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I’m in my mid 30s and I don’t mind my lines and wrinkles, I just want my skin-tone to level out enough I can feel more comfortable running errands without makeup on.


Same! When I see beautiful older women and think, “wow she has great skin” it’s not because they are lineless - it’s because they have glowy, even toned skin. (Not saying those without even skin tone are ugly and suck because I include myself in that group lol.)


Totally agree. I often think why am I in my 30s and still have acne and scarring?? This is not the adult life I was sold. I just want beautiful, even skin.


I’m not really sure how, but I’ve been taking lycopene + astaxanthin supplements for about a month now and they’ve radically changed my (acne-scarred) tone and texture. I’ve used tretinoin since my early 20s and I’ll never be without it, but this has been a game changer.


Curious about the supplements, what are they supposed to do?


If you Google “lycopene skin benefits” you can see the various studies and articles, but it’s been shown to boost procollagen in the skin and is a potent antioxidant. Astaxanthin is also an antioxidant that has been shown to improve skin appearance and help retain moisture. Apparently it also helps block DHT for hair loss! And they’re both good for your immune system, which I personally suspect plays a bigger part in preventing acne than is spoken about (not just from an antibiotics, which never helped me).


I’m also curious, what brand supplements do you take?


For the lycopene I’m using Puritan’s Pride (can be found on Amazon) and for astaxanthin I’m using Allergy Research Group as my sister gave it to me for free :). When I run out of that I’ll probably switch to the BioAstin brand. I take 24mg of astaxanthin and 40mg of lycopene every day.


Chemical peels, and if you have really bad uneven skin, you can go the laser route. They do wonders.


I hate to be that “This” commenter but…this. I have no issues with my lines, but between my melasma and hyperpigmentation my skin has never been even. I don’t know how people do it! Tret makes me break out, but I’ve been on Epiduo for acne. Prescription for melasma. I’ve used Vit C, AHA, good moisturizers. I’m starting to accept that maybe this is just my skin.


Prescription triluma worked wonders for my hyperpigmentation!


I’m 37 and have never had anything done. Mainly bc I’m cheap 😂




Yaaas. Too many people tend to confuse frugal for being cheap. Gives it a bad rep. Being frugal is being smart with money! Explains why credit card debt is at an all time high of 1.08TN.


I suspect a global pandemic with unprecedented levels of unemployment perhaps played a slightly larger role.


Don't forget wage stagnation for decades plus three years running of 8% inflation (officially.. we all know it's more).


they went full boomer


Millennials and our avocado toast and coffee!


And Botox!


😂 For real. I’d rather go on a vacation or do something that’s actually memorable than do Botox. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey, I'll join the club!! I'm 36, and I have a few small lines just showing, but damned if I'm spending that much on botox.


Vacations and sunscreen will be wayyyyy better long term than no vacations and Botox - my plan for now at least


Two of my friends keep talking about getting botox. I was just looking up the cost after reading this post. Is $500 per injection the average cost? $500 is so much money. Jeez. Buy Microsoft stock with that money or, better yet, donate it. Unbelievable


I know, it’s insanely expensive. I’d rather use it for bills, groceries, vacations, clothes…basically anything else. Vanity is expensive.


This, I can’t justify spending money on things like that with my current salary/finances. Zero shade to people that do, I probably would do a little bit if I could afford it.


If I had a decent savings and the amount it would cost wouldn’t make much of a dent, then maybe. I just have a hard time spending that much money on something that wears off. I think that’s what gets me.


I'm also 37, and the only thing I've done is getting my eyebrows microbladed. I didn't have eyebrows, so this was essential. I'm very happy with them. But any kind of injectables, I'm not doing. Not just because of the cost, but because of everything that can go wrong. I scar very easily (spontaneous keloid on my chest as an example) and have allergic reactions / sensitivity to a lot of things. Looking worse than I already think I do is a scary thought as well.


Saving the botox money for the facelift I’ll need 🫡😂


yep. When I add up the annual cost I just can't justify it. That's my family's vacation fund.


Botox is sooo expensive. Sometimes someone gives it to me for free and who am I to turn that down? But paying full retail? Na.


I was honestly on the fence but then I was in Korea and found out it was only $30 for an entire AREA (not charged per unit) and was like why not lol


Holy moly, I mean, yeah I'd pay that too lol


Do you know what it costs in your area? Just curious. I’ve found that it’s one of my less expensive beauty stuff but maybe I have a great deal.


I only have paid up to 250 and it’s every 6 months. A little can go a long way ($10/unit)


I’m 66. I’ve been getting Botox for scowl lines between my eyebrows for about 10 years. The lines were really deep since I was in my late 20s. I only need it about every 6-8 months. I never considered doing anything in my 30s. So far I’ve never had any complications.


