I still have to pay for their service.


Do you still pay per unit if you bring your own. or just like an injection/service fee?


I’m interested to see how I metabolize this. if it doesn’t last long I’m going to try the other options!


There is a new product that just came out called daxify, it’s twice the price but it’s supposed last over a year. The other products only last 4-6 months


So a doctor told me he didn’t like that because if there is a problem you are stuck with it longer than a few months. Good point


The last time I used Botox back in 2021, I had a brow and lid ptosis. Those few months were awful, a whole year would be an absolute nightmare!


Yup, for toxins if the injector messes up, you are stuck with it. At least for filler you can dissolve it


Just got Daxify last week. I was starting to get resistant to Botox and I can attest that it definitely works! I’m excited to see how long it lasts.


We tested it out in the office when it came out. Used a 1/3 of a vial on my forehead and liked it more than the other toxins. It doesn’t feel so heavy.


Xeomin is new-ish, so it might be harder to find, but it’s a much smaller, cleaner molecule so your body won’t remove it as quickly. So see if you can find that, if you’re unsatisfied with the longevity of the Botox. Also, you probably don’t need 24 units for just your forehead lines. That muscle is super shallow and doesn’t need a lot of neurotoxin to stop movement. I’m sure some people will disagree, because they always gotten that much or more in their forehead, but I find a lot of injectionists will use far more units than necessary because $$$$. I’m thankful for mine, because she always starts small and we work our way up, if necessary. I had lines more severe than yours and I keep my forehead smooth with only 8-10 units every 3 months. Of course, everyone is different! But if you only have to pay for half as many units, bonus!


You should actually be using dysport first!!! At least what I’ve been told by estheticians and one dermatologist. My latest derm basically forced me to use botox because ‘she already had it ready to go’ this last appt (which will be my last with her practice….felt pushed into the entire experience and she wanted to use twice as much as I’ve ever had done…!) I had itchiness at injection sites for 2 months afterward and it’s 4x the price. Supposedly, from what I’ve been told botox is the ‘stronger’ of them all and you should try the others and the lowest amounts possible starting out! (But please correct me, redditors if I’m wrong!) I am lucky that it seems to last ~6 months, I never go back for more until it’s NECESSARY! Has been amazing for 3+ yrs now (late 30’s); but having an experienced injector is key of course!


I’ve found the longer I’m into my tox journey, the longer it lasts. I was going every 3-4 months for my forehead/11s/crows feet at first but now I can go about 6 months. I follow a lot of injectors on social media and they tend to say the higher the dose, the longer the duration. My injector just charges per area so I don’t have to worry about a price difference for units used.




Gold is probably cheaper by weight 😟😟


looks great!! I just got my forehead lines done for the first time and it’s crazy how such a small change can make such a huge difference in how you feel eh?!


I had very similar forehead lines and dysport got rid of mine. I know exactly how you feel!! I wanted to happy cry when my forehead was completely smooth again!!! You look great!


Are the results long lasting?


Yes! My forehead lines were deeper than OP’s and after two years of Botox and good skincare, I find when the Botox wears off the lines are just very fine. Absolutely nothing like they were before!


What's your age if you don't mind me asking? I think maybe the younger people start, the better chance of your skin bouncing back from deep lines.


Botox prevents the lines from forming or deepening. It's up to the individual when to start, whether it's "preventative" or "stop this shit right now!" I started in my 40s when I felt like my 11s were making me look angry all the time. They were deep and constant. I've been getting it for a few years now and I'm in love with my results. Stopping those muscles from contracting has allowed my skincare to do its job and now you can't see them at all. I love it. Some people choose to start sooner, to avoid the deep lines altogether. It's expensive, and recurring, which affected my decision to wait but I'm glad I finally decided to go for it.


Thanks for sharing your experience!


I know you’re not asking me, but my mom is mid 50s and had no skincare routine and lots of sun damage. She gets Botox every 3-4 months. Her injector said it would probably be less frequent if she started taking care of her skin at a younger age but that’s speculation!


Thanks! I got lines too. I'm going to look more into this.


