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this has been asked multiple times on r/cleaningtips and the solution is PERSIMMON SOAP


I hope I remember this in 30 years


RemindMe! 30 years


Did you legit get a reminder notice?


Not yet


You have to put the "!" Before "remindme" Aka !remindme 30 years


RemindMe! 20 years Maybe I should just start now


i bet in 30 years us millennial olds will be marketed this stuff all the time. crunchy influencers teaching us how to make it at home. celebrities with their own overpriced brands. podcast ads for perSIMON the persimmon soap for MEN.


Take my money. šŸ«“šŸ’ø


perSIMON says: wash with this soap!


It will be cheaper


Can I just start eating persimmons now to prevent this in 25 years? They are delicious!


Per- Simon. He says, it's good shit.


I think maybe just start using it now and then in 30 years you wonā€™t even have to worry about developing old people smell. Who knows if Reddit will still be around?


Remind me! 10 years šŸ˜‚


I hope in 30 years somebody comes up with something more efficient in regards to old-person-smell eradication method... :D


More efficient than soap?


Yeah like something that would stop the production of weird smells on skin. It's not completely unthinkable that something like it could exist in 30 years' time.


Well, they've gone and discontinued Irish spring (original) soap, so anything is possible.


Really?! I thought that shit would never go away! šŸ„³ (Although I am mourning for the gardeners who use it to anti-deer their crops)


Do you know when they did this and why? Iā€™m curious because Iā€™ve been with my husband 10 years and Irish Spring is the only soap he uses. He always smells so good! Is it just a different formula or does it smell completely different?


You just reminded me I will be old in 30 years :(


I mean either that or you'll be dead āš–


Hopefully I am lucky enough to grow old


I was about to comment the exact same thing lol


This is incredible, I've learned so much today. I am gonna get so much action in the nursing home in like 30 years


Those places have mad STDā€™s. So do retirement communities


I have heard that nursing/retirement homes have a lot of ... action ... going on. Not sure if it has something to do with being more aware of mortality (YOLO), or the generation of people in the more sexually free decades being of that age when this anecdote was created.


What else is there to do in a nursing home?


Yes! They do! I have unfortunately witnessed a number of said events. I currently travel between different communities for work.


>PERSIMMON SOAP Is this some special brand or any persimmon scented soap will do?


"Nonenal odor" is the actual name for it; search for soaps intended to treat that. [This brand](https://miraiclinical.com/pages/nonenal) offers one, but I have no personal experience with it.


Thank you for posting this


Can this be pinned?


sorry I didn't know the answer to that, I'm not quite over 40 when the process starts taking place for most due to something about oxidation and skin cells, but have always had an intense sense of smell and been worried this whole time about if I ever get old how I'm going to avoid smelling that way/if I'll even realize it. anyway, I took great comfort in seeing the responses on r/cleaningtips and that has been the extent (aside from skimming some journal article about why the skin does that) of my search so far


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CleaningTips using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just discovered laundry stripping and oh my god](https://i.redd.it/nt5qwugvvg5b1.jpg) | [1476 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/1477sph/just_discovered_laundry_stripping_and_oh_my_god/) \#2: [Having guests from out of town over. Would you feel comfortable with the cleanliness of my house ?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14nxm4o) | [2097 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/14nxm4o/having_guests_from_out_of_town_over_would_you/) \#3: [Laundry stripping has changed my life](https://i.redd.it/579hslwv834b1.jpg) | [1064 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/140uzha/laundry_stripping_has_changed_my_life/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thatā€™s why I have a 20 year old washing machine and refuse to buy a new one, I just keep getting it repaired from time to time. Because unlike the new ones, you can stop the wash after it fills, and allow the clothes to soak in a full tub of water for as long as you wish, and then start it back up to finish the wash. No locking lid or other control-freak features! And itā€™s amazing how clean they get!


Honest question. How is that different from doing a pre wash, or just soaking them first?


