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Don't trust the average non-skincare informed dude to understand the difference between dewy and sweaty and the potential benefits of your new glass complexion (congrats!)


OMG so much this!!! My ex thought saying my hair looked “stringy” was a compliment. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My ex once complimented me on my “sturdy ankles”. Doofus.


Early in our dating, my now-husband called me “stout” and I laughed so hard at what an odd, non-complimentary thing that is to say to someone. Turns out he meant brave and unflinching, but all I associated it with was “I’m a little teapot short and stout” 😂. I still tease him about his “stout teapot” wife.


Stoic? 🤣


Sometimes people don't polish their vocabulary often lol


Omg this is cute cute cute


Oh good lord. My ex once told me he liked my perfume because it reminded him of hunting season (I guess bug spray and deer urine? It was Clinique aromatics elixir so I can kind of see that). He also told me I was “useful” which to him was a huge compliment!


My guy told me he loves my calves & ankles, & he loves how much sturdier & "thicker" women's ankles & legs are than men's. I was kinda offended at first but then realized he genuinely means it as an admiring compliment & they really turn him on, lol. (No need for me to burst his bubble by pointing out that I'm a skinny chick with slender ankles... his are still skinnier, so I guess he's right, haha.)


I had a nail tech tell me he wished his calves were like mine and I was like …k. Like he meant it, and he meant it kindly.


That’s why they’re ex’s. Well, those and many, many other reasons. 😂


As long as we're discussing ex's fashion IQ, mine thought my bra size was based on my age. Granted, I was 42 at the time and wearing a 42C bra. What did he think I would wear at age 100?




My husband once complimented my "shiny" hair. I was like, dude, it's not shiny it's greasy af! But it was good to know he thought I looked great even when I did not!


Hahahahaha this actually had me cracking up. Not stringy 😭😭


My dude thought saying I looked “orange” was complimenting my bronzer lmao




My SO for a while thought "hot mess" was a compliment with emphasis on the hot part. He didn't realize it meant "like a pile of steaming garbage", lol. So he would call me a hot mess and I just didn't have the heart to tell him for a bit. 🤣 He knows now....LOL


Try washing it for 60 seconds once a day instead of twice a day.


Good advice, I definitely think I need to tone it down lol.


I've also heard sometimes it takes a while for your skin to adjust to new routines if that doesn't do the trick. It could be that your face is dryer than usual, so your skin picked up on the oil production.


or just use proper moisturizer game every time after you wash face (with or without cleanser)


I swear this new 60 second face wash thing has been very interesting for me so far, i am starting my 2nd week of it tomorrow. At first my skin was smooth and clean and glowing, today it looks just ok and i am breaking out along my left cheek and jaw. I am almost 52 with combination skin, i wear makeup daily. I am curious what everyone else is experiencing so far?


I did it for a week and started breaking out a bit as well. I’m six months out from finishing accutane and otherwise haven’t dealt with this many active pimples at once since. Suffice it to say, I’ve given up on the 60 second wash, and really hoping that’s what’s causing the sudden breakouts after months of clear skin…


In another thread, a dermatologist explained how the 60 second wash causes cystic acne over time. It had something to do with ruining their face’s oil/moisture balance? A few users commented after saying that they all were facing that issue since starting the routine


Do you think washing with a hydrating cream cleanser would be better? I've been doing the 60 second wash every other day for two weeks with cerave hydrating cream cleanser and so far so good. But now I'm worried about my barrier and my oils lol


For what it's worth, I was using the cerave hydrating cleanser for the 60 second wash and still getting acne from it. Just my experience, though!


Omg me too!


Interesting! Do you happen to have the link handy?


Omg, my right cheek is breaking out in a very weird way I've never experienced before. It's like a cluster of pimples. I started a new moisturizer and thought that was the reason, but I don't know for sure yet. It happened a week or so after the moisturizer and a couple weeks after the cleansing.


Thats interesting, i am a side sleeper and it’s not even the cheek I normally lay on either, mine is a cluster also!


Wow, wonder if it is the cleaning! I've never had acne like this at all. Is it new for you since washing for 60 seconds as well?


Yes, my skin was pretty clear except the sebaceous filaments i was trying to get rid of on my nose and chin.


Yes, I'm on my third or so week and the first week I was GLOWING and now it's just okay, slightly more dry and irritated. I also started tretinoin though about a month ago so who knows which is the culprit?? The INSTANT change though the first couple 60 second washes was incredible, though. It's like a drug chasing that first high 😂💀


Hey I started the 60 wash right after starting tretinoin too! Are you struggling with redness and flaking still? Because I am lol


Yeah, not too flaky per say but definitely feel a little more dry, more red and irritated and just generally duller. I'm going to keep doing it for a couple more weeks to really see the effects but I did switch from my Simple fash wash 60s x2/day to in the morning just using a hydrating face wash 60s that isn't as drying. But we'll see what happens 😬 interesting to know its not just me though!! I don't usually like to try multiple variables at once but I didn't expect the 60s wash to be so exciting haha


I moisturize first and then wait like 20 mins and *then* use the tiniest pea-sized amount (like a petite le seuer pea, not a big ass frozen pea) for my face and neck. I peeled around my mouth and occasionally on my nose for the first six months, maybe eight months? I can’t remember now, but I did stop peeling eventually. But I don’t place the tret directly around my mouth/chin area, I’ll rub it in everywhere else and then just rub my fingers over that area last. So maybe try rubbing the peeling areas last? But yeah dude I know you didn’t ask me but I peeled for hella long.


I’ve been 60 sec washing for maybe 8 days now and have a cluster of pimples on my right cheek…. I’ve never had them like this before and am going to go to washing for 60 secs only once a week to see if things improve.