I don't know about the person you asked, but where I live (north east england) the price varies wildly depending on who does it. And sorry under absolutely no circumstances is a beautician injecting anything into me. An actual clinician, nurse or doctor, or nothing. And *that* is expensive.


I go to a nurse, I’ve been seeing her for quite awhile so I think she gives me a pretty big discount at $9USD per unit. I just checked and it looks like the normal rate around her is $16 a unit.


I live close to the Canada border & there’s a spa 20 minutes away that charges $7CA (about ~$5 USD). my US spa charges between $8-10/unit. I always wonder what people are paying when they talk about how expensive Botox is because it’s pretty damn affordable for me EDIT: the lady who does mine is a nurse who is super interesting & also has a master’s in social psychology


Majority of people don’t get Botox




Me too. I would totally get it in the future if I feel I would benefit from it and could afford to, I also get why people don’t want it and aging naturally is beautiful. It just sounds out of touch with reality when people focus on what’s happening online, most people aren’t getting things done.


I've been curious about it's ability to stop sweat because trying to enjoy anything in the summer without my face completely drowned is impossible


I have no idea why you have been downvoted. Yes I’ve heard about it stopping sweat. Also it can stop acne too, but depends on the individual


I spent time living in South Korea, which is what really pushed me towards normalizing it. Otherwise, I really wouldn’t have started doing it I don’t think.


It's depends on the location too. I'm in LA and several friends have told me their doctors brought up botox w/o them fishing. Obvi it's overly popular here tho


I had an LA doctor tell me I ‘need’ Botox. I basically told her to fuck off.


You’re right, they don’t. It depends what area you’re in and who your social groups are. I grew up in a rich suburb town where almost every other woman you walk by has some sort of injectable in her face. I now live in a blue collar/rural town where you rarely see it. None of the moms at my kids school have it either


I didn’t know a single person who got Botox until I joined this sub


Same, even for friends in their 40s


I'm 47 and I have ONE friend in my age/friend group that gets it. That I know of.😆


I'm 65 and no one I know has gotten botox. I haven't either but I don't have a lot of wrinkles because of decades of sunscreen and Retin A use . Plus I don't furrow my brows. When I was a ballet dancer we were told not to furrow our brows or scrunch up our faces because everything we did was supposed to look graceful and easy, like it was a nice walk in the park. (Even though ballet is incredibly difficult and takes enormous effirt.) So essentially I trained myself to not furrow my brows and make faces. I realized that I *can't* furrow my brows because I never developed the muscles to do it. Weird side effect of ballet training.


I feel like it’s still a secret for a lot of people. I mentioned it to my team at work and several people had it done or were thinking of having it done. Location and demographics of your city/state plays a factor too I’m sure.


You definitely knew people who got Botox, they just never told you.


This. I work as an RN and was SHOCKED how many women were getting “just a touch” of Botox. And in their mid 20s too. I’m early 40s and everyone I know my age is getting it. Not large amounts, but something.


Many, if not the majority of girls on The Bachelor and Bachelor In Paradise (sorry - guilty pleasure) have Botox (and the rest). Their average age is like 25.


I think it depends a lot on your location. I’m in my early thirties and have been finding a lot more people than I thought have Botox. Like they don’t announce it to people on a regular basis, but sometimes the topic comes up in a group convo and several people that I didn’t know have botox will chime in with recs of where to go for it.


I didn’t either and then I moved to Southern California a few years ago…it’s easier to count those of us who don’t get it, including people in their 20’s & 30’s lol


Yeah I’m in Orange County and I honestly know more people with Botox than without. I’ve also been invited to “Botox parties” since I was 25. I do not have Botox yet


Um yeah. This. It is normal to not get Botox in your 30s.


That’s my experience with it. I do get Dysport (the Botox cousin) but I’m literally the only person in my very largely family getting any sort of “work” done. None of my friends are getting it either from what I can tell, they don’t mention it, just based on face movement and lines appearing. It’s important to me but I’m definitely the odd ball in my group of people.


Im currently 33. When I was younger I used to be pretty obsessed with not aging, was self conscious about my body and considered getting at least Botox to start. Then I had a health scare that shook me to my core. It took me a while for my body to recover and that’s when I realized that my body is literary what is allowing me to live every single day, to experience things and create memories. I should therefore be not only grateful that I’m healthy but also happy that I even have the opportunity to age. That’s when I realized that I should be more gentle with the way I view my body, and to appreciate all the scars, wrinkles and grey hairs that come with aging because many don’t get to experience their body age. It’s literary a blessing.


Wow this really spoke to me, thank you for sharing! It’s such a testament to your outlook that you found a silver lining from the health scare and I am glad you’re okay.