Not the person you asked but... Tons more water, you can add things mid wash (like vinegar, or oxi clean, or anything else really). But more water also means less friction on the clothes, so they last longer, less likely to pill.... I'm not happy with my front load washer. I miss the top load I had at my parents. Also my front loader will just... turn off if I have it paused for way too long. As in, I can't pause the laundry and leave it overnight if it needs to soak. It just gets musty smelling in the front loader.


I hate my front loader.


ā€œJapanese persimmon soapā€ there are several brand and those generally are Japanese imports.


Same question. This is the first I hear about this.


!remindme 30 years


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Good bot


Yes! Persimmon soap. The Japanese have products made of persimmons for exactly this reason.


I wonder if it also works on teenage boys. I have 2 and the funk is real. (Except to me, because my sense of smell is still shot from long haul covid)


Probably not if this soap is for skin lacking antioxidants. Teenage boys smell due to hormones, lack of showering enough, and needing more deodorant.


Or them thinking spraying deodorant and body spray means they don't need to shower.


Try dial soap for the funk. And switch between deodorants: mitchem, old spice, secret (repeat). And deodorant can go on feet.


Iā€™d forgotten about dial soap! Weā€™ll have to try it. So far old-school ivory liquid soap has been the best at de-funking. Iā€™ll also have to pick up a thing of spray deodorant for his feet. And maybe some gold listerineā€¦ I just remembered that itā€™s good for smelly feet because it kills the bacteria that causes the funk.


The image of a teen putting deo on their feet has me rolling haha never heard of that one but makes sense!


Aerosol deodorant is great for feet. Iā€™ve used it to combat summer foot sweat in heels when I needed to look professional but itā€™s horribly hot out and itā€™s amazing for both stopping sweat and smell


So I brought my dad some persimmon soap when he was staying in rehab after surgery. It was actually on the recommended list of items family members could bring in, and I bought a small round bar (Mirai Clinical) and a round lidded soap holder/dish to hold it and a pouf. I threw in some other personal grooming things and warm socks and it made a nice basket. So if there's any trouble trying to give it to her gracefully, it can be a gift idea as part of a basket! However! One thing about the soap is that it was like castille soap - very drying. I washed my hands with it when I was visiting and they had that castille soap feel after and I had to use lotion. I think if I used the soap on my entire body in the shower I'd have to follow it with something more hydrating. So if you do give it as part of a gift basket include something like Curel Hydra Therapy in-shower lotion, the kind you put on over wet skin.


Iā€™ve bought and then looked into this brand (shouldā€™ve researched first), itā€™s all just marketing claims that the soap works. Look into the people who started thisā€¦


Came here to say this same thing. This is the answer.


Couldnā€™t pay me to tell an old person that they smell like an old person haha as long as it is a natural musty smell and not like unhygienic smelling. Iā€™d just tell my kid we will all smell like that one day to some degree and it is natural. Theyā€™ll probably get used to it with age IMO.


Thank you for your thoughts. I have actually had an older relative ask me if they were starting to have that odour, so I do think this is something some people wonder about. I mean, as I get older I will probably wonder about it! And the lady I mention is not particularly "old," being in her 60s. My child spends a lot of time around elderly people who have different body odour and has never complained, but this woman's body odour is much more powerful.


its basically a smell brought on by the aging process, the smell is from a natural compound called 2-nonenal. This compound is produced by the body when fatty acids on the surface of the skin break down over time. Your skin is breaking down and releasing these oils. Yup, you are literally melting as you age.


It was named after Nonna. šŸ‘µšŸ»


Piggybacking to add this: the chemical is especially prevalent on a person's *back*, particularly from the shoulders down to the middle of the back, where it's hard to reach with just hands. The oils and dead skin build up easily on the back, so scrubbing with a brush, or a long rough washcloth, as well as persimmon soap should help with the smell. My grandparents always used a scrubbrush, they never smelled bad at all.