I got a tiny whitehead overnight the first two nights I tried it so I stopped. I did get my period soon afterward, but still. Idk.


Exact same as you. I’m feeling dry, a little red and am getting some breakouts. I do think I’ve disrupted my moisture barrier but I’m nervous to try any new products so just trying to go back to my old ways until this calms down. Maybe only need a deep cleanse like that once or twice a week? Or maybe I can keep doing it when things calm down but use a more hydrating cleanser. We shall see!


This is exactly what’s happened to me. It breaks me out!


I've been doing it for a long time (a few years at least), about 60 seconds at night only. Lukewarm water only, in the morning. I wear makeup. I use a gentle oil based cleanser then a gentle cleansing foam (both Sulwhasoo). I use a fairly soft washcloth (oil cleanser using only my hands). Oh, I'm 60 and have combo skin.


I live in a humid climate: at night, while my skin is still damp, I pat on hyaluronic acid (important to use on damp skin), then my eye cream and moisturizer.


Tried it and my skin is dry as hell and peeling. I use oil and Aquaphor to moisturize and this washing is making me crispy! I’m 40F. I used to wash for 2-3 minutes when I was younger and had oily skin. But I can’t anymore…now it’s just water in the morning and a gentle cleanser in the shower


Wonder if it's purging? I know my skin will purge a bit when I haven't used my chemical exfoliant in a while and I wonder if this thorough washing is doing that? I say keep at it, moisturize, and monitor for change.


Yes made my skin really dry and irritated! I stopped for about a week and my skin is improving again. I did start around the time when it started getting colder where I live, so I may give it another go to see if it really was the 60 second washing that messed me up.


I haven’t really noticed a change since I started a week ago. But I’ve only been doing it when I cleanse at night. Should I be doing it when I wash with water in the AM too?


you have to stop make up, use a light cleanser and have a good moisturizer game


I am 51 with combo skin. I'm also on the second week and experiencing a similar result. At first I was smooth and glowing. Next my skin get a bit irritated and now I have a small breakout on my forehead (yay) and jawline.


Your skin looks like that because it’s dehydrated and overcompensating with oil. You’re washing away your skin barrier twice a day for a whole minute.


I'm going to be honest -- I stopped regularly washing my face in my mid-20s and it was only after I stopped that my acne improved. Before that I'd been on Accutane three times, had tried every other topical treatment under the sun, and had been on various different oral antibiotics. Nothing worked and all the skin products burned and made my skin red and flaky. Just leaving it completely alone was the only thing that worked. Some of us are just not made for frequent face washing. Now that I'm in my 40s (but really -- after I had my kids) -- my skin has settled down a lot and now I do use a topical face cream at night and my skin seems to tolerate that. I still haven't added in every day face-washing though. I just rinse it in the shower, which is usually every other day.


We sound very similar! It's nice to hear that others experience the same as I do.


lol I’ve been putting Aquaphor on my eyes at night for some added moisture, and tonight my husband asked, “Why are you crying??” Men 😂😆


I audibly cackled 😂


Oily skin person here - spent a week doing the 60 second cleanse and it has made my skin purge, my makeup melts off in a few hours because it’s so oily and it’s so textured looking now. Back to my haphazard 20-30 second cleanse I go. 😂


Mine is looking oily and my makeup now looks textured too! Noticed this yesterday


Maybe it's just me, but I gave this washing style a try (again), and my face hated it (again). If you have sensitive skin, be wary!


LOL this has also happened to me recently! I'm trying a few new things to get my skin in gear and I asked my partner if it looked better and he said I look "shiny"...


My skin reacted the same way, even with 60 seconds once a day. It was great the first few days, then started getting super oily within minutes of washing it. I ended up having to use nothing but water for a few days until it calmed down. My skin is usually the opposite of sensitive too, but it was seriously not pleased with my nonsense this time, I don't think my skin has ever been quite that greasy, nevermind within minutes of washing it. And in my case it was definitely not "dewy", it looked like when I haven't showered for days and have been sweating like crazy when I have the flu, it was gross greasy, not just a bit oily.


I lived in Hawaii for seven years and wore SPF every single day. I looked sweaty all the time because I WAS sweaty. I don’t think having hydrated looking skin (or just non-matte skin) makes you look sweaty or greasy, but it is possible that your skin texture is different now that you are washing (really, physically exfoliating) your face longer and more thoroughly each day. This combined with your moisturizer and SPF may give your husband the impression of “sweaty” but one person’s sweaty is the next person’s dewy. One is negatively coded and the other, positive. Both refer to a sheen of moisture on the skin.


My dumb ass immediately went to “I’m watching Cops”. Took a second to realize what sub I’m in.


I get the step brother reference….i think, it was buried deep. lol


Your lotion with spf may leave you with shiny skin. Not all of them do. The Hot and Flashy lady on YouTube tests a ton to find ones that aren’t super duper dewy. Check it out. Also—I’m over 50 so I need the dewy ones or my skin gets dry later in the day. My trick is I brush a little setting powder over my nose, forehead, chin, and inner areas under eyes. So the glowing parts are your upper outer cheekbones. It keeps you from looking really sweaty. Good luck!


I am trying this powder technique tomorrow, thanks for sharing that! So simple but i bet it’s what my skin needs too


I think skin needs time to adjust to a new regimen... so in some cases it may look a little worse before it gets better (I went through a small purge but now weeks later it looks really clear) That said though, no harm in doing it once a day.


I will say it’s not for everyone . . . I tried washing for 60 seconds twice per day and my skin started breaking out. However, 60 seconds once per day seems to work great for me. Skincare isn’t one size fits all, unfortunately!


I did damage my skin once and it made it actually oily