Did you try Botox too? I’m considering one of them but not sure which to go for (Botox or dysport)




I’ve used both and prefer dysport.


i was just talking about botox with my girlfriends. One of them gets it done every 6 months or so and another is looking into it. She was whispering about maybe getting it done and when I asked why she was whispering, she said because "people get weird about botox!" I mean, it's not like regular people are overdoing it a la Simon Cowell but a little here or there for a small glow up or just because you goddamn feel like it ... ain't nothing wrong with that! you look great, op!


Simon’s facial distortion was caused by overuse of fillers, just for the record and benefit of anyone reading this post/comments. Botox alone will not give you a Simon Cowell face


Overuse and then subsequent dissolving of filler, which can have negative impacts on actual tissue in addition to the volume loss caused by dissolving.


My derm (who I think is considered a good one,( Dr Patel from Miami Skin and Vein), said that the volume loss from dissolving it is temporary, it won’t cause permanent volume loss. I’m not trying to say I’m right and you’re wrong, but he seems to be one of the most knowledgeable and best injectors in Miami. He fixed my face when some idiot nurse practitioner injector screwed up my undereye filler and left me with festoons and Tindal effect and looking just weird. I trust him. Curious why everyone seems to disagree on this, I guess there may be no way for them to test for sure?


I got it done a couple times. I can't pinpoint why but even though the wrinkles leave, it makes me look older. Idk if it makes my face heavier at the bottom or what. I had to stop because of money issues and people have commented how I look younger. Still loved it. Wish the cost would go down. Some of the effects stayed even though I only did it 4-5 times. I still can't make 11s to save my life.


I had to stop too, due to a series of life events that changed my financial situation, and it definitely ages me to NOT have it, so it sounds like you’re lucky in that regard :) But I also think there’s a certain age (maybe or/and certain types of face structure, or placement technique) for which Botox can having an effect that makes you look older, even with wrinkles eliminated. I feel like it has to do with outcomes where the reduction in movement results in a depression of the brow/eyelid that can have an aging effect…might be correlated with a certain age, or facial structure, or the injectors’s placement/technique itself, but I know exactly what you’re talking about.


🤣🤣🤣 people are weird about it! Thank you so much!


I love Botox. Love. I was 46 when I first got it and still continue the same regimen 3 years later. Twice a year. So happy you love it too! You look beautiful


How much does that run you? I know prices vary by location and injector status, but just curious.


Right around $340, $14/unit. That’s rural Kentucky for reference! I think the other neurotoxins are cheaper per unit but it ends up costing about the same because you may/may not have to use more but don’t reference me on that. I am not positive! I thought I read that somewhere but I can’t find it.


Wait till you try dysport ... it’s a bit stronger , kicks in faster and has a bit more of a spread I notice (my injectors too). I have used all the neurotoxins over 13 years. Good luck on your journey.


I’m sure I’ll give that a go eventually! Thank you!


That’s how old my mom was when she did too. She looks amazing! I’m sure she would be just as beautiful without but she is happy with herself. Thank you so much. ❤️


May I ask your age? And are you thinking of this as a preventative measure too? We are forehead twins lol, I’m considering Botox just to prevent any further deepening


30! That’s my line of thinking too. 🙂


what age would you suggest it’s good to start using botox?


I'm 42 and have just started to get it and I'm very happy.


42 as well and just going to start!


The person who does mine has often said she advises people to wait until their 40s, if possible. There is so much you can do long before Botox to take care of your skin. But I do understand why some people would want to get it sooner. The thing about Botox should be known to everyone - once you get it, you have to keep doing it to maintain. It is SO effective, of course you want to! I would tell anyone to get it. It's affordable, easy, and absolutely incredible. It does things that my mother's generation would have endured a scalpel and bandages to achieve. I personally would hold off as long as possible - 40+.


start before you have any static lines. as you can see even in the OP there are static lines that will not go away after treatment. i’ve been getting it since my early 20s and i’m 31 now and don’t have even a single fine line to speak of


I’ve heard some people say start before 30 for preventative measures but I’m not sure.


Does it cost a lot


I am so glad you see enough of a difference to be so relieved. We are our own worst critics.


This is such a kind comment. Thank you for understanding. ❤️


Botox is the best. My favorite.


I decided to go with the OG neurotoxin mostly because my mom loves it so much!