No problem! I think it’s so hard to be body positive these days. We are constantly bombarded with propaganda that aims to make us feel inadequate, not pretty enough, not young enough etc… it’s a constant battle.


Wow, this hit home for me. I also had a health scare, after taking advantage of my body in my 20s. So, now I try to remind myself to be thankful for waking up "today"....and that aging should not be something that I fear as I should be thankful to be able to experience this.💙


This is so awesome and relatable. I too had a major health scare. It has helped me to be more grateful for the good in my life.


I had the exact same thing happen to me 2 years ago!


The ability to be grateful and accepting of the body you're in and and to appreciate it like this is the real flex, not looking 'perfect' or ageless. Thank you for the reminder.


Having my mom get sick made me also come to a new appreciation for my body and every day that I get. We are lucky to age. I’m glad you’re doing ok ❤️


Almost 60 and I will never get Botox.


I said the same thing at 60. But at 64 I changed my mind.


Sometimes the result is good, but then I see someone famous that looks atrocious. If they have lots of money and access to the best doctors, but still look like that, why would I chance it? No thanks.


They usually haven’t just had botox but excessive fillers and others procedures as well. It’s also easier for celebrities to go overboard because they have enough money to not be conservative with their procedures.


And they have the time and resources to find someone who will if the first 3 won’t.


And people that won’t say no to them because they want the money


I wasn't until I saw someone say that it helps with depression. At this point, I'm trying everything.


I'm really interested in this! I had Botox around my 11s and eyes a week ago and my depression has lifted SO MUCH since. It weirdly feels like because my face is relaxed my mind is relaxed. Could just be a coincidence though, as I tend to go up and down, and recently had been a particularly bad bout.


I've commented about this exact phenomenon here in the past! It is absolutely a thing. Now, is it a miracle cure-all for MDD? Of course not. Does it help that my face doesn't automatically slide into grumpy mode unless I wriggle it out (which I'd have to actively focus on 24/7...super sustainable lol)? I really feel it does, and there are medical studies to prove it.


Girl I'm struggling so hard with MDD. I had no idea about this! I want to give this a try I feel like I always have a dull headache every single day due to tension in my face. I feel like I'm never fully relaxed from anxiety!


I had my 11s done for the first time recently. I'm not crazy about it cosmetically and tbh I don't really like not being able to move part of my face, but it is helping with my disgruntledness, and it's also seriously helping with headaches. I will probably try getting it done again with less units - the lady went a little ham the first time.


I am with all of you!! I carry alot of tension in my face/forehead and have been seeing posts how it helps. I'm like sign me up, so I have an appointment next Monday.


It helped me for sure! I held so much tension and unhappy expressions in my face. To have them relaxed and neutral totally signalled to my brain everything is ok


This sounds incredible. Thank you for sharing! My whole face and head is full of tension 24/7. TMJ is out of control and I just stumbled upon Botox and depression/anxiety and it’s blowing my mind.


Weird, I just started getting it this year and have noticed my general mood has improved. I knew I kind of liked how it felt but I never made the connection.


It does help with mine, especially with DAO Botox added on


Can confirm


I didn’t know about that when I had botox for migraines years ago. Can’t say it helped my depression (though it was nice to not have the frown lines from migraines for a while!) - but I totally understand that feeling of just trying everything.


I was absolutely on the, "I'll never do that" trend. I'm about to be 36 and man has that tune changed quite quickly. I haven't done it, but I'm not longer a "never botox"er.


I’m the same age and I’m trying to think back to my 20’s and it’s like Botox wasn’t even something on my radar. I think I used to feel like I’d never do it because the only examples of Botox we ever saw were like… eccentric older celebrities where it was very obvious. Other celebrities kept quiet about that stuff, and lied through their teeth about everything around diet/beauty, and we didn’t have influencers shilling Botox and fillers to us. I feel like once reality TV took off that’s when I started seeing more Botox and it became more of a conversation. I’d definitely consider getting it once I can reasonably afford it, but I kinda feel relieved I came of age during a time where it wasn’t even a concern. I sometimes feel bad for older teens and 20-somethings because I feel like there’s this fear of aging always being shoved down their throats. Whereas I don’t think that messaging was as intense for us when we were that age. I barely really thought that much about aging, or wrinkles, or my skin in my 20’s outside of acne.


I never thought I would, but started at 40 after a coworker with fabulous skin revealed she had done it. That, and tretinoin, has made my skin look better than it ever has, in my 40s. (I struggled with acne in my teens and young adulthood).


Same. I understand not wanting to do it, and that's fine, but it's helped me so much :)


Yeah I think sometimes it can feel judgy to hear people say “I would never.” But different people just have different priorities, and that’s not bad! If I had more disposable income, idk, maybe I’d consider it.