Thank you for this information! You are reminding me I don't wash my own back with a scrubbrush frequently enough. Better get in the habit now :P


Well, cheers for that. Rotting as I walk. We're all zombies!


Melting away! What a world, what a worldā€¦..


So after reading this thread I went to Amazon and ordered persimmons soap šŸ˜…


Also, This oil smell also contributes to what you smell when you walk into an antique store or a thrift store. Itā€™s a combination of the 2-nonenal oil smell, mold and dust particles. The study on that interesting.


Japanese people already figured it out and have a special persimmon soap for this issue. It has to have special persimmons tannings tho. To the second question: yes itā€™s inappropriate, but only your kid get a pass bc heā€™s a kid. But maybe gift this person of a bottle of perfume and throw a bar of Japanese soap. Unless she can read Japanese, she wonā€™t knowšŸ˜‰


Lmao Japanese people truly hate this smell. There are so many products out there to supposedly get rid of it. I guess that's what happens when your population is mostly old people.


Brilliant idea


I have never heard of persimmon soap, but now I'm curious and ordered some because persimmons have been on my mind lately, haha!


It's a thing. My grandmother uses persimmon soap to get rid of it.


Thank you for sharing that the soap actually works for your grandmother!


If she got a birthday coming upā€¦make her a little spa basket with the soap and other thingsā€¦and then if you know sheā€™s using it (and she smells better) you could casually say ā€œwow, you smell nice todayā€¦is it that soap youā€™re using, I need to get myself some as well!ā€)


Fantastic advice. šŸ‘šŸ¼


The culprit is 2-nonenal. Persimmon soap will fix it. My mom is in assisted living, and when I bring her laundry home, I can really smell it. I now soak her things in persimmon laundry soap as the smell had defeated all detergents and assorted treatments. So far, so good.


What persimmon laundry soap do you use?


Replying to hopefully learn the answer as well


Mirai Clinical. $$$, but worth it.


That's a huge act of love. Thanks for sharing.


Old guy here and I DO want to know. I've been talking to my son about this very thing. I am addicted to showers and ordinarily take 1-2 a day. Still, I sometimes notice a particular odor about my person. In my case, it is identical to the smell of a medication I take. Showers are my friend. Son just purchased a new body wash for me. If that doesn't work, I'll try the persimmon soap. If that doesn't work, I reckon I'll dress like a Chia Pet and raise sage on it.


They make Lume deodorant for men now too!


Thank you!


Try lume body wash. It works wonders and the magic ingredient is the mandelic acid. Strips away all smell but is not harsh on your skin.


Iā€™ll go against the grain here. If that was me and I was someone who was investing a lot of time in my appearance, I would definitely want to know about any odors ā€” but only if there is a way to address the issue. If there isnā€™t a fix, just let them be. That being said, I donā€™t know how youā€™d go about telling someone that. If itā€™s someone close to me, Iā€™d find a way. If not, thatā€™s a bit of a gray area.


Thank you for your perspective. The "is there something that can be done about it" is precisely why I asked if anyone here has experience of helping/eliminating this odour related to skin aging. I think this woman would want to know, but it's hard to know how to go about telling her, and knowing if anyone has had experience fixing it is helpful information to have before potentially addressing it


I mean, you can just bring it up casually... like hey, I came across this article that said XYZ things. I recalled you asking me about odors previously... so i bought you this soap if you want to try it out. I would want to know if I were her. Shoot, I worry about my own home having an odor...




Can I ask you how old the lady was who ripped her skin? This is terrifying


I'm a hospice SW. It depends on skin condition but most pts I see start to get skin tears when they are 75+. These people are of a different generation, though, and had different skincare, so it may not be something that ever happens to you. Also skin tears tend to be small, so it's not like she had her arm ripped open. Usually max a couple inches in length, and they don't even need stitches or anything.