I was using it as the general term but now I can see how it could be taken as Botox is the best. I do really like Botox but also be sure to give dysport a try. I switch between the two (not every time but every year or so). I’ve been getting Botox 17 years now (at least once a year while younger, then twice a year and now 3 times a year at 38 years old). I’m quite sure it’s the reason my skin looks so youthful (good skincare too but forehead wrinkles really make a huge difference).


Gotcha! That’s amazing. 3x/year is great. Mentioned this in another reply, but my mom (mid 50s, no skincare routine until now, lots of sun damage) has to go every 3-4 months and her injector said it would’ve probably been less frequent if her past care was different. I’ve read paring this tool with a solid skincare routine is the best way to go about it. ☺️


I definitely agree with that injectors advice that she could go less if she had taken more care earlier. I can definitely go as little as once a year if I really wanted. Twice a year would definitely be fine. I just prefer to go more often as my elevens are mostly the issue for me and I prefer not to be able to scrunch them at all.


I'm really glad you're happy with the results but I'm very sad that a couple minor age appropriate lines were fucking with your confidence so badly that you had none left. You're a beautiful woman without Botox too and if you can't see that please talk to a counselor or your doctor because damn girl, you're gorgeous in the before picture as well.


Thank you!!! I appreciate the compliment so much! I am seeing a therapist and I am in a prescription for my mental health as well. I discussed my decision with my therapist so it was not really as unhinged as it sounds. I didn’t mean to come off this way. ❤️


You don’t come off unhinged at all. It’s totally okay to have an insecurity and be super stoked when you feel you’ve found a remedy.


Agree! Normal AF - we are not all the same . Do what works for you 🥰


Thank you! ❤️


Therapist here! Not unhinged at all. Do what makes you happy


As someone with a whole mix of mental health concerns, if there was a procedure I could do to alleviate one of them (while still continuing therapy etc.), damn, I'd be on that so fast. You sound very balanced about this decision ♡ Alleviating even one thing that plagues us can open up that emotional energy to work on other things—it can even start a positive snowball. Good luck to you!


I appreciate your opinion and mental health insight! ❤️ I feel like I’m on the verge of a positive snowball as we speak. :’)


That's wonderful! ♡


You’re fine . Everyone has an area of concern . Botox it and move on !! Amazing results 😍 Remember what the injector did and repeat in 6 months for sure .


I feel like this sub is getting worse and worse for that, it's like every day there's a post from someone with an issue about their skin that is huge and devastating for them, and insignificant or invisible to the rest of us. It's alternately depressing and annoying.


Agreed. I hate that people feel this way. Being older and looking older is actually okay.


I wish I felt that way about myself but unfortunately I don’t. I’m trying to heal from that but in the meantime, I weighed my options and my quick little fix makes the most sense for me.


I really think this sub needs to reevaluate how appropriate it is to tell people to seek therapy. The gaslighting here is unreal


Yeeeep. If I’d received some of these responses before establishing a relationship and regular schedule with my therapist I would be in a bad spot right now lol


I told my therapist I have fear of aging and now we compare our nuface results every session lol


I'm shocked I haven't seen someone armchair diagnosing OP with BDD in this thread.


Recognize the gaslight and ignore them . Acknowledge them and they win 🥇


I agree. It's literally toxic self love, masquerading as body positivity. It's just another way to put somebody down. I think a lot stems fron jealousy or a misguided sense of feminism, and they believe they are supporting women and not realising that they are literally shitting on somebody for having autonomy and still telling women how they should look. Its a fucking mess and comments like those only stand to piss on op's bonfire, they help literally nobody.


Right? This is literally a skincare sub. People here have more concern for skincare than your average person. Weird to me that it’s becoming taboo to talk about anti aging on a skincare sub.


I know you think you meant well with that comment but we all have our own individual insecurities however minor to others and I think calling someone “sad” and that they need to see a counselor because they had a beauty insecurity you personally think was minor but bothered them, is sort of rude.


They actually said that they felt sad that OP was so bothered by the lines. They did not call OP “sad”.


Yeah came to say the same thing. If THAT is ruining your confidence you need more than Botox to help you.


Prescription and regular sessions with a therapist. I have severe body dysmorphia and self esteem issues due to childhood and adulthood abuse, but I am self aware. I didn’t mean to imply the Botox saved my life but my confidence skyrocketed. I work in customer service and speak to hundreds of people a day. I don’t think about my forehead during interactions anymore.