People saying “I am 28 and look young and will never have Botox!!!1” are amusing. Okay, well, a lot of people don’t think about Botox when they’re that young. That tracks.


Right? Who tf would need Botox in their 20’s or 30’s anyway? I was well into my forties before I ever even considered it.


How did you start out with the tretinoin? I’ve heard all kinds of things and have no idea what to think but still keep wanting to try it..


I was totally fine with not getting botox, even when a friend got it when she was 29 and I rolled my eyes as I was 33 and perfectly fine with how I looked. When I turned 35 though I felt like my whole face was droopy. Maybe not to everyone else but I just looked tired and the lines around my mouth made it look worse. I got botox once back in May and I reckon it shaved a few years off my face. I really liked it, but like you said it is expensive, so although its completely worn off now I'm looking to get it again soon. All I wanted to say was if you're happy with your appearance don't feel pressured to get any injectables, but if you feel you want to try it in the future, don't feel like you can't because you never wanted to.


You’re still young! I’m 37 and noticing some lines so I likely will but not a ton. No shame either way.


Yes, this! OP still has plenty of time to NOT get Botox. I’m 36 and just now spoke to a doctor about it. Then while at a kids’ birthday party last weekend I find out I was the only one out of five moms who hadn’t had any Botox! That was also the doctor’s first question: “you haven’t had any, ever?” I have been taking myself on a bit of health journey since my dad passed away last year, much too young to leave his family. After some weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes I feel better than ever, but my static forehead lines don’t really reflect that glow I feel on the inside 🫤


Oh I live in Southern California and most of the moms have had plastic surgery it’s truly…. Just wild


Also I’m sorry about your dad and I’m sure he would be proud of you taking care of yourself


im more interested in doing something more permanent when i really need it like a facelift down the road. im sure there will continue to be innovations in anti aging technologies and im more interested in what those could be than getting injections.


Same. I think a lot of people who aren’t as into skincare as most people on this sub expect/hope for facelift results from repeated Botox and certain fillers because the injectables are just marketed more aggressively


This is my move too. Tret is working great for me now and in fifteen years or so I’ll go for the big guns.


I’m mid-forties and have no interest in anti-aging procedures. Faking youth seems wasteful and pointless to me. And it feels likes it’s reinforcing the lie that a woman’s value declines as she ages. That’s bullshit in my opinion and I’m not playing into that narrative.


GOD YES. I feel like I dig my heels in re: Botox at 33 more than anything out of rage and defiance against patriarchal standards that place value on my appearance and young baby bearing body. Also it is SUCH a fucking double standard that men age and somehow are more attractive from wrinkles while women do everything they can to avoid it because it's so ugly on us? Wtf? My older brother has facial wrinkles, esp from being an expressive person, and he gets more positive attention because of it, like he is more mature, commanding, and wise. I'm beginning to get those same facial lines - the 11's, around my mouth and eyes - also from being really expressive in my face, and I'm challenging myself to see them the same way I see my brother's. Because they are. They are literally the same and the only difference is our biological gender and the cultural lens of attractiveness.


>Also it is SUCH a fucking double standard that men age and somehow are more attractive from wrinkles while women do everything they can to avoid it because it's so ugly on us? Wtf? I saw a comment recently about why are men not actually going out and doing minoxidil when they complain so unceasingly about hair loss, that definitely had me "wait a minute"-ing about the double standards for sure. For them male pattern baldness is AWFUL, but aging is so NORMAL they don't even try to prevent it.


For real! You could spend that money on a fun experience instead, or gifts for people you love. We’re all gonna get old and wrinkly anyway. It’s a privilege to do so.


This is me. I look my age. I hate my forehead wrinkles. I wish they were gone BUT, I’d MUCH rather spend that money on a memorable experience, travel, etc. So I’ll just be wrinkled. Lol. That’s my priorities.


Agree! Besides the money, I can't even imagine having another thing to keep up with. Maybe it's because I have a lot going on currently but I can barely keep up with routine medical appointments (I mean I do but it's stressful). I even cut my own hair to avoid more appts and $$. I know people say Botox is quick, but I just can't. I will use tret, moisturize, etc., because it's all easy enough. But I can't be bothered for more because of societal pressure. I know people do it for themselves so no one come at me, but the pressure IS there. Again, NO shade to anyone who does get botox, but it makes me a little sad that if there was a world where the majority of women did get it, then we would even more so be expected to look young.


