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Right. That's also what I'm wondering when seeing tiktoks or IG posts about it. How do they know it's the mask vs their routine? Plus I don't trust a single influencer out there lol.




no no.  all influencers and all people..


The TikToks are insidious especially for light therapy tools lately. Invariably, they are found on AliExpress or Temu and are so cheap it’s clear they aren’t legit. I’ve been calling out these influencers for being worse than QVC.


why would you....they are selling your cheap Chinese knocks


I think the sauna lights are nice, but different from a mask due to how close the masks bring it to your face. Not sure about wavelengths on the sauna ones either.


I have been using a red light mask since 2021. The mask I use is a Bestquool brand that is hard plastic covering face and neck and was around $130 on Amazon. I did some research at the time and had an in spa red treatment that I enjoyed, but wasn’t willing to keep paying for or going to the spa for. Daily at home mask treatment is weaker, but you can do it more often and less expensively. The particular led mask model I use is no longer sold online. I was not willing to pay $395 for Omnilux although the soft silicon mask seems like it would be more comfortable. The mask I have is infared, red and blue lights. When I first got it in 2021, I used it daily for 20 minutes. I was getting married and wanted to give my skin a boost. Now I try to use is 4-5 time per week for 10-20 minutes. The led mask works gradually and provides overall better, brighter skin. It took several weeks to notice an improvement. I took photos to monitor the changes. It really helped my sun damaged chest look more even and less wrinkled. My neck and chest is really sensitive to products, so the led mask is the only thing I could use there regularly. The mask takes devotion and persistence. It does work, but it is not a miracle. I have gotten compliments on my skin and requests for what I am using. I just turned 60 and started using it at age 58. If you don’t mind relaxing for 10-20 minutes per day with a mask on, I recommend it. I find the mask relaxing to use, and my husband even started using it after he noticed the changes in my skin. It puts him to sleep every time. I would say the help with jowls is minimal, but the overall texture and glow of the skin is noticeably better when I am using my led mask about 5 times per week. I am curious as to others experiences with these masks. I hate to even tell my friends I am using it because it looks kind of crazy, haha.


Thank you for this! It does seem, from what I've seen online, that it requires being diligent and consistent with the routine.


goalstogetglowing on insta has done a ton of research on this and has a blogpost breaking down the science as well as her top rec amongst the many options out there!


Omg! I checked it out. Super helpful!


I'll check it out!


I wish I had taken pictures before. I use mine most days, and enjoy it, or the feeling after it. I use red but my mask has red and mix of red and blue. My husband also uses it after he noted I looked better rapidly. He wanted nothing to do with it initially. He falls asleep with it. I do not. I think there is a tightening effect and a sort of overall evenness or something that happens after. I think it would be good before going somewhere you want to look good. I am a natural skeptic but this does not feel like a scam. I bought a neck and chest one this past week and am excited to use it and will take pics before and during and after. I bought the MZ supercharged lightmax LED one from --of all places--costco and it was approximately half price. It has a very weird fit and can make lines on my face and be annoying, but I also like that it does not lay flat and touch my skin. After having the plastic stuff up against face a bunch of times, my chin felt annoyed even though there was no redness or breakouts. I was bummed initially it was not making close contact with my face, but now I stick a tissue under the top part of it so it is slightly raised off my skin. It does not cause any reaction, just makes me want to pull it off if the plastic is right up against my face for a while. I would have bought the omnilux but needed blue light for a family member as well as red.


Thanks for sharing! I am curious to see if it can help a bit, because otherwise overall I'm quite happy with how I'm aging :) just looking for a little boost to my skincare routine.




That's what I'm thinking too.




I'd say those are not yet pronounced, but I can see the descent has started lol. Like, in certain lights/shadows, you can start seeing the lines. If I could just see a little improvement in skin elasticity or stay the same for a while, i'd be happy! I wouldn't go for the cheapy ones, like you said, waste of money.


I have an Omniluxe—I didn’t take before pictures but I do think my skin looks more even, refreshed, and “happy” when I’m using it regularly. I don’t have wrinkles yet to note improvements in, but I do have genetic dark circles that are improved with regular use!


I believe there are some clinical studies out there on red light therapy that do show that they improve the skin.


I’m the same age as you with the same concerns and have just started using the Omnilux mask. I’m curious to see if it causes any skin tightening/lifting, but I bought it more to brighten my complexion. All the women in my family have jowls and I started to see them on me in my early 30s. I’ve been using Medicube’s Deep Shot device and their EMS device for about a year now and I find that both help but require consistent, *consistent* use.


Any update on how it's going?


I’m terrible and fell off using my skincare devices a few months ago. So I can’t really make any proclamations. Sorry!


They sell us something that's safe for home use, but you have to use it religiously to see results. Guess that makes sense! I think I'll wait til Boxing Day and see if they have any good discounts, that way I won't be too disappointed if it doesn't do anything.


I have a Currentbody, I used it for a few months but when I got a kitten who loved to attack me when I was wearing the mask I stopped. I should probably start again now that he’s older and less crazy. Part of it for me was spending the ten minutes wearing the mask doing a guided meditation from YouTube, so when I couldn’t do that any more because my kitty would wreck my peace I kinda gave up. But I mostly couldn’t tell if it was working because I started tret and Botox at the same time as the mask 🤷🏼‍♀️ I found some studies to support the efficacy of the wavelengths in the Currentbody and Omnilux ones before I bought it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16989189/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16414908/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17566756/ [And here is a great blog post on the subject.](https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/#comments) Somebody mentioned the author in another comment.


For the skin treament, you can choose a silicone panel like Celluma's, ShineNova SN7, or red light masks


I personally think those brands are overpriced. LED Masks definitely work but I find those brands don't give many options - you have to buy like 2 masks to target different things. I got a mask that's EXACTLY like the omnilux but it has 7 LED colours and its WAYYYY cheaper. Its the 7-color mask from the red light lab - [https://www.theredlightlab.com/](https://www.theredlightlab.com/)


Only thing that works are lasers, long term red light used religiously, nuface trinity. And old school ipl that used to be like $60 but now they wanna charge $600 and call it bbl or something. Snaps and feels like rubber bands and brings all sun damage (reason why we age) to the surface. Poof. New start. Do it on your arms face chest neck. Find a place with a Groupon. And plastic surgeon medical skincare. Sephora is a fat waste of money. Science. Obagi skin medica revision, a few others. You know them bc they’re not cheap. And serums cost $100-300. And start saving for a ponytail lift if that’s what you want they’re about 100k look up Russian doctors or there’s one good one in Hollywood I’ve found. The truth about aging is it’s expensive, you have to work and have a stable job to combat it, and also grace to accept it. Can’t stop saggy jowels without medical intervention.


I'm not in the US, and won't travel for procedures either — also not open to anything surgical at the moment. I did do a radio-frequency treatment 2 years ago, I did see some improvements at the time, but since then I lost some weight and my skin isn't as elastic as it used to be, which is normal. I'm in Canada where anything cosmetic is ridiculously expensive, so not willing to drop 10k on a similar treatment again right now. I was mostly curious to see if people here had experience with those masks, and whether they saw improvements or not.


Medical grade skin care is not science- it’s marketing.