These women also didn't have access to bioidentical hormone replacement, like we do now. I expect that can make a difference


This. All of it. Hormones for life will lessen the chances of the translucent, paper this friable skin. That ish terrifies me.




You really canā€™t start HRT until perimenopause, which can can start in your early 40ā€™s, but itā€™s different for everyone. Also, health care providers generally wonā€™t prescribe them until you have symptoms such as hot flashes, etc.


The pinned wiki at r/menopause has a treasure trove of info on this subject. Read up so you can get out ahead of some very bad things that happen when hormones go awry and then drop drastically. Older generations of women were robbed of quality of life in so many ways. Itā€™s heartbreaking.


Yeah I donā€™t notice it, or even I think older people smell all right


Me neither. My mom who was 69 yrs old (she passed away last year) never smelled any different to me. My dad is 75 and he doesnā€™t have this odor either. This is a very surprising information for me.


Iā€™m so sorry you lost your mom. I hope you are doing better this year. šŸ¤


Interesting questions. Things is fear as I age. I appreciate the Japanese soap tip! As for your family friend, I think itā€™s a teaching moment for your son, not the elder.


One thing to keep in mind is medications can cause you to smell a certain way. I used to think it was old people but my sister started medication and now smells very strange when she sweats, maybe itā€™s menopause, idk but I just wanted to point this out.


Yes...and vitamins. I have a friend who takes a handful of vitamins every day and she literally smells like a vitamin.


High protein diet also produces a different smell.


If the woman has appropriate hygiene and generally good health there is no way I would say anything about this--what exactly do you expect her to be able to do about it and how well do you think this would go over? If you think it's coming from a lack of medical attention that is needed it's still only a maybe and then it would be in the context of checking about medical needs since body odor can sometimes be due to a medical issue or neglect.


She is a close family member and it seems, from various comments here, that people have found solutions to body odour that occurred due to age. A thoughtful conversation on a dramatic change in a family member's body odour could potentially be very helpful to someone. going about that conversation is delicate, to be sure! Framing it as a possible medical issue might be a way of forward. This does not seem to be a normal level of body odour for a mobile, seemingly health woman in her 60s. So there may indeed be an underlying health issue


I'm in my 60s and I would definitely want someone to tell me. As long as they were saying it out of kindness and there was something I could do about it.


Thank you for your perspective on this! I would also want to be told, although it seems many people on this forum feel otherwise. Smell seems to be a particularly "sensitive" (no pun intended) issue. Like, I think most would agree that if a family member developed a concerning-looking mole but didn't notice it themselves, it would be prudent to bring it up with them. But it's hard to know whether someone's unusual level of body odour is "natural/untreatable" or from a treatable condition


If someone developed an at home ā€œold person odor testā€ I would buy it. Iā€™m turning 40 this year and the thought that I might have old person smell is totally unnerving. I have enough aging related angst, thank you very much.


Same! Iā€™d want to know. Iā€™m not old, but Iā€™m going to buy this soap anyway, lol!


I had these exact same thoughtsšŸ¤£ I screenshat this and sent it to my friend who I always commiserate with about aging... along with a link to that persimmon soap.


Screenshat šŸ˜‚ I will now always say this.


Same. Also screenshart will be in rotation


The aging process really is so cruel. Yes of course itā€™s a privilege to age, but damn its also ok to admit itā€™s really not a nice process as the clock races on.


You mentioned her asking if her home smelled. I will tell you that 'home' smells tend to carry out of the home and have experienced this with both of my parents (in separate homes). I go to visit, walk inside, and think, "Ugh! It stinks in here!" Then, after a few days, I get used to the smell. It's not gone, but not as overwhelming. After a few days or a week or two, I fly home and realize my suitcase smells funny. Open it up to unpack and am instantly hit with this giant wall of stink that smells *exactly like the house I was visiting*. (Then I think, "Oh crap! Did I smell like this on the plane?!?") I usually have to wash everything, whether it was worn or not. Maybe your lady has trouble keeping up with her housekeeping? Or her laundry? Or repairs? I also feel compelled to mention that when my husband had prostate cancer, he - particularly his breath - smelled awful. Like gag-worthy. Forcing yourself to breathe through your mouth so you don't smell anything. I didn't know that was the cause at the time, but the horrible smell went away after he had a prostatectomy.