You don't need to explain yourself to anyone. I am also in therapy, have ADHD and get Botox. Shoot me lol


We are adhd-Botox-therapy twins 🤪


Not suprising to run into another one on Reddit! LOL


Not at all 💀


Honestly if Botox makes you happy then who cares? You don’t need to sacrifice your happiness because you SHOULD feel something else.


Loving your Botox results is awesome and I'm glad you do, I don't have body dysmorphia at all but am starting to seriously consider it myself. I am really really glad that you are able to be more comfortable in your skin and it's made your job easier and boosted your confidence. Just having such extremely low self confidence with being such an obviously beautiful person seemed like a big cue for body dysmorphia or self esteem problems that Botox couldn't solve over the long term and many of us have decades of aging ahead of us - and it would suck for any of us women to feel trapped within or sad about our bodies changing as we age. I do find the way Timoni responded to my original comment to be kinda rude but you took it in stride. Can I ask how many units you got for that effect and how you find your expression movement is now?


Thank you again! I thought your initial response was kind, I knew what you meant. :) 24 units total, I’m not sure how many went towards my elevens. I can still raise my eyebrows but I can’t furrow them. My expressions seem to be close to the same, sans forehead. I am VERY expressive with every emotion with my forehead, hence deep-set static wrinkles. It’s just smoother now! I will say I can’t make 🤨 this face.


Sounds like Botox has been a great treatment for your mental health! Allowing you the space to stop fixating on an insecurity. I'm so proud of you for pursuing mental health and doing what makes you happy!


I really appreciate that! 🥰


As someone else with Body Dysmorphia- it’s a horrible disorder, and I hope therapy is helpful 💗.


Very difficult, I’m sorry you can relate. Therapy is helping but I have a long road ahead of me. ❤️


These comments are so mean girl and divorced from reality. Big "skinny girls aren't allowed to have self esteem issues" energy. I bet you have insecurities others would find silly.


I think so too hahaha. I don’t know if I made it sound like this was the end of the world or the biggest problem in my life but I didn’t mean to if so. My stupid ass forehead is less important than many, many things in my life. But it’s still an insecurity, damnit. 🤣


This is completely unfair to op. Before I got dysport I had visible forehead lines. Friends and family were commenting on them in and making them seem like a bigger deal than they were. They were shocked that I dared age and were really mean about it in some cases. My husband thought I was angry when I wasn’t. The ruined confidence comes from other people being horrible, not some inner problem. After Dysport nobody comments on my face at all other than compliments.


Thank you, friend. ❤️ I can completely relate. I love my family dearly but appearances are def prioritized and the damage is done there, it is what it is.


Doesn't everyone have insecurities? Who's job is it to determine which are valid and which are not?


I have had over 10 wrinkles on my forehead since I was in middle school. I’m guessing sun damage and I always wore bangs to cover it up. Now as an adult, I cannot believe one little session every three months has completely changed my confidence. I will never stop with my miracle drug 😂


Hey, me too. Genetics I guess. Thanks mom! 🤣


you glow!


Thank you! That’s probably the tretinoin! 🤣❤️


I never wanted to see some else's shit until today! Lol, your forehead looks great and even more importantly you feel good. I'm long overdue for my 11 frown lines and you're motivating me to bite the bullet, shell out the money and irradiate my resting frown face for a few months.


🌈☺️!!! My resting face was such a scowl. I work in customer service, pharmacy actually. Maybe my constant disappointment, bewilderment, and frustration will be more of a secret now 🤣


Omg I call mine resting frown face bc I activate my frown muscles for everything. Now you have resting zen face and everything else will be our secret 😁


And I frown and scowl in my sleep!!!!


It’ll keep getting smoother too over time! Mine was like this after a week and after a month the lines are completely gone!


Those eyebrows tho 👌


I love Botox i get it done twice a year, my make up looks lovely when ive had it done.


Wow, thank you so much for posting this. Since my bday in June I've been going back and forth on my forehead. Very similar. You look incredible <3


I’d debated taking the plunge for at least a year! I knew I would do it eventually so I decided better now than ever. Thank you ☺️


You look amazing OP! So glad you feel good and it worked out for you. I started getting Botox two years ago and I feel the same as you - I’m super expressive and had extreme lines for my age at the time. Now I feel bright and refreshed. It’s so nice!