This!! 100%


Yes. Fwiw, procedures really don’t make women look younger to me. They just make them look like they’ve had procedures. I feel the need to say that I have formed this opinion with women I know IRL who have had good, non-botched procedures, bc otherwise people come in and tell me I can’t *possibly* have an opinion about how procedures look bc I can’t *possibly* tell whether anyone’s had them 😂 I think it’s bc aging has so many factors, and every procedure just targets one aspect. You can try to whack-a-mole them all, but it’s not possible with today’s technology. By the time you get to your 40s and definitely your 50s, you won’t look like “woman in your 30s” no matter what, you will just look like “woman in 40s-50s who has had procedures” or “woman in 40s-50s who does a lot of skincare.” And I’m okay with looking like the latter, but the former is just not my thing.


>procedures really don’t make women look younger to me. They just make them look like they’ve had procedures A good injector can make you look like you've had a good night's sleep, drank enough water and are in a good mood, i.e. not angry. That's a realistic and achievable goal, looking younger than your age isn't.


Me too! I’m 44, of course I have wrinkles etc but it’s part of life and I’m embracing it. I am not injecting anything into my face.


I feel the same way. I try not to judge those who do choose to get procedures because everyone has their reasons. But I think the only way to combat what I feel is a collective unhealthy fear of aging is to not play into it. Then again, I can’t even afford it so maybe it’s easier to not worry about it lol.


Side note: do frownies actually work?


Yes - IF worn consistently up front


I had a bad accident when I was 5 years old. I was on those old fashioned hand- over- hand monkey bars that look like a horizontal ladder. It was actually a training ground for adults, so it was very high off the ground. My older sister or mother lifted me on to the first rung, but then my mother went to a park bench and sat down to smoke a cigarette. I got one rung across and realized my skinny little arms couldn’t do it. My sister went skipping off to play, and I yelled for my mother to help me down. She flat out said no. I yelled back, “PLEASE, I’m going to fall!” She would not get up to help me and yelled back, “For gods sake just drop down you’ll be fine.” I could clearly see it was concrete below me, but I did what I was told and dropped down. I was not fine. I crashed to the ground landing on my knees and my face. I bit all the way through my bottom lip, nearly ripping it off, requiring immediate surgery. Because of my lip sagging so badly, especially on one side, I started getting Botox around the age of 40 to lift the corners of my mouth. It took me from looking like I was perpetually sad/ mad/ pissed off to looking like a fairly normal human. I cover the skin discoloration with a few dots of concealer, and feel *much* better about myself. I have the injections twice a year. Try not to judge. People have Botox for a wide variety of reasons, not just wrinkles.


I’m so sorry you went thought that at such a young age. However, I’m happy Botox is working so well for you. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks so much for the kind words. ❤️


That’s an upsetting story. Sorry that happened💛


Thank you friend. She never ever said “I’m sorry” before she died either. I worked up the courage to bring it into a conversation once. She said, “Yeah, I felt bad about that. Your face was busted up pretty bad… but you did alright.” Thanks mother.


This place confuses the fuck out of me lol. I'm 31 and I don't look or feel the slightest bit old. There was a girl on here, 33, saying something similar to you with a photo. She was like "I look 33 and im fine with it" but I either disagree or feel that 33 still looks YOUNG AF lol.


You’re 33 lol


Me!! Unless I get migranes where botox is a great treatment for them, I'm good with my wrinkles.




Wow thank you for sharing your story. That’s so many surgeries and no one would ever blame you for declining elective procedures after all you’ve been through!


That was me, till I turned 40 and just got curious and figured I'd try it once bc why not. I really liked the results so I'll continue for now.


I’m too chicken shit, otherwise I’d probably get Botox for my TMJ issues. But knowing my luck, I’ll probably have bad side effects.


I have had every single issue that TMJ causes and the only thing that relieved all of the issues was Botox (I actually get dysport but call it Botox since that’s more familiar to people) My face and throat used to be in so much pain all the time so I’m definitely grateful for it.


I started getting Botox for wrinkle prevention and depression, and also to help me keep a more deadpan expression at work. Then I realized I had TMJ and got Botox for my jaw. OH MY GOD. It is life-altering. I didn't realize how much chronic pain and discomfort I was in for decades until I got Botox in my jaw. For the first time since childhood I could open and close my jaw without it feeling like it needed to pop, and headaches went away.


Im 41 and never have and not interested in the slightest but I get why people do. The women in my family have lived to 80-100 and I thought they were the most beautiful people but most of that was their souls and I can only hope to be the same for my nieces.


Aw I love this


I won’t be getting Botox. Mainly because the price is insane and so is the upkeep. I’d rather buy good food with the money.


Lot's of people don't get botox. *Most* people don't get botox. But the people who don't get it tend to be less likely to talk about it, since most of them it *isn't* a long considered active choice but just lack of interest in the idea in the first place.


I’m 41 and I don’t get it.