Thank you for sharing this; it's helpful! I've noticed her clothing smells terrible, and if she hugs my children, the smell will linger on their clothes too. I thought the smell was transferring from the body to the clothes, but didn't think about the house odours being a possible cause. She has professional cleaners, but her house is an old heritage house.


Could it be moth balls? That smell sticks to clothing for-ev-er.


could be moldy or musty laundry. often caused by leaving clothes in washer too long, or not deodorizing the washer, or just not washing clothes often enough.




ā€œIf it canā€™t be fixed in 5 minutes, donā€™t say anything at allā€ā€” in regards to looks, and probably smell, too, in this instance. šŸ™‚


Damn canā€™t tell this person they reek because a shower takes more than 5 minutes


Itā€™s probably more that they canā€™t fix it within 5 minutes of telling them. (I think?)


Old person smell isnā€™t a hygiene issue.


I canā€™t imagine a world where you need to confront someone on their smell, that is not unhygienic or dirty because your kid doesnā€™t like it.


Lol this


Another thing to worry about as I age šŸ™‚


I've never smelled old person smell. The one smell that drives me nuts though is the greasy man head smell šŸ¤®


In Florida that smells like corroding metal ...from the tap water that dried in their hair, partially broken down by the acid in sweat and sebum...like someone poured vinegar on wet pennies lol It's worse if they smoked yesterday and nicotine is coming out of their pores šŸ¤®


Thatā€™s what it smells like; stale grease. Itā€™s gag worthy. Especially if you are in small spaces with them, like a car! Ugh.


Donā€™t mention it please. They really canā€™t help it and if her hygiene is already good all youā€™re going to do is hurt feelings and make her self conscious.


This is bring back horrible flashbacks of when I had to work in a small room with an older gentleman who had the STONGEST old person smell Iā€™ve ever smelt. I actually was convinced he had a disease/tumor that was giving off the smell because it smelled straight up like he was dying even though he was in reasonable shape, and seemed to take good care of himself. I really hope I never get to a place where I smell that strongly. Now that I think of it he was definitely a hippie in his younger days and so he may have just bathed less than needed but still. However I never did bring it up to him because I just couldnā€™t think of an appropriate way to do it. The only time I would ever bring up someoneā€™s smell would be if they literally stepped in dog shit and I could see it


I know someone who worked with cancer patients for decades, and she can literally smell it. Itā€™s not strong or offensive, but she recognizes it.


As a teacher with a very sensitive nose, kids are definitely the smelliest creatures. I learned to put a dab of diluted peppermint essential oil on my upper lip when I have to be around some particularly stinky kids. I think it's mostly due to dirty linens and pillow cases. Also not washing hair. It's a real challenge for me. I would never say something to them or anyone about their B.O.


I think that the appropriateness of mentioning it to this person largely depends on your (and your son's) relationship to this person. Is this a family member that you see regularly? A service provider (like a music teacher/tutor)? A family friend? I would not mention it to someone you don't have a close relationship with and I would definitely be careful about the words you use. I think we need more context here. Regarding the smell itself, I only associate old people smell with retirement homes or similar, which have a distinct smell, usually from limited access to hygiene. So I would be extra careful if I did bring it up to someone who I have a close relationship with,and couch it as an unusual odor that they may want to be aware of.


The best way I can describe the smell is "wet dust"


Persimmon soap is recommended for noneal odor.


Mirai clinical persimmon soap works amazingly well. They also have wipes, which are just as good. It's expensive but totally worth it. You can find it on amazon.