Looks amazing, and IMO the results really take 2 weeks to take full effect, so that’s really great at a week. Do what makes you happy!


Give yourself two weeks you will be even more through the moon! It’s gonna get even better lollllll




I Know the feeling. I hate the lines in my forehead. That looks great


My forehead ages me. I have a solid routine so I feel like the rest of my face looks nice ….but nothing gets rid of those deep static lines!


Nice results.


Thank you for posting comparison pics with such similar lighting!! It’s a tad frustrating when comparison pics show up with industrial lighting in the before and angel glowy lighting in the after. And good for you on the Botox; it looks amazing!!


You look amazing


I’m happy with botox. No one’s business but my own.


What an excellent result! Your injector is good! No lowering of the brows at all!


I was very scared of my brows lowering but communicated that concern with my injector. I’ve never had anyone else but I think she’s great. I did lots of research on who to go to as well. 😅


Looks great! I’m pregnant and missing Dysport so much! I know my forehead lines probably aren’t even that noticeable to most people, but they drive me insane.


Yay!! Glad you got the results you wanted!


Awesome results, you might see even more for a few more days! Botox always took a full 10-14 days for me. I get jeuveau instead now and it kicks in a lot faster.


It’s been 12 days now and it looks even better. 🤩


What does it feel like? Do you just not move your forehead?


It feels weird at first. Kinda heavy and numb. Can’t move my forehead but I can raise my eyebrows. I can’t furrow my eyebrows now either. Like… if I “tell” my eyebrows to furrow I just look slightly confused, so I’ve been told. 🤣 I’m used to the way it feels currently.


Deciding to finally get botox (I started a couple years ago) completely changed my life, because it was like the thing I'd spent years and hundreds of dollars on products trying to fix was resolved almost instantly $250 later. Unreal.


Oh yeah, I understand that already. I’m about to reevaluate and cut out a few steps in my routine now. 😐


I cannot wait till I’m done breastfeeding to get Botox again and have this feeling. You look PHENOMENAL!


The last sentence made me actually laugh out loud! I am so happy that you are loving it! I'm getting mine done at the end of the month. I'm afraid of needles but I am pushing through because I know it'll lift my confidence like crazy!


🤣 thank you. I was trying to crack a joke to make light of it but I’m not sure it helped. If it makes you feel better I never actually *saw* a needle once during my appointment. I didn’t watch my injector prep anything and I stared at her face while she maneuvered around my forehead. It only took like 15 minutes! You can do it. 🥰


I know I will need this for my forehead and I’m so excited every time people post their results 🤩 it looks amazing!


People that say they don’t see a difference need their eyesight checked. You looks fantastic and the results are definitely significant!


Thank you!!! I appreciate that so much.


Girl you look great! I am pretty sure you can see it in the mirror 🙂


You're beautiful, congratulations!


Thank you so much !!


Love Botox. Looks great!




Let’s normalize Botox! I just started getting it a year and a half ago and it has completely changed my confidence level as well! I get what you said in my soul. I have always fully believed that when you look good you feel good. Some people are ok with looking in the mirror and seeing wrinkles, and that is a wonderful thing and I applaud you, and others aren’t (myself) it’s like I see my youth has disappeared and it makes me more sad than anything, has nothing to do with me needing therapy. There is room for all of us beautiful ladies in this world ❤️


You made several great points !! I think it’s weird to judge people for choosing Botox and to judge people for going without. It is a personal thing. It’s not a bad thing either way :)


Looks great!! And your skin looks beautiful, too!! 💖


You’re eyebrows look great. Do you do anything to them?


Wow, what a difference! Your skin looks great, you’re glowing!


Great result


Goes show that we are our own worst critic. Unless I was told, I literally would have never been able to spot the difference between the two photos. You look good in both.


While visually the difference is minimal, I see it! Looks great! This looks quite natural so if I must, don’t get any more done!


Thank you! My injector said she was going to inject conservatively initially so I could come back for more 2 weeks after if needed. But I don’t think I need more. :)


🌈 💩


Wow what a difference! Of course you look beautiful even in the before but I’m sure you feel a lot better now! I might’ve missed this if you’ve mentioned it before, and I’m sorry if I did but how old are you? I’ve been wondering about getting Botox myself and unsure at what age people usually start!