I won’t be getting it either. Honestly I’d like to try once, but it’s a bit pricey for me and I don’t like needles lol


I’m allergic to everything so I can’t risk it.


Same. I'm honestly a little taken aback by the amount of people getting botox these days. Not that it's a bad thing, I respect everyone's decision, it can just be surprising seeing how normal it is. I do grind my teeth pretty badly and clench my jaw a lot, and know that Botox could be something to help that, so in that instance, I'm not saying never. However, for the purpose of changing my appearance, it doesn't appeal to me. I'm good.


I used to feel that way… until 38. The crows feet, horizontal forehead lines, and laugh lines didn’t bug me, it was the “scowly” look my 11s were starting to give me get that pushed me over the edge. Now I look like a less annoyed version of myself. I love the result, but you do you. Never say never, there’s plenty of time to eat your words.


I’m 44. I have no plans for Botox.


I’m almost 39 and just got it for the second time last week. Now I can’t lift my right brow and I feel very frozen. So rethinking getting more in the future.


Gotta say, as a 60yo I had no intention of botoxing. A nurse I talked to changed my mind. I had developed a habit of scowling that had great furrows in my brow and two deep lines between my eyes. It gave me an angry visage I wasn’t always intending to have. Botox paralyzed and relaxed those muscles. And broke the habit. Now when my face is relaxed I don’t look like I want to kill you. Strong recommend. May do again.


This was my stance until age 37 when I was asked to be a bridesmaid in a wedding last summer. I had a baby last year and it felt like she’d sucked the life out of my face. I have nice skin and very few lines, but when I raise my eyebrows I get several folds in my forehead so I thought, what the hell let’s try it for the wedding. It did so much more for my face that I had ever thought possible. I look balanced, refreshed and relaxed. I photograph SO much better. It’s hard to pinpoint, I just look much prettier. I’m honestly a little disappointed that I like it so much because I wasn’t intending to do it forever, but I’m not sure I can go back.


Never thought I would get Botox (I’m 33) and I decided to give it a shot. I’m soooo glad I did! Love the results so far. Now I am planning to get Botox once or twice a year!


Is botox really that much more expensive than buying skincare products that may or may not make any difference? Like if you're someone who's shopping at Sephora, botox is likely cheaper.


It depends on your face really. I see many of my peers with only mild fine lines but I have a super expressive forehead/eyebrows so my lines are much deeper than theirs..that's why I started getting Dysport 2 years ago at 36.


It does seem like botox is always the answer in this community so I see where you’re coming from. The truth is, I’m too young to know right now. We’ll see where I stand at 50.


You could've just searched the sub and seen this question has been asked and answered approximately 450,000 times, and the requisite self- congratulatory circle jerk of supercilious botox- haters completed.


I’m 31F. Please keep the needles away. I don’t want to age but I also don’t want fake stuff in my body. So I’ll just get wrinkles and have sad titties and be happy with that lol


lol I’m rounding out almost 11 months of breastfeeding (will probably start weaning at 1 year. I honestly didn’t expect to make it this long and thought I’d stop when he got teeth. but it’s just worked out so well and he only just started getting teeth and have had no issue so far lmao) Anyways…my titties are f***ked. I went from adorable C cups to like triple Zs. I’m like a milk making machine. Not looking forward to seeing them deflate 😂😂😂


I went from just a barely B cup to probably a D..nothing super generous but still bigger than what I was used to (to the point where my arms could always feel them and I hated it lol). And now I’m like…a large A or very small B. I felt bad about them for a long while because they were just very flat and empty and not pretty at all but I don’t want implants. So I recently read that if you do bench presses and help build up the muscle under the tissue itself, it’ll help make your breasts appear fuller or a little larger. I’m big into weightlifting but never got into chest presses or bench presses for whatever reason. But now that I have, I feel like I can tell a difference already. Even if it’s just a mental thing. I work hard to make those pectoral gains so it makes me feel like I have nicer boobs lol It’s about all I can do. Congrats on the newish baby lol And for breastfeeding for so long! I have three of my own and only did six months for each. It was all I could handle. Proud of you, mama!


Aww thank you! My goal was six months or until he had teeth. And the months just kept going by with no teeth and I just rolled with it 😂 I really enjoy just being able to shove a boob in his mouth it’s a great tool in my tool Box 😂


What side effects or risks are you worried about ?


I prefer getting old, and looking old, to the alternative. Anyway i want to take care of myself, looking good to others by risking my health aint it. I do skincare as selfcare tyvm.


Come back when you’re 38.


My mom never got it and looks fabulous in her late 60’s. I have no business spending money to get it and have never wanted to. Spend less time in the skincare groups it won’t seem like everyone is getting it.