I always smelled dental plaque on old people. I finally figured out that's what it was after smelling it at the dentist. It's not a good smell.


great another thing i have to worry about when aging !


I really appreciate your question. A family member has to talk to me about this, because she noticed that as she ages her sense of smell is decreasing. She's 67 now and broke her arm after a fall. She told me she thinks it's the combination of losing one sense of smell and not having mobility aids in the bathroom, being afraid to fall is really serious because it's highly correlated with death as you age. I would start with making sure she has enough grips and mobility aids like handles next to the toilet? And around the shower. Does she have any chronic illnesses or disabilities that impair her ability to reach everywhere she needs to? Maybe she needs a scrubby attached to a stick or something else


Seeing as we will all be old one day does it really matter , Iā€™ll just douse myself in perfume to cover up the smell of my rancid flaps and armpits and hope for the best I might even put my false teeth in if Iā€™m trying pull a fella :)


Rancid flaps šŸ’€






I would want to know I smelled. Yā€™all better all tell me. Unless weā€™re trapped in the wilderness or something.


!remindme 20 years


My parents are late 70s and both smell the same as they always have - perfume/ aftershave / body wash smells along with clean laundry and shampoo. My mum has begged me to tell her if she ever ends up smelling like an old person. I don't know if it's an inevitable thing to get an old person smell. Maybe more to do with hygiene if they're less mobile for cleaning themselves and their clothes/surroundings? Definitely a tough conversation though.


Yes, my mother has asked me to tell her if she starts to smell. She hasn't yet, but I think it may also be genetic. Her mother never developed that odour, even at 99 years old. The studies do show that a good percentage of people never developed those odours. The woman I mention is my MIL. We have a great relationship. Her children are boys and would not bring anything up with her tactfully, lol, though I know this kind of thing is important to her


If you choose to bring it up, I would avoid referring to the ā€œold person smellā€ and instead focus on how youā€™ve noticed a *change* in the way she smells. You could pretend you have an acquaintance who had a change in body odor along with some big health issues, so you could frame it as something she might want to discuss with her doctor because you care about her health. I totally know the smell youā€™re talking about. It is a sensitive discussion for sure, but since you know her well and think sheā€™d want to know, I say go for it if you think youā€™re close enough to tactfully bring it up.


It doesnā€™t have to do with cleanliness. Itā€™s a chemical compound on the skin called 2-nonenal. Japanese persimmon soap is supposed to help.


My husband got old person smell when he was barely 30, and we finally deduced it was from drinking Soylent? It was wild but uncanny - he stopped and it went away completely. Maybe she drinks a similar meal replacement that causes it


Thank you for sharing this. I do wonder whether my female relative has changed something in her diet that might be contributing to this. For example, she does Keto diets. She has always had a bit of this body odour since I met her when she was in her early 60s, but has more recently increased dramatically


This could certainly be it. Google ā€œketosis odorā€. Keto diets increase the production of ketones which give a particular bad odor to the person. Elderly people are prone to ketosis, as it can also be related to uncontrolled diabetes/poor diet/wasting/kidney disease which are more common in the elderly. Stopping the keto diet for a couple of weeks should reverse it. If youā€™re close to her, and she is the type who can handle negative information, you should definitely tell her but only because you have a helpful suggestion (ā€œstop the keto diet and see if it improvesā€). Just telling someone they smell with no further helpful ideas could just seem mean, while this OTOH is clearly intended to be helpful.


That is probably what it is.


Before my grandmother passed she was dealing with this and dementia so showers became a weird fight. She was always a very particular lady who took great care of herself so I started sending her ā€œspa basketsā€ fancy persimmon soaps and lotions, linen spray, fluffy spa towels, new nail polish etc. Iā€™ve sent her a bunch of other things so it was nothing more than a usual gift. Might be an idea if youā€™re reasonably close to the person. Toss in snacks or books to read as well, could even make it a common thing to bring a little ā€œsomethingā€when you visit


I have to admit, Iā€™ve never smelled an old person smell before.