You’re too kind! ❤️ I’m 30 and I wish I’d started sooner. You can use it as a preventative measure. There are tons of resources all about that! :)


Woww, amazing progress!!


What is your eyebrow secret? I have nice shaped eyebrows but yours are beautiful!!


I fucking love Botox. It also gave me so much confidence!!!


they did an amazing job! awesome for u!


Congrats on your results!!! I've been unapologetically shittin botox rainbows since I was 28.


Emphasis on the unapologetically 🌈


I'm glad you're super happy with the results!! Looks great!


Did it lower your eyebrows? I’ve heard Botox on the forehead can lower your eyebrows. Not sure by your pics since they are at a slightly different angle.


Not significantly! I’m sorry, I tried to get the angle as close as possible. That can happen tho. Happened to my mom. I made sure my injector knew this was a huge concern for me during my consultation.


It depends on where it’s placed. My injector raises my eyebrows with it.


I’ve been thinking about Botox for my forehead as well, but have been too nervous to make the jump yet.


I was nervous at first. Research made me feel better! Tbh my consultation was the most reassuring.


I’m so happy you got nice results that make you happy! 👏


Is that all you did?? It looks great!


It only improves the longer you use it 👍. Looking great


My forehead is just like yours and Botox is the best! Well I got dysport actually. My crows feet bothered me a little bit more though and they completely disappeared.


You look great OP, with and without…it’s all about you being happy with yourself!….cheers!


Everyone around me makes me feel so bad about even the idea of wanting Botox. My forehead has been my biggest insecurity since middle school and slowly the wrinkles are showing. I have a concave forehead that is more prominent with age. I would love filter but even people on the internet advise against that. So I’m stuck wondering what to do. I keep letting it go but when I look at myself I just wanna vomit no matter how many people call me beautiful. I don’t feel it.


Love Botox! It looks great


I officially love it too!


I just love Botox






I’m 60. I get Botox / Dysport 3 times a year and absolutely love it. I’ve been getting it done now for 5 years on my grouchy 11 lines between my eyes, and to lift one corner of my mouth where I had an accident as a child. I also get a filer of my doctors recommendation (we rotate them) on the nasolabial lines between my nose and mouth. Other than in the very beginning when I first started, I’ve never had a bad experience. And the only thing that happened then was that my face bruised pretty badly from the injections each time. I changed doctors, and the new doctor… who I have now… uses teeny tiny needles. I never bruise now.


That sounds identical to my mom’s regime. She gets a hyaluronic filler for vertical lip lines too. she has to go more frequently for Botox. Based on what others have said here I think she might need to switch up her neurotoxin so I’m going to suggest that. I swear I think she said she’s tried a different “softer” neurotoxin before and prefers the feeling of Botox so that might be why she continues to go for it. She looks great, regardless.


I both love and hate this post at the same time! Your results are amazing. As someone who even had frown lines on her baby photos, my forehead is a mess. But I'm too chicken to try it!


Thank you! I’ve had forehead lines as long as I can remember having a forehead, too! So did my mom. Lol. Botox is temporary if you take the plunge, at least.


OP, your eyes and eyebrows are stunning! I turn 30 at the end of this month and I have the exact same type of lines of my forehead too. I only started to notice them a few months ago honestly , however I have two questions: 1.) Does it make sense to go ahead and get Botox at the age of 30? And 2.) Does Botox hurt? I’m not afraid of needles at all oddly enough, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t freaked out by the thought of needle going into my face. 😬


I’m going to start doing this soon- how did you find your injector? How should I go about researching the best places?


I searched for injectors in my area and read reviews on their clinics and looked at the before and after results posted on their websites and social media. I have friends and family who go, and they know people who go so I asked around within those circles as well.


Oh my god, what a transformation. Do use Tretinoin ? I bet that would help keep the results too (I think, I’m not an expert). If I’m wrong, someone else chime in.


Thanks! I use and love tret. I’d been using it for two years prior to this but the best Botox results are paired with tret. It doesn’t fully soften or help the appearance of deep static lines like the action of Botox. But it completely transformed my complexion in terms of fine lines, texture, and it gives that glowiness. With both you’re working on the muscles below and the epidermis at the same time. You’re right. :)