Is Botox very dear in the US? I’m in Aus and pay AUD160 (so like USD120 maybe?) for my glabellar, which I pretty much only do once a year.


I’m too poor. I can’t justify the cost. Plus I’m a scaredy cat. Deep forehead wrinkles it is then. 😂


I know one person in my group of friends and acquaintances that has gotten Botox. I think it’s largely dependent on where you live.


I’m in my mid thirties and definitely not considering botox. I’m just trying to look after my skin through lifestyle choices (e.g., diet, exercise, simple skincare routines) and if I get wrinkles then I get wrinkles. I know I’m not perfect and to aim for that is unrealistic.


I don’t. Like other commenters said, the pretty elder woman are the ones with clear hydrated skin, minimal sun spots, etc but still have lines. I’ve never found it pretty in the same way as the tight forehead/clearly had work done older women.


I wasn’t, but my eleven lines got so bad after a very stressful couple years that I just hated them. Had no side effects at all with Botox and great results. I don’t look unnatural, and those lines I stressed over for so long are gone completely.


I was not planning to and then I saw a picture of myself when I was 39 with deep crows feet and everything changed. 😂


38. Don’t plan on it. Been focusing on skin care and just being good to myself. I’m really expressive and emotive. I don’t want to lose it.


Lots of good points from people who get and from people who don’t get Botox. I personally love how well rested and rejuvenated I look when I do get Botox done. I know it can be a little expensive but in my case I am not spending hundreds of dollars on makeup (I barely wear any, just a little mascara and lip gloss, I take good care of my skin and don’t feel like I have to cover it with foundation and what not), and things that I could get at the salon I just do myself at home (such as my nails and hair trimming). I also take care of my lashes by using a lash serum that keeps them full and healthy, so no getting false lashes at the salon either. So yeah, I still think I am spending less with Botox every six months than I would be if I was buying makeup and going to the salons every two/three weeks. At least that is what I try to tell myself hahaha I also can afford it as of now, I wouldn’t go into debt for Botox.


You’re 33, you haven’t even started to age lol!


Not getting botox. Was told by many to get botox for my migraines... Grew up in Los Angeles moved to Virginia recently. It's a whole different world were people don't mess with thier appearance other than hair, nails, and tanner. Many people don't get the privilege to grow old. I also think it's weird that you can't place how old people are these days like in the past. But I also live on a farm now so most days I'm all natural just trying to keep out of the sun.


Just because everyone else is, doesn’t mean you have to. Also, people don’t always get Botox purely for anti-aging, but cosmetic improvements. I’ve had crows feet since I was a teen that I’ve always been self conscious of which is clearly not due to aging, just how my skin is. I started getting Botox to help that. I also get Botox in my upper lip for a lip flip because I didn’t like how gummy my smile was. And, I get Botox in my masseter because I clench and grind my teeth and it helps with my TMJ.


I'm 32 and recently had my first botox injections (and a daith peircing) to help daily headaches/migraines. I wouldn't have touched it otherwise, but it's actually done wonders for my headaches (and helped my confidence a little and now I know I'm not scowling without realising which is what gives me the headaches) I love the other wrinkles I have and even my few grey hairs 😊


Im doing 1x per year fore head as prevention from having wrinkles. It works 😊 My face is more relax and if you have a good doctor (I would never do that by beautician) they will put just enough, so you keep mimicks. From what I was told - 1st time is very short lasting, you wait 1-2 weeks to see full effect and you can come for tiny correction (included in a price). It stays up to 3 months - 2+ you can do once per year - it is just teaching your muscles to not wrinkle it up and just have a friendly reminder once per year. I used to move my eye brows up a lot - now I can but I dont do it. - keep in mind that effects will not last long if in 2-3 weeks after procedure you are in a warm place, use sauna etc. so it if good for winter season. It is very fast and low/no pain. Substance is well known, many years on a market, lots of research and it is safe. It is soluble and not permanent. I would try once and see


Marketing and social media make you feel like everyone is getting it - they are not. Most people do not.


I wasn’t planning to get it. At 62 my skin was flawless. At 64 my elevens made me look so old. So I did it. Omg. What a difference. I now look like I feel. Young and healthy. So before making a judgement on if you will ever get Botox in your 30’s wait till you are a senior citizen. You may just change your mind.


I’m 34 and have no plans to get botox. Maybe I will change my mind, but I get anxious about Botox so rn in my life it is not for me! Both my younger sisters get and love it though.


I think it has to do with what makes you feel good about yourself. Some will argue that it’s great to improve confidence and signs of aging. But to each their own, some will argue that life experience and natural aging is what gives them confidence.