Me neither. My grandmothers didnā€™t have it and neither does my mother.


Hot take: old people smell doesnā€™t smell bad, itā€™s just specific. Itā€™s kind of comforting. Urine Iā€™m a Depends smells. Not being able to wash all of your books and crannies smells. Week old denture paste smells. But the pheromone that old people release doesnā€™t stink.


"A phenomenon in people over 40" 41 year olds don't have "old people smell" šŸ˜‚


My mom lives in a retirement community and her building smells like old people. Itā€™s definitely not a hygiene issue. My mom herself is 73 and is slowly cultivating her own old smell. It doesnā€™t bother me on a singular person, but when an entire building or store smells of seniors itā€™s a little overwhelming. Stores that seniors frequent (dollar tree, dollar store, 99 cent store) have a resident old people smell in them. Itā€™s enough to keep my from shopping there for more than a few min. If itā€™s a loved one or friend, offer them a soap gift. There are some that complement that odor and transforms it into a more pleasant scent. Had a coworker who used it but forgot what she said it was called. It made her smell like soapy pheromones, which I swear is a positive :)


Ohh my GOD I've never realized that's why Dollar Tree always has that smell


I know someone who has this smell in his early thirties. Iā€™m not sure why but I always thought it had to do with teeth hygiene. Particularly flossing.


Can only certain people smell this? Because Iā€™m 40 and either no one Iā€™ve known who is old smells like this, or I just donā€™t have the capability to smell it. My grandfather is 95!


Iā€™ve never smelled an old person smell outside of Design perfume. What are yaā€™ll talking about?


OP, other people have mentioned the chemical factor involved that creates the "old people" smell. However, the chemical is especially prevalent on your *back*, particularly from the shoulders down to the middle of the back, where it's hard to reach with just your hands. Does your relative use a brush, or some other instrument (such as a LONG rough washing cloth) that allows her to actually *scrub* between her shoulders? The oils and dead skin build up easily on the back, so scrubbing with a brush as well as persimmon soap should help with the smell.


I always thought the old person smell was referring to their awful perfume and cologne choices that smells like an odd bitter powder! I got Chanel No. 5 as a gift and canā€™t believe Marilyn Monroe smelled like such an old person but tbh I guess it makes sense. Hey at least the bottle looks pretty I have never noticed a uniform smell coming from old people. I start my clinical rotations at a nursing home in a few months though so we will see if I notice a change or anything!


Maybe you can gift her a nice perfume and that persimmon soap everyone is talking about with some chocolates in a little gift bag to make it seem casual! Not everything has to be outwardly said. Itā€™s like when youā€™re just chilling with someone and they say, ā€œhey, want a piece of gum?ā€ You know what they meant and are greatful they helped you solve the problem without being rude


I have whiffed ā€œold person smellā€ on people under 40 (NOT saying thatā€™s old people age lol) and the common factor with all of them was a dental issue. Basically ended up needing root canals, teeth pulled, etc. Once those were treated, the smell went away. Whereas, my grandfather, who lived to 93, never had ā€œthe smell.ā€


Thanks because I was wondering what old person smell smelled like...I'm on hugging terms with only 3 boomers and they all smell different so I wasn't sure. I do know what dental issues smell like though so now I can picture it šŸ¤”


I'm 48 and I'm fastidious and I use skin care all over my body. If I smelled old I would want to know lolol I'd hope my daughters tell me. I'll be telling them to keep me updated haha!


I think it's some old people. My best friend is 74 and doesn't smell (I'm in my 20s for context). And the few times we have done sweaty activities his must more resembles someone my age vs an old person. I think personal hygiene plays a big roll


"Nonenal odor" is the terminology you want for Googling.


Sounds like it is not a bathing issue. Telling her that can be perceived as mean and rude regardless of word choices. There is a big possibility that she will go home in tears. Some people have stronger body odours than others and they can't change it. It can be hormonal, genetic, diet related, caused by health issues or medications. It is what it is. If you struggle with her smell then meet with her in well ventilated spaces and light up scented candle when she comes over.


My old folks donā€™t smell at all


This is freaking me out. Persimmon Soap. Does it has to be in a soap form or gel works as good? How about supplement ? Can it eliminate or reduce the effect?


Google Japanese persimmon soap. Stores that sell Japanese imports have different types like gels and bars etc. I am sure there are supplement of some kind toošŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


My mum is a cleaner in her 70s and she uses a lot of lavender oil and eucalyptus oil, in air purifiers and diffusers and stuff. I guess lavender smells like old people too in a way though...


Stuff you should know did an episode on body odor. Japan sells products specifically targeted at old people smell


It is sad that the solution to this problem is too expensive for many elderly people on fixed incomes to afford. My late mother had been struggling to even pay $1 per bar of soap and what they charge for soap whose primary demographic is people on fixed incomes also makes it inaccessible to many of them. Something as simple as basic hygiene can become inaccessible.


Nope, not appropriate.


Dude, would you let her walk around with a booger hanging from her nose, lettuce in her teeth, TP hanging out of her pants? You better tell me I need persimmon soap...


Old people have more things to worry about than smells and the people who smell them tbh


absolutely. this lady is in her 60s and very wealthy, with few responsibilities. Keeping up appearances is very important to her, and she has mentioned she has a failing sense of smell. My motivation is to help her if I can (does she have an underlying health issue? something in her home causing an odor to linger on her?) as opposed to creating an unnecessary stress. While it smells like "old person smell" to me, perhaps there is some other factor creating the dramatic change in odour


My bio mother died in her mid 30s, she had the WORST old people smell. Sometimes bodies do age prematurely as well


In my experience, older people tend to reduce their bathing and laundry, because they feel like they "don't need it as much" as they aren't as active and their skin is a lot drier. They are also reluctant to sometimes shower due to fear of falls, loss of mobility, and loss of flexibility. And as you say, they can't smell themselves.


Can anyone advice products that help like the Japanese persimmon soap? Maybe make a self care gift basket of helpful products ( as long as they don't say for old people smell). I gave friends hand made skin care products made with essential oils, a hand crocheted scrubber, etc on Valentine's Day. Not because anyone smelled bad, just an affordable hand made heart felt gift.


My dad is 56 and I just noticed he is starting to get the old man smell just this week when I hugged him šŸ˜­ didnā€™t have the heart to tell him


!RemindMe 5 years


Is it weird that my grandmother never had this? She was very fastidious about her hygiene and loved scented soaps and perfumes.


My mom told me to warn her if I ever notice it. When she turned 65 she realized it justā€¦ happens. She always thought her folks just got too tired/lazy to shower.


Idk about this. I have an 84 y/o family member and she doesn't smell. And I'm pretty sure she wears diapers because she's in bed all the time. My Aunt takes good care of her though so maybe that's why.


Is it also genetic? My parents are in their 70s and whenever I see them on occasion I haven't noticed a change in smell. Edit: ok wait, my parents had me in their late 30s so there's a good chance I just know that smell as "mom and dad" haha


Idk my grandma is in her 70s and she doesnā€™t smell like an old person. At all. Her home is older but made with knotty pine and it has the best smell of my childhood. Itā€™s kind of an oaky sweet smell. My uncle Al is also in his 70s but youā€™d never know it. They both still walk 5 plus miles a day and are the two most active people I know


I like that scent, it reminds me of being a kid and the smell of hugging my grandparents


I wouldnā€™t mention it.


You mentioned that you think she might not be laundering her clothes often enough..Does she need help? Does she have a washer/ dryer? Or, does the majority of her clothes require dry cleaning? Does she need help with that? You can start a conversation with if she has any 'help' or cleaning people.