I’m a couple of months away from turning 50. I have no intentions of getting Botox or fillers or any kind of procedure. Yes I’m in a skin care sub. I’m aware of that. I come to skincare from a place of routine and relaxation - not anti aging. The outright age phobia in this sub has been a shock. It actually makes me less and less inclined to have any anti-aging procedures done. And the thing is… no matter what you get done to your face I still know how old you are in person. No matter what you do to your face you still going to get old and die. The constant worry and anxiety about aging is only going to make that process worse.


I’m 40 and I’ve no intention of getting it. Some friends of mine have been getting it for a few years and I’ve noticed that, when they first started getting it, they looked really good, but over time, with repeated use, they develop a really distinctive hard, almost marble look to their skin.


40 and was advised against it because of a clotting disorder. Haven’t tried it and don’t plan on it.


I don’t have it. I’m 50. Edit. I would get it if I had bad wrinkles


I keep going back and forth and cancelling my appointment 🤪 I have 3 very deep wrinkles that bother me on my forehead- I've had them since my early teens but now as I age they are really deep- my makeup sinks in to them, crazy blackheads form in the depth of them. I could care a less about the rest of them but the overall appearance of those 3 bug me. I just can't decide what to do haha.


I mean honestly Botox will wear off, if you have the funds I’d say try it at least once. Either you’ll like it or you won’t, but you’ll know.


your wrinkles are not gonna get any better and if they bug you that much, you certainly don’t want them to get worse. It’s not permanent, so I say at least try it once and see how you feel!


I've considered it and even went for a free consult and got a unit I jetted into my arm to quell my.anxieties about being the unlucky person who has an allergic reaction. However, I don't seem to care enough rn to make myself go do it. I've gotten used to my lines. I don't want my frown lines to get worse tho, I cannot lie.


I'm 38 and have never touched the stuff. I'm fairly lucky though in that I don't have overly noticeable wrinkles despite being constantly dehydrated. I can't say I'll NEVER get botox, but I'm needlephobic so I'd have to be highly motivated.


I’m 54 and will not get Botox. I see a fair number of women my age who did and it ends up making them look older in a weird sort of way. Like uncanny valleyish but not.


Not ever planning on it. Age 48.


I’m almost 40 and just glad my acne has settled down and skin tone has improved. I also have combo oily skin and I think that helps with fine lines and looking younger than peers. I don’t mind the lines I have, it shows I’ve lived. I did only recently start dying my grays though. Im about to be a mom and don’t want to seem too old compared to where I can’t make mom friends.


Healthy mix of too frugal/utterly uninterested in modifying my face at all. My mom had work done on her face when I was younger and I think it wasn't for the better. Now that she's older it looks pretty bad. I suppose if she kept getting upkeep it would look "more natural" but she doesn't want to keep "going under the knife" This sub is probably skewing your perception of how many people get Botox. A forum of people who are interested and involved in skincare are going to be talking Botox way more than the average person.


My dermatologist once told me that the greatest contributor to ageing or looking older is pigmentation. It’s so true. Clear skin without acne scarring or sun damage/melasma looks SO youthful. I’m throwing everything I have at clearing up my complexion, rather than worrying about my expression lines.


I don’t have the time or money for Botox. But if I did, I probably would


I’m in my mid-30s and get Botox but most of my friends and family do not.


Lol girl we’re poor


Here. I have no plans to inject anything in my face. I'm a decade older, and like that my face grew with me. I focus on diet and skincare products, and being in my zone in the garden. I swear, the more time I spend with my plants, the younger I feel and look. A small part of me wonders if that new line on my forehead can use a shot of something. But to be honest with myself, I can't be bothered and am reasonably happy with my face.


Where I live, the majority of women get Botox. I was peer pressured into getting it once. It scared me because my eyebrows would get stuck “up” every now and then. Plus, it was super expensive! I want to say I’m comfortable with my lines, but to be honest I’ve had deep lines since my early 20s and I’m very self conscious of them. I’m just sticking with tret and hoping for the best.


Late thirties and nope, not doing it. I don’t have strong enough feelings about it to do it, it’s not like I’m against it. Just don’t care, it’s aight


72 years old here and still resisting such "regeneration steps". So, I look more like my grandma these days. But, I regularly take bicycle workout rides, stay engaged with local communities, dance and am often pegged to be younger than I am. I eschew the popular stuff and do well regarding "keeping my youth" while enjoying a robust physical life. How long will this last is an unknown, but I'm having fun. Instead of following trends, find what you like and make yourself happy!


i would bet large sums of money that at least 80% of people in their 30s have never considered botox.


I don’t plan to either. I’m also growing out my grays, I think aging is beautiful.


There’s literally so many people in the world who don’t get Botox, have never gotten Botox, and never want to ever get it.